

1 過兩天是逾越節,又是除酵節;祭司長和文士想法子怎麼用詭計捉拿耶穌,把他治死[put him to death]

2 只是他們[they]說:「當節的日子不可,恐怕百姓生亂。」

3 耶穌在伯大尼長大痲瘋的西門家裏坐席的時候,有一個女人拿著一玉[box]極寶貴[very precious]的真哪噠香膏來;[she]打破玉[box],把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

4 有幾個人心中很不喜悅,說:「為何[why]這樣枉費香膏呢?

5 這香膏可以賣三十多兩銀子賙濟窮人。」他們就向那女人生氣。

6 耶穌說:「由她吧;為甚麼難為她呢?她在我身上作的是一件美事。

7 因為常有窮人和你們同在,要向他們行善隨時都可以;只是你們不常有我。

8 她所作的,是盡她所能的;她[come][to]為我安葬的事,預先要把香膏澆在我身上[aforehand to anoint my body]

9 我實在告訴你們:『普世之間[the whole world],無論在甚麼地方傳這福音,也要述說這女人所作的,為她[of her]記念。』」

10 十二門徒之中,有一個加略人猶大去見祭司長,要把耶穌[betray]給他們。

11 他們聽見就歡喜,又應許給他[money]。他就尋思如何得便賣耶穌[betray him]

12 除酵節的第一天,就是宰逾越羊羔的那一天,[his]門徒對耶穌說:「你吃逾越節的筵席要我們往哪裏去預備呢?」

13 耶穌就打發[his]兩個門徒出去[forth],對他們說:「你們進城去,必有人拿著一瓶水迎面而來;你們就跟著他。

14 他進那家去,你們就對那家的主人說:『夫子說:客房在哪裏,我與[my]門徒[shall]在那裏吃逾越節的筵席?』

15 他必指給你們擺設齊備[prepared]的一間大樓;你們就在那裏為我們預備。」

16 他的[his]門徒出去,進了城,所遇見的正如耶穌對他們[unto them]所說的;他們就預備了逾越節的筵席。

17 到了晚上,耶穌和十二個門徒都來了。

18 他們坐席吃完[did eat]的時候,耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們:『你們中間有一個與我同吃的人要賣我了。』」

19 他們就憂愁起來,一個一個的[say unto]他說:「是我麼?」又另有一個說:「是我麼?[and another said, Is it I]

20 耶穌回答[answered]他們說:「是十二個門徒中同我蘸手在盤子裏的那個人。

21 人子必要去世,正如經上指著他所寫的;但[that]賣人子的人有禍了。那人[if]不曾[never been]生在世上倒好。」

22 他們吃完[did eat]的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝了福,就擘開,遞給他們,說:「拿著吃[Take, eat];這是我的身體。」

23 [he]又拿起杯來,感謝了[given thanks]將杯[it]遞給他們;他們都喝了。

24 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這是我立[new]約的血,為多人流出來的。

25 我實在告訴你們:『我不再喝從葡萄所出的[of the fruit of the vine],直到我在神的國裏喝新的那日子。』」

26 他們唱了詩,就出來,往橄欖山去。

27 耶穌對他們說:「今夜,你們都因我而厭棄[All ye shall be offended because of me this night],因為經上記著說:我要擊打牧人,羊就分散了。

28 但我復活以後,要在你們以先往加利利去。」

29 彼得[But]對他[unto him]說:「眾人雖然厭棄[offended],我總不會[will not]。」

30 耶穌對他說:「我實在告訴你:『就在今天,[this]夜裏,雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次不認我。』」

31 彼得卻[more]極力的說:「我就是[should]和你同死,也總不能不認你。」眾門徒都是這樣說。

32 他們來到一個地方,名叫客西馬尼;耶穌對[his]門徒說:「你們坐在這裏,等我禱告。」

33 耶穌[he]於是帶著彼得、雅各、約翰同去,就大大[sore]驚恐起來,極其難過;

34 對他們說:「我心裏甚是憂傷,幾乎要死;你們在這裏等候,警醒。」

35 他就稍往前走,俯伏在地,禱告說:「倘若可行,便叫那時候過去。」

36 他說:「阿爸,父啊,在你凡事都能;求你將這杯撤去。然而,不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思。」

37 耶穌回來,見他們睡著了,就對彼得說:「西門,你睡覺嗎?[thou]不能警醒一時[one hour]嗎?

38 你們[ye]總要警醒禱告,免得入了迷惑。心靈固然願意,肉體卻軟弱了。」

39 耶穌又去禱告,說的話還是與先前一樣,

40 耶穌回來[he returned],見他們[again]睡著了,(因為他們的眼睛困倦[heavy],)他們也不知道怎麼回答[him]

41 耶穌[he]第三次來,對他們說:「現在你們仍然睡覺安歇吧[Sleep on now, and take your rest]。夠了,時候到了;看哪,人子被賣在罪人手裏了。

42 起來,我們走吧;看哪,那賣我的人近了。」

43 他正[while he]說話之間,隨即[immediately]那十二個門徒裏的猶大來了,並有極多的人[great multitude]帶著刀棒,從祭司長和文士並長老那裏與他同來。

44 [he that]賣耶穌的人曾給他們一個暗號,說:「我與誰親嘴,誰就是他;你們把他拿住,牢牢靠靠的帶去。」

45 猶大[as soon as][come],隨即到耶穌跟前,說:「夫子,夫子[Master, master];」便與他親嘴。

46 他們就下手拿住他。

47 旁邊站著的人,有一個拔出刀來,將大祭司的僕人襲了一把[smote],削掉了他一個耳朵。

48 耶穌回答[answered]他們說:「你們帶著刀棒出來拿我,如同拿盜賊[thief]嗎?

