

1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)耶和華啊,我投靠你;求你使我永不羞愧;憑你的公義搭救我。

2 求你側耳而聽,快快救我。作我堅固的磐石,拯救我的保障。

3 因為你是我的岩石,我的山寨;所以,求你為你名的緣故引導我,指點我。

4 求你救我脫離人為我暗設的網羅,因為你是我的力量[strength]

5 我將我的[spirit]交在你手裏;耶和華誠實的神啊,你救贖了我。

6 我恨惡那重看虛謊[regard lying vanities]的人;我卻倚靠耶和華。

7 我要為你的慈愛高興歡喜;因為你已察看[considered]我的困苦,知道我心中的艱難。

8 你未曾把我交在仇敵手裏;你使我的腳站在寬闊之處。

9 耶和華啊,求你憐恤我,因為我在急難之中;我的眼睛因憂愁而乾癟,連我的魂和肚腹[my soul and my belly]也不安舒。

10 我的生命為愁苦所消耗;我的年歲為歎息所花盡[spent]。我的力量因我的罪孽衰敗;我的骨頭也枯乾。

11 在一切敵人中間[among all mine enemies]成了羞辱,在我的鄰居中間[among]更甚,那認識我的都懼怕我;在外頭看見我的都躲避我。

12 我被人忘記,如同死人,無人記念;我好像破碎的器皿。

13 我聽見了許多人的毀謗[slander];四圍都是驚恐[fear];他們一同商議攻擊我的時候,就圖謀要害我的性命。

14 耶和華啊,我仍舊倚靠你;我說:你是我的神。

15 我的日子[My times]在你手中;求你救我脫離仇敵的手和那些逼迫我的人。

16 求你使你的臉光照你的[thy]僕人,憑你的憐憫[mercies']拯救我。

17 耶和華啊,求你叫我不致羞愧;因為我曾呼求[called]你。求你使惡人羞愧,使他們在墳墓[grave]緘默無聲。

18 那說謊的人逞驕傲輕慢,出狂妄的話攻擊義人;願他的嘴啞而無言。

19 敬畏你、投靠你的人,你為他們所積存的,在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢。

20 你必把他們藏在你面前的隱密處,免得遇見人的驕傲[pride];你必暗暗地保守他們在亭子裏,免受口舌的爭鬧。

21 耶和華是應當稱頌的,因為他在堅固城裏向我施展奇妙的慈愛。

22 至於我,我曾急促地說:我從你眼前被隔絕。然而,我呼求你的時候,你仍聽我懇求的聲音。

23 耶和華的聖民哪,你們都要愛他。耶和華保護忠信[faithfully]人,足足報應行事驕傲的人。

24 凡仰望耶和華的人,你們都要壯膽,他也必[and he shall]堅固你們的心。


Psalm 31

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 In thee, O LORD,3068 do I put my trust;2620 let me never408 5769 be ashamed:954 deliver6403 me in thy righteousness.6666

2 Bow down5186 thine ear241 to413 me; deliver5337 me speedily:4120 be1961 thou my strong4581 rock,6697 for a house1004 of defense4686 to save3467 me.

3 For3588 thou859 art my rock5553 and my fortress;4686 therefore for thy name's sake4616 8034 lead5148 me, and guide5095 me.

4 Pull me out3318 of the net4480 7568 that2098 they have laid privily2934 for me: for3588 thou859 art my strength.4581

5 Into thine hand3027 I commit6485 my spirit:7307 thou hast redeemed6299 me, O LORD3068 God410 of truth.571

6 I have hated8130 them that regard8104 lying7723 vanities:1892 but I589 trust982 in413 the LORD.3068

7 I will be glad1523 and rejoice8055 in thy mercy:2617 for834 thou hast considered7200 853 my trouble;6040 thou hast known3045 my soul5315 in adversities;6869

8 And hast not3808 shut me up5462 into the hand3027 of the enemy:341 thou hast set5975 my feet7272 in a large room.4800

9 Have mercy2603 upon me, O LORD,3068 for3588 I am in trouble:6862 mine eye5869 is consumed6244 with grief,3708 yea, my soul5315 and my belly.990

10 For3588 my life2416 is spent3615 with grief,3015 and my years8141 with sighing:585 my strength3581 faileth3782 because of mine iniquity,5771 and my bones6106 are consumed.6244

11 I was1961 a reproach2781 among all4480 3605 mine enemies,6887 but especially3966 among my neighbors,7934 and a fear6343 to mine acquaintance:3045 they that did see7200 me without2351 fled5074 from4480 me.

