

1 當日掃羅子約拿單,謂持兵之少者曰,盍往相對之所,至非利士人汛,不告其父。

2 其庇亞之隅,地名密倫,有石榴樹焉,掃羅居於其下,從人六百。

3 以利曾孫,非尼啥孫,亞希突子,亞希亞居於示羅,衣公服,爲耶和華之祭司,亞希突卽以迦泊之弟。民不知約拿單已往。

4 約拿單欲至非利士人之汛,道由隘口,巉巖對峙,一名破泄,一名西尼,

5 一向北,與密抺相對,一向南,與其庇亞相對。

6 約拿單謂持兵之少者曰,敵不受割禮,盍適彼汛,庶幾耶和華祐我,蓋耶和華欲援我民,衆寡俱可用也。

7 持兵之士曰,盍往哉,爾所欲爲,任意以行,我與爾有同心焉。

8 約拿單日,我儕二人由此至彼,使彼觀瞻。

9 如彼曰,爾曹勿動,以俟我至。則我仍駐於己所,不往迎之。

10 如彼曰,爾可來此,我則前往,耶和華將以之付於我手,此可爲徵。

11 二人遂出,使非利士人觀瞻。非利士人曰,希伯來人素匿於巢穴,今己出矣。

12 汛人告於約拿單及其持兵之其持兵之士日,爾可至此,我將示爾一事。約拿單告持兵之士曰,汝可相從,耶和華以彼付於以色列族手。

13 約拿單攀巖而上,持兵之士隨焉。敵爲約拿單所擊,仆於其前,持兵之士從而戮之。

14 約拿單與持兵之士,始戮敵衆,約二十人,在半畝之間。

15 敵之軍旅,以及鄉民,防禦之兵,流亡之寇,無不戰慄,地亦震動,上帝使之。

16 在便雅憫之其庇亞,掃羅之戍卒,見敵軍漸散。

17 掃羅使從者核其民數,欲知前往者爲誰,旣核之後,知約拿單與其持兵之士不在。

18 斯時也,上帝之匱在以色列族中,掃羅使亞希亞舁匱而至,

19 掃羅與祭司相語時,非利士人營中,號呼之聲,益覺振動。掃羅告祭司曰,姑止爾爲。

20 乃率從者往戰,旣至,觀敵自相攻擊以致敗績。

21 昔有希伯來人,自四方而來,從非利士人之營,今從掃羅約拿單以助以色列族。

22 素匿於以法蓮出之以色列人,聞非利士人遁,則出以戰,而襲其後。

23 戰於伯亞文,是時耶和華拯以色列族。

24 當日掃羅與民發誓,曰,毋食餱糧,迨夕乃可,犯者見詛,俟我盡報斯仇。因此以色列族不嘗食物,困憊特甚。

25 民適於林,見地有蜜。

26 旣至,蜜滴於地,民表誓言,手不敢取。

27 掃羅發誓時,約拿單未之聞,以所執之杖濡蜜,嘗之,目卽明。

28 民中一人曰,爾父發誓,使民不食餱糧,犯者見詛,今民甚矣憊。

29 約拿單曰,我父累及於民,我少嘗蜜,我目卽明,爾衆爲證。

30 敵之糗糧,今日爲民所得,如任意以食,則殺非利士人,豈非尤衆。

31 民擊非利士人,自密抹至亞耶倫,困憊愈甚。

32 乃取所得,牛羊與犢,宰之於野,肉尚有血而食之。

33 人告掃羅曰,民食有血之肉,干耶和華命。掃羅曰,爾曹犯罪,當移大石至此。

34 又曰,遍告於民,使各牽牛羊於此,宰之而食可也。肉尚有血者毋食,恐干耶和華命。是夜民各牽牛,宰之於彼。

35 掃羅築壇,奉事耶和華實始於此。

36 掃羅曰,我儕夤夜追非利士人,虜其所有,使其民人,靡有孑遺,迨至黎明,乃止。民對日,爾可任意以行,祭司曰,當詣上帝前。

37 掃羅詢於上帝,非利士人今曰可襲之乎。爾其以之付以色列人手乎。是日上帝無所應。

38 掃羅曰,惟爾民長,咸必前來,欲知今日誰干罪戾,

39 我指救以色列族之耶和華而誓,雖我子約拿單,亦必死亡。民中無有應之者。

40 乃申命於以色列族曰,汝衆在彼,我與我子約拿單在此。民曰,爾任意以行。

41 掃羅祈以色列族之上帝耶和華,曰,願指示其實。掣籤得掃羅及約拿單。民弗與焉。

42 掃羅曰,於我父子之間,試再掣籤,乃得約拿單。

43 掃羅問約拿單曰,爾何所爲,明以告我。約拿單曰,我僅以所執之杖,嘗蜜少許,何至於死。

44 掃羅曰,約拿單,我必致爾於死,我不若是,願上帝罰我。

45 民謂掃羅曰,今曰蒙上帝所祐,約拿單大救以色列族,欲致之死、斷忽不可、我儕指耶和華以誓、其首之一髮、必不隕地、於是約拿單為民所援、免於死亡。

46 掃羅不追非利士人,非利士人歸故土。

47 掃羅爲以色列國王,攻四方之敵,卽摩押,亞捫,以東諸族,鎖巴列王,非利士人,無論所往,均加殘害。

48 率衆擊亞馬力人,免以色列族爲流寇所傷。

49 掃羅有三子,約拿單,以遂,麥基舒亞,又有二女,長名米臘,季名米甲。

50 亞希馬斯女,亞希暖,爲掃羅之妻,掃羅叔,尼耳之子押尼耳爲軍長。

51 基士生掃羅,亞庇生尼耳。尼耳生押尼耳。

52 掃羅存日,與非利士人力戰,見英武有能之士,則羅而致之。

1 Samuel

Chapter 14

1 Now it came1961 to pass on a day,3117 that Jonathan3129 the son1121 of Saul7586 said559 to the young5288 man that bore5375 his armor,3627 Come,3212 and let us go5674 over5674 to the Philistines'6430 garrison,4673 that is on the other5676 side.5676 But he told5046 not his father.1

2 And Saul7586 tarried3427 in the uttermost7097 part of Gibeah1390 under8478 a pomegranate7416 tree which834 is in Migron:4051 and the people5971 that were with him were about six8337 hundred3967 men;376

