

1 所以,我們應當離開基督道理的開端,竭力進到完全的地步,不必再立根基,就如那悔改[repentance]死行,信靠神、

2 各樣浸禮、按手之禮、死人復活,以及永遠審判各等道理[doctrine]

3 神若許我們,我們必如此行。

4 論到那些已經蒙了光照、嘗過天恩的滋味、又於聖靈有分,

5 並嘗過神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人,

6 他們若是倒退[If they shall fall away],就不能叫他們從新悔改[repentance]了。因為他們把神的兒子重釘十字架,明明的羞辱他。

7 就如一塊田地,吃過屢次下的雨水,生長菜蔬,合乎耕種的人用,就從神得福;

8 若長荊棘和蒺藜,必被廢棄,近於咒詛,結局就是焚燒。

9 親愛的弟兄們,我們雖是這樣說,卻深信你們的行為強過這些,而且近乎得救。

10 因為神並非不公義,竟忘記你們所作的工和你們為他名所顯的愛心,就是先前伺候聖徒,如今還是伺候。

11 我們願你們各人都顯出這樣的殷勤,使你們有滿足的盼望[hope],一直到底。

12 並且不懈怠,總要效法那些憑信心和忍耐承受應許的人。

13 當初神應許亞伯拉罕的時候,因為沒有比自己更大可以指著起誓的,就指著自己起誓,說:

14 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來。

15 這樣,亞伯拉罕既恆久忍耐,就得了所應許的。

16 人都是指著比自己大的起誓,並且以起誓為實據,了結各樣的爭論。

17 照樣,神願意為那承受應許的人格外顯明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓為證。

18 藉這兩件不更改的事,神決不能說謊,好叫我們這逃往避難所、持定擺在我們前頭盼望[hope]的人可以大得勉勵。

19 我們有這盼望[hope],如同元魂[soul]的錨,又堅固又牢靠,且通入幔內;

20 作先鋒的耶穌,既照著麥基洗德的等次成了永遠的大祭司,就為我們進入幔內。


Chapter 6

1 Therefore leaving863 the principles746 of the doctrine3056 of Christ,5547 let us go5342 on to perfection;5051 not laying2598 again3825 the foundation2310 of repentance3341 from dead3498 works,2041 and of faith4102 toward1909 God,2316

2 Of the doctrine1322 of baptisms,909 and of laying1936 on1936 of hands,5495 and of resurrection386 of the dead,3498 and of eternal166 judgment.2917

3 And this5124 will we do,4160 if1437 God2316 permit.2010

4 For it is impossible102 for those3588 who were once530 enlightened,5461 and have2192 tasted1089 of the heavenly2032 gift,1431 and were made1096 partakers3353 of the Holy40 Ghost,4151

5 And have2192 tasted1089 the good2570 word4487 of God,2316 and the powers1411 of the world165 to come,3195

6 If they shall fall3895 away,3895 to renew340 them again3825 to repentance;3341 seeing they crucify388 to themselves1438 the Son5207 of God2316 afresh,388 and put3856 him to an open3856 shame.3856

7 For the earth1093 which3588 drinks4095 in the rain5205 that comes2064 oft4178 on it, and brings5088 forth5088 herbs1008 meet2111 for them by whom3739 it is dressed,1090 receives3335 blessing2129 from God:2316

8 But that which bears1627 thorns173 and briers5146 is rejected,96 and is near1451 to cursing;2671 whose3739 end5056 is to be burned.2740

9 But, beloved,27 we are persuaded3982 better2909 things of you, and things that accompany2192 salvation,4991 though1499 we thus3779 speak.2980

10 For God2316 is not unrighteous94 to forget1950 your5216 work2041 and labor2873 of love,26 which3739 you have2192 showed1731 toward1519 his name,3686 in that you have2192 ministered1247 to the saints,40 and do minister.1247

11 And we desire1937 that every1538 one of you do show1731 the same846 diligence4710 to the full4136 assurance4136 of hope1680 to the end:5056

12 That you be not slothful,3576 but followers3402 of them who through1223 faith4102 and patience3115 inherit2816 the promises.1860

13 For when God2316 made1861 promise1861 to Abraham,11 because1893 he could2192 swear3660 by no3762 greater,3187 he swore3660 by himself,1438

14 Saying,3004 Surely2229 blessing2129 I will bless2127 you, and multiplying4129 I will multiply4129 you.

15 And so,3779 after he had patiently3114 endured,3114 he obtained2013 the promise.1860

16 For men444 truly3303 swear3660 by the greater:3187 and an oath3727 for confirmation951 is to them an end4009 of all3956 strife.485

17 Wherein1722 3757 God,2316 willing1014 more4054 abundantly4054 to show1925 to the heirs2818 of promise1860 the immutability276 of his counsel,1012 confirmed3315 it by an oath:3727

18 That by two1417 immutable276 things, in which3739 it was impossible102 for God2316 to lie,5574 we might have2192 a strong2478 consolation,3874 who3588 have fled2703 for refuge2703 to lay hold2902 on the hope1680 set4295 before4295 us:

19 Which3739 hope we have2192 as an anchor45 of the soul,5590 both5037 sure804 and steadfast,949 and which enters1535 into1519 that within2082 the veil;2665

20 Where3699 the forerunner4274 is for us entered,1525 even Jesus,2424 made1096 an high749 priest749 for ever165 after2596 the order5010 of Melchisedec.3198




