

1 耶和華於西乃山、諭摩西曰、

2 告以色列族云、爾旣至我所錫之地、當休息土壤、敬恪乎我。

3 六年間、耕耘田畝、治理葡萄、斂其所產、

4 越至七年、使土休息、敬恪乎我、斯時也、田畝勿耕、葡萄勿治、

5 田畝之不耕而發者、勿穫、葡萄之不治而實者、勿摘、蓋是年其土乃休息。

6 當其時也、土之所產、爲爾及僕婢、傭人、賓旅、六畜、野獸所食。

7 併於上節

8 爾宜核數安息之年凡七、七七相乘、計四十九年、

9 當年七月十日、爲贖罪之期、遍地吹角爲號、

10 使閱五十年成聖、普告宇內居民、此爲禧年、得以自由、人各歸其業、返其家。

11 每五十年必爲禧年、田勿耕耘、田畝不耕而發者勿穫、葡萄不治而實者勿摘、

12 此乃禧年、必以爲聖、田畝之自發者、人俱可食。

13 禧年旣屆、各歸其業。

14 如鬻業於人、或購人之業、勿相侮、

15 必計禧年之日月、視其遠近、計田所產、而相鬻購、

16 期遠價昂、期近價減、視結實之多寡、而鬻其業、

17 故勿相侮、乃畏上帝、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

18 宜遵我法度、守我禮儀、安居斯土、

19 地之所產、使爾果腹、安然居處。

20 倘爾問云、旣至七年、不稼不穡、將何所食。

21 我必於六年間、錫嘏於爾、可得三年之蓄。

22 八年耕耘、尚食舊穀、至於九年、新穀乃登。

23 田畝屬我、汝乃賓旅、不得以田畝永鬻於人。

24 爾所有之地、雖鬻可贖。

25 浸假宗族貧乏、鬻其田疇、親戚贖之亦可。

26 如無贖者、而己有餘、足以自贖、

27 則當核其年之多寡、以其所値償諸於人、得歸其業。

28 如己無所有、不足以償、則見鬻之業、可存於人、待禧年至、地屬於主、人歸其所。

29 如人鬻邑中之宅、則鬻後期年可贖、

30 如年已周不贖、則邑中之宅、永存於購者、歴世勿替、卽屆禧年、亦不歸主。

31 但宅在鄉里、而無城垣、則視如田畝、可得贖之、禧年歸主。

32 惟利未族之邑、與邑中之宅、利未人隨時可贖。

33 如人購利未族之宅、則宅與邑屆禧年必歸其主、蓋在以色列族中、利未人以邑中之宅爲業。

34 利未族邑郊之田、爲其恒業、不得永鬻於人。

35 如宗族匱乏、家日益落、當周其急、使之偕居、若柔遠人然。

36 宗族偕居、勿取其利、宜畏爾之上帝。

37 貸金與粟、毋圖其利、

38 吾耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、以迦南賜爾、爾必以我爲上帝。

39 如宗族貧乏、自鬻於爾、勿視若奴、

40 當偕爾居、如傭人旅人然、供爾役事、以待禧年、

41 屆期、彼及子女、必去爾家、仍歸其所、復得前人遺業。

42 昔我導以色列族出埃及、爲我臣僕、故不得鬻爲賤役、

43 勿治以嚴、宜畏爾之上帝。

44 異邦之民、來自四方者、可購爲僕婢。

45 外人旅於爾中、生於爾地者、可購而得之、

46 遺於子孫、恒爲爾僕、惟以色列人爲爾宗族、勿治以嚴。

47 如爾中賓旅有富厚者、爾族窮乏、自鬻於彼、或其子孫、

48 鬻後戚屬亦可代爲贖之、

49 或叔伯、或叔伯之子、或同族、俱可贖之、如己有餘、足以自贖、自贖亦可。

50 鬻時與禧年相去、當互爲核算、揆其期之遠近、酌傭人之値幾何、以償贖價之多寡、

51 年遠償其鬻金宜多、

52 年近償其鬻金宜少、

53 歲必偕居、待若傭人、毋治以嚴。

54 如未得贖、屆禧年之期、彼及子女、去可自由。

55 昔我導以色列族出埃及、故以之爲我臣僕、我耶和華爲爾之上帝。


Chapter 25

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 in mount2022 Sinai,5514 saying,559

