

1 小子爾賴基督耶穌恩、當剛健、

2 我於諸證者前、傳道於爾、宜托忠信者、俾能教衆、

3 譬猶基督耶穌之勁卒、爾當勞苦、

4 凡爲卒者、不以世故憧擾、致悅募己者、

5 力爭而不循矩矱、則不得冠冕之賞、

6 農必先力穡、而後得物產、

7 我所言、當思之、願主賜爾敏於庶事、

8 當憶我所傳之福音、言大闢裔耶穌基督死而甦、

9 爲此、我受苦見繫、如犯法者、然上帝道、不可得而繫、

10 我爲選民忍難、使彼賴基督耶穌得救、永與厥榮、

11 有一言可信者、若同死、必同生、

12 若同忍難、必同乘權、我若拒主、主必拒我、

13 我雖不信、主無不信、必不食言、

14 爾以是道、俾人强識、主前諭衆、勿言啓爭端、不第無益、且足以惑聽聞、

15 務能悅於上帝、爲操作、無愧作、善頒眞理、

16 當棄諸妄論浮詞、因浸久弊必叢滋、

17 其言譬諸瘡痏、蔓延厥體、有若許米乃、腓理徒、

18 棄眞理、言復生之事旣往、故數人之信爲所傾圮、

19 雖然、上帝之道、其址鞏固、有印誌云、主知厥民、又云、呼基督名者、當遠諸惡、

20 廣厦之中、其器不第金銀、亦有木瓦、或爲器之貴、或爲器之賤、

21 若人潔己去私、則成貴重之器、皭然適乎主用、備諸善行、

22 戒血氣之欲、從仁、義信、與清心籲主名者相睦、

23 當擯愚魯弗學之辯、蓋知爭競由是而生、

24 惟主之僕勿爭競、必慈以處衆、施教則善、受侮則忍、

25 逆理者、迪以柔和、庶上帝錫以悛心、俾識眞理、

26 雖罹魔鬼之網、爲其所惑、致逞厥志、亦可儆醒以得救。

2 Timothy

Chapter 2

1 YOU, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 And the things which you have heard from me by many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

3 Therefore endure hardships, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

4 No man can be a soldier, and also entangle himself with the things of this life; if he would please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

5 And if a man also strive for mastery in contest, he is not crowned except he compete lawfully.

6 The husbandman who labors should be the first to be sustained by the fruits.

7 Perceive these things: and may our LORD give you wisdom in all things.

8 Remember Jesus Christ who rose from the dead; he who was a descendant from David according to my gospel:

9 Because of him I suffer hardship, even to bonds like a malefactor; but the word of God is not restricted.

10 Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Jesus Christ, with eternal glory.

11 This is a true saying: For if we die with him, we shall also live with him:

12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

13 But if we believe not in him, yet he will still remain faithful; for he cannot deny himself.

14 You should keep these things in remembrance, as a testimony before our LORD, that the faithful should not argue over words in which there is no profit but which are destruction to those who listen to them.

15 Strive to conduct yourself perfectly before God, as a soldier without reproach and one who preaches straightforwardly the word of truth.

16 Shun empty and worthless words, for they only increase the ungodliness of those who argue over them.

17 And their word will be like a canker eating in many: such are Hy-me-nµ'us, and Phile'tus,

18 Who have strayed from the truth, saying that the resurrection of the dead is already passed, thus destroying the faith of some.

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, The LORD knows those who are his, and he will save from iniquity every one who calls upon the name of the LORD.

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; some for formal use on occasions of honor and others for service.

21 If therefore a man purifies himself from these things, he will become like a vessel pure for honor, worthy of the master's use, and ready for every good work.

22 Keep away from all the lusts of youth: and follow after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those who call on our LORD with a pure heart.

