

1 耶和華對摩西說:

2 「你吩咐亞倫和他子孫說:要遠離以色列人所分別為聖、歸給我的聖物,免得在這些事上[in those things]褻瀆我的聖名。我是耶和華。

3 你要對他們說:你們世世代代的後裔,凡身上有污穢、親近以色列人所分別為聖、歸耶和華聖物的,那人必在我面前剪除。我是耶和華。

4 亞倫的後裔,凡長大痲瘋的,或是有漏症的,不可吃聖物,直等他潔淨了。無論誰摸那因死屍不潔淨的[thing],或是遺精的人,

5 或是摸甚麼使他不潔淨的爬物,或是摸那使他不潔淨的人,不拘那人有甚麼不潔淨,

6 摸了這[such]人、物的,必不潔淨到晚上;若不用水洗身,就不可吃聖物。

7 日落的時候,他就潔淨了,然後可以吃聖物,因為這是他的食物。

8 自死的或是被野獸撕裂的,他不可吃,因此污穢自己。我是耶和華。

9 所以他們要守我所[ordinance]的,免得輕忽了,因此擔罪而死;我耶和華要叫他們成聖[I the LORD do sanctify them]

10 「凡外人不可吃聖物;寄居在祭司家的,或是雇用的僕人[hired servant],都不可吃聖物;

11 倘若祭司買人,是他的錢買的,那人就可以吃聖物;生在他家的人也可以吃。

12 祭司的女兒若嫁外人,就不可吃獻祭[offering]的聖物。

13 但祭司的女兒若是寡婦,或是被休的,沒有孩子,又歸回父家,與她青年一樣,就可以吃她父親的食物;只是外人不可吃。

14 若有人誤吃了聖物,要照聖物的原數加上五分之一交給祭司。

15 祭司不可褻瀆以色列人所獻給耶和華的聖物,

16 免得他們在吃聖物上自取過犯[trespasses]罪孽,因為我耶和華要叫他們成聖[I the LORD do sanctify them]。」

17 耶和華對摩西說:

18 「你曉諭亞倫和他子孫,並以色列眾人說:以色列家中的人,或在以色列中作外人的[strangers],凡獻供物,無論是所許的願,是甘心獻的,就是獻給耶和華作燔祭的;

19 要將沒有殘疾的公牛,或是綿羊,或是山羊甘心獻上[offer at your own will]

20 凡有殘疾的,你們不可獻上,因為這不蒙悅納。

21 凡從牛群或是羊群中,將一祭分的[a sacrifice of]平安祭獻給耶和華,為要還特許的願,或是作甘心獻的,所獻的必純全無殘疾的才蒙悅納。

22 瞎眼的、折傷的、殘廢的、有瘤子的、長癬的、長疥的都不可獻給耶和華,也不可在壇上作為火祭獻給耶和華。

23 無論是公牛是綿羊羔,若肢體有餘的,或是缺少的,只可作甘心祭獻上;用以還願,卻不蒙悅納。

24 凡是[that which is]損傷的,或是壓碎的,或是破裂的,或是騸了的,不可獻給耶和華;在你們的地上也不可獻這樣的祭[make any offering thereof]

25 這類的物,你們從外人的手,一樣也不可接受作你們神的食物獻上;因為這些都有損壞,有殘疾,不蒙悅納。」

26 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

27 「才生的公牛,或是綿羊或是山羊,七天當跟著母;從第八天以後,可以當供物蒙悅納,作為耶和華的火祭。

28 無論是母牛是母羊,不可同日宰母和子。

29 你們獻感謝祭給耶和華,要甘心樂意而獻[offer it at your own will]

30 要當日吃,一點不可留到明天[morrow]。我是耶和華。

31 「你們要謹守遵行我的誡命。我是耶和華。

32 你們不可褻瀆我的聖名;我在以色列人中,卻要被尊為聖。我是叫你們成聖的耶和華,

33 把你們從埃及地領出來,作你們的神。我是耶和華。」


Chapter 22

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 Speak1696 to Aaron175 and to his sons,1121 that they separate5144 themselves from the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 and that they profane2490 not my holy6944 name8034 in those things which834 they hallow6942 to me: I am the LORD.3068

