

1 (大衛的詩。)不要為作惡的心懷不平,也不要向作孽的[workers of iniquity]生出嫉妒。

2 因為他們如草快被割下,又如青菜快要枯乾。

3 你當倚靠耶和華而行善;如此[so]你必住在地上[shalt thou dwell in the land]誠然必得吃用[and verily thou shalt be fed]

4 又要以耶和華為樂;他就將你心裏所求的賜給你。

5 當將你的事交託耶和華;並倚靠他;他就必成全。

6 他要使你的公義如光發出,使你的公平明如正午。

7 你當安然[Rest]倚靠耶和華,耐性等候他;不要因那道路通達的和那惡謀成就的心懷不平。

8 當止住怒氣,離棄忿怒;[in any wise]不要心懷不平,以致作惡。

9 因為作惡的必被剪除;唯有等候耶和華的必承受地土。

10 還有片時,惡人要歸於無有;你就是細察他的住處也要歸於無有。

11 但謙卑人必承受地土;以豐盛的平安為樂。

12 惡人設謀害義人,又向他咬牙切齒[gnasheth upon him with his teeth]

13 主要笑他;因見他受罰的日子將要來到。

14 惡人已經弓上弦,刀出鞘,要打倒困苦窮乏的人,要殺害行動正直的人。

15 他們的刀必刺入自己的心,他們的弓必被折斷。

16 一個義人所有的雖少,強過許多惡人的富餘。

17 因為惡人的膀臂必被折斷;但耶和華扶持義人[but the LORD upholdeth the righteous]

18 耶和華知道正直人[upright]的日子;他們的產業要存到永遠。

19 他們在急難的時候不致羞愧;在饑荒的日子必得飽足。

20 惡人卻要滅亡,耶和華的仇敵要像綿羊羔的脂油[fat of lambs]。他們要消滅;他們[they]要如煙消滅。

21 惡人借貸而不償還;義人卻憐恤[mercy]人,並且施捨。

22 蒙耶和華賜福的必承受地土;被他咒詛的必被剪除。

23 [good]人的腳步被耶和華立定;善人[his]的道路,[he]也喜愛。

24 他雖失腳也不至全身仆倒;因為耶和華用手扶持他[upholdeth him with his hand]

25 我從前年幼,現在年老;卻未見過義人被棄,也未見過他的後裔乞餅[begging bread]

26常常憐恤[ever merciful]人,借給人;他的後裔也蒙福。

27 你當離惡行善;就可永遠安居。

28 因為,耶和華喜愛公平,不撇棄他的聖民;他們永蒙保佑,但惡人的後裔必被剪除。

29 義人必承受地土,永居其上。

30 義人的口講說[speaketh]智慧,他的舌頭談論[talketh]公平。

31 神的律法在他心裏;他的腳總不滑跌。

32 惡人窺探義人,想要殺他。

33 耶和華必不撇他在惡人手中,當審判的時候也不定他的罪。

34 你當等候耶和華,遵守他的道,他就抬舉你,使你承受地土;惡人被剪除的時候,你必看見。

35 我見過惡人大有勢力,好像一根青翠月桂樹[bay tree]

36 他仍會去世[Yet he passed away],不料,他沒有了;我也尋找他,卻尋不著。

37 你要細察那完全人,觀看那正直人;因那人的結局乃是平安[for the end of that man is peace]

38 但是[But]犯法的人,必一同滅絕;惡人終必剪除。

39 但義人得救是由於耶和華;他在患難時作他們的力量[strength]

40 耶和華[shall]幫助他們,搭救[deliver]他們;他解救他們脫離惡人,把他們救出來,因為他們信靠[trust]他。


Psalm 37

1 A Psalm of David.1732 Fret not thyself408 2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither408 be thou envious7065 against the workers6213 of iniquity.5766

2 For3588 they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 as the green3418 herb.1877

3 Trust982 in the LORD,3068 and do6213 good;2896 so shalt thou dwell7931 in the land,776 and verily530 thou shalt be fed.7462

4 Delight thyself6026 also in5921 the LORD;3068 and he shall give5414 thee the desires4862 of thine heart.3820

5 Commit1556 thy way1870 unto5921 the LORD;3068 trust982 also in5921 him; and he1931 shall bring it to pass.6213

6 And he shall bring forth3318 thy righteousness6664 as the light,216 and thy judgment4941 as the noonday.6672

7 Rest1826 in the LORD,3068 and wait patiently2342 for him: fret not thyself408 2734 because of him who prospereth6743 in his way,1870 because of the man376 who bringeth wicked devices to pass.6213 4209

8 Cease7503 from anger,4480 639 and forsake5800 wrath:2534 fret not thyself408 2734 in any wise389 to do evil.7489

9 For3588 evildoers7489 shall be cut off:3772 but those that wait upon6960 the LORD,3068 they1992 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

10 For yet5750 a little4592 while, and the wicked7563 shall not369 be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider995 5921 his place,4725 and it shall not369 be.