3 And Ahiah,281 the son1121 of Ahitub,285 Ichabod's350 brother,251 the son1121 of Phinehas,6372 the son1121 of Eli,5941 the LORD's3068 priest3548 in Shiloh,7887 wearing5375 an ephod.646 And the people5971 knew3045 not that Jonathan3129 was gone.1980

4 And between996 the passages,4569 by which834 Jonathan3129 sought1245 to go5674 over5674 to the Philistines'6430 garrison,4673 there was a sharp8127 rock5553 on the one2088 side,5676 and a sharp8127 rock5553 on the other2088 side:5676 and the name8034 of the one259 was Bozez,949 and the name8034 of the other259 Seneh.5573

5 The forefront8127 of the one259 was situate4690 northward6828 over4136 against4136 Michmash,4363 and the other259 southward5045 over4136 against4136 Gibeah.1390

6 And Jonathan3083 said559 to the young5288 man that bore5375 his armor,3627 Come,3212 and let us go5674 over5674 to the garrison4673 of these428 uncircumcised:6189 it may be that the LORD3068 will work6213 for us: for there is no369 restraint4622 to the LORD3068 to save3467 by many7227 or176 by few.4592

7 And his armor bearer5375 3627 said559 to him, Do6213 all3605 that is in your heart:3824 turn5186 you; behold,2005 I am with you according to your heart.3824

8 Then said559 Jonathan,3083 Behold,2009 we will pass5674 over5674 to these men,582 and we will discover1540 ourselves to them.

9 If518 they say559 thus3541 to us, Tarry1826 until5704 we come5060 to you; then we will stand5975 still in our place,8478 and will not go5927 up to them.

10 But if518 they say559 thus,3541 Come5927 up to us; then we will go5927 up: for the LORD3068 has delivered5414 them into our hand:3027 and this2088 shall be a sign226 to us.

11 And both of them discovered1540 themselves to the garrison4673 of the Philistines:6430 and the Philistines6430 said,559 Behold,2009 the Hebrews5680 come3318 forth3318 out of the holes2356 where834 8033 they had hid2244 themselves.

12 And the men582 of the garrison4675 answered6030 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer,5375 3627 and said,559 Come5927 up to us, and we will show3045 you a thing.1697 And Jonathan3129 said559 to his armor bearer,5375 3627 Come5927 up after310 me: for the LORD3068 has delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of Israel.3478

13 And Jonathan3129 climbed5927 up on his hands3027 and on his feet,7272 and his armor bearer5375 3627 after310 him: and they fell5307 before6440 Jonathan;3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 slew4191 after310 him.