3 Say559 to them, Whoever376 834 he be of all3605 your seed2233 among your generations,1755 that goes7126 to the holy6944 things, which834 the children1121 of Israel3478 hallow6942 to the LORD,3068 having his uncleanness2932 on him, that soul5315 shall be cut3772 off from my presence:6440 I am the LORD.3068

4 What376 man376 soever of the seed2233 of Aaron175 is a leper,6879 or176 has a running2100 issue;2100 he shall not eat398 of the holy6944 things, until5704 he be clean.2891 And whoever touches5060 any3605 thing that is unclean2931 by the dead,5315 or176 a man376 whose834 seed7902 2233 goes3318 from him;

5 Or176 whoever376 834 touches5060 any3605 creeping8318 thing, whereby834 he may be made unclean,2930 or176 a man120 of whom834 he may take uncleanness,2930 whatever3605 uncleanness2932 he has;

6 The soul5315 which834 has touched5060 any such shall be unclean2930 until5704 even,6153 and shall not eat398 of the holy6944 things, unless3588 518 he wash7364 his flesh1320 with water.4325

7 And when the sun8121 is down,935 he shall be clean,2891 and shall afterward310 eat398 of the holy6944 things; because3588 it is his food.3899

8 That which dies5038 of itself, or is torn2966 with beasts,2966 he shall not eat398 to defile2930 himself therewith; I am the LORD.3068

9 They shall therefore keep8104 my ordinance,4931 lest3808 they bear5375 sin2399 for it, and die4191 therefore, if3588 they profane2490 it: I the LORD3068 do sanctify6942 them.

10 There shall no3808 stranger2114 eat398 of the holy6944 thing: a sojourner8453 of the priest,3548 or an hired7916 servant,7916 shall not eat398 of the holy6944 thing.

11 But if3588 the priest3548 buy7069 any soul5315 with his money,3701 he shall eat398 of it, and he that is born3211 in his house:1004 they shall eat398 of his meat.3899

12 If3588 the priest's3548 daughter1323 also be married to a stranger,376 2114 she may not eat398 of an offering8641 of the holy6944 things.

13 But if3588 the priest's3548 daughter1323 be a widow,490 or divorced,1644 and have no369 child,2233 and is returned7725 to her father's1 house,1004 as in her youth,5271 she shall eat398 of her father's1 meat:3899 but there shall be no3808 stranger2114 eat398 thereof.

14 And if3588 a man376 eat398 of the holy6944 thing unwittingly,7684 then he shall put3254 the fifth2549 part thereof to it, and shall give5414 it to the priest3548 with the holy6944 thing.

15 And they shall not profane2490 the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they offer7311 to the LORD;3068

16 Or suffer5375 them to bear5375 the iniquity5771 of trespass,819 when they eat398 their holy6944 things: for I the LORD3068 do sanctify6942 them.

17 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

18 Speak1696 to Aaron,175 and to his sons,1121 and to all3605 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, Whatever376 834 he be of the house1004 of Israel,3478 or of the strangers1616 in Israel,3478 that will offer7126 his oblation7133 for all3605 his vows,5088 and for all3605 his freewill5071 offerings, which834 they will offer7126 to the LORD3068 for a burnt5930 offering;

19 You shall offer at your own will7522 a male2145 without8549 blemish,8549 of the beeves,1241 of the sheep,3775 or of the goats.5795

20 But whatever3605 has a blemish,3971 that shall you not offer:7126 for it shall not be acceptable7522 for you.

21 And whoever376 834 offers7126 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings to the LORD3068 to accomplish6381 his vow,5088 or176 a freewill5071 offering in beeves1241 or sheep,6629 it shall be perfect8549 to be accepted;7522 there shall be no3808 blemish3971 therein.