11 But the meek6035 shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and shall delight themselves6026 in5921 the abundance7230 of peace.7965

12 The wicked7563 plotteth2161 against the just,6662 and gnasheth2786 upon5921 him with his teeth.8127

13 The Lord136 shall laugh7832 at him: for3588 he seeth7200 that3588 his day3117 is coming.935

14 The wicked7563 have drawn out6605 the sword,2719 and have bent1869 their bow,7198 to cast down5307 the poor6041 and needy,34 and to slay2873 such as be of upright3477 conversation.1870

15 Their sword2719 shall enter935 into their own heart,3820 and their bows7198 shall be broken.7665

16 A little4592 that a righteous6662 man hath is better2896 than the riches4480 1995 of many7227 wicked.7563

17 For3588 the arms2220 of the wicked7563 shall be broken:7665 but the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 the righteous.6662

18 The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the days3117 of the upright:8549 and their inheritance5159 shall be1961 forever.5769

19 They shall not3808 be ashamed954 in the evil7451 time:6256 and in the days3117 of famine7459 they shall be satisfied.7646

20 But3588 the wicked7563 shall perish,6 and the enemies341 of the LORD3068 shall be as the fat3368 of lambs:3733 they shall consume;3615 into smoke6227 shall they consume away.3615

21 The wicked7563 borroweth,3867 and payeth7999 not3808 again: but the righteous6662 showeth mercy,2603 and giveth.5414

22 For3588 such as be blessed1288 of him shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and they that be cursed7043 of him shall be cut off.3772

23 The steps4703 of a good man1397 are ordered3559 by the LORD:4480 3068 and he delighteth2654 in his way.1870

24 Though3588 he fall,5307 he shall not3808 be utterly cast down:2904 for3588 the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 him with his hand.3027

25 I have been1961 young,5288 and1571 now am old;2204 yet have I not3808 seen7200 the righteous6662 forsaken,5800 nor his seed2233 begging1245 bread.3899

26 He is ever3605 3117 merciful,2603 and lendeth;3867 and his seed2233 is blessed.1293

27 Depart5493 from4480 evil,7451 and do6213 good;2896 and dwell7931 forevermore.5769

28 For3588 the LORD3068 loveth157 judgment,4941 and forsaketh5800 not3808 853 his saints;2623 they are preserved8104 forever:5769 but the seed2233 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

29 The righteous6662 shall inherit3423 the land,776 and dwell7931 therein5921 forever.5703

30 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 speaketh1897 wisdom,2451 and his tongue3956 talketh1696 of judgment.4941

31 The law8451 of his God430 is in his heart;3820 none3808 of his steps838 shall slide.4571

32 The wicked7563 watcheth6822 the righteous,6662 and seeketh1245 to slay4191 him.

33 The LORD3068 will not3808 leave5800 him in his hand,3027 nor3808 condemn7561 him when he is judged.8199

34 Wait6960 on413 the LORD,3068 and keep8104 his way,1870 and he shall exalt7311 thee to inherit3423 the land:776 when the wicked7563 are cut off,3772 thou shalt see7200 it.

35 I have seen7200 the wicked7563 in great power,6184 and spreading himself6168 like a green7488 bay tree.249

36 Yet he passed away,5674 and, lo,2009 he was not:369 yea, I sought1245 him, but he could not3808 be found.4672

37 Mark8104 the perfect8535 man, and behold7200 the upright:3477 for3588 the end319 of that man376 is peace.7965

38 But the transgressors6586 shall be destroyed8045 together:3162 the end319 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

39 But the salvation8668 of the righteous6662 is of the LORD:4480 3068 he is their strength4581 in the time6256 of trouble.6869

40 And the LORD3068 shall help5826 them, and deliver6403 them: he shall deliver6403 them from the wicked,4480 7563 and save3467 them, because3588 they trust2620 in him.