49 我天天教訓人,同你們在殿裏,你們並沒有拿我;只是聖經上的話必要應驗[but the scriptures must be fulfilled]。」

50 門徒都撇棄[forsook]他,逃走了。

51 有一個少年人,赤身披著一塊麻布,跟隨耶穌;少年[young]人就捉拿他。

52便[And]丟了麻布,赤身逃避他們[fled from them]了。

53 他們把耶穌帶到大祭司那裏;又有眾祭司長和長老並文士都來和大祭司一同聚集。

54 彼得遠遠的跟著耶穌,一直進入大祭司的[palace]裏;彼得[he]僕人[servants]一同坐在火光裏,烤火自暖[warmed himself]

55 祭司長和全公會尋找見證控告耶穌,要治死他;卻尋不著。

56 因為有許多[many]人作[false]見證告他,只是他們的見證各不相合。

57 又有幾個人起來[arose],作假見證告他,說:

58 「我們聽見他說:『我要拆毀這人手所造的殿,三日內就另造一座不是人手所造的。』」

59 但他們這麼作見證,也是各不相合[But neither so did their witness agree together]

60 大祭司起來站在中間,問耶穌說:「你甚麼都不回答嗎?這些人作見證告你的是甚麼呢?」

61 耶穌卻不言語,一句也不回答。大祭司又問他,對他[unto him]說:「你是那當稱頌者的兒子基督不是?」

62 耶穌說:「我是;你們必看見人子坐在那權能者的右邊,駕著天上的雲降臨。」

63 大祭司就撕開自己[his]衣服,說:「我們何必再用見證人呢?

64 你們已經聽見他這僭妄的話了;你們的意見如何?」他們都定他犯了死罪[guilty of death]

65 就有人吐唾沫在他臉上,又蒙著他的臉,用拳頭打他,對他說:「你說預言吧。」又有僕人[and the servants]用手掌打他。

66 彼得在下邊宮院[palace]裏,來了大祭司的一個使女;

67 [she]見彼得烤火自暖[warmed himself],就看著他,說:「你素來也是同拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌一夥的。」

68 彼得卻不承認,說:「我不知道,也不明白你說的是甚麼。」彼得便[and he]出來,到了前院;雞就叫了[the cock crew]

69 [again]有一個[a]使女看見他,[began to]對旁邊站著的人說:「這也是他們一黨的。」

70 彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候,旁邊站著的人又對彼得說:「你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人,而且你的口音也像[and thy speech agreeth thereto]。」

71 彼得就發咒起誓的說:「我不認得你們說的這個人。」

72 [cock][And]叫了第二遍。彼得想起耶穌對他所說的話:「雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次不認我。」[he]思想起來,就哭了。


Chapter 14

1 After3326 two1417 days2250 was the feast of the passover,3957 and of unleavened106 bread: and the chief749 priests749 and the scribes1122 sought2212 how4459 they might take2902 him by craft,1388 and put615 him to death.615

2 But they said,3004 Not on1722 the feast1859 day, lest3379 there be an uproar2351 of the people.2992

3 And being5607 in Bethany963 in the house3614 of Simon4613 the leper,3015 as he sat2621 at2621 meat, there came2064 a woman1135 having2192 an alabaster211 box211 of ointment3464 of spikenard3487 4101 very4185 precious;4185 and she broke4937 the box,211 and poured2708 it on2596 his head.2776

4 And there were some5100 that had indignation23 within4314 themselves,1438 and said,3004 Why1519 5101 was this3778 waste684 of the ointment3464 made?1096

5 For it might1410 have been sold4097 for more1883 than1883 three5145 hundred5145 pence,1220 and have been given1325 to the poor.4434 And they murmured1690 against1690 her.

6 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Let863 her alone;863 why5101 trouble2873 3930 you her? she has worked2038 a good2570 work2041 on1722 me.

7 For you have2192 the poor4434 with you always,3842 and whenever3752 you will2309 you may1410 do4160 them good:2095 but me you have2192 not always.3842

8 She has done4160 what3739 she could:2192 she is come4301 beforehand4301 to anoint3462 my body4983 to the burying.1780

9 Truly281 I say3004 to you, Wherever3699 302 this5124 gospel2098 shall be preached2784 throughout1519 the whole3650 world,2889 this also2532 that she has done4160 shall be spoken2980 of for a memorial3422 of her.

10 And Judas2455 Iscariot,2469 one1520 of the twelve,1427 went565 to the chief749 priests,749 to betray3860 him to them.

11 And when they heard191 it, they were glad,5463 and promised1861 to give1325 him money.694 And he sought2212 how4459 he might conveniently2122 betray3860 him.

