

1 我欲爾知我爲爾及老底嘉人、與未嘗靦面者、多竭心思、

2 使其心受慰、仁愛浹洽於中、大有穎悟篤信、知父上帝與基督之奧、

3 一切容智識見、皆蓄積隱藏於基督衷、

4 我言此、恐人以巧言吃惑爾、

5 我身雖遠、而神馳左右、見爾秩然有序、篤信基督、甚爲爾喜、

6 旣爾惟主基督耶穌是承、則必從之以行、

7 爾學基督、根旣深矣、經營搆造、篤信勉行、感厥厚恩、

8 慎勿爲曲學空言所誘、彼所從者、乃人之遺傳、世之小學、非遵基督、

9 上帝盛德、悉在基督、

10 基督爲諾權力首、爾以之得全備、

11 受其割禮、以遠身之罪、此禮不假手於人乃受之基督、

12 爾亦受洗、與基督同穴、上帝甦基督、爾藉其力、亦與之共甦、

13 昔爾未受克己之割禮、陷罪如死、今上帝宥爾諸罪、俾與基督俱生、

14 繩我儕者、儀文之券、以基督釘十字架、塗抹去之、

15 基督在十字架、勝諸權力、明徇於衆而凱旋、

16 爾勿以飲食、節期、月朔、安息日故、被人擬議、

17 凡若此、影也、其形、後也、形卽基督、

18 勿以爾之賞、見奪於人、彼以謙卑自稱、效天使崇拜、欲窺無形、私心自衒、

19 竟不愛戴元首、全體惟藉厥首、百篩維繫、相承鞏固、賴上帝以生以長、

20 爾效基督之死、脫此世小學、奚可從世故、尚儀文乎、

21 儀文之大略、卽毋近、毋嘗、毋捫之也、

22 第人所傳之教、習之必敗、

23 有智慧之名、佯爲崇事、自卑克己、不愛其身、惟狗所欲焉、昧保身之道焉〔不愛二句或曰究〕


Chapter 2

1 I WOULD that you knew how I struggled for your sakes and for the sake of those who are at La-od-i-ce'a, and for the rest who have not seen me personally;

2 That their hearts may be comforted, and that they may be brought near by love to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, the Father, and of Christ,

3 In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

4 And I say this, so that no man may beguile you with enticing words.

5 For though I am far away from you in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, and I rejoice to see your orderliness and the sincerity of your faith in Christ.

6 Just as you have therefore accepted Jesus Christ our LORD, so you must be led by him:

7 Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

8 Beware lest any man mislead you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the teaching of men, after the principles of the world, and not after Christ.

9 For in him is embodied all the fulness of the Godhead.

10 And it is through him that you also have been made complete, for he is the head of all angelic orders and powers:

11 In whom also you are circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in putting off the sinful body by the circumcision of Christ:

12 And you were buried with him in baptism, and by him you were raised with him, for you believed in the power of God who raised him from the dead.

13 And you, who once were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he has granted to live with him, and he has forgiven you all your sins;

14 And by his commandments he cancelled the written bond of our sins, which stood against us; and he took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 And by putting off his mortal body, he exposed the powers of evil, and through his person put them openly to shame.

16 Let no man therefore create a disturbance among you about eating and drinking, or about the division of the feast days, the beginning of the months and the day of the sabbath:

17 These are shadows of things to come; but the main objective is Christ.

18 Let no man, by pretense of sincerity, doom you, so that you worship angels; for he is bold about the things he has not seen, and foolishly he is proud of his intellectual powers.

19 That very person does not uphold the Head by which the whole body is constructed and stands with the joints and members; and grows through the discipline of God.

20 Therefore, if you have died with Christ and are apart from the principles of the world why then should you be doomed as though living in the world?

21 Do not touch; do not taste; do not follow;

22 For these things are customs which are changeable and they are the commandments and doctrines of men.

23 And it appears there is some word of wisdom in these things when presented by the humble person in fear of God; provided they disregard the things of the flesh, not those things which are honourable but only those things which satisfy the pleasure of the flesh.




