

1 當是日、猶大人將謳歌曰、我邑鞏固、雖無城堞、上帝必扞衛予、

2 當闢其門、守道之善民可入、

3 篤信乎主、惟恒其心、永錫平康。

4 耶和華爲永生上帝、爾當恒賴、

5 高者降爲卑、都城百仞、使之傾圮、成爲邱墟、

6 使窮乏之民蹂躪之、

7 義人之道正直、主秉公義、使善人得履坦途。

8 耶和華歟、遵爾律例、余仰望爾、中心所願、念爾弗置。

9 我之中心、夜則慕爾、朝則求爾、爾降災於世、兆民嚮義、

10 作惡者流、雖錫以寵光、亦不殷然慕義、居仁義之邦、橫行如故、耶和華有威可畏、彼不敬恪。

11 耶和華歟、爾顯大能、彼不瞻望、惟爾熱中祐民、降火燬敵、令彼見此而愧。

12 耶和華歟爾賜我以平康、我所作爲、俱蒙爾祐、

13 前此君我者、不一而足、今而知耶和華爲我上帝、惟頌爾名。

14 彼死不生、在幽冥中不能復起、爾降罰滅之、其名不傳。

15 耶和華歟、爾恢廓斯邦、使其界延袤、至於地極、爾有尊榮焉。

16 耶和華歟、民罹禍患、望爾眷佑、旣受扑責、則柔聲下氣、以祈求爾、

17 若婦臨產號呼、劬勞不勝、我儕受爾督責、亦若是。

18 譬諸懷妊、亦甚艱難、而所產惟風、我不得拯救斯邦、民不能免於艱苦、

19 然必復振興、若死者必甦、雖居塵土、將勃然起、謳歌不已、若草枯萎、旣經雨露、必復向榮、斯邦之民、已死復生、亦若是。

20 我民宜入室闔門、暫匿其身、待患難之過、

21 越在疇昔、人殺選民、瘞埋其血、今必昭然顯露、蓋耶和華勃興、降罰於世、以彰厥罪焉。


Chapter 26

1 IN that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: O city whose salvation has prevailed, build the walls and the bulwarks;

2 Open the gates, that the righteous peoples who keep faith and that the truth may enter in.

3 Thou wilt keep us in perfect peace, for in thee we have trusted, O LORD, for ever and ever.

4 For the LORD God is an everlasting strength;

5 He brings down those that dwell on high; the lofty city, he shall lay it low, even to the ground; he brings it even to the dust.

6 The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy.

7 The way of the humble is straight; the path of the righteous is straight and level.

8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O LORD, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is for thy name, and to remembrance of thee.

9 My soul has desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early; for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

10 The wicked has gone far off that he may not learn righteousness; chastisement in the land brings correction; the wicked shall not behold the majesty of the LORD.

11 O LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see; but they shall see and be ashamed for the zeal of the people; yea, let the fire of the oven devour thine enemies.

12 O LORD, thou wilt give us peace; for thou also hast wrought all our works for us.

13 O LORD our God, other lords besides thee have had dominion over us; but thy name alone will we mention;

14 For they do not raise the dead, they do not raise the mighty men; therefore thou hast visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.

15 Thou hast increased the nation, O LORD, thou hast increased the nation; thou hast removed it afar and scattered it to all the ends of the earth.

16 O LORD, in distress have they sought thee, and in siege they muttered the incantation invoking thy discipline.

17 Like a woman with child, who draws near the time of her delivery, and is in pain, and cries out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight, O LORD.

18 We have been with child, we have been in pain like those who brought forth wind; save us lest we perish in the earth, lest the inhabitants of the world come to an end.

19 Thy dead men shall live, their dead bodies shall arise. Those who dwell in the dust shall awake and sing, for thy dew is a dew of light, and the land of the giants thou shalt overthrow.

20 Come, my people, enter into your chambers and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves as it were for a little time, until my indignation has passed away.