22 Blind,5788 or176 broken,7665 or176 maimed,2782 or176 having a running sore,2990 or176 scurvy,1618 or176 scabbed,3217 you shall not offer7126 these428 to the LORD,3068 nor3808 make5414 an offering by fire of them on the altar4196 to the LORD.3068

23 Either a bullock7794 or a lamb7716 that has any thing superfluous8311 or lacking7038 in his parts, that may you offer6213 for a freewill5071 offering; but for a vow5088 it shall not be accepted.7521

24 You shall not offer7126 to the LORD3068 that which is bruised,4600 or crushed,3807 or broken,5423 or cut;3772 neither3808 shall you make6213 any offering thereof in your land.776

25 Neither3808 from a stranger's1121 5236 hand3027 shall you offer7126 the bread3899 of your God430 of any3605 of these;428 because3588 their corruption4893 is in them, and blemishes3971 be in them: they shall not be accepted7521 for you.

26 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

27 When a bullock,7794 or176 a sheep,3775 or176 a goat,5795 is brought3205 forth,3205 then it shall be seven7651 days3117 under8478 the dam;517 and from the eighth8066 day3117 and thereafter1973 it shall be accepted7521 for an offering made by fire to the LORD.3068

28 And whether it be cow,7794 or176 ewe,7716 you shall not kill7819 it and her young1121 both in one259 day.3117

29 And when3588 you will offer2076 a sacrifice2077 of thanksgiving8426 to the LORD,3068 offer2076 it at your own will.7522

30 On the same1931 day3117 it shall be eaten398 up; you shall leave3498 none3808 of it until5704 the morrow:1242 I am the LORD.3068

31 Therefore shall you keep8104 my commandments,4687 and do6213 them: I am the LORD.3068

32 Neither3808 shall you profane2490 my holy6944 name;8034 but I will be hallowed6942 among8432 the children1121 of Israel:3478 I am the LORD3068 which hallow6942 you,

33 That brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 to be your God:430 I am the LORD.3068




Chapter 22

1 耶和華對摩西說:

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

2 「你吩咐亞倫和他子孫說:要遠離以色列人所分別為聖、歸給我的聖物,免得在這些事上[in those things]褻瀆我的聖名。我是耶和華。

2 Speak1696 to Aaron175 and to his sons,1121 that they separate5144 themselves from the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 and that they profane2490 not my holy6944 name8034 in those things which834 they hallow6942 to me: I am the LORD.3068

3 你要對他們說:你們世世代代的後裔,凡身上有污穢、親近以色列人所分別為聖、歸耶和華聖物的,那人必在我面前剪除。我是耶和華。

3 Say559 to them, Whoever376 834 he be of all3605 your seed2233 among your generations,1755 that goes7126 to the holy6944 things, which834 the children1121 of Israel3478 hallow6942 to the LORD,3068 having his uncleanness2932 on him, that soul5315 shall be cut3772 off from my presence:6440 I am the LORD.3068

4 亞倫的後裔,凡長大痲瘋的,或是有漏症的,不可吃聖物,直等他潔淨了。無論誰摸那因死屍不潔淨的[thing],或是遺精的人,

4 What376 man376 soever of the seed2233 of Aaron175 is a leper,6879 or176 has a running2100 issue;2100 he shall not eat398 of the holy6944 things, until5704 he be clean.2891 And whoever touches5060 any3605 thing that is unclean2931 by the dead,5315 or176 a man376 whose834 seed7902 2233 goes3318 from him;

5 或是摸甚麼使他不潔淨的爬物,或是摸那使他不潔淨的人,不拘那人有甚麼不潔淨,

5 Or176 whoever376 834 touches5060 any3605 creeping8318 thing, whereby834 he may be made unclean,2930 or176 a man120 of whom834 he may take uncleanness,2930 whatever3605 uncleanness2932 he has;

6 摸了這[such]人、物的,必不潔淨到晚上;若不用水洗身,就不可吃聖物。

6 The soul5315 which834 has touched5060 any such shall be unclean2930 until5704 even,6153 and shall not eat398 of the holy6944 things, unless3588 518 he wash7364 his flesh1320 with water.4325

