

1 (大衛的詩,或是[or]歌,交與伶長。)願神興起,[let]他的仇敵四散;又願那些[let them also that]恨他的人從他面前逃跑。

2 他們被驅逐,如煙被風吹散;惡人見神之面而消滅,如蠟被火熔化[melteth]

3[let]義人歡喜[glad]願他們在神面前快樂[let them rejoice before God]願他們極其快樂[let them exceedingly rejoice]

4 你們當向神唱詩,歌頌他的名;當尊崇[extol]奉「耶」之名[by his name JAH]、坐車行在諸天上的[upon the heavens],要在他面前歡樂。

5 神在他的聖居所[holy habitation]無父之人[fatherless]的父,作寡婦斷事的官[judge]

6 神叫孤獨的有家,使被捆鎖的出來[bringeth out those which are bound with chains];唯有叛逆的住在乾燥之地。

7 神啊,你曾在你百姓前頭出來,在曠野行走。細拉。

8 那時,地見神的面而震動,諸天[heavens]也落雨;西奈山見[God],以色列神的面也震動。

9 神啊,你降下大雨;你產業以色列疲乏的時候,你使他堅固。

10 你的會眾住在其中;神啊,你的恩惠是為困苦人預備的。

11 主發命令,傳好信息的成了大群[great was the company of those that published it]

12 統兵的君王急忙[apace]逃跑了;在家等候的婦女分受所奪的。

13 你們[Though]臥在鍋中[pots][yet]像鴿子的翅膀鍍白銀,翎毛鍍黃金一般。

14 全能者在境內趕散列王的時候,勢必白如在撒們的雪[it was white as snow in Salmon]

15 神的山如巴珊山,如巴珊山般高的山。[The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan.]

16 你們高聳[high]的山哪,為何躍動[leap]這是[this is]神所願居住的山,是的[yea],耶和華必住這山,直到永遠。

17 有二萬[are twenty thousand]車輛[chariot]千計天使[even thousands of angels];主在其中,好像在西奈聖[place]一樣。

18 你已經升上高天,擄掠仇敵;你在人間,就是在叛逆的人間,受了供獻,叫耶和華神可以與他們同住。

19 天天施恩惠給我們[loadeth us with benefits]的主,就是拯救我們的神,是應當稱頌的。細拉。

20 神是為我們施行諸般救恩的神;人能脫離死亡是在乎主耶和華。

21 但神要[wound]他仇敵的頭,就是那常犯罪之人的髮頂。

22 主說:我要使眾民[again]從巴珊而歸,使他們[again]從深海而回,

23 使你的腳踹在你仇敵的血中[foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies],使你狗的舌頭從其中得分。

24 神啊,你是我的神,我的王;人已經看見你行走,進入聖所。

25 歌唱的行在前,作樂的隨在後,都在擊鼓的女子[damsels]中間。

26 從以色列源頭而來的,當在各會中稱頌主神。

27 在那裏,有小便雅憫和統管他們的[little Benjamin with their ruler],有猶大的首領和他們的群眾,有西布倫的首領,有拿弗他利的首領。

28 [Thy]已經命定你的力量[hath commanded thy strength];神啊,求你堅固你為我們所成全的事。

29 因你耶路撒冷的殿,列王必帶貢物獻給你。

30 求你斥責成隊的長槍手[Rebuke the company of spearmen]和群公牛,並[people]中的牛犢,直到各人投降交出銀塊[till every one submit himself with pieces of silver]求你趕散[scatter thou]好爭戰的列邦。

31 使臣要從埃及而出[Princes shall come out of Egypt]埃塞俄比亞快要向神舉手[Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God]

32 世上的列國啊,你們要向神歌唱;願你們歌頌主。

33 歌頌那自古駕行諸天中之諸天[heavens of heavens]以上的主。看哪[lo],他發出聲音,是極大的聲音。

34 你們要將能力歸給神;他的威榮在以色列之上,他的能力是在雲中[clouds]

35 神啊,你從聖所顯為可畏;以色列的神是那將力量權能賜給他百姓的。神是應當稱頌的。


Psalm 68

1 LET God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let them also that hate him flee before him.

2 As smoke is driven away, so let them vanish; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

3 But let the righteous be glad; let them be valiant in the sight of God; yea, let them rejoice in his pleasure.

4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides upon the heavens; the LORD is his name, rejoice before him.

