

1 (大衛的訓誨詩。)得饒恕[forgiven]其過、遮蓋其罪的,這人是有福的。


3 閉口[kept silence]的時候,因終日唉哼而骨頭枯老[waxed old]

4 黑夜白日,你的手在我身上沉重;我的水份[moisture]如同夏天的乾旱。細拉。

5 我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡。我說:我要向耶和華承認我的過犯,你就饒恕[forgavest]我的罪惡。細拉。

6 為此,凡虔誠人都當趁你可尋找的時候禱告你;大水泛溢的時候,必不能到他那裏。

7 你是我藏身之處;你必保佑我脫離苦難;你必[thou shalt]拯救之歌[songs of deliverance]四面環繞我。細拉。

8 我要教導你,指教[teach]你當行的路;我要定睛在你身上引導[guide]你。

9 你不可像那無知的騾馬,必用嚼環轡頭勒住牠,免得牠們臨近你[lest they come near unto thee]

10 惡人必多受苦楚;唯獨倚靠耶和華的必有慈愛四面環繞他。

11 你們義人應當靠耶和華歡喜快樂;你們心裏正直的人都當歡呼。


Psalm 32

1 BLESSED is he whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is blotted out.

2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD has not reckoned his iniquity, and in whose heart there is no guile.

3 Because I suffered in silence all the day long, my bones waxed old during my deep slumber.

4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me; intense pain developed in my heart great enough to kill me.

5 I have acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid from thee. I said, I will confess my faults to the LORD; and thou forgavest all of my sins.

6 For this let every one that is chosen pray unto thee at an appointed time; surely even the floods of great waters shall not come near him.

7 Thou art my refuge; thou shalt protect me from mine enemies; thou wilt compass me about with glory and salvation.

8 I have made you to understand and have led you on the way which you shall take; I will follow you with my eyes.

9 Be not as the horse or as the mule, which have no understanding, which must be subdued with bit and bridle from their youth; no one goes near them.

10 The wicked has many sorrows; but he that trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him.

11 Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous; and praise him, all you that are upright in heart.




Psalm 32

1 (大衛的訓誨詩。)得饒恕[forgiven]其過、遮蓋其罪的,這人是有福的。

1 BLESSED is he whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is blotted out.


2 Blessed is the man to whom the LORD has not reckoned his iniquity, and in whose heart there is no guile.

3 閉口[kept silence]的時候,因終日唉哼而骨頭枯老[waxed old]

3 Because I suffered in silence all the day long, my bones waxed old during my deep slumber.

4 黑夜白日,你的手在我身上沉重;我的水份[moisture]如同夏天的乾旱。細拉。

4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me; intense pain developed in my heart great enough to kill me.

5 我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡。我說:我要向耶和華承認我的過犯,你就饒恕[forgavest]我的罪惡。細拉。

5 I have acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid from thee. I said, I will confess my faults to the LORD; and thou forgavest all of my sins.

6 為此,凡虔誠人都當趁你可尋找的時候禱告你;大水泛溢的時候,必不能到他那裏。

6 For this let every one that is chosen pray unto thee at an appointed time; surely even the floods of great waters shall not come near him.

7 你是我藏身之處;你必保佑我脫離苦難;你必[thou shalt]拯救之歌[songs of deliverance]四面環繞我。細拉。

7 Thou art my refuge; thou shalt protect me from mine enemies; thou wilt compass me about with glory and salvation.

8 我要教導你,指教[teach]你當行的路;我要定睛在你身上引導[guide]你。

8 I have made you to understand and have led you on the way which you shall take; I will follow you with my eyes.

9 你不可像那無知的騾馬,必用嚼環轡頭勒住牠,免得牠們臨近你[lest they come near unto thee]

9 Be not as the horse or as the mule, which have no understanding, which must be subdued with bit and bridle from their youth; no one goes near them.

10 惡人必多受苦楚;唯獨倚靠耶和華的必有慈愛四面環繞他。

10 The wicked has many sorrows; but he that trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him.

11 你們義人應當靠耶和華歡喜快樂;你們心裏正直的人都當歡呼。

11 Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous; and praise him, all you that are upright in heart.