2 Speak1696 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, When3588 you come935 into413 the land776 which834 I give5414 you, then shall the land776 keep a sabbath7676 to the LORD.3068

3 Six8337 years8141 you shall sow2232 your field,7704 and six8337 years8141 you shall prune2168 your vineyard,3754 and gather622 in the fruit8393 thereof;

4 But in the seventh7637 year8141 shall be a sabbath7676 of rest7677 to the land,776 a sabbath7676 for the LORD:3068 you shall neither3808 sow2232 your field,7704 nor3808 prune2168 your vineyard.3754

5 That which grows5599 of its own accord5599 of your harvest7105 you shall not reap,7114 neither3808 gather1219 the grapes6025 of your vine5139 undressed:5139 for it is a year8141 of rest7677 to the land.776

6 And the sabbath7676 of the land776 shall be meat402 for you; for you, and for your servant,5650 and for your maid,519 and for your hired7916 servant,7916 and for your stranger8453 that sojournes1481 with you.

7 And for your cattle,929 and for the beast2416 that are in your land,776 shall all3605 the increase8393 thereof be meat.398

8 And you shall number5608 seven7651 sabbaths7676 of years8141 to you, seven7651 times6471 seven7651 years;8141 and the space3117 of the seven7651 sabbaths7676 of years8141 shall be to you forty705 and nine8672 years.8141

9 Then shall you cause the trumpet7782 of the jubilee8643 to sound5674 on the tenth6218 day of the seventh7637 month,2320 in the day3117 of atonement3725 shall you make the trumpet7782 sound5674 throughout all3605 your land.776

10 And you shall hallow6942 the fiftieth2572 year,8141 and proclaim7121 liberty1865 throughout all the land776 to all3605 the inhabitants3427 thereof: it shall be a jubilee3104 to you; and you shall return7725 every man376 to his possession,272 and you shall return7725 every man376 to his family.4940

11 A jubilee3104 shall that fiftieth2572 year8141 be to you: you shall not sow,2232 neither3808 reap7114 that which grows5599 of itself in it, nor3808 gather1219 the grapes in it of your vine5139 undressed.5139

12 For it is the jubilee;3104 it shall be holy6944 to you: you shall eat398 the increase8393 thereof out of the field.7704

13 In the year8141 of this2063 jubilee3104 you shall return7725 every man376 to his possession.272

14 And if3588 you sell4376 ought4465 to your neighbor,5997 or176 buy7069 ought of your neighbor's5997 hand,3027 you shall not oppress3238 one376 another:251

15 According to the number4557 of years8141 after310 the jubilee3104 you shall buy7069 of your neighbor,5997 and according to the number4557 of years8141 of the fruits8393 he shall sell4376 to you:

16 According6310 to the multitude7230 of years8141 you shall increase7235 the price4736 thereof, and according6310 to the fewness4591 of years8141 you shall diminish4591 the price4736 of it: for according to the number4557 of the years8141 of the fruits8393 does he sell4376 to you.

17 You shall not therefore oppress3238 one376 another;5997 but you shall fear3372 your God:430 for I am the LORD3068 your God.430

18 Why you shall do6213 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 my judgments,4941 and do6213 them; and you shall dwell3427 in the land776 in safety.983

19 And the land776 shall yield5414 her fruit,6529 and you shall eat398 your fill,7648 and dwell3427 therein5921 in safety.983

20 And if3588 you shall say,559 What4100 shall we eat398 the seventh7637 year?8141 behold,2005 we shall not sow,2232 nor3808 gather622 in our increase:8393

21 Then I will command6680 my blessing1293 on you in the sixth8345 year,8141 and it shall bring6213 forth6213 fruit8393 for three7969 years.8141

22 And you shall sow2232 the eighth8066 year,8141 and eat398 yet of old3465 fruit8393 until5704 the ninth8671 year;8141 until5704 her fruits8393 come935 in you shall eat398 of the old3465 store.