12 And the first4413 day2250 of unleavened106 bread, when3753 they killed2380 the passover,3957 his disciples3101 said3004 to him, Where4226 will2309 you that we go565 and prepare2090 that you may eat5315 the passover?3957

13 And he sends649 forth1614 two1417 of his disciples,3101 and said3004 to them, Go5217 you into1519 the city,4172 and there shall meet528 you a man444 bearing941 a pitcher2765 of water:5204 follow190 him.

14 And wherever3699 1437 he shall go1525 in, say2036 you to the manager3611 of the house,3617 The Master1320 said,3004 Where4226 is the guest room,2646 where3699 I shall eat5315 the passover3957 with my disciples?3101

15 And he will show1166 you a large3173 upper508 room508 furnished4766 and prepared:2092 there1563 make2090 ready2090 for us.

16 And his disciples3101 went1831 forth,1831 and came2064 into1519 the city,4172 and found2147 as he had said2036 to them: and they made2090 ready2090 the passover.3957

17 And in the evening3798 he comes2064 with the twelve.1427

18 And as they sat345 and did eat,2068 Jesus2424 said,2036 Truly281 I say3004 to you, One1520 of you which3588 eats2068 with me shall betray3860 me.

19 And they began756 to be sorrowful,3076 and to say3004 to him one1520 by one,1520 Is it I? and another243 said, Is it I?

20 And he answered611 and said2036 to them, It is one1520 of the twelve,1427 that dips1686 with me in the dish.5165

21 The Son5207 of man444 indeed3303 goes,5217 as it is written1125 of him: but woe3759 to that man444 by whom3739 the Son5207 of man444 is betrayed!3860 good2570 were it for that man444 if1487 he had never3756 been born.1080

22 And as they did eat,2068 Jesus2424 took2983 bread,740 and blessed,2127 and broke2806 it, and gave1325 to them, and said,2036 Take,2983 eat:5315 this5124 is my body.4983

23 And he took2983 the cup,4221 and when he had given thanks,2168 he gave1325 it to them: and they all3956 drank4095 of it.

24 And he said2036 to them, This5124 is my blood129 of the new2537 testament,1242 which3588 is shed1632 for many.4183

25 Truly281 I say3004 to you, I will drink4095 no3765 more3765 of the fruit1081 of the vine,288 until2193 that day2250 that I drink4095 it new2537 in the kingdom932 of God.2316

26 And when they had sung5214 an hymn, they went1831 out into1519 the mount3735 of Olives.1636

27 And Jesus2424 said3004 to them, All3956 you shall be offended4624 because1722 of me this5026 night:3571 for it is written,1125 I will smite3960 the shepherd,4166 and the sheep4263 shall be scattered.1287

28 But after3326 that I am risen,1453 I will go4254 before4254 you into1519 Galilee.1056

29 But Peter4074 said5346 to him, Although2532 1487 all3956 shall be offended,4624 yet235 will not I.

30 And Jesus2424 said3004 to him, Truly281 I say3004 to you, That this4594 day,4594 even in this5026 night,3571 before4250 2228 the cock220 crow5455 twice,1364 you shall deny533 me thrice.5151

31 But he spoke3004 the more3123 vehemently,1722 4053 If1437 I should1163 die4880 with you, I will not deny533 you in any3364 wise. Likewise5615 also2532 said3004 they all.3956

32 And they came2064 to a place5564 which was named3686 Gethsemane:1068 and he said3004 to his disciples,3101 Sit2523 you here,5602 while2193 I shall pray.4336

33 And he takes3880 with him Peter4074 and James2385 and John,2491 and began756 to be sore1568 amazed,1568 and to be very85 heavy;85

34 And said3004 to them, My soul5590 is exceeding4036 sorrowful4036 to death:2288 tarry3306 you here,5602 and watch.1127

35 And he went4281 forward4281 a little,3397 and fell4098 on1909 the ground,1093 and prayed4336 that, if1487 it were possible,1415 the hour5610 might pass3928 from him.

36 And he said,3004 Abba,5 Father,3962 all3956 things are possible1415 to you; take3911 away3911 this5124 cup4221 from me: nevertheless235 not what5101 I will,2309 but what5101 you will.2309

37 And he comes,2064 and finds2147 them sleeping,2518 and said3004 to Peter,4074 Simon,4613 sleep2518 you? could2480 not you watch1127 one3391 hour?5610

38 Watch1127 you and pray,4336 lest2443 3361 you enter1525 into1519 temptation.3986 The spirit4151 truly3303 is ready,4289 but the flesh4561 is weak.772

39 And again3825 he went565 away,565 and prayed,4336 and spoke2036 the same846 words.3056

40 And when he returned,5290 he found2147 them asleep2518 again,3825 (for their eyes3788 were heavy,916) neither2532 3756 knew1492 they what5101 to answer611 him.