5 A father of the fatherless and a judge of widows is God in his holy habitation.

6 God sets the solitary child in families; he triumphantly releases those who are bound with chains; but the rebellious dwell in waste places.

7 O God, when thou didst go forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness,

8 The earth shook, the heavens also lowered at the presence of God; even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

9 Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance when it was weary.

10 Thy living creatures have dwelt therein; thou O God, hast provided of thy goodness for the poor.

11 The LORD shall give good tidings with great power.

12 Then the kings of armies shall be defeated; and the household of God shall divide the spoil.

13 Though you sleep among thorns, yet shall you be protected as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

14 When God appointed a king over Zion, it became white like snow

15 Over Salmon, the mountain of God, over the mountains of Bashan and over the mountain ridges.

16 What do you want, O you mountains of Bashan? This is the ridge which God desires to dwell in; yea, the LORD will dwell in it for ever.

17 God rides with the host of angels; the LORD is among them, as in Sinai, in his holy place.

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast carried away captives; thou hast blessed men with gifts; but rebellious men shall not dwell before the presence of God.

19 Blessed be the LORD, for he has chosen us as his heritage, even the God of our salvation.

20 He that is our God is the God of salvation, the LORD God who has the power of life and death.

21 But God shall sever the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of the head of those who persist in their sins.

22 The LORD said, I will rescue my people from the cliffs, I will bring my people from the depths of the sea;

23 That thy foot shall be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same.

24 They have seen thy goings, O God, even the goings of my God and my holy King.

25 The princes went before, the singers followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.

26 Bless God in the congregations, even the LORD, you that are of the fountain of Israel.

27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their governors, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.

28 Command, O God, thy strength; strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.

29 Out of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.

30 Rebuke the wild beasts of the marshes, the multitude of the wild bulls, the idols of the Gentiles which are covered with silver; scatter the people who delight in war.

31 Ambassadors shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God.

32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises to the LORD.

33 To him who rides upon the heavens of heavens; out of the east he gives his voice, and that a mighty voice.

34 Ascribe glory unto God; his excellency is over Israel and his strength is in the heavens.

35 O God, thou art honoured out of thy holy place; the God of Israel is he that gives strength and power to his people. Blessed be God.




Psalm 68

1 (大衛的詩,或是[or]歌,交與伶長。)願神興起,[let]他的仇敵四散;又願那些[let them also that]恨他的人從他面前逃跑。

1 LET God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let them also that hate him flee before him.

2 他們被驅逐,如煙被風吹散;惡人見神之面而消滅,如蠟被火熔化[melteth]

2 As smoke is driven away, so let them vanish; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

3[let]義人歡喜[glad]願他們在神面前快樂[let them rejoice before God]願他們極其快樂[let them exceedingly rejoice]

3 But let the righteous be glad; let them be valiant in the sight of God; yea, let them rejoice in his pleasure.

4 你們當向神唱詩,歌頌他的名;當尊崇[extol]奉「耶」之名[by his name JAH]、坐車行在諸天上的[upon the heavens],要在他面前歡樂。

4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides upon the heavens; the LORD is his name, rejoice before him.

5 神在他的聖居所[holy habitation]無父之人[fatherless]的父,作寡婦斷事的官[judge]

5 A father of the fatherless and a judge of widows is God in his holy habitation.

6 神叫孤獨的有家,使被捆鎖的出來[bringeth out those which are bound with chains];唯有叛逆的住在乾燥之地。

6 God sets the solitary child in families; he triumphantly releases those who are bound with chains; but the rebellious dwell in waste places.

7 神啊,你曾在你百姓前頭出來,在曠野行走。細拉。

7 O God, when thou didst go forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness,

8 那時,地見神的面而震動,諸天[heavens]也落雨;西奈山見[God],以色列神的面也震動。

8 The earth shook, the heavens also lowered at the presence of God; even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.

9 神啊,你降下大雨;你產業以色列疲乏的時候,你使他堅固。

9 Thou, O God, didst send a plentiful rain whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance when it was weary.