23 The land776 shall not be sold4376 for ever:6783 for the land776 is mine, for you are strangers1616 and sojourners8453 with me.

24 And in all3605 the land776 of your possession272 you shall grant5414 a redemption1353 for the land.776

25 If3588 your brother251 be waxen poor,4134 and has sold4376 away some of his possession,272 and if any of his kin7138 come935 to redeem1350 it, then shall he redeem1350 that which his brother251 sold.4465

26 And if3588 the man376 have1961 none3808 to redeem1350 it, and himself3027 be able5381 to redeem1353 it;

27 Then let him count2803 the years8141 of the sale4465 thereof, and restore7725 the remainder5736 to the man376 to whom834 he sold4376 it; that he may return7725 to his possession.272

28 But if518 he be not able4672 1767 to restore7725 it to him, then that which is sold4465 shall remain1961 in the hand3027 of him that has bought7069 it until5704 the year8141 of jubilee:3104 and in the jubilee3104 it shall go3318 out, and he shall return7725 to his possession.272

29 And if3588 a man376 sell4376 a dwelling4186 house1004 in a walled2346 city,5892 then he may redeem1353 it within5704 a whole8552 year8141 after it is sold;4465 within5704 a full3117 year3117 may he redeem1353 it.

30 And if518 it be not redeemed1350 within5704 the space4390 of a full8549 year,8141 then the house1004 that is in the walled2346 city5892 shall be established6965 for ever6783 to him that bought7069 it throughout his generations:1755 it shall not go3318 out in the jubilee.3104

31 But the houses1004 of the villages2691 which834 have no369 wall2346 round5439 about them shall be counted2803 as the fields7704 of the country:776 they may be redeemed,1353 and they shall go3318 out in the jubilee.3104

32 Notwithstanding the cities5892 of the Levites,3881 and the houses1004 of the cities5892 of their possession,272 may the Levites3881 redeem1353 at any5769 time.

33 And if834 a man purchase1350 of the Levites,3881 then the house1004 that was sold,4465 and the city5892 of his possession,272 shall go3318 out in the year of jubilee:3104 for the houses1004 of the cities5892 of the Levites3881 are their possession272 among8432 the children1121 of Israel.3478

34 But the field7704 of the suburbs4054 of their cities5892 may not be sold;4376 for it is their perpetual5769 possession.272

35 And if3588 your brother251 be waxen poor,4134 and fallen4131 3027 in decay4131 with you; then you shall relieve2388 him: yes, though he be a stranger,1616 or a sojourner;8453 that he may live2416 with you.

36 Take3947 you no408 usury5392 of him, or increase:8635 but fear3372 your God;430 that your brother251 may live2416 with you.

37 You shall not give5414 him your money3701 on usury,5392 nor3808 lend5414 him your victuals400 for increase.4768

38 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 brought3318 you forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 to give5414 you the land776 of Canaan,3667 and to be your God.430

39 And if3588 your brother251 that dwells by you be waxen poor,4134 and be sold4376 to you; you shall not compel5647 him to serve5656 as a bondservant:5656

40 But as an hired7916 servant,7916 and as a sojourner,8453 he shall be with you, and shall serve5647 you to the year8141 of jubilee.3104

41 And then shall he depart3318 from you, both he and his children1121 with him, and shall return7725 to his own family,4940 and to the possession272 of his fathers1 shall he return.7725

42 For they are my servants,5650 which834 I brought3318 forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt:4714 they shall not be sold4376 as slaves.5650

43 You shall not rule7287 over him with rigor;6531 but shall fear3372 your God.430

44 Both your slaves,5650 and your bondmaids,519 which834 you shall have,1961 shall be of the heathen1471 that are round5439 about you; of them shall you buy7069 slaves5650 and bondmaids.519

45 Moreover1571 of the children1121 of the strangers8453 that do sojourn1481 among you, of them shall you buy,7069 and of their families4940 that are with you, which they begat3205 in your land:776 and they shall be your possession.272