14 And that first7223 slaughter,4347 which834 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 made,5221 was about twenty6242 men,376 within as it were an half2677 acre4618 of land,7704 which a yoke6776 of oxen might plow.

15 And there was trembling2731 in the host,4264 in the field,7704 and among all3605 the people:5971 the garrison,4673 and the spoilers,7843 they also1571 trembled,2729 and the earth776 quaked:7264 so it was a very430 great430 trembling.2731

16 And the watchmen6822 of Saul7586 in Gibeah1390 of Benjamin1144 looked;7200 and, behold,2009 the multitude1995 melted4127 away, and they went3212 on beating1986 down one another.

17 Then said559 Saul7586 to the people5971 that were with him, Number6485 now,4994 and see7200 who4310 is gone1980 from us. And when they had numbered,6485 behold,2009 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 were not there.

18 And Saul7586 said559 to Ahiah,281 Bring5066 here5066 the ark727 of God.430 For the ark727 of God430 was at that time3117 with the children1121 of Israel.3478

19 And it came1961 to pass, while5704 Saul7586 talked1696 to the priest,3548 that the noise1995 that was in the host4264 of the Philistines6430 went3212 on and increased:7227 and Saul7586 said559 to the priest,3548 Withdraw622 your hand.3027

20 And Saul7586 and all3605 the people5971 that were with him assembled2199 themselves, and they came935 to the battle:4421 and, behold,2009 every man's376 sword2719 was against his fellow,7453 and there was a very3966 great1419 discomfiture.4103

21 Moreover the Hebrews5680 that were with the Philistines6430 before865 that time,8032 which834 went5927 up with them into the camp4264 from the country round5439 about, even they also1571 turned6437 to be with the Israelites3478 that were with Saul7586 and Jonathan.3129

22 Likewise all3605 the men376 of Israel3478 which had hid2244 themselves in mount2022 Ephraim,669 when they heard8085 that the Philistines6430 fled,5127 even they also1571 followed1692 hard1692 after310 them in the battle.4421

23 So the LORD3068 saved3467 Israel3478 that day:3117 and the battle4421 passed5674 over5674 to Bethaven.1007

24 And the men376 of Israel3478 were distressed5065 that day:3117 for Saul7586 had adjured422 the people,5971 saying,559 Cursed779 be the man376 that eats398 any food3899 until5704 evening,6153 that I may be avenged5358 on my enemies.341 So none3808 of the people5971 tasted2938 any3605 food.3899

25 And all3605 they of the land776 came935 to a wood;3293 and there was honey1706 on the ground.7704

26 And when the people5971 were come935 into413 the wood,3293 behold,2009 the honey1706 dropped;1982 but no369 man put5381 his hand3027 to his mouth:6310 for the people5971 feared3372 the oath.7621

27 But Jonathan3129 heard8085 not when his father1 charged7650 the people5971 with the oath:7650 why he put7971 forth7971 the end7097 of the rod4294 that was in his hand,3027 and dipped2881 it in an honeycomb,3295 1706 and put7725 his hand3027 to his mouth;6310 and his eyes5869 were enlightened.215

28 Then answered6030 one of the people,5971 and said,559 Your father1 straightly charged7650 the people5971 with an oath,7650 saying,559 Cursed779 be the man376 that eats398 any food3899 this day.3117 And the people5971 were faint.5774

29 Then said559 Jonathan,3129 My father1 has troubled5916 the land:776 see,7200 I pray4994 you, how3588 my eyes5869 have been enlightened,215 because3588 I tasted2938 a little4592 of this2088 honey.1706

30 How637 much637 more,637 if3863 haply3863 the people5971 had eaten398 freely to day3117 of the spoil7998 of their enemies341 which834 they found?4672 for had there not been now6258 a much greater7235 slaughter4347 among the Philistines?6430

31 And they smote5221 the Philistines6430 that day3117 from Michmash4363 to Aijalon:357 and the people5971 were very3966 faint.5774

32 And the people5971 flew6213 on the spoil,7998 and took3947 sheep,6629 and oxen,1241 and calves,1121 1242 and slew7819 them on the ground:776 and the people5971 did eat398 them with the blood.1818

33 Then they told5046 Saul,7586 saying,559 Behold,2009 the people5971 sin2398 against the LORD,3068 in that they eat398 with the blood.1818 And he said,559 You have transgressed:898 roll1556 a great1419 stone68 to me this day.3117

