

1 拿瑪人瑣法回答說:

2 所以我的思念叫我回答,為此我要快說[Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste]

3 我已聽見那要羞辱我的話[check of my reproach]我悟性的靈[spirit of my understanding]叫我回答。

4 你豈不知亙古以來,自從人被安置[placed]在地,

5 惡人誇勝是暫時的,偽善之人[hypocrite]的喜樂不過轉眼之間嗎?

6 他的尊榮雖達到諸天[heavens],頭雖頂到雲中;

7 他終必永歸[for ever]滅亡,像自己的糞一樣;素來見他的人要說:他在哪裏呢?

8 他必飛去如夢,不再尋見;[he]被趕去,如夜間的異象。

9 親眼見過他的,必不再見他;他的本處也再見不著他。

10 他的兒女要求窮人喜歡[please],他的手要賠還不義之財。

11 他的骨頭滿有青年時所犯的罪[full of the sin of his youth][which]要和他一同躺臥在塵土中。

12 他口內雖以惡為甘甜,藏在舌頭底下;

13 他雖[Though he]愛戀不捨,含在口中;

14 他的食物在肚裏[Yet]要化為酸,在他裏面成為毒蛇[asps]的惡毒。

15 他吞了財寶,還要吐出;神要從他腹中掏出來。

16 他必吸飲毒蛇的毒液[poison of asps]蝰蛇[viper’s]的舌頭也必殺他。

17 流蜜與奶油[honey and butter]大川[floods][brooks]河,他不得再見。

18 他勞碌得來的要賠還,不得吞下[swallow it down]要照他所得的財貨賠還[according to his substance shall the restitution be],不得享其中之樂[and he shall not rejoice therein]

19 [Because]他欺壓窮人,且又離棄;[Because]他強取非自己所蓋的房屋[an house which he builded not]

20 必是[Surely]貪而無厭,所喜悅的連一樣也不能保守。

21 他的食物必沒有剩下的[There shall none of his meat be left],所以無一人向他求好處[shall no man look for his goods]

22 他在滿足有餘的時候,必到狹窄的地步;凡惡人[wicked]都必加手在他身上。

23 他正要充滿肚腹的時候,神必將猛烈的忿怒降在他身上;正在他[eating]的時候,要將這忿怒像雨降在他身上。

24 他要躲避鐵器;[steel]弓的箭要將他射透。

25 他拔刀出鞘[It is drawn]刀就從身上出來[and cometh out of the body];發光的[sword]從他膽中出來,有驚惶臨在他身上。

26 一切黑喑必藏在他的隱密處[All darkness shall be hid in his secret places],人所不吹的火要把他燒滅;他帳棚中所剩下的必與他一同遭災[it shall go illwith him that is left in his tabernacle]

27 天要顯明他的罪孽;地要興起攻擊他。

28 他的家產必然過去;神發怒的日子,他的貨物都被沖去[flow away]

29 這是惡人從神所得的分,是神為他所定的產業。


Chapter 20

1 Then answered6030 Zophar6691 the Naamathite,5284 and said,559

2 Therefore3651 do my thoughts5587 cause me to answer,7725 and for5668 this I make haste.2363

3 I have heard8085 the check4148 of my reproach,3639 and the spirit7307 of my understanding4480 998 causeth me to answer.6030

4 Knowest3045 thou not this2063 of4480 old,5703 since4480 man120 was placed7760 upon5921 earth,776

5 That3588 the triumphing7445 of the wicked7563 is short,4480 7138 and the joy8057 of the hypocrite2611 but for5704 a moment?7281

6 Though518 his excellency7863 mount up5927 to the heavens,8064 and his head7218 reach5060 unto the clouds;5645

7 Yet he shall perish6 forever5331 like his own dung:1561 they which have seen7200 him shall say,559 Where335 is he?

8 He shall fly away5774 as a dream,2472 and shall not3808 be found:4672 yea, he shall be chased away5074 as a vision2384 of the night.3915

9 The eye5869 also which saw7805 him shall see him no3808 more;3254 neither3808 shall his place4725 any more5750 behold7789 him.