46 And you shall take them as an inheritance5157 for your children1121 after310 you, to inherit3423 them for a possession;272 they shall be your slaves5647 for ever:5769 but over your brothers251 the children1121 of Israel,3478 you shall not rule7287 one376 over another251 with rigor.6531

47 And if3588 a sojourner1616 or stranger8453 wax rich5381 by you, and your brother251 that dwells by him wax poor,4134 and sell4376 himself to the stranger1616 or sojourner8453 by you, or to the stock6133 of the stranger's1616 family:4940

48 After310 that he is sold4376 he may be redeemed1353 again; one259 of his brothers251 may redeem1350 him:

49 Either176 his uncle,1730 or176 his uncle's1733 son,1121 may redeem1350 him, or any that is near7607 of kin1320 to him of his family4940 may redeem1350 him; or176 if he be able,5381 he may redeem1353 himself.3027

50 And he shall reckon2803 with him that bought7069 him from the year8141 that he was sold4376 to him to the year8141 of jubilee:3104 and the price3701 of his sale4465 shall be according to the number4557 of years,8141 according to the time of an hired7916 servant7916 shall it be with him.

51 If518 there be yet5750 many7227 years8141 behind, according6310 to them he shall give7725 again7725 the price of his redemption1353 out of the money3701 that he was bought4736 for.

52 And if518 there remain7604 but few4592 years8141 to the year8141 of jubilee,3104 then he shall count2803 with him, and according6310 to his years8141 shall he give7725 him again7725 the price of his redemption.1353

53 And as a yearly8141 hired7916 servant7916 shall he be with him: and the other shall not rule7287 with rigor6531 over him in your sight.5869

54 And if518 he be not redeemed1350 in these428 years,8141 then he shall go3318 out in the year8141 of jubilee,3104 both he, and his children1121 with him.

55 For to me the children1121 of Israel3478 are servants;5650 they are my servants5650 whom834 853 I brought3318 forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt:4714 I am the LORD3068 your God.430




Chapter 25

1 耶和華於西乃山、諭摩西曰、

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses4872 in mount2022 Sinai,5514 saying,559

2 告以色列族云、爾旣至我所錫之地、當休息土壤、敬恪乎我。

2 Speak1696 to the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, When3588 you come935 into413 the land776 which834 I give5414 you, then shall the land776 keep a sabbath7676 to the LORD.3068

3 六年間、耕耘田畝、治理葡萄、斂其所產、

3 Six8337 years8141 you shall sow2232 your field,7704 and six8337 years8141 you shall prune2168 your vineyard,3754 and gather622 in the fruit8393 thereof;

4 越至七年、使土休息、敬恪乎我、斯時也、田畝勿耕、葡萄勿治、

4 But in the seventh7637 year8141 shall be a sabbath7676 of rest7677 to the land,776 a sabbath7676 for the LORD:3068 you shall neither3808 sow2232 your field,7704 nor3808 prune2168 your vineyard.3754

5 田畝之不耕而發者、勿穫、葡萄之不治而實者、勿摘、蓋是年其土乃休息。

5 That which grows5599 of its own accord5599 of your harvest7105 you shall not reap,7114 neither3808 gather1219 the grapes6025 of your vine5139 undressed:5139 for it is a year8141 of rest7677 to the land.776

6 當其時也、土之所產、爲爾及僕婢、傭人、賓旅、六畜、野獸所食。

6 And the sabbath7676 of the land776 shall be meat402 for you; for you, and for your servant,5650 and for your maid,519 and for your hired7916 servant,7916 and for your stranger8453 that sojournes1481 with you.