41 And he comes2064 the third5154 time, and said3004 to them, Sleep2518 on now,3063 and take your rest:373 it is enough,566 the hour5610 is come;2064 behold,2400 the Son5207 of man444 is betrayed3860 into1519 the hands5495 of sinners.268

42 Rise1453 up, let us go;71 see,2400 he that betrays3860 me is at1448 hand.1448

43 And immediately,2112 while he yet2089 spoke,2980 comes3854 Judas,2455 one1520 of the twelve,1427 and with him a great4183 multitude3793 with swords3162 and staves,3586 from the chief749 priests749 and the scribes1122 and the elders.4245

44 And he that betrayed3860 him had given1325 them a token,4953 saying,3004 Whomsoever3739 302 I shall kiss,5368 that same846 is he; take2902 him, and lead520 him away520 safely.806

45 And as soon as he was come,2064 he goes4334 straightway2112 to him, and said,3004 Master,4461 master;4461 and kissed2705 him.

46 And they laid1911 their hands5495 on1909 him, and took2902 him.

47 And one1520 of them that stood3936 by drew4685 a sword,3162 and smote3817 a servant1401 of the high749 priest,749 and cut851 off609 his ear.5621

48 And Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to them, Are you come1831 out, as against1909 a thief,3027 with swords3162 and with staves3586 to take4815 me?

49 I was daily2596 2250 with you in the temple2411 teaching,1321 and you took2902 me not: but the scriptures1124 must2443 be fulfilled.4137

50 And they all3956 forsook863 him, and fled.5343

51 And there followed190 him a certain5100 young3495 man,3495 having a linen4616 cloth4616 cast4016 about1909 his naked1131 body;4983 and the young3495 men3495 laid hold2902 on him:

52 And he left2641 the linen4616 cloth,4616 and fled5343 from them naked.1131

53 And they led520 Jesus2424 away520 to the high749 priest:749 and with him were assembled4905 all3956 the chief749 priests749 and the elders4245 and the scribes.1122

54 And Peter4074 followed190 him afar3113 off,575 even2193 into2080 1519 the palace833 of the high749 priest:749 and he sat4775 with the servants,5257 and warmed2328 himself846 at4314 the fire.5457

55 And the chief749 priests749 and all3650 the council4892 sought2212 for witness3141 against2596 Jesus2424 to put2289 him to death;2289 and found2147 none.3756

56 For many4183 bore5576 false5576 witness5576 against2596 him, but their witness3141 agreed2470 not together.

57 And there arose450 certain,5100 and bore5576 false5576 witness5576 against2596 him, saying,3004

58 We heard191 him say,3004 I will destroy2647 this5126 temple3485 that is made5499 with hands,5499 and within1223 three5140 days2250 I will build3618 another243 made886 without886 hands.886

59 But neither3761 so3779 did their witness3141 agree2470 together.

60 And the high749 priest749 stood450 up in the middle,3319 and asked1905 Jesus,2424 saying,3004 Answer611 you nothing?3762 what5101 is it which these3778 witness2649 against you?

61 But he held4623 his peace,4623 and answered611 nothing.3762 Again3825 the high749 priest749 asked1905 him, and said3004 to him, Are1488 you the Christ,5547 the Son5207 of the Blessed?2128

62 And Jesus2424 said,2036 I am:1510 and you shall see3700 the Son5207 of man444 sitting2521 on1537 the right1188 hand of power,1411 and coming2064 in the clouds3507 of heaven.3772

63 Then1161 the high749 priest749 rent1284 his clothes,5509 and said,3004 What5101 need2192 5532 we any2089 further2089 witnesses?3144

64 You have heard191 the blasphemy:988 what5101 think5316 you? And they all3956 condemned2632 him to be guilty1777 of death.2288

65 And some5100 began756 to spit1716 on1716 him, and to cover4028 his face,4383 and to buffet2852 him, and to say3004 to him, Prophesy:4395 and the servants5257 did strike906 him with the palms4475 of their hands.

66 And as Peter4074 was beneath2736 in the palace,833 there comes2064 one3391 of the maids3814 of the high749 priest:749

67 And when she saw1492 Peter4074 warming2328 himself,846 she looked1689 on him, and said,3004 And you also2532 were2258 with Jesus2424 of Nazareth.3478

68 But he denied,720 saying,3004 I know1492 not, neither3761 understand1987 I what5101 you say.3004 And he went1831 out into1519 the porch;4259 and the cock220 crew.5455

69 And a maid3814 saw1492 him again,3825 and began756 to say3004 to them that stood3936 by, This3778 is one of them.

70 And he denied720 it again.3825 And a little3397 after,3326 they that stood3936 by said3004 again3825 to Peter,4074 Surely230 you are1488 one of them: for you are a Galilaean,1057 and your speech2981 agrees3662 thereto.

