

1 摩西對曰、恐以色列族不信從我、言耶和華不顯現於我。

2 耶和華曰。爾所執者何、曰、杖。

3 曰、可擲於地。摩西擲之、遽化爲蛇、摩西避焉。

4 耶和華曰、舉爾手執其尾。摩西舉手執之、仍爲杖。

5 耶和華曰、爾當行是、使以色列族信其祖之上帝、亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、耶和華已顯現於爾。〇

6 又曰、置手於懷、摩西置於懷、復出其手、竟成癩皓如雪。

7 又曰、再置手於懷、摩西復置而出之、其色與遍體無異。

8 耶和華曰、如以色列族、不緣前之異蹟信從爾、必爲後之異蹟信從爾。

9 設行異蹟、而仍弗信從、則以河水傾於陸地、水必變血。

10 摩西龥耶和華曰、我主、自昔迄今爾命我之時、我無能措辭、拙於口、病於舌。

11 耶和華曰、予人以口者誰乎、使人或聾或瘖、或明或瞽者誰乎、非我耶和華乎。

12 往哉、我必助爾說辭、示爾以所當言。

13 曰、我主請遣他人。

14 耶和華不悅、曰、利未族人亞倫爲爾之兄、我知其善說辭、今出迓爾、見爾必喜。

15 汝必告以所當言、我將助汝二人說辭、所必行者、吾以示爾曹。

16 亞倫必爲汝告民、彼之於爾、代播言詞、爾之於彼、代爲上帝。

17 爾當執此杖、以行異蹟、〇

18 摩西往見外舅葉羅曰、我昆弟在埃及、未識存否、容我往見之。曰、爾可安然以歸。

19 耶和華在米田、諭摩西曰、欲害爾命者已死、可返埃及、

20 摩西挈妻孥、以驢乘之、執上帝杖以歸。

21 耶和華諭摩西曰、汝歸時、我命爾所行之異蹟、爾必行於法老前、法老不釋我民、剛愎厥心、我姑聽之〔我姑聽之句或曰我使之然後做此〕

22 爾可告法老曰、耶和華視以色列族、同於冢子、

23 故諭爾云、當釋我子、使爲我服役、不然、必殺爾冢子。〇

24 摩西行於途、至憩息所、耶和華欲置之死地。

25 西坡喇取利石、爲子行割禮、所斷之皮、擲於足前、曰、爾爲我夫、何殘忍若此。

26 西坡喇言是、蓋爲行割禮也。旣行是禮、耶和華釋摩西。〇

27 耶和華諭亞倫曰、詣野迓摩西。乃往迓之於上帝之山、接吻爲禮。

28 摩西以耶和華遣之、使行異蹟、告於亞倫。〇

29 摩西亞倫遂招集以色列長老。

30 亞倫以耶和華命摩西言告長老、行異蹟與民前。

31 民篤信之、旣聞耶和華眷顧以色列族、矜其患難、無不稽首崇拜。


Chapter 4

1 AND Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor listen to my voice; for they will say, The LORD has not appeared to you.

2 And the LORD said to him, What is that in your hand? He said, A staff.

3 And the LORD said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.

4 And the LORD said to Moses, Put forth your hand and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand;

5 This is done that they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.

6 And the LORD said furthermore to him, again, Put now your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, as white as snow.

7 Then the LORD said to him, Put your hand back into your bosom again. And he put his hand back into his bosom; and when he took it out of his bosom, behold, it was clean like his other flesh.

8 And if they will not believe you, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

9 And if they will not believe also these two signs, neither listen to you voice, you shall take some of the water of the river and pour it upon the dry land; and the water which you take from the river shall become blood upon the dry land.

10 And Moses said to the LORD. I beseech thee, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since thou has spoken to thy servant; for I am a stutterer and slow of speech.

11 The LORD said to him, Who has made man's mouth? or who makes the dumb, or the deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Is it not I the LORD?

12 Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.

13 And Moses said to him, O my LORD, send I beseech thee, by the hand of whomsoever thou wilt send.

14 And the anger of the LORD kindled against Moses, and he said to him, Behold, Aaron, your brother, the Levite. I know that he is a good speaker, and also, behold, he will come forth to meet you, and when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.

15 And you shall speak to him and put my words in his mouth; and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do.

16 And he shall be your spokesman to the people; and he shall be an interpreter for you, and you shall be to him instead of God.

17 And you shall take this staff in your hand, with which you shall do signs.

18 And Moses returned, and went to Jethro his father-in-law, and said to him, Let me go and return to my brethren who are in Egypt and see whether they are still alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace.

19 And the LORD said to Moses in Midian, Go, return to Egypt; for all the men who sought your life are dead.

20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and started on his way back to Egypt; and he took the staff of God in his hand.

21 And the LORD said to Moses. When you return to Egypt, see that you perform all the wonders before Pharaoh which I have performed by your hand, but I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.

22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD, Israel is my first-born son;

23 And I say to you, Let my son go, that he may serve me; and if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your first-born son.

24 And it came to pass when Moses was on his way to the inn that the LORD met him and sought to kill him.

25 Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off the foreskin of her son, and she fell down at the feet of the LORD and said, I have a bloody husband.

26 So the LORD let him go. Then she said, You are a bloody husband, because of the circumcision.

27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went and met him in the mountain of God, Horeb, and kissed him.

28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD, who had sent him, and all the signs which he had commanded him to perform.

29 Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel;

30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had said to Moses, and performed the signs in the presence of the people.

31 And the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had remembered the children of Israel, and that he had seen their affliction, then they knelt down and worshipped before the LORD.