Chapter 6

1 所以,我們應當離開基督道理的開端,竭力進到完全的地步,不必再立根基,就如那悔改[repentance]死行,信靠神、

1 Therefore leaving863 the principles746 of the doctrine3056 of Christ,5547 let us go5342 on to perfection;5051 not laying2598 again3825 the foundation2310 of repentance3341 from dead3498 works,2041 and of faith4102 toward1909 God,2316

2 各樣浸禮、按手之禮、死人復活,以及永遠審判各等道理[doctrine]

2 Of the doctrine1322 of baptisms,909 and of laying1936 on1936 of hands,5495 and of resurrection386 of the dead,3498 and of eternal166 judgment.2917

3 神若許我們,我們必如此行。

3 And this5124 will we do,4160 if1437 God2316 permit.2010

4 論到那些已經蒙了光照、嘗過天恩的滋味、又於聖靈有分,

4 For it is impossible102 for those3588 who were once530 enlightened,5461 and have2192 tasted1089 of the heavenly2032 gift,1431 and were made1096 partakers3353 of the Holy40 Ghost,4151

5 並嘗過神善道的滋味、覺悟來世權能的人,

5 And have2192 tasted1089 the good2570 word4487 of God,2316 and the powers1411 of the world165 to come,3195

6 他們若是倒退[If they shall fall away],就不能叫他們從新悔改[repentance]了。因為他們把神的兒子重釘十字架,明明的羞辱他。

6 If they shall fall3895 away,3895 to renew340 them again3825 to repentance;3341 seeing they crucify388 to themselves1438 the Son5207 of God2316 afresh,388 and put3856 him to an open3856 shame.3856

7 就如一塊田地,吃過屢次下的雨水,生長菜蔬,合乎耕種的人用,就從神得福;

7 For the earth1093 which3588 drinks4095 in the rain5205 that comes2064 oft4178 on it, and brings5088 forth5088 herbs1008 meet2111 for them by whom3739 it is dressed,1090 receives3335 blessing2129 from God:2316

8 若長荊棘和蒺藜,必被廢棄,近於咒詛,結局就是焚燒。

8 But that which bears1627 thorns173 and briers5146 is rejected,96 and is near1451 to cursing;2671 whose3739 end5056 is to be burned.2740

9 親愛的弟兄們,我們雖是這樣說,卻深信你們的行為強過這些,而且近乎得救。

9 But, beloved,27 we are persuaded3982 better2909 things of you, and things that accompany2192 salvation,4991 though1499 we thus3779 speak.2980

10 因為神並非不公義,竟忘記你們所作的工和你們為他名所顯的愛心,就是先前伺候聖徒,如今還是伺候。

10 For God2316 is not unrighteous94 to forget1950 your5216 work2041 and labor2873 of love,26 which3739 you have2192 showed1731 toward1519 his name,3686 in that you have2192 ministered1247 to the saints,40 and do minister.1247

11 我們願你們各人都顯出這樣的殷勤,使你們有滿足的盼望[hope],一直到底。

11 And we desire1937 that every1538 one of you do show1731 the same846 diligence4710 to the full4136 assurance4136 of hope1680 to the end:5056

12 並且不懈怠,總要效法那些憑信心和忍耐承受應許的人。

12 That you be not slothful,3576 but followers3402 of them who through1223 faith4102 and patience3115 inherit2816 the promises.1860

13 當初神應許亞伯拉罕的時候,因為沒有比自己更大可以指著起誓的,就指著自己起誓,說:

13 For when God2316 made1861 promise1861 to Abraham,11 because1893 he could2192 swear3660 by no3762 greater,3187 he swore3660 by himself,1438

14 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來。

14 Saying,3004 Surely2229 blessing2129 I will bless2127 you, and multiplying4129 I will multiply4129 you.

15 這樣,亞伯拉罕既恆久忍耐,就得了所應許的。

15 And so,3779 after he had patiently3114 endured,3114 he obtained2013 the promise.1860

16 人都是指著比自己大的起誓,並且以起誓為實據,了結各樣的爭論。

16 For men444 truly3303 swear3660 by the greater:3187 and an oath3727 for confirmation951 is to them an end4009 of all3956 strife.485

17 照樣,神願意為那承受應許的人格外顯明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓為證。

17 Wherein1722 3757 God,2316 willing1014 more4054 abundantly4054 to show1925 to the heirs2818 of promise1860 the immutability276 of his counsel,1012 confirmed3315 it by an oath:3727

18 藉這兩件不更改的事,神決不能說謊,好叫我們這逃往避難所、持定擺在我們前頭盼望[hope]的人可以大得勉勵。

18 That by two1417 immutable276 things, in which3739 it was impossible102 for God2316 to lie,5574 we might have2192 a strong2478 consolation,3874 who3588 have fled2703 for refuge2703 to lay hold2902 on the hope1680 set4295 before4295 us:

19 我們有這盼望[hope],如同元魂[soul]的錨,又堅固又牢靠,且通入幔內;

19 Which3739 hope we have2192 as an anchor45 of the soul,5590 both5037 sure804 and steadfast,949 and which enters1535 into1519 that within2082 the veil;2665

20 作先鋒的耶穌,既照著麥基洗德的等次成了永遠的大祭司,就為我們進入幔內。

20 Where3699 the forerunner4274 is for us entered,1525 even Jesus,2424 made1096 an high749 priest749 for ever165 after2596 the order5010 of Melchisedec.3198