34 And Saul7586 said,559 Disperse6327 yourselves among the people,5971 and say559 to them, Bring5066 me here5066 every man376 his ox,7794 and every man376 his sheep,7716 and slay7819 them here,2088 and eat;398 and sin2398 not against the LORD3068 in eating398 with the blood.1818 And all3605 the people5971 brought5066 every man376 his ox7794 with him that night,3915 and slew7819 them there.8033

35 And Saul7586 built1129 an altar4196 to the LORD:3068 the same was the first2490 altar4196 that he built1129 to the LORD.3068

36 And Saul7586 said,559 Let us go3381 down3381 after310 the Philistines6430 by night,3915 and spoil962 them until5704 the morning1242 light,216 and let us not leave7604 a man376 of them. And they said,559 Do6213 whatever3605 seems5869 good2896 to you. Then said559 the priest,3548 Let us draw near7126 here1988 to God.430

37 And Saul7586 asked7592 counsel of God,430 Shall I go3381 down3381 after310 the Philistines?6430 will you deliver5414 them into the hand3027 of Israel?3478 But he answered6030 him not that day.3117

38 And Saul7586 said,559 Draw you near5066 here,1988 all3605 the chief6438 of the people:5971 and know3045 and see7200 wherein4100 this2088 sin2403 has been1961 this2088 day.3117

39 For, as the LORD3068 lives,2416 which saves3467 Israel,3478 though3588 518 it be in Jonathan3129 my son,1121 he shall surely3588 die.4191 But there was not a man among all3605 the people5971 that answered6030 him.

40 Then said559 he to all3605 Israel,3478 Be you on one259 side,5676 and I and Jonathan3129 my son1121 will be on the other259 side.5676 And the people5971 said559 to Saul,7586 Do6213 what seems5869 good2896 to you.

41 Therefore Saul7586 said559 to the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 Give3051 a perfect8549 lot. And Saul7586 and Jonathan3129 were taken:3920 but the people5971 escaped.3318

42 And Saul7586 said,559 Cast5307 lots between996 me and Jonathan3129 my son.1121 And Jonathan3129 was taken.3920

43 Then Saul7586 said559 to Jonathan,3129 Tell5046 me what4100 you have done.6213 And Jonathan3129 told5046 him, and said,559 I did but taste2938 a little4592 honey1706 with the end7097 of the rod4294 that was in my hand,3027 and, see,2114 I must die.4191

44 And Saul7586 answered,559 God430 do6213 so3541 and more3254 also:3541 for you shall surely die,4191 Jonathan.3129

45 And the people5971 said559 to Saul,7586 Shall Jonathan3129 die,4191 who834 has worked6213 this2088 great1419 salvation3444 in Israel?3478 God forbid:2486 as the LORD3068 lives,2416 there shall not one hair8185 of his head7218 fall5307 to the ground;776 for he has worked6213 with God430 this2088 day.3117 So the people5971 rescued6299 Jonathan,3129 that he died4191 not.

46 Then Saul7586 went5927 up from following310 the Philistines:6430 and the Philistines6430 went1980 to their own place.4725

47 So Saul7586 took3920 the kingdom4410 over5921 Israel,3478 and fought3898 against all3605 his enemies341 on every5437 side,5439 against Moab,4124 and against the children1121 of Ammon,5983 and against Edom,123 and against the kings4428 of Zobah,6678 and against the Philistines:6430 and wherever3605 834 he turned6437 himself, he vexed7561 them.

48 And he gathered6213 an host,2428 and smote5221 the Amalekites,6003 and delivered5337 Israel3478 out of the hands3027 of them that spoiled8154 them.

49 Now the sons1121 of Saul7586 were Jonathan,3129 and Ishui,3440 and Melchishua:4444 and the names8034 of his two8147 daughters1323 were these; the name8034 of the firstborn1067 Merab,4764 and the name8034 of the younger6996 Michal:4324

50 And the name8034 of Saul's7586 wife802 was Ahinoam,293 the daughter1323 of Ahimaaz:290 and the name8034 of the captain8269 of his host6635 was Abner,74 the son1121 of Ner,5369 Saul's7586 uncle.1730

51 And Kish7027 was the father1 of Saul;7586 and Ner5369 the father1 of Abner74 was the son1121 of Abiel.22

52 And there was sore2389 war4421 against5921 the Philistines6430 all3605 the days3117 of Saul:7586 and when Saul7586 saw7200 any3605 strong1368 man,376 or any3605 valiant2428 man,1121 he took622 him to him.