23 Keep away from foolish disputes which do not educate, you know they cause strife.

24 A servant of our LORD must not quarrel; but be gentle to all men, apt at teaching and patient,

25 So that he may discipline gently those who argue against him; and perhaps God will grant them repentance and they will know the truth:

26 And come to themselves, and be saved from the trap of Satan, by whom they have been trapped to his will.



2 Timothy

Chapter 2

1 小子爾賴基督耶穌恩、當剛健、

1 YOU, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 我於諸證者前、傳道於爾、宜托忠信者、俾能教衆、

2 And the things which you have heard from me by many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

3 譬猶基督耶穌之勁卒、爾當勞苦、

3 Therefore endure hardships, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

4 凡爲卒者、不以世故憧擾、致悅募己者、

4 No man can be a soldier, and also entangle himself with the things of this life; if he would please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

5 力爭而不循矩矱、則不得冠冕之賞、

5 And if a man also strive for mastery in contest, he is not crowned except he compete lawfully.

6 農必先力穡、而後得物產、

6 The husbandman who labors should be the first to be sustained by the fruits.

7 我所言、當思之、願主賜爾敏於庶事、

7 Perceive these things: and may our LORD give you wisdom in all things.

8 當憶我所傳之福音、言大闢裔耶穌基督死而甦、

8 Remember Jesus Christ who rose from the dead; he who was a descendant from David according to my gospel:

9 爲此、我受苦見繫、如犯法者、然上帝道、不可得而繫、

9 Because of him I suffer hardship, even to bonds like a malefactor; but the word of God is not restricted.

10 我爲選民忍難、使彼賴基督耶穌得救、永與厥榮、

10 Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Jesus Christ, with eternal glory.

11 有一言可信者、若同死、必同生、

11 This is a true saying: For if we die with him, we shall also live with him:

12 若同忍難、必同乘權、我若拒主、主必拒我、

12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

13 我雖不信、主無不信、必不食言、

13 But if we believe not in him, yet he will still remain faithful; for he cannot deny himself.

14 爾以是道、俾人强識、主前諭衆、勿言啓爭端、不第無益、且足以惑聽聞、

14 You should keep these things in remembrance, as a testimony before our LORD, that the faithful should not argue over words in which there is no profit but which are destruction to those who listen to them.

15 務能悅於上帝、爲操作、無愧作、善頒眞理、

15 Strive to conduct yourself perfectly before God, as a soldier without reproach and one who preaches straightforwardly the word of truth.

16 當棄諸妄論浮詞、因浸久弊必叢滋、

16 Shun empty and worthless words, for they only increase the ungodliness of those who argue over them.

17 其言譬諸瘡痏、蔓延厥體、有若許米乃、腓理徒、

17 And their word will be like a canker eating in many: such are Hy-me-nµ'us, and Phile'tus,

18 棄眞理、言復生之事旣往、故數人之信爲所傾圮、

18 Who have strayed from the truth, saying that the resurrection of the dead is already passed, thus destroying the faith of some.

19 雖然、上帝之道、其址鞏固、有印誌云、主知厥民、又云、呼基督名者、當遠諸惡、

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God stands firm, having this seal, The LORD knows those who are his, and he will save from iniquity every one who calls upon the name of the LORD.

20 廣厦之中、其器不第金銀、亦有木瓦、或爲器之貴、或爲器之賤、

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; some for formal use on occasions of honor and others for service.

21 若人潔己去私、則成貴重之器、皭然適乎主用、備諸善行、

21 If therefore a man purifies himself from these things, he will become like a vessel pure for honor, worthy of the master's use, and ready for every good work.

22 戒血氣之欲、從仁、義信、與清心籲主名者相睦、

22 Keep away from all the lusts of youth: and follow after righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those who call on our LORD with a pure heart.

23 當擯愚魯弗學之辯、蓋知爭競由是而生、

23 Keep away from foolish disputes which do not educate, you know they cause strife.

24 惟主之僕勿爭競、必慈以處衆、施教則善、受侮則忍、

24 A servant of our LORD must not quarrel; but be gentle to all men, apt at teaching and patient,

25 逆理者、迪以柔和、庶上帝錫以悛心、俾識眞理、

25 So that he may discipline gently those who argue against him; and perhaps God will grant them repentance and they will know the truth:

26 雖罹魔鬼之網、爲其所惑、致逞厥志、亦可儆醒以得救。

26 And come to themselves, and be saved from the trap of Satan, by whom they have been trapped to his will.