Chapter 2

1 我欲爾知我爲爾及老底嘉人、與未嘗靦面者、多竭心思、

1 I WOULD that you knew how I struggled for your sakes and for the sake of those who are at La-od-i-ce'a, and for the rest who have not seen me personally;

2 使其心受慰、仁愛浹洽於中、大有穎悟篤信、知父上帝與基督之奧、

2 That their hearts may be comforted, and that they may be brought near by love to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, the Father, and of Christ,

3 一切容智識見、皆蓄積隱藏於基督衷、

3 In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

4 我言此、恐人以巧言吃惑爾、

4 And I say this, so that no man may beguile you with enticing words.

5 我身雖遠、而神馳左右、見爾秩然有序、篤信基督、甚爲爾喜、

5 For though I am far away from you in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, and I rejoice to see your orderliness and the sincerity of your faith in Christ.

6 旣爾惟主基督耶穌是承、則必從之以行、

6 Just as you have therefore accepted Jesus Christ our LORD, so you must be led by him:

7 爾學基督、根旣深矣、經營搆造、篤信勉行、感厥厚恩、

7 Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

8 慎勿爲曲學空言所誘、彼所從者、乃人之遺傳、世之小學、非遵基督、

8 Beware lest any man mislead you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the teaching of men, after the principles of the world, and not after Christ.

9 上帝盛德、悉在基督、

9 For in him is embodied all the fulness of the Godhead.

10 基督爲諾權力首、爾以之得全備、

10 And it is through him that you also have been made complete, for he is the head of all angelic orders and powers:

11 受其割禮、以遠身之罪、此禮不假手於人乃受之基督、

11 In whom also you are circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in putting off the sinful body by the circumcision of Christ:

12 爾亦受洗、與基督同穴、上帝甦基督、爾藉其力、亦與之共甦、

12 And you were buried with him in baptism, and by him you were raised with him, for you believed in the power of God who raised him from the dead.

13 昔爾未受克己之割禮、陷罪如死、今上帝宥爾諸罪、俾與基督俱生、

13 And you, who once were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he has granted to live with him, and he has forgiven you all your sins;

14 繩我儕者、儀文之券、以基督釘十字架、塗抹去之、

14 And by his commandments he cancelled the written bond of our sins, which stood against us; and he took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 基督在十字架、勝諸權力、明徇於衆而凱旋、

15 And by putting off his mortal body, he exposed the powers of evil, and through his person put them openly to shame.

16 爾勿以飲食、節期、月朔、安息日故、被人擬議、

16 Let no man therefore create a disturbance among you about eating and drinking, or about the division of the feast days, the beginning of the months and the day of the sabbath:

17 凡若此、影也、其形、後也、形卽基督、

17 These are shadows of things to come; but the main objective is Christ.

18 勿以爾之賞、見奪於人、彼以謙卑自稱、效天使崇拜、欲窺無形、私心自衒、

18 Let no man, by pretense of sincerity, doom you, so that you worship angels; for he is bold about the things he has not seen, and foolishly he is proud of his intellectual powers.

19 竟不愛戴元首、全體惟藉厥首、百篩維繫、相承鞏固、賴上帝以生以長、

19 That very person does not uphold the Head by which the whole body is constructed and stands with the joints and members; and grows through the discipline of God.

20 爾效基督之死、脫此世小學、奚可從世故、尚儀文乎、

20 Therefore, if you have died with Christ and are apart from the principles of the world why then should you be doomed as though living in the world?

21 儀文之大略、卽毋近、毋嘗、毋捫之也、

21 Do not touch; do not taste; do not follow;

22 第人所傳之教、習之必敗、

22 For these things are customs which are changeable and they are the commandments and doctrines of men.

23 有智慧之名、佯爲崇事、自卑克己、不愛其身、惟狗所欲焉、昧保身之道焉〔不愛二句或曰究〕

23 And it appears there is some word of wisdom in these things when presented by the humble person in fear of God; provided they disregard the things of the flesh, not those things which are honourable but only those things which satisfy the pleasure of the flesh.