1 Samuel

Chapter 14

1 當日掃羅子約拿單,謂持兵之少者曰,盍往相對之所,至非利士人汛,不告其父。

1 Now it came1961 to pass on a day,3117 that Jonathan3129 the son1121 of Saul7586 said559 to the young5288 man that bore5375 his armor,3627 Come,3212 and let us go5674 over5674 to the Philistines'6430 garrison,4673 that is on the other5676 side.5676 But he told5046 not his father.1

2 其庇亞之隅,地名密倫,有石榴樹焉,掃羅居於其下,從人六百。

2 And Saul7586 tarried3427 in the uttermost7097 part of Gibeah1390 under8478 a pomegranate7416 tree which834 is in Migron:4051 and the people5971 that were with him were about six8337 hundred3967 men;376

3 以利曾孫,非尼啥孫,亞希突子,亞希亞居於示羅,衣公服,爲耶和華之祭司,亞希突卽以迦泊之弟。民不知約拿單已往。

3 And Ahiah,281 the son1121 of Ahitub,285 Ichabod's350 brother,251 the son1121 of Phinehas,6372 the son1121 of Eli,5941 the LORD's3068 priest3548 in Shiloh,7887 wearing5375 an ephod.646 And the people5971 knew3045 not that Jonathan3129 was gone.1980

4 約拿單欲至非利士人之汛,道由隘口,巉巖對峙,一名破泄,一名西尼,

4 And between996 the passages,4569 by which834 Jonathan3129 sought1245 to go5674 over5674 to the Philistines'6430 garrison,4673 there was a sharp8127 rock5553 on the one2088 side,5676 and a sharp8127 rock5553 on the other2088 side:5676 and the name8034 of the one259 was Bozez,949 and the name8034 of the other259 Seneh.5573

5 一向北,與密抺相對,一向南,與其庇亞相對。

5 The forefront8127 of the one259 was situate4690 northward6828 over4136 against4136 Michmash,4363 and the other259 southward5045 over4136 against4136 Gibeah.1390

6 約拿單謂持兵之少者曰,敵不受割禮,盍適彼汛,庶幾耶和華祐我,蓋耶和華欲援我民,衆寡俱可用也。

6 And Jonathan3083 said559 to the young5288 man that bore5375 his armor,3627 Come,3212 and let us go5674 over5674 to the garrison4673 of these428 uncircumcised:6189 it may be that the LORD3068 will work6213 for us: for there is no369 restraint4622 to the LORD3068 to save3467 by many7227 or176 by few.4592

7 持兵之士曰,盍往哉,爾所欲爲,任意以行,我與爾有同心焉。

7 And his armor bearer5375 3627 said559 to him, Do6213 all3605 that is in your heart:3824 turn5186 you; behold,2005 I am with you according to your heart.3824

8 約拿單日,我儕二人由此至彼,使彼觀瞻。

8 Then said559 Jonathan,3083 Behold,2009 we will pass5674 over5674 to these men,582 and we will discover1540 ourselves to them.

9 如彼曰,爾曹勿動,以俟我至。則我仍駐於己所,不往迎之。

9 If518 they say559 thus3541 to us, Tarry1826 until5704 we come5060 to you; then we will stand5975 still in our place,8478 and will not go5927 up to them.

10 如彼曰,爾可來此,我則前往,耶和華將以之付於我手,此可爲徵。

10 But if518 they say559 thus,3541 Come5927 up to us; then we will go5927 up: for the LORD3068 has delivered5414 them into our hand:3027 and this2088 shall be a sign226 to us.

11 二人遂出,使非利士人觀瞻。非利士人曰,希伯來人素匿於巢穴,今己出矣。

11 And both of them discovered1540 themselves to the garrison4673 of the Philistines:6430 and the Philistines6430 said,559 Behold,2009 the Hebrews5680 come3318 forth3318 out of the holes2356 where834 8033 they had hid2244 themselves.

12 汛人告於約拿單及其持兵之其持兵之士日,爾可至此,我將示爾一事。約拿單告持兵之士曰,汝可相從,耶和華以彼付於以色列族手。

12 And the men582 of the garrison4675 answered6030 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer,5375 3627 and said,559 Come5927 up to us, and we will show3045 you a thing.1697 And Jonathan3129 said559 to his armor bearer,5375 3627 Come5927 up after310 me: for the LORD3068 has delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of Israel.3478

13 約拿單攀巖而上,持兵之士隨焉。敵爲約拿單所擊,仆於其前,持兵之士從而戮之。

13 And Jonathan3129 climbed5927 up on his hands3027 and on his feet,7272 and his armor bearer5375 3627 after310 him: and they fell5307 before6440 Jonathan;3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 slew4191 after310 him.

