

1 (大闢所作)大地萬有、耶和華主宰之兮、

2 肇基址於海中、立四維於淵際兮、

3 耶和華兮、爾有山岡、孰能陟之、爾有聖所、誰其立之、

4 手惟潔、心惟清、不虛誕、不妄誓兮、

5 則上帝耶和華拯之救之、純嘏錫之、

6 凡求雅各之上帝者、其效如此。

7 當闢古昔之門、尊顯之王是入。

8 尊顯之王云何、曰、戰而必勝、巨能大力、維吾之主耶和華是已。

9 當闢古昔之門、尊顯之王是入、

10 尊顯之王云何、曰、萬有之主耶和華、是尊顯之王兮。


Psalm 24

1 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The earth776 is the LORD's,3068 and the fullness4393 thereof; the world,8398 and they that dwell3427 therein.

2 For3588 he1931 hath founded3245 it upon5921 the seas,3220 and established3559 it upon5921 the floods.5104

3 Who4310 shall ascend5927 into the hill2022 of the LORD?3068 or who4310 shall stand6965 in his holy6944 place?4725

4 He that hath clean5355 hands,3709 and a pure1249 heart;3824 who834 hath not3808 lifted up5375 his soul5315 unto vanity,7723 nor3808 sworn7650 deceitfully.4820

5 He shall receive5375 the blessing1293 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and righteousness6666 from the God4480 430 of his salvation.3468

6 This2088 is the generation1755 of them that seek1875 him, that seek1245 thy face,6440 O Jacob.3290 Selah.5542

7 Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 and be ye lift up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

8 Who4310 is this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 strong5808 and mighty,1368 the LORD3068 mighty1368 in battle.4421

9 Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 even lift them up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

10 Who4310 is1931 this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 of hosts,6635 he1931 is the King4428 of glory.3519 Selah.5542




Psalm 24

1 (大闢所作)大地萬有、耶和華主宰之兮、

1 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 The earth776 is the LORD's,3068 and the fullness4393 thereof; the world,8398 and they that dwell3427 therein.

2 肇基址於海中、立四維於淵際兮、

2 For3588 he1931 hath founded3245 it upon5921 the seas,3220 and established3559 it upon5921 the floods.5104

3 耶和華兮、爾有山岡、孰能陟之、爾有聖所、誰其立之、

3 Who4310 shall ascend5927 into the hill2022 of the LORD?3068 or who4310 shall stand6965 in his holy6944 place?4725

4 手惟潔、心惟清、不虛誕、不妄誓兮、

4 He that hath clean5355 hands,3709 and a pure1249 heart;3824 who834 hath not3808 lifted up5375 his soul5315 unto vanity,7723 nor3808 sworn7650 deceitfully.4820

5 則上帝耶和華拯之救之、純嘏錫之、

5 He shall receive5375 the blessing1293 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and righteousness6666 from the God4480 430 of his salvation.3468

6 凡求雅各之上帝者、其效如此。

6 This2088 is the generation1755 of them that seek1875 him, that seek1245 thy face,6440 O Jacob.3290 Selah.5542

7 當闢古昔之門、尊顯之王是入。

7 Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 and be ye lift up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

8 尊顯之王云何、曰、戰而必勝、巨能大力、維吾之主耶和華是已。

8 Who4310 is this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 strong5808 and mighty,1368 the LORD3068 mighty1368 in battle.4421

9 當闢古昔之門、尊顯之王是入、

9 Lift up5375 your heads,7218 O ye gates;8179 even lift them up,5375 ye everlasting5769 doors;6607 and the King4428 of glory3519 shall come in.935

10 尊顯之王云何、曰、萬有之主耶和華、是尊顯之王兮。

10 Who4310 is1931 this2088 King4428 of glory?3519 The LORD3068 of hosts,6635 he1931 is the King4428 of glory.3519 Selah.5542