71 But he began756 to curse332 and to swear,3660 saying, I know1492 not this5126 man444 of whom3739 you speak.3004

72 And the second1208 time the cock220 crew.5455 And Peter4074 called363 to mind363 the word4487 that Jesus2424 said2036 to him, Before4250 the cock220 crow5455 twice,1364 you shall deny533 me thrice. And when he thought1911 thereon,1911 he wept.2799




Chapter 14

1 過兩天是逾越節,又是除酵節;祭司長和文士想法子怎麼用詭計捉拿耶穌,把他治死[put him to death]

1 After3326 two1417 days2250 was the feast of the passover,3957 and of unleavened106 bread: and the chief749 priests749 and the scribes1122 sought2212 how4459 they might take2902 him by craft,1388 and put615 him to death.615

2 只是他們[they]說:「當節的日子不可,恐怕百姓生亂。」

2 But they said,3004 Not on1722 the feast1859 day, lest3379 there be an uproar2351 of the people.2992

3 耶穌在伯大尼長大痲瘋的西門家裏坐席的時候,有一個女人拿著一玉[box]極寶貴[very precious]的真哪噠香膏來;[she]打破玉[box],把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

3 And being5607 in Bethany963 in the house3614 of Simon4613 the leper,3015 as he sat2621 at2621 meat, there came2064 a woman1135 having2192 an alabaster211 box211 of ointment3464 of spikenard3487 4101 very4185 precious;4185 and she broke4937 the box,211 and poured2708 it on2596 his head.2776

4 有幾個人心中很不喜悅,說:「為何[why]這樣枉費香膏呢?

4 And there were some5100 that had indignation23 within4314 themselves,1438 and said,3004 Why1519 5101 was this3778 waste684 of the ointment3464 made?1096

5 這香膏可以賣三十多兩銀子賙濟窮人。」他們就向那女人生氣。

5 For it might1410 have been sold4097 for more1883 than1883 three5145 hundred5145 pence,1220 and have been given1325 to the poor.4434 And they murmured1690 against1690 her.

6 耶穌說:「由她吧;為甚麼難為她呢?她在我身上作的是一件美事。

6 And Jesus2424 said,2036 Let863 her alone;863 why5101 trouble2873 3930 you her? she has worked2038 a good2570 work2041 on1722 me.

7 因為常有窮人和你們同在,要向他們行善隨時都可以;只是你們不常有我。

7 For you have2192 the poor4434 with you always,3842 and whenever3752 you will2309 you may1410 do4160 them good:2095 but me you have2192 not always.3842

8 她所作的,是盡她所能的;她[come][to]為我安葬的事,預先要把香膏澆在我身上[aforehand to anoint my body]

8 She has done4160 what3739 she could:2192 she is come4301 beforehand4301 to anoint3462 my body4983 to the burying.1780

9 我實在告訴你們:『普世之間[the whole world],無論在甚麼地方傳這福音,也要述說這女人所作的,為她[of her]記念。』」

9 Truly281 I say3004 to you, Wherever3699 302 this5124 gospel2098 shall be preached2784 throughout1519 the whole3650 world,2889 this also2532 that she has done4160 shall be spoken2980 of for a memorial3422 of her.

10 十二門徒之中,有一個加略人猶大去見祭司長,要把耶穌[betray]給他們。

10 And Judas2455 Iscariot,2469 one1520 of the twelve,1427 went565 to the chief749 priests,749 to betray3860 him to them.

11 他們聽見就歡喜,又應許給他[money]。他就尋思如何得便賣耶穌[betray him]

11 And when they heard191 it, they were glad,5463 and promised1861 to give1325 him money.694 And he sought2212 how4459 he might conveniently2122 betray3860 him.

12 除酵節的第一天,就是宰逾越羊羔的那一天,[his]門徒對耶穌說:「你吃逾越節的筵席要我們往哪裏去預備呢?」

12 And the first4413 day2250 of unleavened106 bread, when3753 they killed2380 the passover,3957 his disciples3101 said3004 to him, Where4226 will2309 you that we go565 and prepare2090 that you may eat5315 the passover?3957

13 耶穌就打發[his]兩個門徒出去[forth],對他們說:「你們進城去,必有人拿著一瓶水迎面而來;你們就跟著他。

13 And he sends649 forth1614 two1417 of his disciples,3101 and said3004 to them, Go5217 you into1519 the city,4172 and there shall meet528 you a man444 bearing941 a pitcher2765 of water:5204 follow190 him.

14 他進那家去,你們就對那家的主人說:『夫子說:客房在哪裏,我與[my]門徒[shall]在那裏吃逾越節的筵席?』

14 And wherever3699 1437 he shall go1525 in, say2036 you to the manager3611 of the house,3617 The Master1320 said,3004 Where4226 is the guest room,2646 where3699 I shall eat5315 the passover3957 with my disciples?3101

15 他必指給你們擺設齊備[prepared]的一間大樓;你們就在那裏為我們預備。」

15 And he will show1166 you a large3173 upper508 room508 furnished4766 and prepared:2092 there1563 make2090 ready2090 for us.

16 他的[his]門徒出去,進了城,所遇見的正如耶穌對他們[unto them]所說的;他們就預備了逾越節的筵席。

16 And his disciples3101 went1831 forth,1831 and came2064 into1519 the city,4172 and found2147 as he had said2036 to them: and they made2090 ready2090 the passover.3957

17 到了晚上,耶穌和十二個門徒都來了。

17 And in the evening3798 he comes2064 with the twelve.1427

18 他們坐席吃完[did eat]的時候,耶穌說:「我實在告訴你們:『你們中間有一個與我同吃的人要賣我了。』」

18 And as they sat345 and did eat,2068 Jesus2424 said,2036 Truly281 I say3004 to you, One1520 of you which3588 eats2068 with me shall betray3860 me.