12 I am forgotten7911 as a dead man4191 out of mind:4480 3820 I am1961 like a broken6 vessel.3627

13 For3588 I have heard8085 the slander1681 of many:7227 fear4032 was on every side:4480 5439 while they took counsel3245 together3162 against5921 me, they devised2161 to take away3947 my life.5315

14 But I589 trusted982 in5921 thee, O LORD:3068 I said,559 Thou859 art my God.430

15 My times6256 are in thy hand:3027 deliver5337 me from the hand4480 3027 of mine enemies,341 and from them that persecute4480 7291 me.

16 Make thy face6440 to shine215 upon5921 thy servant:5650 save3467 me for thy mercies'2617 sake.

17 Let me not408 be ashamed,954 O LORD;3068 for3588 I have called upon7121 thee: let the wicked7563 be ashamed,954 and let them be silent1826 in the grave.7585

18 Let the lying8267 lips8193 be put to silence;481 which speak1696 grievous things6277 proudly1346 and contemptuously937 against5921 the righteous.6662

19 Oh how4100 great7227 is thy goodness,2898 which834 thou hast laid up6845 for them that fear3373 thee; which thou hast wrought6466 for them that trust2620 in thee before5048 the sons1121 of men!120

20 Thou shalt hide5641 them in the secret5643 of thy presence6440 from the pride4480 7407 of man:376 thou shalt keep them secretly6845 in a pavilion5521 from the strife4480 7379 of tongues.3956

21 Blessed1288 be the LORD:3068 for3588 he hath showed me his marvelous kindness6381 2617 in a strong4692 city.5892

22 For I589 said559 in my haste,2648 I am cut off1629 from before4480 5048 thine eyes:5869 nevertheless403 thou heardest8085 the voice6963 of my supplications8469 when I cried7768 unto413 thee.

23 O love157 853 the LORD,3068 all3605 ye his saints:2623 for the LORD3068 preserveth5341 the faithful,539 and plentifully5921 3499 rewardeth7999 the proud1346 doer.6213

24 Be of good courage,2388 and he shall strengthen553 your heart,3824 all3605 ye that hope3176 in the LORD.3068




Psalm 31

1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)耶和華啊,我投靠你;求你使我永不羞愧;憑你的公義搭救我。

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 In thee, O LORD,3068 do I put my trust;2620 let me never408 5769 be ashamed:954 deliver6403 me in thy righteousness.6666

2 求你側耳而聽,快快救我。作我堅固的磐石,拯救我的保障。

2 Bow down5186 thine ear241 to413 me; deliver5337 me speedily:4120 be1961 thou my strong4581 rock,6697 for a house1004 of defense4686 to save3467 me.

3 因為你是我的岩石,我的山寨;所以,求你為你名的緣故引導我,指點我。

3 For3588 thou859 art my rock5553 and my fortress;4686 therefore for thy name's sake4616 8034 lead5148 me, and guide5095 me.

4 求你救我脫離人為我暗設的網羅,因為你是我的力量[strength]

4 Pull me out3318 of the net4480 7568 that2098 they have laid privily2934 for me: for3588 thou859 art my strength.4581

5 我將我的[spirit]交在你手裏;耶和華誠實的神啊,你救贖了我。

5 Into thine hand3027 I commit6485 my spirit:7307 thou hast redeemed6299 me, O LORD3068 God410 of truth.571

6 我恨惡那重看虛謊[regard lying vanities]的人;我卻倚靠耶和華。

6 I have hated8130 them that regard8104 lying7723 vanities:1892 but I589 trust982 in413 the LORD.3068

7 我要為你的慈愛高興歡喜;因為你已察看[considered]我的困苦,知道我心中的艱難。

7 I will be glad1523 and rejoice8055 in thy mercy:2617 for834 thou hast considered7200 853 my trouble;6040 thou hast known3045 my soul5315 in adversities;6869

8 你未曾把我交在仇敵手裏;你使我的腳站在寬闊之處。

8 And hast not3808 shut me up5462 into the hand3027 of the enemy:341 thou hast set5975 my feet7272 in a large room.4800

9 耶和華啊,求你憐恤我,因為我在急難之中;我的眼睛因憂愁而乾癟,連我的魂和肚腹[my soul and my belly]也不安舒。

9 Have mercy2603 upon me, O LORD,3068 for3588 I am in trouble:6862 mine eye5869 is consumed6244 with grief,3708 yea, my soul5315 and my belly.990