Psalm 37

1 (大衛的詩。)不要為作惡的心懷不平,也不要向作孽的[workers of iniquity]生出嫉妒。

1 A Psalm of David.1732 Fret not thyself408 2734 because of evildoers,7489 neither408 be thou envious7065 against the workers6213 of iniquity.5766

2 因為他們如草快被割下,又如青菜快要枯乾。

2 For3588 they shall soon4120 be cut down5243 like the grass,2682 and wither5034 as the green3418 herb.1877

3 你當倚靠耶和華而行善;如此[so]你必住在地上[shalt thou dwell in the land]誠然必得吃用[and verily thou shalt be fed]

3 Trust982 in the LORD,3068 and do6213 good;2896 so shalt thou dwell7931 in the land,776 and verily530 thou shalt be fed.7462

4 又要以耶和華為樂;他就將你心裏所求的賜給你。

4 Delight thyself6026 also in5921 the LORD;3068 and he shall give5414 thee the desires4862 of thine heart.3820

5 當將你的事交託耶和華;並倚靠他;他就必成全。

5 Commit1556 thy way1870 unto5921 the LORD;3068 trust982 also in5921 him; and he1931 shall bring it to pass.6213

6 他要使你的公義如光發出,使你的公平明如正午。

6 And he shall bring forth3318 thy righteousness6664 as the light,216 and thy judgment4941 as the noonday.6672

7 你當安然[Rest]倚靠耶和華,耐性等候他;不要因那道路通達的和那惡謀成就的心懷不平。

7 Rest1826 in the LORD,3068 and wait patiently2342 for him: fret not thyself408 2734 because of him who prospereth6743 in his way,1870 because of the man376 who bringeth wicked devices to pass.6213 4209

8 當止住怒氣,離棄忿怒;[in any wise]不要心懷不平,以致作惡。

8 Cease7503 from anger,4480 639 and forsake5800 wrath:2534 fret not thyself408 2734 in any wise389 to do evil.7489

9 因為作惡的必被剪除;唯有等候耶和華的必承受地土。

9 For3588 evildoers7489 shall be cut off:3772 but those that wait upon6960 the LORD,3068 they1992 shall inherit3423 the earth.776

10 還有片時,惡人要歸於無有;你就是細察他的住處也要歸於無有。

10 For yet5750 a little4592 while, and the wicked7563 shall not369 be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider995 5921 his place,4725 and it shall not369 be.

11 但謙卑人必承受地土;以豐盛的平安為樂。

11 But the meek6035 shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and shall delight themselves6026 in5921 the abundance7230 of peace.7965

12 惡人設謀害義人,又向他咬牙切齒[gnasheth upon him with his teeth]

12 The wicked7563 plotteth2161 against the just,6662 and gnasheth2786 upon5921 him with his teeth.8127

13 主要笑他;因見他受罰的日子將要來到。

13 The Lord136 shall laugh7832 at him: for3588 he seeth7200 that3588 his day3117 is coming.935

14 惡人已經弓上弦,刀出鞘,要打倒困苦窮乏的人,要殺害行動正直的人。

14 The wicked7563 have drawn out6605 the sword,2719 and have bent1869 their bow,7198 to cast down5307 the poor6041 and needy,34 and to slay2873 such as be of upright3477 conversation.1870

15 他們的刀必刺入自己的心,他們的弓必被折斷。

15 Their sword2719 shall enter935 into their own heart,3820 and their bows7198 shall be broken.7665

16 一個義人所有的雖少,強過許多惡人的富餘。

16 A little4592 that a righteous6662 man hath is better2896 than the riches4480 1995 of many7227 wicked.7563

17 因為惡人的膀臂必被折斷;但耶和華扶持義人[but the LORD upholdeth the righteous]

17 For3588 the arms2220 of the wicked7563 shall be broken:7665 but the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 the righteous.6662

18 耶和華知道正直人[upright]的日子;他們的產業要存到永遠。

18 The LORD3068 knoweth3045 the days3117 of the upright:8549 and their inheritance5159 shall be1961 forever.5769

19 他們在急難的時候不致羞愧;在饑荒的日子必得飽足。

19 They shall not3808 be ashamed954 in the evil7451 time:6256 and in the days3117 of famine7459 they shall be satisfied.7646

20 惡人卻要滅亡,耶和華的仇敵要像綿羊羔的脂油[fat of lambs]。他們要消滅;他們[they]要如煙消滅。

20 But3588 the wicked7563 shall perish,6 and the enemies341 of the LORD3068 shall be as the fat3368 of lambs:3733 they shall consume;3615 into smoke6227 shall they consume away.3615