19 他們就憂愁起來,一個一個的[say unto]他說:「是我麼?」又另有一個說:「是我麼?[and another said, Is it I]

19 And they began756 to be sorrowful,3076 and to say3004 to him one1520 by one,1520 Is it I? and another243 said, Is it I?

20 耶穌回答[answered]他們說:「是十二個門徒中同我蘸手在盤子裏的那個人。

20 And he answered611 and said2036 to them, It is one1520 of the twelve,1427 that dips1686 with me in the dish.5165

21 人子必要去世,正如經上指著他所寫的;但[that]賣人子的人有禍了。那人[if]不曾[never been]生在世上倒好。」

21 The Son5207 of man444 indeed3303 goes,5217 as it is written1125 of him: but woe3759 to that man444 by whom3739 the Son5207 of man444 is betrayed!3860 good2570 were it for that man444 if1487 he had never3756 been born.1080

22 他們吃完[did eat]的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝了福,就擘開,遞給他們,說:「拿著吃[Take, eat];這是我的身體。」

22 And as they did eat,2068 Jesus2424 took2983 bread,740 and blessed,2127 and broke2806 it, and gave1325 to them, and said,2036 Take,2983 eat:5315 this5124 is my body.4983

23 [he]又拿起杯來,感謝了[given thanks]將杯[it]遞給他們;他們都喝了。

23 And he took2983 the cup,4221 and when he had given thanks,2168 he gave1325 it to them: and they all3956 drank4095 of it.

24 耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這是我立[new]約的血,為多人流出來的。

24 And he said2036 to them, This5124 is my blood129 of the new2537 testament,1242 which3588 is shed1632 for many.4183

25 我實在告訴你們:『我不再喝從葡萄所出的[of the fruit of the vine],直到我在神的國裏喝新的那日子。』」

25 Truly281 I say3004 to you, I will drink4095 no3765 more3765 of the fruit1081 of the vine,288 until2193 that day2250 that I drink4095 it new2537 in the kingdom932 of God.2316

26 他們唱了詩,就出來,往橄欖山去。

26 And when they had sung5214 an hymn, they went1831 out into1519 the mount3735 of Olives.1636

27 耶穌對他們說:「今夜,你們都因我而厭棄[All ye shall be offended because of me this night],因為經上記著說:我要擊打牧人,羊就分散了。

27 And Jesus2424 said3004 to them, All3956 you shall be offended4624 because1722 of me this5026 night:3571 for it is written,1125 I will smite3960 the shepherd,4166 and the sheep4263 shall be scattered.1287

28 但我復活以後,要在你們以先往加利利去。」

28 But after3326 that I am risen,1453 I will go4254 before4254 you into1519 Galilee.1056

29 彼得[But]對他[unto him]說:「眾人雖然厭棄[offended],我總不會[will not]。」

29 But Peter4074 said5346 to him, Although2532 1487 all3956 shall be offended,4624 yet235 will not I.

30 耶穌對他說:「我實在告訴你:『就在今天,[this]夜裏,雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次不認我。』」

30 And Jesus2424 said3004 to him, Truly281 I say3004 to you, That this4594 day,4594 even in this5026 night,3571 before4250 2228 the cock220 crow5455 twice,1364 you shall deny533 me thrice.5151

31 彼得卻[more]極力的說:「我就是[should]和你同死,也總不能不認你。」眾門徒都是這樣說。

31 But he spoke3004 the more3123 vehemently,1722 4053 If1437 I should1163 die4880 with you, I will not deny533 you in any3364 wise. Likewise5615 also2532 said3004 they all.3956

32 他們來到一個地方,名叫客西馬尼;耶穌對[his]門徒說:「你們坐在這裏,等我禱告。」

32 And they came2064 to a place5564 which was named3686 Gethsemane:1068 and he said3004 to his disciples,3101 Sit2523 you here,5602 while2193 I shall pray.4336

33 耶穌[he]於是帶著彼得、雅各、約翰同去,就大大[sore]驚恐起來,極其難過;

33 And he takes3880 with him Peter4074 and James2385 and John,2491 and began756 to be sore1568 amazed,1568 and to be very85 heavy;85

34 對他們說:「我心裏甚是憂傷,幾乎要死;你們在這裏等候,警醒。」

34 And said3004 to them, My soul5590 is exceeding4036 sorrowful4036 to death:2288 tarry3306 you here,5602 and watch.1127

35 他就稍往前走,俯伏在地,禱告說:「倘若可行,便叫那時候過去。」

35 And he went4281 forward4281 a little,3397 and fell4098 on1909 the ground,1093 and prayed4336 that, if1487 it were possible,1415 the hour5610 might pass3928 from him.