7 日落的時候,他就潔淨了,然後可以吃聖物,因為這是他的食物。

7 And when the sun8121 is down,935 he shall be clean,2891 and shall afterward310 eat398 of the holy6944 things; because3588 it is his food.3899

8 自死的或是被野獸撕裂的,他不可吃,因此污穢自己。我是耶和華。

8 That which dies5038 of itself, or is torn2966 with beasts,2966 he shall not eat398 to defile2930 himself therewith; I am the LORD.3068

9 所以他們要守我所[ordinance]的,免得輕忽了,因此擔罪而死;我耶和華要叫他們成聖[I the LORD do sanctify them]

9 They shall therefore keep8104 my ordinance,4931 lest3808 they bear5375 sin2399 for it, and die4191 therefore, if3588 they profane2490 it: I the LORD3068 do sanctify6942 them.

10 「凡外人不可吃聖物;寄居在祭司家的,或是雇用的僕人[hired servant],都不可吃聖物;

10 There shall no3808 stranger2114 eat398 of the holy6944 thing: a sojourner8453 of the priest,3548 or an hired7916 servant,7916 shall not eat398 of the holy6944 thing.

11 倘若祭司買人,是他的錢買的,那人就可以吃聖物;生在他家的人也可以吃。

11 But if3588 the priest3548 buy7069 any soul5315 with his money,3701 he shall eat398 of it, and he that is born3211 in his house:1004 they shall eat398 of his meat.3899

12 祭司的女兒若嫁外人,就不可吃獻祭[offering]的聖物。

12 If3588 the priest's3548 daughter1323 also be married to a stranger,376 2114 she may not eat398 of an offering8641 of the holy6944 things.

13 但祭司的女兒若是寡婦,或是被休的,沒有孩子,又歸回父家,與她青年一樣,就可以吃她父親的食物;只是外人不可吃。

13 But if3588 the priest's3548 daughter1323 be a widow,490 or divorced,1644 and have no369 child,2233 and is returned7725 to her father's1 house,1004 as in her youth,5271 she shall eat398 of her father's1 meat:3899 but there shall be no3808 stranger2114 eat398 thereof.

14 若有人誤吃了聖物,要照聖物的原數加上五分之一交給祭司。

14 And if3588 a man376 eat398 of the holy6944 thing unwittingly,7684 then he shall put3254 the fifth2549 part thereof to it, and shall give5414 it to the priest3548 with the holy6944 thing.

15 祭司不可褻瀆以色列人所獻給耶和華的聖物,

15 And they shall not profane2490 the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they offer7311 to the LORD;3068

16 免得他們在吃聖物上自取過犯[trespasses]罪孽,因為我耶和華要叫他們成聖[I the LORD do sanctify them]。」

16 Or suffer5375 them to bear5375 the iniquity5771 of trespass,819 when they eat398 their holy6944 things: for I the LORD3068 do sanctify6942 them.

17 耶和華對摩西說:

17 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

18 「你曉諭亞倫和他子孫,並以色列眾人說:以色列家中的人,或在以色列中作外人的[strangers],凡獻供物,無論是所許的願,是甘心獻的,就是獻給耶和華作燔祭的;

18 Speak1696 to Aaron,175 and to his sons,1121 and to all3605 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 to them, Whatever376 834 he be of the house1004 of Israel,3478 or of the strangers1616 in Israel,3478 that will offer7126 his oblation7133 for all3605 his vows,5088 and for all3605 his freewill5071 offerings, which834 they will offer7126 to the LORD3068 for a burnt5930 offering;

19 要將沒有殘疾的公牛,或是綿羊,或是山羊甘心獻上[offer at your own will]

19 You shall offer at your own will7522 a male2145 without8549 blemish,8549 of the beeves,1241 of the sheep,3775 or of the goats.5795