14 約拿單與持兵之士,始戮敵衆,約二十人,在半畝之間。

14 And that first7223 slaughter,4347 which834 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 made,5221 was about twenty6242 men,376 within as it were an half2677 acre4618 of land,7704 which a yoke6776 of oxen might plow.

15 敵之軍旅,以及鄉民,防禦之兵,流亡之寇,無不戰慄,地亦震動,上帝使之。

15 And there was trembling2731 in the host,4264 in the field,7704 and among all3605 the people:5971 the garrison,4673 and the spoilers,7843 they also1571 trembled,2729 and the earth776 quaked:7264 so it was a very430 great430 trembling.2731

16 在便雅憫之其庇亞,掃羅之戍卒,見敵軍漸散。

16 And the watchmen6822 of Saul7586 in Gibeah1390 of Benjamin1144 looked;7200 and, behold,2009 the multitude1995 melted4127 away, and they went3212 on beating1986 down one another.

17 掃羅使從者核其民數,欲知前往者爲誰,旣核之後,知約拿單與其持兵之士不在。

17 Then said559 Saul7586 to the people5971 that were with him, Number6485 now,4994 and see7200 who4310 is gone1980 from us. And when they had numbered,6485 behold,2009 Jonathan3129 and his armor bearer5375 3627 were not there.

18 斯時也,上帝之匱在以色列族中,掃羅使亞希亞舁匱而至,

18 And Saul7586 said559 to Ahiah,281 Bring5066 here5066 the ark727 of God.430 For the ark727 of God430 was at that time3117 with the children1121 of Israel.3478

19 掃羅與祭司相語時,非利士人營中,號呼之聲,益覺振動。掃羅告祭司曰,姑止爾爲。

19 And it came1961 to pass, while5704 Saul7586 talked1696 to the priest,3548 that the noise1995 that was in the host4264 of the Philistines6430 went3212 on and increased:7227 and Saul7586 said559 to the priest,3548 Withdraw622 your hand.3027

20 乃率從者往戰,旣至,觀敵自相攻擊以致敗績。

20 And Saul7586 and all3605 the people5971 that were with him assembled2199 themselves, and they came935 to the battle:4421 and, behold,2009 every man's376 sword2719 was against his fellow,7453 and there was a very3966 great1419 discomfiture.4103

21 昔有希伯來人,自四方而來,從非利士人之營,今從掃羅約拿單以助以色列族。

21 Moreover the Hebrews5680 that were with the Philistines6430 before865 that time,8032 which834 went5927 up with them into the camp4264 from the country round5439 about, even they also1571 turned6437 to be with the Israelites3478 that were with Saul7586 and Jonathan.3129

22 素匿於以法蓮出之以色列人,聞非利士人遁,則出以戰,而襲其後。

22 Likewise all3605 the men376 of Israel3478 which had hid2244 themselves in mount2022 Ephraim,669 when they heard8085 that the Philistines6430 fled,5127 even they also1571 followed1692 hard1692 after310 them in the battle.4421

23 戰於伯亞文,是時耶和華拯以色列族。

23 So the LORD3068 saved3467 Israel3478 that day:3117 and the battle4421 passed5674 over5674 to Bethaven.1007

24 當日掃羅與民發誓,曰,毋食餱糧,迨夕乃可,犯者見詛,俟我盡報斯仇。因此以色列族不嘗食物,困憊特甚。

24 And the men376 of Israel3478 were distressed5065 that day:3117 for Saul7586 had adjured422 the people,5971 saying,559 Cursed779 be the man376 that eats398 any food3899 until5704 evening,6153 that I may be avenged5358 on my enemies.341 So none3808 of the people5971 tasted2938 any3605 food.3899

25 民適於林,見地有蜜。

25 And all3605 they of the land776 came935 to a wood;3293 and there was honey1706 on the ground.7704

26 旣至,蜜滴於地,民表誓言,手不敢取。

26 And when the people5971 were come935 into413 the wood,3293 behold,2009 the honey1706 dropped;1982 but no369 man put5381 his hand3027 to his mouth:6310 for the people5971 feared3372 the oath.7621