10 His children1121 shall seek to please7521 the poor,1800 and his hands3027 shall restore7725 their goods.202

11 His bones6106 are full4390 of the sin of his youth,5934 which shall lie down7901 with5973 him in5921 the dust.6083

12 Though518 wickedness7451 be sweet4985 in his mouth,6310 though he hide3582 it under8478 his tongue;3956

13 Though he spare2550 5921 it, and forsake5800 it not;3808 but keep it still4513 within8432 his mouth: 2441

14 Yet his meat3899 in his bowels4578 is turned,2015 it is the gall4846 of asps6620 within7130 him.

15 He hath swallowed down1104 riches,2428 and he shall vomit them up again:6958 God410 shall cast them out3423 of4480 his belly.990

16 He shall suck3243 the poison7219 of asps:6620 the viper's660 tongue3956 shall slay2026 him.

17 He shall not408 see7200 the rivers,6390 the floods,5104 the brooks5158 of honey1706 and butter.2529

18 That which he labored for3022 shall he restore,7725 and shall not3808 swallow it down:1104 according to his substance2428 shall the restitution8545 be, and he shall not3808 rejoice5965 therein.

19 Because3588 he hath oppressed7533 and hath forsaken5800 the poor;1800 because he hath violently taken away1497 a house1004 which he built1129 not;3808

20 Surely3588 he shall not3808 feel3045 quietness7961 in his belly,990 he shall not3808 save4422 of that which he desired.2530

21 There shall none369 of his meat400 be left;8300 therefore3651 5921 shall no3808 man look2342 for his goods.2898

22 In the fullness4390 of his sufficiency5607 he shall be in straits:3334 every3605 hand3027 of the wicked6001 shall come935 upon him.

23 When he1961 is about to fill4390 his belly,990 God shall cast7971 the fury2740 of his wrath639 upon him, and shall rain4305 it upon5921 him while he is eating.3894

24 He shall flee1272 from the iron1270 weapon,4480 5402 and the bow7198 of steel5154 shall strike him through.2498

25 It is drawn,8025 and cometh out3318 of the body;4480 1465 yea, the glittering sword1300 cometh1980 out of his gall:4480 4846 terrors367 are upon5921 him.

26 All3605 darkness2822 shall be hid2934 in his secret places:6845 a fire784 not3808 blown5301 shall consume398 him; it shall go ill7489 with him that is left8300 in his tabernacle.168

27 The heaven8064 shall reveal1540 his iniquity;5771 and the earth776 shall rise up6965 against him.

28 The increase2981 of his house1004 shall depart,1540 and his goods shall flow away5064 in the day3117 of his wrath.639

29 This2088 is the portion2506 of a wicked7563 man120 from God,4480 430 and the heritage5159 appointed561 unto him by God.4480 410




Chapter 20

1 拿瑪人瑣法回答說:

1 Then answered6030 Zophar6691 the Naamathite,5284 and said,559

2 所以我的思念叫我回答,為此我要快說[Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste]

2 Therefore3651 do my thoughts5587 cause me to answer,7725 and for5668 this I make haste.2363

3 我已聽見那要羞辱我的話[check of my reproach]我悟性的靈[spirit of my understanding]叫我回答。

3 I have heard8085 the check4148 of my reproach,3639 and the spirit7307 of my understanding4480 998 causeth me to answer.6030

4 你豈不知亙古以來,自從人被安置[placed]在地,

4 Knowest3045 thou not this2063 of4480 old,5703 since4480 man120 was placed7760 upon5921 earth,776

5 惡人誇勝是暫時的,偽善之人[hypocrite]的喜樂不過轉眼之間嗎?

5 That3588 the triumphing7445 of the wicked7563 is short,4480 7138 and the joy8057 of the hypocrite2611 but for5704 a moment?7281

6 他的尊榮雖達到諸天[heavens],頭雖頂到雲中;

6 Though518 his excellency7863 mount up5927 to the heavens,8064 and his head7218 reach5060 unto the clouds;5645

7 他終必永歸[for ever]滅亡,像自己的糞一樣;素來見他的人要說:他在哪裏呢?

7 Yet he shall perish6 forever5331 like his own dung:1561 they which have seen7200 him shall say,559 Where335 is he?

8 他必飛去如夢,不再尋見;[he]被趕去,如夜間的異象。

8 He shall fly away5774 as a dream,2472 and shall not3808 be found:4672 yea, he shall be chased away5074 as a vision2384 of the night.3915

9 親眼見過他的,必不再見他;他的本處也再見不著他。

9 The eye5869 also which saw7805 him shall see him no3808 more;3254 neither3808 shall his place4725 any more5750 behold7789 him.