7 併於上節

7 And for your cattle,929 and for the beast2416 that are in your land,776 shall all3605 the increase8393 thereof be meat.398

8 爾宜核數安息之年凡七、七七相乘、計四十九年、

8 And you shall number5608 seven7651 sabbaths7676 of years8141 to you, seven7651 times6471 seven7651 years;8141 and the space3117 of the seven7651 sabbaths7676 of years8141 shall be to you forty705 and nine8672 years.8141

9 當年七月十日、爲贖罪之期、遍地吹角爲號、

9 Then shall you cause the trumpet7782 of the jubilee8643 to sound5674 on the tenth6218 day of the seventh7637 month,2320 in the day3117 of atonement3725 shall you make the trumpet7782 sound5674 throughout all3605 your land.776

10 使閱五十年成聖、普告宇內居民、此爲禧年、得以自由、人各歸其業、返其家。

10 And you shall hallow6942 the fiftieth2572 year,8141 and proclaim7121 liberty1865 throughout all the land776 to all3605 the inhabitants3427 thereof: it shall be a jubilee3104 to you; and you shall return7725 every man376 to his possession,272 and you shall return7725 every man376 to his family.4940

11 每五十年必爲禧年、田勿耕耘、田畝不耕而發者勿穫、葡萄不治而實者勿摘、

11 A jubilee3104 shall that fiftieth2572 year8141 be to you: you shall not sow,2232 neither3808 reap7114 that which grows5599 of itself in it, nor3808 gather1219 the grapes in it of your vine5139 undressed.5139

12 此乃禧年、必以爲聖、田畝之自發者、人俱可食。

12 For it is the jubilee;3104 it shall be holy6944 to you: you shall eat398 the increase8393 thereof out of the field.7704

13 禧年旣屆、各歸其業。

13 In the year8141 of this2063 jubilee3104 you shall return7725 every man376 to his possession.272

14 如鬻業於人、或購人之業、勿相侮、

14 And if3588 you sell4376 ought4465 to your neighbor,5997 or176 buy7069 ought of your neighbor's5997 hand,3027 you shall not oppress3238 one376 another:251

15 必計禧年之日月、視其遠近、計田所產、而相鬻購、

15 According to the number4557 of years8141 after310 the jubilee3104 you shall buy7069 of your neighbor,5997 and according to the number4557 of years8141 of the fruits8393 he shall sell4376 to you:

16 期遠價昂、期近價減、視結實之多寡、而鬻其業、

16 According6310 to the multitude7230 of years8141 you shall increase7235 the price4736 thereof, and according6310 to the fewness4591 of years8141 you shall diminish4591 the price4736 of it: for according to the number4557 of the years8141 of the fruits8393 does he sell4376 to you.

17 故勿相侮、乃畏上帝、我耶和華爾之上帝所命如此。

17 You shall not therefore oppress3238 one376 another;5997 but you shall fear3372 your God:430 for I am the LORD3068 your God.430

18 宜遵我法度、守我禮儀、安居斯土、

18 Why you shall do6213 my statutes,2708 and keep8104 my judgments,4941 and do6213 them; and you shall dwell3427 in the land776 in safety.983

19 地之所產、使爾果腹、安然居處。

19 And the land776 shall yield5414 her fruit,6529 and you shall eat398 your fill,7648 and dwell3427 therein5921 in safety.983

20 倘爾問云、旣至七年、不稼不穡、將何所食。

20 And if3588 you shall say,559 What4100 shall we eat398 the seventh7637 year?8141 behold,2005 we shall not sow,2232 nor3808 gather622 in our increase:8393

21 我必於六年間、錫嘏於爾、可得三年之蓄。

21 Then I will command6680 my blessing1293 on you in the sixth8345 year,8141 and it shall bring6213 forth6213 fruit8393 for three7969 years.8141

22 八年耕耘、尚食舊穀、至於九年、新穀乃登。

22 And you shall sow2232 the eighth8066 year,8141 and eat398 yet of old3465 fruit8393 until5704 the ninth8671 year;8141 until5704 her fruits8393 come935 in you shall eat398 of the old3465 store.

23 田畝屬我、汝乃賓旅、不得以田畝永鬻於人。

23 The land776 shall not be sold4376 for ever:6783 for the land776 is mine, for you are strangers1616 and sojourners8453 with me.

