

1 天下萬邦、大聲而呼、頌美上帝、

2 謳歌其名、揄揚其德、

3 曰、上帝兮、爾之經綸、神妙莫測、爾展大能、敵人歸附、甘言以頌禱兮、

4 萬國崇拜、謳歌爾名兮、

5 爾曹世人、羣瞻上帝經綸、其治寰宇、奇異難名兮。

6 變海爲陸、俾人步趨、樂讚上帝兮。

7 上帝有能、永治天下、鑒察億兆、背於道者、毋自誇兮、

8 爾曹民人、頌我上帝、揄揚其名兮、

9 上帝兮、俾我生存、免余悚動、

10 鍛鍊我躬、無異治金兮、

11 爾設網以罹余、畀我躬以重災、

12 俾敵人踐予、予經水火之中、入膏腴之壤兮、

13 遭難之時、予曾許願、

14 茲詣聖室、燔祭以償兮、

15 肥畜健牛、綿羊山羊、俱取其牡、加以馨香、以獻爾兮、

16 寅畏上帝之人、咸來聽余、余將以上帝眷佑之事、普告爾兮、

17 我口籲之、我舌頌之兮。

18 如我平昔喜於作惡、則主不聽我禱告兮、

19 上帝俯聽予祈、

20 不我遐棄、錫恩優渥、故余頌美之兮。


Psalm 66

1 To the chief5329 Musician,5329 A Song7892 or Psalm.4210 Make a joyful noise to God,430 all3605 you lands:776

2 Sing2167 forth the honor3519 of his name:8034 make7760 his praise8416 glorious.3519

3 Say559 to God,430 How4100 terrible3372 are you in your works!4639 through the greatness7230 of your power5797 shall your enemies341 submit3584 themselves to you.

4 All3605 the earth776 shall worship7812 you, and shall sing2167 to you; they shall sing2167 to your name.8034 Selah.5542

5 Come3212 and see7200 the works4659 of God:430 he is terrible3372 in his doing5949 toward5921 the children1121 of men.120

6 He turned2015 the sea3220 into dry3004 land:776 they went5674 through the flood5104 on foot:7272 there8033 did we rejoice8055 in him.

7 He rules4910 by his power1369 for ever;5769 his eyes5869 behold6822 the nations:1471 let not the rebellious5637 exalt7311 themselves. Selah.5542

8 O bless1288 our God,430 you people,5971 and make the voice6963 of his praise8416 to be heard:8085

9 Which holds7760 our soul5315 in life,2416 and suffers5414 not our feet7272 to be moved.4132

10 For you, O God,430 have proved974 us: you have tried6884 us, as silver3701 is tried.6884

11 You brought935 us into the net;4685 you laid7760 affliction4157 on our loins.4975

12 You have caused men582 to ride7392 over our heads;7218 we went935 through fire784 and through water:4325 but you brought3318 us out into a wealthy7310 place.

13 I will go935 into your house1004 with burnt5930 offerings: I will pay7999 you my vows,5088

14 Which834 my lips8193 have uttered,6475 and my mouth6310 has spoken,1696 when I was in trouble.6862

15 I will offer5927 to you burnt5930 sacrifices of fatted calves,4220 with the incense7004 of rams;352 I will offer6213 bullocks1241 with goats.6260 Selah.5542

16 Come3212 and hear,8085 all3605 you that fear3373 God,430 and I will declare5608 what834 he has done6213 for my soul.5315

17 I cried7121 to him with my mouth,6310 and he was extolled7318 with my tongue.3956

18 If518 I regard7200 iniquity205 in my heart,3820 the Lord136 will not hear8085 me:

19 But truly403 God430 has heard8085 me; he has attended7181 to the voice6963 of my prayer.8605

20 Blessed1288 be God,430 which834 has not turned5493 away my prayer,8605 nor his mercy2617 from me.




Psalm 66

1 天下萬邦、大聲而呼、頌美上帝、

1 To the chief5329 Musician,5329 A Song7892 or Psalm.4210 Make a joyful noise to God,430 all3605 you lands:776

2 謳歌其名、揄揚其德、

2 Sing2167 forth the honor3519 of his name:8034 make7760 his praise8416 glorious.3519

3 曰、上帝兮、爾之經綸、神妙莫測、爾展大能、敵人歸附、甘言以頌禱兮、

3 Say559 to God,430 How4100 terrible3372 are you in your works!4639 through the greatness7230 of your power5797 shall your enemies341 submit3584 themselves to you.

4 萬國崇拜、謳歌爾名兮、

4 All3605 the earth776 shall worship7812 you, and shall sing2167 to you; they shall sing2167 to your name.8034 Selah.5542

5 爾曹世人、羣瞻上帝經綸、其治寰宇、奇異難名兮。

5 Come3212 and see7200 the works4659 of God:430 he is terrible3372 in his doing5949 toward5921 the children1121 of men.120

6 變海爲陸、俾人步趨、樂讚上帝兮。

6 He turned2015 the sea3220 into dry3004 land:776 they went5674 through the flood5104 on foot:7272 there8033 did we rejoice8055 in him.

7 上帝有能、永治天下、鑒察億兆、背於道者、毋自誇兮、

7 He rules4910 by his power1369 for ever;5769 his eyes5869 behold6822 the nations:1471 let not the rebellious5637 exalt7311 themselves. Selah.5542

8 爾曹民人、頌我上帝、揄揚其名兮、

8 O bless1288 our God,430 you people,5971 and make the voice6963 of his praise8416 to be heard:8085

9 上帝兮、俾我生存、免余悚動、

9 Which holds7760 our soul5315 in life,2416 and suffers5414 not our feet7272 to be moved.4132

10 鍛鍊我躬、無異治金兮、

10 For you, O God,430 have proved974 us: you have tried6884 us, as silver3701 is tried.6884

11 爾設網以罹余、畀我躬以重災、

11 You brought935 us into the net;4685 you laid7760 affliction4157 on our loins.4975

12 俾敵人踐予、予經水火之中、入膏腴之壤兮、

12 You have caused men582 to ride7392 over our heads;7218 we went935 through fire784 and through water:4325 but you brought3318 us out into a wealthy7310 place.

13 遭難之時、予曾許願、

13 I will go935 into your house1004 with burnt5930 offerings: I will pay7999 you my vows,5088

14 茲詣聖室、燔祭以償兮、

14 Which834 my lips8193 have uttered,6475 and my mouth6310 has spoken,1696 when I was in trouble.6862

15 肥畜健牛、綿羊山羊、俱取其牡、加以馨香、以獻爾兮、

15 I will offer5927 to you burnt5930 sacrifices of fatted calves,4220 with the incense7004 of rams;352 I will offer6213 bullocks1241 with goats.6260 Selah.5542

16 寅畏上帝之人、咸來聽余、余將以上帝眷佑之事、普告爾兮、

16 Come3212 and hear,8085 all3605 you that fear3373 God,430 and I will declare5608 what834 he has done6213 for my soul.5315

17 我口籲之、我舌頌之兮。

17 I cried7121 to him with my mouth,6310 and he was extolled7318 with my tongue.3956

18 如我平昔喜於作惡、則主不聽我禱告兮、

18 If518 I regard7200 iniquity205 in my heart,3820 the Lord136 will not hear8085 me:

19 上帝俯聽予祈、

19 But truly403 God430 has heard8085 me; he has attended7181 to the voice6963 of my prayer.8605

20 不我遐棄、錫恩優渥、故余頌美之兮。

20 Blessed1288 be God,430 which834 has not turned5493 away my prayer,8605 nor his mercy2617 from me.