20 凡有殘疾的,你們不可獻上,因為這不蒙悅納。

20 But whatever3605 has a blemish,3971 that shall you not offer:7126 for it shall not be acceptable7522 for you.

21 凡從牛群或是羊群中,將一祭分的[a sacrifice of]平安祭獻給耶和華,為要還特許的願,或是作甘心獻的,所獻的必純全無殘疾的才蒙悅納。

21 And whoever376 834 offers7126 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings to the LORD3068 to accomplish6381 his vow,5088 or176 a freewill5071 offering in beeves1241 or sheep,6629 it shall be perfect8549 to be accepted;7522 there shall be no3808 blemish3971 therein.

22 瞎眼的、折傷的、殘廢的、有瘤子的、長癬的、長疥的都不可獻給耶和華,也不可在壇上作為火祭獻給耶和華。

22 Blind,5788 or176 broken,7665 or176 maimed,2782 or176 having a running sore,2990 or176 scurvy,1618 or176 scabbed,3217 you shall not offer7126 these428 to the LORD,3068 nor3808 make5414 an offering by fire of them on the altar4196 to the LORD.3068

23 無論是公牛是綿羊羔,若肢體有餘的,或是缺少的,只可作甘心祭獻上;用以還願,卻不蒙悅納。

23 Either a bullock7794 or a lamb7716 that has any thing superfluous8311 or lacking7038 in his parts, that may you offer6213 for a freewill5071 offering; but for a vow5088 it shall not be accepted.7521

24 凡是[that which is]損傷的,或是壓碎的,或是破裂的,或是騸了的,不可獻給耶和華;在你們的地上也不可獻這樣的祭[make any offering thereof]

24 You shall not offer7126 to the LORD3068 that which is bruised,4600 or crushed,3807 or broken,5423 or cut;3772 neither3808 shall you make6213 any offering thereof in your land.776

25 這類的物,你們從外人的手,一樣也不可接受作你們神的食物獻上;因為這些都有損壞,有殘疾,不蒙悅納。」

25 Neither3808 from a stranger's1121 5236 hand3027 shall you offer7126 the bread3899 of your God430 of any3605 of these;428 because3588 their corruption4893 is in them, and blemishes3971 be in them: they shall not be accepted7521 for you.

26 耶和華曉諭摩西說:

26 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

27 「才生的公牛,或是綿羊或是山羊,七天當跟著母;從第八天以後,可以當供物蒙悅納,作為耶和華的火祭。

27 When a bullock,7794 or176 a sheep,3775 or176 a goat,5795 is brought3205 forth,3205 then it shall be seven7651 days3117 under8478 the dam;517 and from the eighth8066 day3117 and thereafter1973 it shall be accepted7521 for an offering made by fire to the LORD.3068

28 無論是母牛是母羊,不可同日宰母和子。

28 And whether it be cow,7794 or176 ewe,7716 you shall not kill7819 it and her young1121 both in one259 day.3117

29 你們獻感謝祭給耶和華,要甘心樂意而獻[offer it at your own will]

29 And when3588 you will offer2076 a sacrifice2077 of thanksgiving8426 to the LORD,3068 offer2076 it at your own will.7522

30 要當日吃,一點不可留到明天[morrow]。我是耶和華。

30 On the same1931 day3117 it shall be eaten398 up; you shall leave3498 none3808 of it until5704 the morrow:1242 I am the LORD.3068

31 「你們要謹守遵行我的誡命。我是耶和華。

31 Therefore shall you keep8104 my commandments,4687 and do6213 them: I am the LORD.3068

32 你們不可褻瀆我的聖名;我在以色列人中,卻要被尊為聖。我是叫你們成聖的耶和華,

32 Neither3808 shall you profane2490 my holy6944 name;8034 but I will be hallowed6942 among8432 the children1121 of Israel:3478 I am the LORD3068 which hallow6942 you,

33 把你們從埃及地領出來,作你們的神。我是耶和華。」

33 That brought3318 you out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 to be your God:430 I am the LORD.3068