

1 寰宇兆姓、靡不歡呼、頌美耶和華兮、

2 在耶和華前、欣喜以供役、謳歌而頌讚兮、

3 宗耶和華爲上帝、彼造我躬、我爲其民、牧我若羊兮、

4 予必頌禱而進其門橛、揄楊而入其塲帷、當謝其恩、祝其名兮。

5 耶和華無不善、恒懐慈愛、眞實無妄、永世靡曁兮。


Psalm 100

1 A Psalm4210 of praise.8426 Make a joyful noise7321 unto the LORD,3068 all3605 ye lands.776

2 Serve5647 the853 LORD3068 with gladness:8057 come935 before his presence6440 with singing.7445

3 Know3045 ye that3588 the LORD3068 he1931 is God:430 it is he1931 that hath made6213 us, and not3808 we ourselves;587 we are his people,5971 and the sheep6629 of his pasture.4830

4 Enter935 into his gates8179 with thanksgiving,8426 and into his courts2691 with praise:8416 be thankful3034 unto him, and bless1288 his name.8034

5 For3588 the LORD3068 is good;2896 his mercy2617 is everlasting;5769 and his truth530 endureth to5704 all generations.1755 1755




Psalm 100

1 寰宇兆姓、靡不歡呼、頌美耶和華兮、

1 A Psalm4210 of praise.8426 Make a joyful noise7321 unto the LORD,3068 all3605 ye lands.776

2 在耶和華前、欣喜以供役、謳歌而頌讚兮、

2 Serve5647 the853 LORD3068 with gladness:8057 come935 before his presence6440 with singing.7445

3 宗耶和華爲上帝、彼造我躬、我爲其民、牧我若羊兮、

3 Know3045 ye that3588 the LORD3068 he1931 is God:430 it is he1931 that hath made6213 us, and not3808 we ourselves;587 we are his people,5971 and the sheep6629 of his pasture.4830

4 予必頌禱而進其門橛、揄楊而入其塲帷、當謝其恩、祝其名兮。

4 Enter935 into his gates8179 with thanksgiving,8426 and into his courts2691 with praise:8416 be thankful3034 unto him, and bless1288 his name.8034

5 耶和華無不善、恒懐慈愛、眞實無妄、永世靡曁兮。

5 For3588 the LORD3068 is good;2896 his mercy2617 is everlasting;5769 and his truth530 endureth to5704 all generations.1755 1755
