

1 年當少壯、必及時敬造化之主、宜憶勿忘、斯時也、患難憂愁之日尚未至。

2 旣屆其期、日月星辰必晦其光、雲遮靉靆、雨降淋漓。

3 守室者必戰慄、有力者必卷曲、旋磨者寡而缺、窺牖者昏而黑、

4 通衢之門已閉、旋磨之聲不聞、鳥鳴而寢卽起、謳歌而音不揚、

5 不敢登高、行於途中亦多畏葸、以杏核爲可厭、以螜蟲爲重物、生平嗜好、百無一存、人歸窀穸、哀者行於衢。

6 銀索已解、金盂已毀、泉旁汲器已破、井上轆轤已折、

7 人本摶土所爲、死則返本、人之魂靈爲上帝所賦畀、死則歸乎上帝。〇

8 傳道者曰、我觀萬事、空之又空、虛之又虛。

9 我旣有智、教民以智、專心求道、陳述箴規。

10 我所云嘉言也、所錄實語也、

11 哲士之言、譬諸刺、譬諸釘、一主所諭、衆師所傳。

12 爾小子、以此爲戒、著述若多、功不能竟、學而徒勤、適勞其心。

13 事之大畧、爾其聽之、寅畏上帝、守其誠命、此人之大端。

14 上帝必鞫萬事、彰其隱微、或善或惡、加以賞罰。


Chapter 12

1 REMEMBER now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw nigh when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them;

2 Before life ebbs, beauty fades, fortune fails, and poverty returns after prosperity;

3 In the day when the legs tremble and the arms weaken, and the teeth chew no more because they are few, and the eyes are dimmed,

4 And the ears shall be so dulled that the sound of women grinding at the mill is low, and a man shall rise up at the song of birds; and the sound of women singing shall be low;

5 He shall be afraid of that which is high, and shall tremble in his ways, and sleeplessness shall come upon him; the almond tree shall blossom, and the locust shall be multiplied, and fragrance shall scatter, and trouble shall cease; because man goes to the house of his reward and the mourners walk about the streets.

6 Remember him before the silver cord is cut off and the golden bowl is broken and the pitcher is broken at the fountain or the wheel is broken at the cistern,

7 Then the dust shall return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

8 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, all is vanity.

9 And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed and sought out and composed many proverbs.

10 The Preacher sought to find agreeable words; and he wrote uprightly the words of truth.

11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails deeply fastened, which are arranged by workmen and given from one master builder.

12 Furthermore, my son, take heed; of writing many en_lbp_books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear the LORD and keep his commandments; this is given by one Master to every man.

14 For the LORD shall bring every work into judgment, concerning everything which is hidden and known, whether it be good or whether it be evil.




Chapter 12

1 年當少壯、必及時敬造化之主、宜憶勿忘、斯時也、患難憂愁之日尚未至。

1 REMEMBER now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw nigh when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them;

2 旣屆其期、日月星辰必晦其光、雲遮靉靆、雨降淋漓。

2 Before life ebbs, beauty fades, fortune fails, and poverty returns after prosperity;

3 守室者必戰慄、有力者必卷曲、旋磨者寡而缺、窺牖者昏而黑、

3 In the day when the legs tremble and the arms weaken, and the teeth chew no more because they are few, and the eyes are dimmed,

4 通衢之門已閉、旋磨之聲不聞、鳥鳴而寢卽起、謳歌而音不揚、

4 And the ears shall be so dulled that the sound of women grinding at the mill is low, and a man shall rise up at the song of birds; and the sound of women singing shall be low;

5 不敢登高、行於途中亦多畏葸、以杏核爲可厭、以螜蟲爲重物、生平嗜好、百無一存、人歸窀穸、哀者行於衢。

5 He shall be afraid of that which is high, and shall tremble in his ways, and sleeplessness shall come upon him; the almond tree shall blossom, and the locust shall be multiplied, and fragrance shall scatter, and trouble shall cease; because man goes to the house of his reward and the mourners walk about the streets.

6 銀索已解、金盂已毀、泉旁汲器已破、井上轆轤已折、

6 Remember him before the silver cord is cut off and the golden bowl is broken and the pitcher is broken at the fountain or the wheel is broken at the cistern,

7 人本摶土所爲、死則返本、人之魂靈爲上帝所賦畀、死則歸乎上帝。〇

7 Then the dust shall return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.

8 傳道者曰、我觀萬事、空之又空、虛之又虛。

8 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, all is vanity.

9 我旣有智、教民以智、專心求道、陳述箴規。

9 And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed and sought out and composed many proverbs.

10 我所云嘉言也、所錄實語也、

10 The Preacher sought to find agreeable words; and he wrote uprightly the words of truth.

11 哲士之言、譬諸刺、譬諸釘、一主所諭、衆師所傳。

11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails deeply fastened, which are arranged by workmen and given from one master builder.

12 爾小子、以此爲戒、著述若多、功不能竟、學而徒勤、適勞其心。

12 Furthermore, my son, take heed; of writing many en_lbp_books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

13 事之大畧、爾其聽之、寅畏上帝、守其誠命、此人之大端。

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear the LORD and keep his commandments; this is given by one Master to every man.

14 上帝必鞫萬事、彰其隱微、或善或惡、加以賞罰。

14 For the LORD shall bring every work into judgment, concerning everything which is hidden and known, whether it be good or whether it be evil.