27 掃羅發誓時,約拿單未之聞,以所執之杖濡蜜,嘗之,目卽明。

27 But Jonathan3129 heard8085 not when his father1 charged7650 the people5971 with the oath:7650 why he put7971 forth7971 the end7097 of the rod4294 that was in his hand,3027 and dipped2881 it in an honeycomb,3295 1706 and put7725 his hand3027 to his mouth;6310 and his eyes5869 were enlightened.215

28 民中一人曰,爾父發誓,使民不食餱糧,犯者見詛,今民甚矣憊。

28 Then answered6030 one of the people,5971 and said,559 Your father1 straightly charged7650 the people5971 with an oath,7650 saying,559 Cursed779 be the man376 that eats398 any food3899 this day.3117 And the people5971 were faint.5774

29 約拿單曰,我父累及於民,我少嘗蜜,我目卽明,爾衆爲證。

29 Then said559 Jonathan,3129 My father1 has troubled5916 the land:776 see,7200 I pray4994 you, how3588 my eyes5869 have been enlightened,215 because3588 I tasted2938 a little4592 of this2088 honey.1706

30 敵之糗糧,今日爲民所得,如任意以食,則殺非利士人,豈非尤衆。

30 How637 much637 more,637 if3863 haply3863 the people5971 had eaten398 freely to day3117 of the spoil7998 of their enemies341 which834 they found?4672 for had there not been now6258 a much greater7235 slaughter4347 among the Philistines?6430

31 民擊非利士人,自密抹至亞耶倫,困憊愈甚。

31 And they smote5221 the Philistines6430 that day3117 from Michmash4363 to Aijalon:357 and the people5971 were very3966 faint.5774

32 乃取所得,牛羊與犢,宰之於野,肉尚有血而食之。

32 And the people5971 flew6213 on the spoil,7998 and took3947 sheep,6629 and oxen,1241 and calves,1121 1242 and slew7819 them on the ground:776 and the people5971 did eat398 them with the blood.1818

33 人告掃羅曰,民食有血之肉,干耶和華命。掃羅曰,爾曹犯罪,當移大石至此。

33 Then they told5046 Saul,7586 saying,559 Behold,2009 the people5971 sin2398 against the LORD,3068 in that they eat398 with the blood.1818 And he said,559 You have transgressed:898 roll1556 a great1419 stone68 to me this day.3117

34 又曰,遍告於民,使各牽牛羊於此,宰之而食可也。肉尚有血者毋食,恐干耶和華命。是夜民各牽牛,宰之於彼。

34 And Saul7586 said,559 Disperse6327 yourselves among the people,5971 and say559 to them, Bring5066 me here5066 every man376 his ox,7794 and every man376 his sheep,7716 and slay7819 them here,2088 and eat;398 and sin2398 not against the LORD3068 in eating398 with the blood.1818 And all3605 the people5971 brought5066 every man376 his ox7794 with him that night,3915 and slew7819 them there.8033

35 掃羅築壇,奉事耶和華實始於此。

35 And Saul7586 built1129 an altar4196 to the LORD:3068 the same was the first2490 altar4196 that he built1129 to the LORD.3068

36 掃羅曰,我儕夤夜追非利士人,虜其所有,使其民人,靡有孑遺,迨至黎明,乃止。民對日,爾可任意以行,祭司曰,當詣上帝前。

36 And Saul7586 said,559 Let us go3381 down3381 after310 the Philistines6430 by night,3915 and spoil962 them until5704 the morning1242 light,216 and let us not leave7604 a man376 of them. And they said,559 Do6213 whatever3605 seems5869 good2896 to you. Then said559 the priest,3548 Let us draw near7126 here1988 to God.430

37 掃羅詢於上帝,非利士人今曰可襲之乎。爾其以之付以色列人手乎。是日上帝無所應。

37 And Saul7586 asked7592 counsel of God,430 Shall I go3381 down3381 after310 the Philistines?6430 will you deliver5414 them into the hand3027 of Israel?3478 But he answered6030 him not that day.3117

38 掃羅曰,惟爾民長,咸必前來,欲知今日誰干罪戾,

38 And Saul7586 said,559 Draw you near5066 here,1988 all3605 the chief6438 of the people:5971 and know3045 and see7200 wherein4100 this2088 sin2403 has been1961 this2088 day.3117

39 我指救以色列族之耶和華而誓,雖我子約拿單,亦必死亡。民中無有應之者。

39 For, as the LORD3068 lives,2416 which saves3467 Israel,3478 though3588 518 it be in Jonathan3129 my son,1121 he shall surely3588 die.4191 But there was not a man among all3605 the people5971 that answered6030 him.