10 你的會眾住在其中;神啊,你的恩惠是為困苦人預備的。

10 Thy living creatures have dwelt therein; thou O God, hast provided of thy goodness for the poor.

11 主發命令,傳好信息的成了大群[great was the company of those that published it]

11 The LORD shall give good tidings with great power.

12 統兵的君王急忙[apace]逃跑了;在家等候的婦女分受所奪的。

12 Then the kings of armies shall be defeated; and the household of God shall divide the spoil.

13 你們[Though]臥在鍋中[pots][yet]像鴿子的翅膀鍍白銀,翎毛鍍黃金一般。

13 Though you sleep among thorns, yet shall you be protected as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

14 全能者在境內趕散列王的時候,勢必白如在撒們的雪[it was white as snow in Salmon]

14 When God appointed a king over Zion, it became white like snow

15 神的山如巴珊山,如巴珊山般高的山。[The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan.]

15 Over Salmon, the mountain of God, over the mountains of Bashan and over the mountain ridges.

16 你們高聳[high]的山哪,為何躍動[leap]這是[this is]神所願居住的山,是的[yea],耶和華必住這山,直到永遠。

16 What do you want, O you mountains of Bashan? This is the ridge which God desires to dwell in; yea, the LORD will dwell in it for ever.

17 有二萬[are twenty thousand]車輛[chariot]千計天使[even thousands of angels];主在其中,好像在西奈聖[place]一樣。

17 God rides with the host of angels; the LORD is among them, as in Sinai, in his holy place.

18 你已經升上高天,擄掠仇敵;你在人間,就是在叛逆的人間,受了供獻,叫耶和華神可以與他們同住。

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast carried away captives; thou hast blessed men with gifts; but rebellious men shall not dwell before the presence of God.

19 天天施恩惠給我們[loadeth us with benefits]的主,就是拯救我們的神,是應當稱頌的。細拉。

19 Blessed be the LORD, for he has chosen us as his heritage, even the God of our salvation.

20 神是為我們施行諸般救恩的神;人能脫離死亡是在乎主耶和華。

20 He that is our God is the God of salvation, the LORD God who has the power of life and death.

21 但神要[wound]他仇敵的頭,就是那常犯罪之人的髮頂。

21 But God shall sever the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of the head of those who persist in their sins.

22 主說:我要使眾民[again]從巴珊而歸,使他們[again]從深海而回,

22 The LORD said, I will rescue my people from the cliffs, I will bring my people from the depths of the sea;

23 使你的腳踹在你仇敵的血中[foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies],使你狗的舌頭從其中得分。

23 That thy foot shall be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same.

24 神啊,你是我的神,我的王;人已經看見你行走,進入聖所。

24 They have seen thy goings, O God, even the goings of my God and my holy King.

25 歌唱的行在前,作樂的隨在後,都在擊鼓的女子[damsels]中間。

25 The princes went before, the singers followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.

26 從以色列源頭而來的,當在各會中稱頌主神。

26 Bless God in the congregations, even the LORD, you that are of the fountain of Israel.

27 在那裏,有小便雅憫和統管他們的[little Benjamin with their ruler],有猶大的首領和他們的群眾,有西布倫的首領,有拿弗他利的首領。

27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their governors, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.

28 [Thy]已經命定你的力量[hath commanded thy strength];神啊,求你堅固你為我們所成全的事。

28 Command, O God, thy strength; strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.

29 因你耶路撒冷的殿,列王必帶貢物獻給你。

29 Out of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.

30 求你斥責成隊的長槍手[Rebuke the company of spearmen]和群公牛,並[people]中的牛犢,直到各人投降交出銀塊[till every one submit himself with pieces of silver]求你趕散[scatter thou]好爭戰的列邦。

30 Rebuke the wild beasts of the marshes, the multitude of the wild bulls, the idols of the Gentiles which are covered with silver; scatter the people who delight in war.

31 使臣要從埃及而出[Princes shall come out of Egypt]埃塞俄比亞快要向神舉手[Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God]

31 Ambassadors shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God.

32 世上的列國啊,你們要向神歌唱;願你們歌頌主。

32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises to the LORD.

33 歌頌那自古駕行諸天中之諸天[heavens of heavens]以上的主。看哪[lo],他發出聲音,是極大的聲音。

33 To him who rides upon the heavens of heavens; out of the east he gives his voice, and that a mighty voice.

34 你們要將能力歸給神;他的威榮在以色列之上,他的能力是在雲中[clouds]

34 Ascribe glory unto God; his excellency is over Israel and his strength is in the heavens.

35 神啊,你從聖所顯為可畏;以色列的神是那將力量權能賜給他百姓的。神是應當稱頌的。

35 O God, thou art honoured out of thy holy place; the God of Israel is he that gives strength and power to his people. Blessed be God.