10 他的兒女要求窮人喜歡[please],他的手要賠還不義之財。

10 His children1121 shall seek to please7521 the poor,1800 and his hands3027 shall restore7725 their goods.202

11 他的骨頭滿有青年時所犯的罪[full of the sin of his youth][which]要和他一同躺臥在塵土中。

11 His bones6106 are full4390 of the sin of his youth,5934 which shall lie down7901 with5973 him in5921 the dust.6083

12 他口內雖以惡為甘甜,藏在舌頭底下;

12 Though518 wickedness7451 be sweet4985 in his mouth,6310 though he hide3582 it under8478 his tongue;3956

13 他雖[Though he]愛戀不捨,含在口中;

13 Though he spare2550 5921 it, and forsake5800 it not;3808 but keep it still4513 within8432 his mouth: 2441

14 他的食物在肚裏[Yet]要化為酸,在他裏面成為毒蛇[asps]的惡毒。

14 Yet his meat3899 in his bowels4578 is turned,2015 it is the gall4846 of asps6620 within7130 him.

15 他吞了財寶,還要吐出;神要從他腹中掏出來。

15 He hath swallowed down1104 riches,2428 and he shall vomit them up again:6958 God410 shall cast them out3423 of4480 his belly.990

16 他必吸飲毒蛇的毒液[poison of asps]蝰蛇[viper’s]的舌頭也必殺他。

16 He shall suck3243 the poison7219 of asps:6620 the viper's660 tongue3956 shall slay2026 him.

17 流蜜與奶油[honey and butter]大川[floods][brooks]河,他不得再見。

17 He shall not408 see7200 the rivers,6390 the floods,5104 the brooks5158 of honey1706 and butter.2529

18 他勞碌得來的要賠還,不得吞下[swallow it down]要照他所得的財貨賠還[according to his substance shall the restitution be],不得享其中之樂[and he shall not rejoice therein]

18 That which he labored for3022 shall he restore,7725 and shall not3808 swallow it down:1104 according to his substance2428 shall the restitution8545 be, and he shall not3808 rejoice5965 therein.

19 [Because]他欺壓窮人,且又離棄;[Because]他強取非自己所蓋的房屋[an house which he builded not]

19 Because3588 he hath oppressed7533 and hath forsaken5800 the poor;1800 because he hath violently taken away1497 a house1004 which he built1129 not;3808

20 必是[Surely]貪而無厭,所喜悅的連一樣也不能保守。

20 Surely3588 he shall not3808 feel3045 quietness7961 in his belly,990 he shall not3808 save4422 of that which he desired.2530

21 他的食物必沒有剩下的[There shall none of his meat be left],所以無一人向他求好處[shall no man look for his goods]

21 There shall none369 of his meat400 be left;8300 therefore3651 5921 shall no3808 man look2342 for his goods.2898

22 他在滿足有餘的時候,必到狹窄的地步;凡惡人[wicked]都必加手在他身上。

22 In the fullness4390 of his sufficiency5607 he shall be in straits:3334 every3605 hand3027 of the wicked6001 shall come935 upon him.

23 他正要充滿肚腹的時候,神必將猛烈的忿怒降在他身上;正在他[eating]的時候,要將這忿怒像雨降在他身上。

23 When he1961 is about to fill4390 his belly,990 God shall cast7971 the fury2740 of his wrath639 upon him, and shall rain4305 it upon5921 him while he is eating.3894

24 他要躲避鐵器;[steel]弓的箭要將他射透。

24 He shall flee1272 from the iron1270 weapon,4480 5402 and the bow7198 of steel5154 shall strike him through.2498

25 他拔刀出鞘[It is drawn]刀就從身上出來[and cometh out of the body];發光的[sword]從他膽中出來,有驚惶臨在他身上。

25 It is drawn,8025 and cometh out3318 of the body;4480 1465 yea, the glittering sword1300 cometh1980 out of his gall:4480 4846 terrors367 are upon5921 him.

26 一切黑喑必藏在他的隱密處[All darkness shall be hid in his secret places],人所不吹的火要把他燒滅;他帳棚中所剩下的必與他一同遭災[it shall go illwith him that is left in his tabernacle]

26 All3605 darkness2822 shall be hid2934 in his secret places:6845 a fire784 not3808 blown5301 shall consume398 him; it shall go ill7489 with him that is left8300 in his tabernacle.168

27 天要顯明他的罪孽;地要興起攻擊他。

27 The heaven8064 shall reveal1540 his iniquity;5771 and the earth776 shall rise up6965 against him.

28 他的家產必然過去;神發怒的日子,他的貨物都被沖去[flow away]

28 The increase2981 of his house1004 shall depart,1540 and his goods shall flow away5064 in the day3117 of his wrath.639

29 這是惡人從神所得的分,是神為他所定的產業。

29 This2088 is the portion2506 of a wicked7563 man120 from God,4480 430 and the heritage5159 appointed561 unto him by God.4480 410
