

1 聖神確言、季世有人背道、從偽感神者、教人事鬼、

2 僞善誑言、喪其本心、如火銷鑠、

3 禁嫁娶、茹葷、然葷乃上帝生物、使信主識眞理者、感恩以食、

4 上帝生物、諸惟可食、感恩享之勿棄、

5 以上帝命、禱而食之無不潔、

6 爾以此勸兄弟、可爲耶穌基督忠僕、習信道、從善教、

7 當棄妄言老媼之談、練習敬虔、

8 調劑乎身者其益少、敬虔乎主者其益大、今生來生、皆許有福、

9 此可信可嘉之言、

10 念此我服勞見詬、蓋吾所賴者、永生上帝、卽救萬人、救信主尤切者、

11 此當誨諭焉、

12 勿以爾之年幼、爲人輕視、乃以言行仁愛、情性、忠信、廉潔、爲信主者之模楷、

13 專務誦讀、勸勉教誨、以迨我至、

14 昔有預言及爾者、

15 長老按手、錫爾恩賜、切勿自棄、

16 專務習之、使爾上達、明顯於衆、

1 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 NOW the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, following after misleading spirits, and doctrines of devils.

2 Who with false appearance mislead and speak lies and are seared in their own conscience;

3 Who prohibit marriage, and demand abstinence from foods which God has created for use and thanksgiving of those who believe and know the truth.

4 For all things created by God are good, nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

6 If you teach these things to the brethren, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, brought up by the words of faith and in the good doctrine which you have been taught.

7 Refuse foolish and old wives fables, and train yourself in righteousness.

8 For physical training profits only for a little while: but righteousness is profitable in all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

9 This is a true saying and worthy to be accepted.

10 Because of this, we both toil and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those who believe.

11 These things command and teach.

12 Let no man despise your youth; but you be an example to believers, in word, in behaviour, in love, in faith, and in purity.

13 And until I come, strive to study, and continue in prayer and teaching.

14 Do not neglect the gift that you have, which was given to you by prophecy, and by virtue of the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

15 Meditate upon these things; give yourself wholly to them; so that it may be known to all that you are progressing.

16 Take heed to yourself and to your doctrine; and be firm in them: for in doing this, you shall both save yourself and those who hear you.



1 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 聖神確言、季世有人背道、從偽感神者、教人事鬼、

1 NOW the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, following after misleading spirits, and doctrines of devils.

2 僞善誑言、喪其本心、如火銷鑠、

2 Who with false appearance mislead and speak lies and are seared in their own conscience;

3 禁嫁娶、茹葷、然葷乃上帝生物、使信主識眞理者、感恩以食、

3 Who prohibit marriage, and demand abstinence from foods which God has created for use and thanksgiving of those who believe and know the truth.

4 上帝生物、諸惟可食、感恩享之勿棄、

4 For all things created by God are good, nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

5 以上帝命、禱而食之無不潔、

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

6 爾以此勸兄弟、可爲耶穌基督忠僕、習信道、從善教、

6 If you teach these things to the brethren, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, brought up by the words of faith and in the good doctrine which you have been taught.

7 當棄妄言老媼之談、練習敬虔、

7 Refuse foolish and old wives fables, and train yourself in righteousness.

8 調劑乎身者其益少、敬虔乎主者其益大、今生來生、皆許有福、

8 For physical training profits only for a little while: but righteousness is profitable in all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

9 此可信可嘉之言、

9 This is a true saying and worthy to be accepted.

10 念此我服勞見詬、蓋吾所賴者、永生上帝、卽救萬人、救信主尤切者、

10 Because of this, we both toil and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those who believe.

11 此當誨諭焉、

11 These things command and teach.

12 勿以爾之年幼、爲人輕視、乃以言行仁愛、情性、忠信、廉潔、爲信主者之模楷、

12 Let no man despise your youth; but you be an example to believers, in word, in behaviour, in love, in faith, and in purity.

13 專務誦讀、勸勉教誨、以迨我至、

13 And until I come, strive to study, and continue in prayer and teaching.

14 昔有預言及爾者、

14 Do not neglect the gift that you have, which was given to you by prophecy, and by virtue of the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

15 長老按手、錫爾恩賜、切勿自棄、

15 Meditate upon these things; give yourself wholly to them; so that it may be known to all that you are progressing.

16 專務習之、使爾上達、明顯於衆、

16 Take heed to yourself and to your doctrine; and be firm in them: for in doing this, you shall both save yourself and those who hear you.