10 我的生命為愁苦所消耗;我的年歲為歎息所花盡[spent]。我的力量因我的罪孽衰敗;我的骨頭也枯乾。

10 For3588 my life2416 is spent3615 with grief,3015 and my years8141 with sighing:585 my strength3581 faileth3782 because of mine iniquity,5771 and my bones6106 are consumed.6244

11 在一切敵人中間[among all mine enemies]成了羞辱,在我的鄰居中間[among]更甚,那認識我的都懼怕我;在外頭看見我的都躲避我。

11 I was1961 a reproach2781 among all4480 3605 mine enemies,6887 but especially3966 among my neighbors,7934 and a fear6343 to mine acquaintance:3045 they that did see7200 me without2351 fled5074 from4480 me.

12 我被人忘記,如同死人,無人記念;我好像破碎的器皿。

12 I am forgotten7911 as a dead man4191 out of mind:4480 3820 I am1961 like a broken6 vessel.3627

13 我聽見了許多人的毀謗[slander];四圍都是驚恐[fear];他們一同商議攻擊我的時候,就圖謀要害我的性命。

13 For3588 I have heard8085 the slander1681 of many:7227 fear4032 was on every side:4480 5439 while they took counsel3245 together3162 against5921 me, they devised2161 to take away3947 my life.5315

14 耶和華啊,我仍舊倚靠你;我說:你是我的神。

14 But I589 trusted982 in5921 thee, O LORD:3068 I said,559 Thou859 art my God.430

15 我的日子[My times]在你手中;求你救我脫離仇敵的手和那些逼迫我的人。

15 My times6256 are in thy hand:3027 deliver5337 me from the hand4480 3027 of mine enemies,341 and from them that persecute4480 7291 me.

16 求你使你的臉光照你的[thy]僕人,憑你的憐憫[mercies']拯救我。

16 Make thy face6440 to shine215 upon5921 thy servant:5650 save3467 me for thy mercies'2617 sake.

17 耶和華啊,求你叫我不致羞愧;因為我曾呼求[called]你。求你使惡人羞愧,使他們在墳墓[grave]緘默無聲。

17 Let me not408 be ashamed,954 O LORD;3068 for3588 I have called upon7121 thee: let the wicked7563 be ashamed,954 and let them be silent1826 in the grave.7585

18 那說謊的人逞驕傲輕慢,出狂妄的話攻擊義人;願他的嘴啞而無言。

18 Let the lying8267 lips8193 be put to silence;481 which speak1696 grievous things6277 proudly1346 and contemptuously937 against5921 the righteous.6662

19 敬畏你、投靠你的人,你為他們所積存的,在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢。

19 Oh how4100 great7227 is thy goodness,2898 which834 thou hast laid up6845 for them that fear3373 thee; which thou hast wrought6466 for them that trust2620 in thee before5048 the sons1121 of men!120

20 你必把他們藏在你面前的隱密處,免得遇見人的驕傲[pride];你必暗暗地保守他們在亭子裏,免受口舌的爭鬧。

20 Thou shalt hide5641 them in the secret5643 of thy presence6440 from the pride4480 7407 of man:376 thou shalt keep them secretly6845 in a pavilion5521 from the strife4480 7379 of tongues.3956

21 耶和華是應當稱頌的,因為他在堅固城裏向我施展奇妙的慈愛。

21 Blessed1288 be the LORD:3068 for3588 he hath showed me his marvelous kindness6381 2617 in a strong4692 city.5892

22 至於我,我曾急促地說:我從你眼前被隔絕。然而,我呼求你的時候,你仍聽我懇求的聲音。

22 For I589 said559 in my haste,2648 I am cut off1629 from before4480 5048 thine eyes:5869 nevertheless403 thou heardest8085 the voice6963 of my supplications8469 when I cried7768 unto413 thee.

23 耶和華的聖民哪,你們都要愛他。耶和華保護忠信[faithfully]人,足足報應行事驕傲的人。

23 O love157 853 the LORD,3068 all3605 ye his saints:2623 for the LORD3068 preserveth5341 the faithful,539 and plentifully5921 3499 rewardeth7999 the proud1346 doer.6213

24 凡仰望耶和華的人,你們都要壯膽,他也必[and he shall]堅固你們的心。

24 Be of good courage,2388 and he shall strengthen553 your heart,3824 all3605 ye that hope3176 in the LORD.3068