

1 (此大闢所作篇名朝麀使伶長歌之)我之上帝、我之上帝、何以遺予、何不聽我籲呼、而救我躬兮、

2 上帝兮我晝籲告兮、不蒙垂聽、夜祈禱兮、不獲綏安、

3 惟爾至聖兮、以色列族頌美之兮、

4 我之列祖、惟爾是賴、蒙爾拯救兮、

5 彼籲爾而得援手兮、彼賴爾而不貽羞兮、

6 彼世人兮視予若蚓、不齒於人類、爲衆所凌辱、所藐視兮、

7 見予之人、必加戲笑、張吻而搖首曰、

8 彼恃耶和華、若耶和華悅之、今必見拯。

9 子曰、上帝兮、爾使予生於世、乳哺之時、惟爾是賴兮、

10 予旣誕生、托身於爾、視爾爲我之上帝兮、

11 今患難迫切、援手無人、爾勿遐棄兮。

12 健牛成羣、至自巴山、四面環集兮、

13 其口孔張、吼似猛獅兮、

14 予不覺觳觫、而骨若散兮、氣之餒也、如水之流蕩兮、心之怯也、若蠟之消融兮、

15 精力日以衰、如陶器嘆火而燥兮、齦閉舌卷、命臨死地兮、

16 梟獍圍我、惡黨環攻、傷予手足兮、

17 予骨露立、歷歷可數、爲人輕覬兮、

18 分我外服、鬮我裏衣兮、

19 耶和華兮、予惟爾力是恃、毋我遐棄、速至而援手兮、

20 使我不蹈利刃、而脫生命於梟獍兮、

21 獅口欲噬予、爾拯救兮、兕角欲抵予、爾垂聽兮。

22 故我播爾名於兄弟間、頌爾於會中兮、

23 曰耶和華兮、敬虔之士、當頌美之、雅各子孫、必揄揚之、以色列後裔、必寅畏之、

24 貧乏者流、祈禱耶和華、蒙其俯聞、弗爲藐視、不見厭惡、不被遐棄、

25 大會之中、我讚爾名、敬虔者間、我償其願兮、

26 貧乏之人、必得食而果腹、崇事耶和華者、必頌讚而恒樂、

27 地之四極、咸宗此理、歸耶和華兮、異邦民人、俯伏主前兮、

28 大權操自耶和華、誠萬國之主兮、

29 席豐履厚者、必崇事之兮、困苦瀕死者、必拜跪之兮、

30 若子若孫、供役耶和華、世世相沿、頌揚其大義、稱述其經綸。

31 併於上節


Psalm 22

1 MY God, my God, why hast thou let me to live? and yet thou hast delayed my salvation from me, because of the words of my folly.

2 O my God, I call thee in the daytime but thou answerest me not; and in the night season thou abidest not with me.

3 For thou art holy, and Israel dwells under thy glory.

4 Our fathers trusted in thee; they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.

5 They cried unto thee and were delivered; they trusted in thee and were not confounded.

6 But I am a worm, and not a man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

7 All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn; they shoot out with their lips, they shake their heads, saying,

8 He trusted in the LORD; let the LORD deliver him; let him save him, if he be delighted in him.

9 For thou art my trust since I came out of the womb, and my hope since I was upon my mother's breasts.

10 I was put under thy care from the womb; thou art my God from my mother's belly.

11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have surrounded me: strong bulls of Bashan have besieged me.

13 Their mouths snarl against me, as a ravening and roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is melted like wax, and my bowels are wasted in the midst of me.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaves to my jaws; and thou hast thrown me into the dust of death.

16 For the vicious have surrounded me; the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me; they have pierced my hands and my feet.

17 My bones ached with pain; they looked and stared upon me.

18 They parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

19 But, O LORD, be not thou far from me; O God, O God, abide to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword, my only one from the hand of the vicious.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth; save my meekness from the haughty,

22 That I may declare thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

23 You that revere the LORD, praise him; all you the offspring of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all you descendants of Israel.

24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poor; neither has he turned away his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard him.

25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation; I will fulfil my vows before them that worship him.

26 The poor shall eat and be satisfied; they shall praise the LORD that seek him; their hearts shall live for ever.

27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the LORD; and all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall worship before thee.

28 For the kingdom is the LORD'S; he is the governor over the Gentiles.

29 All they that are hungry upon earth shall eat and worship before the LORD; all they that are buried shall kneel before him; my soul is alive to him.

30 An offspring shall serve him; the generations thereof shall proclaim the LORD.

31 They shall come and declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born, and tell that which the LORD has done.