40 乃申命於以色列族曰,汝衆在彼,我與我子約拿單在此。民曰,爾任意以行。

40 Then said559 he to all3605 Israel,3478 Be you on one259 side,5676 and I and Jonathan3129 my son1121 will be on the other259 side.5676 And the people5971 said559 to Saul,7586 Do6213 what seems5869 good2896 to you.

41 掃羅祈以色列族之上帝耶和華,曰,願指示其實。掣籤得掃羅及約拿單。民弗與焉。

41 Therefore Saul7586 said559 to the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 Give3051 a perfect8549 lot. And Saul7586 and Jonathan3129 were taken:3920 but the people5971 escaped.3318

42 掃羅曰,於我父子之間,試再掣籤,乃得約拿單。

42 And Saul7586 said,559 Cast5307 lots between996 me and Jonathan3129 my son.1121 And Jonathan3129 was taken.3920

43 掃羅問約拿單曰,爾何所爲,明以告我。約拿單曰,我僅以所執之杖,嘗蜜少許,何至於死。

43 Then Saul7586 said559 to Jonathan,3129 Tell5046 me what4100 you have done.6213 And Jonathan3129 told5046 him, and said,559 I did but taste2938 a little4592 honey1706 with the end7097 of the rod4294 that was in my hand,3027 and, see,2114 I must die.4191

44 掃羅曰,約拿單,我必致爾於死,我不若是,願上帝罰我。

44 And Saul7586 answered,559 God430 do6213 so3541 and more3254 also:3541 for you shall surely die,4191 Jonathan.3129

45 民謂掃羅曰,今曰蒙上帝所祐,約拿單大救以色列族,欲致之死、斷忽不可、我儕指耶和華以誓、其首之一髮、必不隕地、於是約拿單為民所援、免於死亡。

45 And the people5971 said559 to Saul,7586 Shall Jonathan3129 die,4191 who834 has worked6213 this2088 great1419 salvation3444 in Israel?3478 God forbid:2486 as the LORD3068 lives,2416 there shall not one hair8185 of his head7218 fall5307 to the ground;776 for he has worked6213 with God430 this2088 day.3117 So the people5971 rescued6299 Jonathan,3129 that he died4191 not.

46 掃羅不追非利士人,非利士人歸故土。

46 Then Saul7586 went5927 up from following310 the Philistines:6430 and the Philistines6430 went1980 to their own place.4725

47 掃羅爲以色列國王,攻四方之敵,卽摩押,亞捫,以東諸族,鎖巴列王,非利士人,無論所往,均加殘害。

47 So Saul7586 took3920 the kingdom4410 over5921 Israel,3478 and fought3898 against all3605 his enemies341 on every5437 side,5439 against Moab,4124 and against the children1121 of Ammon,5983 and against Edom,123 and against the kings4428 of Zobah,6678 and against the Philistines:6430 and wherever3605 834 he turned6437 himself, he vexed7561 them.

48 率衆擊亞馬力人,免以色列族爲流寇所傷。

48 And he gathered6213 an host,2428 and smote5221 the Amalekites,6003 and delivered5337 Israel3478 out of the hands3027 of them that spoiled8154 them.

49 掃羅有三子,約拿單,以遂,麥基舒亞,又有二女,長名米臘,季名米甲。

49 Now the sons1121 of Saul7586 were Jonathan,3129 and Ishui,3440 and Melchishua:4444 and the names8034 of his two8147 daughters1323 were these; the name8034 of the firstborn1067 Merab,4764 and the name8034 of the younger6996 Michal:4324

50 亞希馬斯女,亞希暖,爲掃羅之妻,掃羅叔,尼耳之子押尼耳爲軍長。

50 And the name8034 of Saul's7586 wife802 was Ahinoam,293 the daughter1323 of Ahimaaz:290 and the name8034 of the captain8269 of his host6635 was Abner,74 the son1121 of Ner,5369 Saul's7586 uncle.1730

51 基士生掃羅,亞庇生尼耳。尼耳生押尼耳。

51 And Kish7027 was the father1 of Saul;7586 and Ner5369 the father1 of Abner74 was the son1121 of Abiel.22

52 掃羅存日,與非利士人力戰,見英武有能之士,則羅而致之。

52 And there was sore2389 war4421 against5921 the Philistines6430 all3605 the days3117 of Saul:7586 and when Saul7586 saw7200 any3605 strong1368 man,376 or any3605 valiant2428 man,1121 he took622 him to him.
