

1 上帝兮、在彼郇城、人咸瞻望、加以頌美兮、昔許之願、必償之兮、

2 庶民禱告、爾俯聞之、則此億兆必祈求於爾兮、

3 予負罪孔多、尚其蓋之兮。

4 維爾遴選斯民、使之得侍於側、入爾塲帷、居爾聖室、爾爲肆筵、備極豐腆、可謂福兮。

5 上帝兮、我之救主、爾之待我、惟秉公義、神妙莫測、自彼地極、至於海隅、咸仰望兮、

6 爾以能力自負、使彼山巖、以安以固、

7 寰海宴息、波濤不揚、四方之民、不思作亂兮。

8 惟彼遠疆、畏爾異蹟、日之所出、日之所入、靡不悅懌兮、

9 爾眷顧斯土、使之豐亨、有大河以資灌溉、五穀繁熟、

10 甘霖雱沛、沃其田疇、潤澤土壤、使生庶物、錫以綏祉兮、

11 恩惠相加、秋收饒足、爾所經行之地、沐以恩膏兮、

12 曠野有苑、咸沾膏澤、萬山之民、靡不喜樂兮、羣羊遍野、五穀盈阡、居民歡呼、咸謳歌兮。



Psalm 65

1 PRAISE is befitting thee, O God, in Zion; and unto thee shall the vow be performed;

2 O hear my prayer; unto thee shall all flesh come.

3 The words of the wicked have prevailed against me; as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them.

4 Blessed is the man in whom thou art pleased, he whom thou causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts and be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.

5 From the majesty of thy righteousness answer us, O God of our salvation, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of the peoples who are afar off,

6 Who settest fast the mountains by his strength, and is mighty in his power;

7 He stills the tempest of the seas and the roar of their waves. The peoples shall be troubled.

8 The inhabitants of the earth shall tremble at thy wonders, from the coming of the morning to the evening.

9 With glory didst thou visit the earth and water it; thou hast blessed it with peace and hast greatly enriched it with the river of God, which is full of water; thou hast prepared food when thou hast established it.

10 Thou hast watered the fallowed ground thereof; to bring forth fruits, thou hast sprinkled its growth with showers and blessed it.

11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and the calves have rich pasture.

12 They shall be filled with the pastures of the wilderness, and the hills shall be surrounded with glory.

13 The pastures shall be covered with fattening sheep, the valleys shall be clothed with wheat; they shall rejoice, yea, they shall sing.




Psalm 65

1 上帝兮、在彼郇城、人咸瞻望、加以頌美兮、昔許之願、必償之兮、

1 PRAISE is befitting thee, O God, in Zion; and unto thee shall the vow be performed;

2 庶民禱告、爾俯聞之、則此億兆必祈求於爾兮、

2 O hear my prayer; unto thee shall all flesh come.

3 予負罪孔多、尚其蓋之兮。

3 The words of the wicked have prevailed against me; as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them.

4 維爾遴選斯民、使之得侍於側、入爾塲帷、居爾聖室、爾爲肆筵、備極豐腆、可謂福兮。

4 Blessed is the man in whom thou art pleased, he whom thou causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts and be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.

5 上帝兮、我之救主、爾之待我、惟秉公義、神妙莫測、自彼地極、至於海隅、咸仰望兮、

5 From the majesty of thy righteousness answer us, O God of our salvation, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of the peoples who are afar off,

6 爾以能力自負、使彼山巖、以安以固、

6 Who settest fast the mountains by his strength, and is mighty in his power;

7 寰海宴息、波濤不揚、四方之民、不思作亂兮。

7 He stills the tempest of the seas and the roar of their waves. The peoples shall be troubled.

8 惟彼遠疆、畏爾異蹟、日之所出、日之所入、靡不悅懌兮、

8 The inhabitants of the earth shall tremble at thy wonders, from the coming of the morning to the evening.

9 爾眷顧斯土、使之豐亨、有大河以資灌溉、五穀繁熟、

9 With glory didst thou visit the earth and water it; thou hast blessed it with peace and hast greatly enriched it with the river of God, which is full of water; thou hast prepared food when thou hast established it.

10 甘霖雱沛、沃其田疇、潤澤土壤、使生庶物、錫以綏祉兮、

10 Thou hast watered the fallowed ground thereof; to bring forth fruits, thou hast sprinkled its growth with showers and blessed it.

11 恩惠相加、秋收饒足、爾所經行之地、沐以恩膏兮、

11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and the calves have rich pasture.

12 曠野有苑、咸沾膏澤、萬山之民、靡不喜樂兮、羣羊遍野、五穀盈阡、居民歡呼、咸謳歌兮。

12 They shall be filled with the pastures of the wilderness, and the hills shall be surrounded with glory.


13 The pastures shall be covered with fattening sheep, the valleys shall be clothed with wheat; they shall rejoice, yea, they shall sing.