21 For, behold, the LORD is coming out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.




Chapter 26

1 當是日、猶大人將謳歌曰、我邑鞏固、雖無城堞、上帝必扞衛予、

1 IN that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: O city whose salvation has prevailed, build the walls and the bulwarks;

2 當闢其門、守道之善民可入、

2 Open the gates, that the righteous peoples who keep faith and that the truth may enter in.

3 篤信乎主、惟恒其心、永錫平康。

3 Thou wilt keep us in perfect peace, for in thee we have trusted, O LORD, for ever and ever.

4 耶和華爲永生上帝、爾當恒賴、

4 For the LORD God is an everlasting strength;

5 高者降爲卑、都城百仞、使之傾圮、成爲邱墟、

5 He brings down those that dwell on high; the lofty city, he shall lay it low, even to the ground; he brings it even to the dust.

6 使窮乏之民蹂躪之、

6 The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy.

7 義人之道正直、主秉公義、使善人得履坦途。

7 The way of the humble is straight; the path of the righteous is straight and level.

8 耶和華歟、遵爾律例、余仰望爾、中心所願、念爾弗置。

8 Yea, in the way of thy judgments, O LORD, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is for thy name, and to remembrance of thee.

9 我之中心、夜則慕爾、朝則求爾、爾降災於世、兆民嚮義、

9 My soul has desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early; for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

10 作惡者流、雖錫以寵光、亦不殷然慕義、居仁義之邦、橫行如故、耶和華有威可畏、彼不敬恪。

10 The wicked has gone far off that he may not learn righteousness; chastisement in the land brings correction; the wicked shall not behold the majesty of the LORD.

11 耶和華歟、爾顯大能、彼不瞻望、惟爾熱中祐民、降火燬敵、令彼見此而愧。

11 O LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see; but they shall see and be ashamed for the zeal of the people; yea, let the fire of the oven devour thine enemies.

12 耶和華歟爾賜我以平康、我所作爲、俱蒙爾祐、

12 O LORD, thou wilt give us peace; for thou also hast wrought all our works for us.

13 前此君我者、不一而足、今而知耶和華爲我上帝、惟頌爾名。

13 O LORD our God, other lords besides thee have had dominion over us; but thy name alone will we mention;

14 彼死不生、在幽冥中不能復起、爾降罰滅之、其名不傳。

14 For they do not raise the dead, they do not raise the mighty men; therefore thou hast visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.

15 耶和華歟、爾恢廓斯邦、使其界延袤、至於地極、爾有尊榮焉。

15 Thou hast increased the nation, O LORD, thou hast increased the nation; thou hast removed it afar and scattered it to all the ends of the earth.

16 耶和華歟、民罹禍患、望爾眷佑、旣受扑責、則柔聲下氣、以祈求爾、

16 O LORD, in distress have they sought thee, and in siege they muttered the incantation invoking thy discipline.

17 若婦臨產號呼、劬勞不勝、我儕受爾督責、亦若是。

17 Like a woman with child, who draws near the time of her delivery, and is in pain, and cries out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight, O LORD.

18 譬諸懷妊、亦甚艱難、而所產惟風、我不得拯救斯邦、民不能免於艱苦、

18 We have been with child, we have been in pain like those who brought forth wind; save us lest we perish in the earth, lest the inhabitants of the world come to an end.

19 然必復振興、若死者必甦、雖居塵土、將勃然起、謳歌不已、若草枯萎、旣經雨露、必復向榮、斯邦之民、已死復生、亦若是。

19 Thy dead men shall live, their dead bodies shall arise. Those who dwell in the dust shall awake and sing, for thy dew is a dew of light, and the land of the giants thou shalt overthrow.

20 我民宜入室闔門、暫匿其身、待患難之過、

20 Come, my people, enter into your chambers and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves as it were for a little time, until my indignation has passed away.

21 越在疇昔、人殺選民、瘞埋其血、今必昭然顯露、蓋耶和華勃興、降罰於世、以彰厥罪焉。

21 For, behold, the LORD is coming out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