21 惡人借貸而不償還;義人卻憐恤[mercy]人,並且施捨。

21 The wicked7563 borroweth,3867 and payeth7999 not3808 again: but the righteous6662 showeth mercy,2603 and giveth.5414

22 蒙耶和華賜福的必承受地土;被他咒詛的必被剪除。

22 For3588 such as be blessed1288 of him shall inherit3423 the earth;776 and they that be cursed7043 of him shall be cut off.3772

23 [good]人的腳步被耶和華立定;善人[his]的道路,[he]也喜愛。

23 The steps4703 of a good man1397 are ordered3559 by the LORD:4480 3068 and he delighteth2654 in his way.1870

24 他雖失腳也不至全身仆倒;因為耶和華用手扶持他[upholdeth him with his hand]

24 Though3588 he fall,5307 he shall not3808 be utterly cast down:2904 for3588 the LORD3068 upholdeth5564 him with his hand.3027

25 我從前年幼,現在年老;卻未見過義人被棄,也未見過他的後裔乞餅[begging bread]

25 I have been1961 young,5288 and1571 now am old;2204 yet have I not3808 seen7200 the righteous6662 forsaken,5800 nor his seed2233 begging1245 bread.3899

26常常憐恤[ever merciful]人,借給人;他的後裔也蒙福。

26 He is ever3605 3117 merciful,2603 and lendeth;3867 and his seed2233 is blessed.1293

27 你當離惡行善;就可永遠安居。

27 Depart5493 from4480 evil,7451 and do6213 good;2896 and dwell7931 forevermore.5769

28 因為,耶和華喜愛公平,不撇棄他的聖民;他們永蒙保佑,但惡人的後裔必被剪除。

28 For3588 the LORD3068 loveth157 judgment,4941 and forsaketh5800 not3808 853 his saints;2623 they are preserved8104 forever:5769 but the seed2233 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

29 義人必承受地土,永居其上。

29 The righteous6662 shall inherit3423 the land,776 and dwell7931 therein5921 forever.5703

30 義人的口講說[speaketh]智慧,他的舌頭談論[talketh]公平。

30 The mouth6310 of the righteous6662 speaketh1897 wisdom,2451 and his tongue3956 talketh1696 of judgment.4941

31 神的律法在他心裏;他的腳總不滑跌。

31 The law8451 of his God430 is in his heart;3820 none3808 of his steps838 shall slide.4571

32 惡人窺探義人,想要殺他。

32 The wicked7563 watcheth6822 the righteous,6662 and seeketh1245 to slay4191 him.

33 耶和華必不撇他在惡人手中,當審判的時候也不定他的罪。

33 The LORD3068 will not3808 leave5800 him in his hand,3027 nor3808 condemn7561 him when he is judged.8199

34 你當等候耶和華,遵守他的道,他就抬舉你,使你承受地土;惡人被剪除的時候,你必看見。

34 Wait6960 on413 the LORD,3068 and keep8104 his way,1870 and he shall exalt7311 thee to inherit3423 the land:776 when the wicked7563 are cut off,3772 thou shalt see7200 it.

35 我見過惡人大有勢力,好像一根青翠月桂樹[bay tree]

35 I have seen7200 the wicked7563 in great power,6184 and spreading himself6168 like a green7488 bay tree.249

36 他仍會去世[Yet he passed away],不料,他沒有了;我也尋找他,卻尋不著。

36 Yet he passed away,5674 and, lo,2009 he was not:369 yea, I sought1245 him, but he could not3808 be found.4672

37 你要細察那完全人,觀看那正直人;因那人的結局乃是平安[for the end of that man is peace]

37 Mark8104 the perfect8535 man, and behold7200 the upright:3477 for3588 the end319 of that man376 is peace.7965

38 但是[But]犯法的人,必一同滅絕;惡人終必剪除。

38 But the transgressors6586 shall be destroyed8045 together:3162 the end319 of the wicked7563 shall be cut off.3772

39 但義人得救是由於耶和華;他在患難時作他們的力量[strength]

39 But the salvation8668 of the righteous6662 is of the LORD:4480 3068 he is their strength4581 in the time6256 of trouble.6869

40 耶和華[shall]幫助他們,搭救[deliver]他們;他解救他們脫離惡人,把他們救出來,因為他們信靠[trust]他。

40 And the LORD3068 shall help5826 them, and deliver6403 them: he shall deliver6403 them from the wicked,4480 7563 and save3467 them, because3588 they trust2620 in him.