Psalm 22

1 (此大闢所作篇名朝麀使伶長歌之)我之上帝、我之上帝、何以遺予、何不聽我籲呼、而救我躬兮、

1 MY God, my God, why hast thou let me to live? and yet thou hast delayed my salvation from me, because of the words of my folly.

2 上帝兮我晝籲告兮、不蒙垂聽、夜祈禱兮、不獲綏安、

2 O my God, I call thee in the daytime but thou answerest me not; and in the night season thou abidest not with me.

3 惟爾至聖兮、以色列族頌美之兮、

3 For thou art holy, and Israel dwells under thy glory.

4 我之列祖、惟爾是賴、蒙爾拯救兮、

4 Our fathers trusted in thee; they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.

5 彼籲爾而得援手兮、彼賴爾而不貽羞兮、

5 They cried unto thee and were delivered; they trusted in thee and were not confounded.

6 彼世人兮視予若蚓、不齒於人類、爲衆所凌辱、所藐視兮、

6 But I am a worm, and not a man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

7 見予之人、必加戲笑、張吻而搖首曰、

7 All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn; they shoot out with their lips, they shake their heads, saying,

8 彼恃耶和華、若耶和華悅之、今必見拯。

8 He trusted in the LORD; let the LORD deliver him; let him save him, if he be delighted in him.

9 子曰、上帝兮、爾使予生於世、乳哺之時、惟爾是賴兮、

9 For thou art my trust since I came out of the womb, and my hope since I was upon my mother's breasts.

10 予旣誕生、托身於爾、視爾爲我之上帝兮、

10 I was put under thy care from the womb; thou art my God from my mother's belly.

11 今患難迫切、援手無人、爾勿遐棄兮。

11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

12 健牛成羣、至自巴山、四面環集兮、

12 Many bulls have surrounded me: strong bulls of Bashan have besieged me.

13 其口孔張、吼似猛獅兮、

13 Their mouths snarl against me, as a ravening and roaring lion.

14 予不覺觳觫、而骨若散兮、氣之餒也、如水之流蕩兮、心之怯也、若蠟之消融兮、

14 I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is melted like wax, and my bowels are wasted in the midst of me.

15 精力日以衰、如陶器嘆火而燥兮、齦閉舌卷、命臨死地兮、

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaves to my jaws; and thou hast thrown me into the dust of death.

16 梟獍圍我、惡黨環攻、傷予手足兮、

16 For the vicious have surrounded me; the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me; they have pierced my hands and my feet.

17 予骨露立、歷歷可數、爲人輕覬兮、

17 My bones ached with pain; they looked and stared upon me.

18 分我外服、鬮我裏衣兮、

18 They parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

19 耶和華兮、予惟爾力是恃、毋我遐棄、速至而援手兮、

19 But, O LORD, be not thou far from me; O God, O God, abide to help me.

20 使我不蹈利刃、而脫生命於梟獍兮、

20 Deliver my soul from the sword, my only one from the hand of the vicious.

21 獅口欲噬予、爾拯救兮、兕角欲抵予、爾垂聽兮。

21 Save me from the lion's mouth; save my meekness from the haughty,

22 故我播爾名於兄弟間、頌爾於會中兮、

22 That I may declare thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

23 曰耶和華兮、敬虔之士、當頌美之、雅各子孫、必揄揚之、以色列後裔、必寅畏之、

23 You that revere the LORD, praise him; all you the offspring of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all you descendants of Israel.

24 貧乏者流、祈禱耶和華、蒙其俯聞、弗爲藐視、不見厭惡、不被遐棄、

24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the poor; neither has he turned away his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard him.

25 大會之中、我讚爾名、敬虔者間、我償其願兮、

25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation; I will fulfil my vows before them that worship him.

26 貧乏之人、必得食而果腹、崇事耶和華者、必頌讚而恒樂、

26 The poor shall eat and be satisfied; they shall praise the LORD that seek him; their hearts shall live for ever.

27 地之四極、咸宗此理、歸耶和華兮、異邦民人、俯伏主前兮、

27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the LORD; and all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall worship before thee.

28 大權操自耶和華、誠萬國之主兮、

28 For the kingdom is the LORD'S; he is the governor over the Gentiles.

29 席豐履厚者、必崇事之兮、困苦瀕死者、必拜跪之兮、

29 All they that are hungry upon earth shall eat and worship before the LORD; all they that are buried shall kneel before him; my soul is alive to him.

30 若子若孫、供役耶和華、世世相沿、頌揚其大義、稱述其經綸。

30 An offspring shall serve him; the generations thereof shall proclaim the LORD.

31 併於上節

31 They shall come and declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born, and tell that which the LORD has done.