Chapter 4

1 摩西對曰、恐以色列族不信從我、言耶和華不顯現於我。

1 AND Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor listen to my voice; for they will say, The LORD has not appeared to you.

2 耶和華曰。爾所執者何、曰、杖。

2 And the LORD said to him, What is that in your hand? He said, A staff.

3 曰、可擲於地。摩西擲之、遽化爲蛇、摩西避焉。

3 And the LORD said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.

4 耶和華曰、舉爾手執其尾。摩西舉手執之、仍爲杖。

4 And the LORD said to Moses, Put forth your hand and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand;

5 耶和華曰、爾當行是、使以色列族信其祖之上帝、亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、耶和華已顯現於爾。〇

5 This is done that they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.

6 又曰、置手於懷、摩西置於懷、復出其手、竟成癩皓如雪。

6 And the LORD said furthermore to him, again, Put now your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, as white as snow.

7 又曰、再置手於懷、摩西復置而出之、其色與遍體無異。

7 Then the LORD said to him, Put your hand back into your bosom again. And he put his hand back into his bosom; and when he took it out of his bosom, behold, it was clean like his other flesh.

8 耶和華曰、如以色列族、不緣前之異蹟信從爾、必爲後之異蹟信從爾。

8 And if they will not believe you, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

9 設行異蹟、而仍弗信從、則以河水傾於陸地、水必變血。

9 And if they will not believe also these two signs, neither listen to you voice, you shall take some of the water of the river and pour it upon the dry land; and the water which you take from the river shall become blood upon the dry land.

10 摩西龥耶和華曰、我主、自昔迄今爾命我之時、我無能措辭、拙於口、病於舌。

10 And Moses said to the LORD. I beseech thee, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since thou has spoken to thy servant; for I am a stutterer and slow of speech.

11 耶和華曰、予人以口者誰乎、使人或聾或瘖、或明或瞽者誰乎、非我耶和華乎。

11 The LORD said to him, Who has made man's mouth? or who makes the dumb, or the deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Is it not I the LORD?

12 往哉、我必助爾說辭、示爾以所當言。

12 Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.

13 曰、我主請遣他人。

13 And Moses said to him, O my LORD, send I beseech thee, by the hand of whomsoever thou wilt send.

14 耶和華不悅、曰、利未族人亞倫爲爾之兄、我知其善說辭、今出迓爾、見爾必喜。

14 And the anger of the LORD kindled against Moses, and he said to him, Behold, Aaron, your brother, the Levite. I know that he is a good speaker, and also, behold, he will come forth to meet you, and when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.

15 汝必告以所當言、我將助汝二人說辭、所必行者、吾以示爾曹。

15 And you shall speak to him and put my words in his mouth; and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do.

16 亞倫必爲汝告民、彼之於爾、代播言詞、爾之於彼、代爲上帝。

16 And he shall be your spokesman to the people; and he shall be an interpreter for you, and you shall be to him instead of God.

17 爾當執此杖、以行異蹟、〇

17 And you shall take this staff in your hand, with which you shall do signs.

18 摩西往見外舅葉羅曰、我昆弟在埃及、未識存否、容我往見之。曰、爾可安然以歸。

18 And Moses returned, and went to Jethro his father-in-law, and said to him, Let me go and return to my brethren who are in Egypt and see whether they are still alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace.

19 耶和華在米田、諭摩西曰、欲害爾命者已死、可返埃及、

19 And the LORD said to Moses in Midian, Go, return to Egypt; for all the men who sought your life are dead.

20 摩西挈妻孥、以驢乘之、執上帝杖以歸。

20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and started on his way back to Egypt; and he took the staff of God in his hand.

21 耶和華諭摩西曰、汝歸時、我命爾所行之異蹟、爾必行於法老前、法老不釋我民、剛愎厥心、我姑聽之〔我姑聽之句或曰我使之然後做此〕

21 And the LORD said to Moses. When you return to Egypt, see that you perform all the wonders before Pharaoh which I have performed by your hand, but I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.

22 爾可告法老曰、耶和華視以色列族、同於冢子、

22 And you shall say to Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD, Israel is my first-born son;

23 故諭爾云、當釋我子、使爲我服役、不然、必殺爾冢子。〇

23 And I say to you, Let my son go, that he may serve me; and if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your first-born son.

24 摩西行於途、至憩息所、耶和華欲置之死地。

24 And it came to pass when Moses was on his way to the inn that the LORD met him and sought to kill him.

25 西坡喇取利石、爲子行割禮、所斷之皮、擲於足前、曰、爾爲我夫、何殘忍若此。

25 Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off the foreskin of her son, and she fell down at the feet of the LORD and said, I have a bloody husband.

26 西坡喇言是、蓋爲行割禮也。旣行是禮、耶和華釋摩西。〇

26 So the LORD let him go. Then she said, You are a bloody husband, because of the circumcision.

27 耶和華諭亞倫曰、詣野迓摩西。乃往迓之於上帝之山、接吻爲禮。

27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went and met him in the mountain of God, Horeb, and kissed him.

28 摩西以耶和華遣之、使行異蹟、告於亞倫。〇

28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD, who had sent him, and all the signs which he had commanded him to perform.

29 摩西亞倫遂招集以色列長老。

29 Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel;

30 亞倫以耶和華命摩西言告長老、行異蹟與民前。

30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had said to Moses, and performed the signs in the presence of the people.

31 民篤信之、旣聞耶和華眷顧以色列族、矜其患難、無不稽首崇拜。

31 And the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had remembered the children of Israel, and that he had seen their affliction, then they knelt down and worshipped before the LORD.