24 爾所有之地、雖鬻可贖。

24 And in all3605 the land776 of your possession272 you shall grant5414 a redemption1353 for the land.776

25 浸假宗族貧乏、鬻其田疇、親戚贖之亦可。

25 If3588 your brother251 be waxen poor,4134 and has sold4376 away some of his possession,272 and if any of his kin7138 come935 to redeem1350 it, then shall he redeem1350 that which his brother251 sold.4465

26 如無贖者、而己有餘、足以自贖、

26 And if3588 the man376 have1961 none3808 to redeem1350 it, and himself3027 be able5381 to redeem1353 it;

27 則當核其年之多寡、以其所値償諸於人、得歸其業。

27 Then let him count2803 the years8141 of the sale4465 thereof, and restore7725 the remainder5736 to the man376 to whom834 he sold4376 it; that he may return7725 to his possession.272

28 如己無所有、不足以償、則見鬻之業、可存於人、待禧年至、地屬於主、人歸其所。

28 But if518 he be not able4672 1767 to restore7725 it to him, then that which is sold4465 shall remain1961 in the hand3027 of him that has bought7069 it until5704 the year8141 of jubilee:3104 and in the jubilee3104 it shall go3318 out, and he shall return7725 to his possession.272

29 如人鬻邑中之宅、則鬻後期年可贖、

29 And if3588 a man376 sell4376 a dwelling4186 house1004 in a walled2346 city,5892 then he may redeem1353 it within5704 a whole8552 year8141 after it is sold;4465 within5704 a full3117 year3117 may he redeem1353 it.

30 如年已周不贖、則邑中之宅、永存於購者、歴世勿替、卽屆禧年、亦不歸主。

30 And if518 it be not redeemed1350 within5704 the space4390 of a full8549 year,8141 then the house1004 that is in the walled2346 city5892 shall be established6965 for ever6783 to him that bought7069 it throughout his generations:1755 it shall not go3318 out in the jubilee.3104

31 但宅在鄉里、而無城垣、則視如田畝、可得贖之、禧年歸主。

31 But the houses1004 of the villages2691 which834 have no369 wall2346 round5439 about them shall be counted2803 as the fields7704 of the country:776 they may be redeemed,1353 and they shall go3318 out in the jubilee.3104

32 惟利未族之邑、與邑中之宅、利未人隨時可贖。

32 Notwithstanding the cities5892 of the Levites,3881 and the houses1004 of the cities5892 of their possession,272 may the Levites3881 redeem1353 at any5769 time.

33 如人購利未族之宅、則宅與邑屆禧年必歸其主、蓋在以色列族中、利未人以邑中之宅爲業。

33 And if834 a man purchase1350 of the Levites,3881 then the house1004 that was sold,4465 and the city5892 of his possession,272 shall go3318 out in the year of jubilee:3104 for the houses1004 of the cities5892 of the Levites3881 are their possession272 among8432 the children1121 of Israel.3478

34 利未族邑郊之田、爲其恒業、不得永鬻於人。

34 But the field7704 of the suburbs4054 of their cities5892 may not be sold;4376 for it is their perpetual5769 possession.272

35 如宗族匱乏、家日益落、當周其急、使之偕居、若柔遠人然。

35 And if3588 your brother251 be waxen poor,4134 and fallen4131 3027 in decay4131 with you; then you shall relieve2388 him: yes, though he be a stranger,1616 or a sojourner;8453 that he may live2416 with you.

36 宗族偕居、勿取其利、宜畏爾之上帝。

36 Take3947 you no408 usury5392 of him, or increase:8635 but fear3372 your God;430 that your brother251 may live2416 with you.

37 貸金與粟、毋圖其利、

37 You shall not give5414 him your money3701 on usury,5392 nor3808 lend5414 him your victuals400 for increase.4768

38 吾耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、以迦南賜爾、爾必以我爲上帝。

38 I am the LORD3068 your God,430 which834 brought3318 you forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 to give5414 you the land776 of Canaan,3667 and to be your God.430

39 如宗族貧乏、自鬻於爾、勿視若奴、

39 And if3588 your brother251 that dwells by you be waxen poor,4134 and be sold4376 to you; you shall not compel5647 him to serve5656 as a bondservant:5656