36 他說:「阿爸,父啊,在你凡事都能;求你將這杯撤去。然而,不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思。」

36 And he said,3004 Abba,5 Father,3962 all3956 things are possible1415 to you; take3911 away3911 this5124 cup4221 from me: nevertheless235 not what5101 I will,2309 but what5101 you will.2309

37 耶穌回來,見他們睡著了,就對彼得說:「西門,你睡覺嗎?[thou]不能警醒一時[one hour]嗎?

37 And he comes,2064 and finds2147 them sleeping,2518 and said3004 to Peter,4074 Simon,4613 sleep2518 you? could2480 not you watch1127 one3391 hour?5610

38 你們[ye]總要警醒禱告,免得入了迷惑。心靈固然願意,肉體卻軟弱了。」

38 Watch1127 you and pray,4336 lest2443 3361 you enter1525 into1519 temptation.3986 The spirit4151 truly3303 is ready,4289 but the flesh4561 is weak.772

39 耶穌又去禱告,說的話還是與先前一樣,

39 And again3825 he went565 away,565 and prayed,4336 and spoke2036 the same846 words.3056

40 耶穌回來[he returned],見他們[again]睡著了,(因為他們的眼睛困倦[heavy],)他們也不知道怎麼回答[him]

40 And when he returned,5290 he found2147 them asleep2518 again,3825 (for their eyes3788 were heavy,916) neither2532 3756 knew1492 they what5101 to answer611 him.

41 耶穌[he]第三次來,對他們說:「現在你們仍然睡覺安歇吧[Sleep on now, and take your rest]。夠了,時候到了;看哪,人子被賣在罪人手裏了。

41 And he comes2064 the third5154 time, and said3004 to them, Sleep2518 on now,3063 and take your rest:373 it is enough,566 the hour5610 is come;2064 behold,2400 the Son5207 of man444 is betrayed3860 into1519 the hands5495 of sinners.268

42 起來,我們走吧;看哪,那賣我的人近了。」

42 Rise1453 up, let us go;71 see,2400 he that betrays3860 me is at1448 hand.1448

43 他正[while he]說話之間,隨即[immediately]那十二個門徒裏的猶大來了,並有極多的人[great multitude]帶著刀棒,從祭司長和文士並長老那裏與他同來。

43 And immediately,2112 while he yet2089 spoke,2980 comes3854 Judas,2455 one1520 of the twelve,1427 and with him a great4183 multitude3793 with swords3162 and staves,3586 from the chief749 priests749 and the scribes1122 and the elders.4245

44 [he that]賣耶穌的人曾給他們一個暗號,說:「我與誰親嘴,誰就是他;你們把他拿住,牢牢靠靠的帶去。」

44 And he that betrayed3860 him had given1325 them a token,4953 saying,3004 Whomsoever3739 302 I shall kiss,5368 that same846 is he; take2902 him, and lead520 him away520 safely.806

45 猶大[as soon as][come],隨即到耶穌跟前,說:「夫子,夫子[Master, master];」便與他親嘴。

45 And as soon as he was come,2064 he goes4334 straightway2112 to him, and said,3004 Master,4461 master;4461 and kissed2705 him.

46 他們就下手拿住他。

46 And they laid1911 their hands5495 on1909 him, and took2902 him.

47 旁邊站著的人,有一個拔出刀來,將大祭司的僕人襲了一把[smote],削掉了他一個耳朵。

47 And one1520 of them that stood3936 by drew4685 a sword,3162 and smote3817 a servant1401 of the high749 priest,749 and cut851 off609 his ear.5621

48 耶穌回答[answered]他們說:「你們帶著刀棒出來拿我,如同拿盜賊[thief]嗎?

48 And Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 to them, Are you come1831 out, as against1909 a thief,3027 with swords3162 and with staves3586 to take4815 me?

49 我天天教訓人,同你們在殿裏,你們並沒有拿我;只是聖經上的話必要應驗[but the scriptures must be fulfilled]。」

49 I was daily2596 2250 with you in the temple2411 teaching,1321 and you took2902 me not: but the scriptures1124 must2443 be fulfilled.4137

50 門徒都撇棄[forsook]他,逃走了。

50 And they all3956 forsook863 him, and fled.5343

51 有一個少年人,赤身披著一塊麻布,跟隨耶穌;少年[young]人就捉拿他。

51 And there followed190 him a certain5100 young3495 man,3495 having a linen4616 cloth4616 cast4016 about1909 his naked1131 body;4983 and the young3495 men3495 laid hold2902 on him:

52便[And]丟了麻布,赤身逃避他們[fled from them]了。

52 And he left2641 the linen4616 cloth,4616 and fled5343 from them naked.1131

53 他們把耶穌帶到大祭司那裏;又有眾祭司長和長老並文士都來和大祭司一同聚集。

53 And they led520 Jesus2424 away520 to the high749 priest:749 and with him were assembled4905 all3956 the chief749 priests749 and the elders4245 and the scribes.1122

54 彼得遠遠的跟著耶穌,一直進入大祭司的[palace]裏;彼得[he]僕人[servants]一同坐在火光裏,烤火自暖[warmed himself]

54 And Peter4074 followed190 him afar3113 off,575 even2193 into2080 1519 the palace833 of the high749 priest:749 and he sat4775 with the servants,5257 and warmed2328 himself846 at4314 the fire.5457