40 當偕爾居、如傭人旅人然、供爾役事、以待禧年、

40 But as an hired7916 servant,7916 and as a sojourner,8453 he shall be with you, and shall serve5647 you to the year8141 of jubilee.3104

41 屆期、彼及子女、必去爾家、仍歸其所、復得前人遺業。

41 And then shall he depart3318 from you, both he and his children1121 with him, and shall return7725 to his own family,4940 and to the possession272 of his fathers1 shall he return.7725

42 昔我導以色列族出埃及、爲我臣僕、故不得鬻爲賤役、

42 For they are my servants,5650 which834 I brought3318 forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt:4714 they shall not be sold4376 as slaves.5650

43 勿治以嚴、宜畏爾之上帝。

43 You shall not rule7287 over him with rigor;6531 but shall fear3372 your God.430

44 異邦之民、來自四方者、可購爲僕婢。

44 Both your slaves,5650 and your bondmaids,519 which834 you shall have,1961 shall be of the heathen1471 that are round5439 about you; of them shall you buy7069 slaves5650 and bondmaids.519

45 外人旅於爾中、生於爾地者、可購而得之、

45 Moreover1571 of the children1121 of the strangers8453 that do sojourn1481 among you, of them shall you buy,7069 and of their families4940 that are with you, which they begat3205 in your land:776 and they shall be your possession.272

46 遺於子孫、恒爲爾僕、惟以色列人爲爾宗族、勿治以嚴。

46 And you shall take them as an inheritance5157 for your children1121 after310 you, to inherit3423 them for a possession;272 they shall be your slaves5647 for ever:5769 but over your brothers251 the children1121 of Israel,3478 you shall not rule7287 one376 over another251 with rigor.6531

47 如爾中賓旅有富厚者、爾族窮乏、自鬻於彼、或其子孫、

47 And if3588 a sojourner1616 or stranger8453 wax rich5381 by you, and your brother251 that dwells by him wax poor,4134 and sell4376 himself to the stranger1616 or sojourner8453 by you, or to the stock6133 of the stranger's1616 family:4940

48 鬻後戚屬亦可代爲贖之、

48 After310 that he is sold4376 he may be redeemed1353 again; one259 of his brothers251 may redeem1350 him:

49 或叔伯、或叔伯之子、或同族、俱可贖之、如己有餘、足以自贖、自贖亦可。

49 Either176 his uncle,1730 or176 his uncle's1733 son,1121 may redeem1350 him, or any that is near7607 of kin1320 to him of his family4940 may redeem1350 him; or176 if he be able,5381 he may redeem1353 himself.3027

50 鬻時與禧年相去、當互爲核算、揆其期之遠近、酌傭人之値幾何、以償贖價之多寡、

50 And he shall reckon2803 with him that bought7069 him from the year8141 that he was sold4376 to him to the year8141 of jubilee:3104 and the price3701 of his sale4465 shall be according to the number4557 of years,8141 according to the time of an hired7916 servant7916 shall it be with him.

51 年遠償其鬻金宜多、

51 If518 there be yet5750 many7227 years8141 behind, according6310 to them he shall give7725 again7725 the price of his redemption1353 out of the money3701 that he was bought4736 for.

52 年近償其鬻金宜少、

52 And if518 there remain7604 but few4592 years8141 to the year8141 of jubilee,3104 then he shall count2803 with him, and according6310 to his years8141 shall he give7725 him again7725 the price of his redemption.1353

53 歲必偕居、待若傭人、毋治以嚴。

53 And as a yearly8141 hired7916 servant7916 shall he be with him: and the other shall not rule7287 with rigor6531 over him in your sight.5869

54 如未得贖、屆禧年之期、彼及子女、去可自由。

54 And if518 he be not redeemed1350 in these428 years,8141 then he shall go3318 out in the year8141 of jubilee,3104 both he, and his children1121 with him.

55 昔我導以色列族出埃及、故以之爲我臣僕、我耶和華爲爾之上帝。

55 For to me the children1121 of Israel3478 are servants;5650 they are my servants5650 whom834 853 I brought3318 forth3318 out of the land776 of Egypt:4714 I am the LORD3068 your God.430