55 祭司長和全公會尋找見證控告耶穌,要治死他;卻尋不著。

55 And the chief749 priests749 and all3650 the council4892 sought2212 for witness3141 against2596 Jesus2424 to put2289 him to death;2289 and found2147 none.3756

56 因為有許多[many]人作[false]見證告他,只是他們的見證各不相合。

56 For many4183 bore5576 false5576 witness5576 against2596 him, but their witness3141 agreed2470 not together.

57 又有幾個人起來[arose],作假見證告他,說:

57 And there arose450 certain,5100 and bore5576 false5576 witness5576 against2596 him, saying,3004

58 「我們聽見他說:『我要拆毀這人手所造的殿,三日內就另造一座不是人手所造的。』」

58 We heard191 him say,3004 I will destroy2647 this5126 temple3485 that is made5499 with hands,5499 and within1223 three5140 days2250 I will build3618 another243 made886 without886 hands.886

59 但他們這麼作見證,也是各不相合[But neither so did their witness agree together]

59 But neither3761 so3779 did their witness3141 agree2470 together.

60 大祭司起來站在中間,問耶穌說:「你甚麼都不回答嗎?這些人作見證告你的是甚麼呢?」

60 And the high749 priest749 stood450 up in the middle,3319 and asked1905 Jesus,2424 saying,3004 Answer611 you nothing?3762 what5101 is it which these3778 witness2649 against you?

61 耶穌卻不言語,一句也不回答。大祭司又問他,對他[unto him]說:「你是那當稱頌者的兒子基督不是?」

61 But he held4623 his peace,4623 and answered611 nothing.3762 Again3825 the high749 priest749 asked1905 him, and said3004 to him, Are1488 you the Christ,5547 the Son5207 of the Blessed?2128

62 耶穌說:「我是;你們必看見人子坐在那權能者的右邊,駕著天上的雲降臨。」

62 And Jesus2424 said,2036 I am:1510 and you shall see3700 the Son5207 of man444 sitting2521 on1537 the right1188 hand of power,1411 and coming2064 in the clouds3507 of heaven.3772

63 大祭司就撕開自己[his]衣服,說:「我們何必再用見證人呢?

63 Then1161 the high749 priest749 rent1284 his clothes,5509 and said,3004 What5101 need2192 5532 we any2089 further2089 witnesses?3144

64 你們已經聽見他這僭妄的話了;你們的意見如何?」他們都定他犯了死罪[guilty of death]

64 You have heard191 the blasphemy:988 what5101 think5316 you? And they all3956 condemned2632 him to be guilty1777 of death.2288

65 就有人吐唾沫在他臉上,又蒙著他的臉,用拳頭打他,對他說:「你說預言吧。」又有僕人[and the servants]用手掌打他。

65 And some5100 began756 to spit1716 on1716 him, and to cover4028 his face,4383 and to buffet2852 him, and to say3004 to him, Prophesy:4395 and the servants5257 did strike906 him with the palms4475 of their hands.

66 彼得在下邊宮院[palace]裏,來了大祭司的一個使女;

66 And as Peter4074 was beneath2736 in the palace,833 there comes2064 one3391 of the maids3814 of the high749 priest:749

67 [she]見彼得烤火自暖[warmed himself],就看著他,說:「你素來也是同拿撒勒的[of Nazareth]耶穌一夥的。」

67 And when she saw1492 Peter4074 warming2328 himself,846 she looked1689 on him, and said,3004 And you also2532 were2258 with Jesus2424 of Nazareth.3478

68 彼得卻不承認,說:「我不知道,也不明白你說的是甚麼。」彼得便[and he]出來,到了前院;雞就叫了[the cock crew]

68 But he denied,720 saying,3004 I know1492 not, neither3761 understand1987 I what5101 you say.3004 And he went1831 out into1519 the porch;4259 and the cock220 crew.5455

69 [again]有一個[a]使女看見他,[began to]對旁邊站著的人說:「這也是他們一黨的。」

69 And a maid3814 saw1492 him again,3825 and began756 to say3004 to them that stood3936 by, This3778 is one of them.

70 彼得又不承認。過了不多的時候,旁邊站著的人又對彼得說:「你真是他們一黨的。因為你是加利利人,而且你的口音也像[and thy speech agreeth thereto]。」

70 And he denied720 it again.3825 And a little3397 after,3326 they that stood3936 by said3004 again3825 to Peter,4074 Surely230 you are1488 one of them: for you are a Galilaean,1057 and your speech2981 agrees3662 thereto.

71 彼得就發咒起誓的說:「我不認得你們說的這個人。」

71 But he began756 to curse332 and to swear,3660 saying, I know1492 not this5126 man444 of whom3739 you speak.3004

72 [cock][And]叫了第二遍。彼得想起耶穌對他所說的話:「雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次不認我。」[he]思想起來,就哭了。

72 And the second1208 time the cock220 crew.5455 And Peter4074 called363 to mind363 the word4487 that Jesus2424 said2036 to him, Before4250 the cock220 crow5455 twice,1364 you shall deny533 me thrice. And when he thought1911 thereon,1911 he wept.2799
