

1 以利戶又曰、

2 凡爾賢人哲士、試聽我言、

3 耳察聲音、猶口之知味也。

4 當準之以理、而擇其善者。

5 約百嘗曰、我乃義、上帝不以直道待我、

6 如自謂不義、是欺人也、然我雖無過、厥疾不瘳。

7 約百狂而多言、如渴而縱飲、較諸他人尤甚。

8 是從惡黨、與作惡者如出一轍。

9 彼曰、崇事上帝、亦何所裨。

10 維爾智者、請聽我言、寧有全能上帝、而行非義哉。

11 必視人所行、而加賞罰。

12 全能之上帝、誠無不義、直道以待人、

13 彼立大地、理天下、獨斷獨行。

14 如定其意旨、不使人通呼吸、

15 則億兆死亡、衆生歸墓。

16 爾有智慧、宜聽我言、

17 如上帝不秉大公、何以理衆生、蓋至義者莫若主、豈可以不義之名委之哉。

18 王公諸伯、尚不可加以惡名、

19 況乎上帝、貧富尊卑、視同一體、皆其所造者乎。

20 俄頃之間、民人死亡、中夜震動、逝世者衆、有能之人、亦被斥逐、此非假手於人也。

21 上帝鑒察寰宇、知人所爲。

22 行惡之人、遁於幽暗陰翳、不能自匿。

23 上帝鞫人、毋庸參聽。

24 不察而明、有權能者、降以重譴、使人代其職。

25 上帝悉其所行、加諸患難、糜爛其身、

26 因其行惡、擊之於衆前。

27 昔彼背主、不從厥道、

28 虐遇貧民、使呼龥於上、上帝垂聽之、

29 主所福、誰能禍之、主所禍、誰能福之、其待人或一國、或匹夫、無二理也。

30 不義者黜其位、不使爲民坎阱。

31 爾宜告上帝曰、我旣受爾譴責、必不再蹈前愆、

32 我所不知、請爾指示、不敢復履故轍。

33 上帝賞罰、爾雖不欲、豈可狥爾私意、此實係爾事、於我何與、爾有所見、請爾述之。

34 智者聞斯言、必曰、

35 約百懵然無知、所言不明乎理。

36 我亦曰、約百黨惡同謀、愈增其罪、言忤上帝、欺世人、故我欲人窮诘其辭。

37 併於上節


Chapter 34

1 MOREOVER Elihu continued and said.

2 Hear my words, O you wise men, and give ear to me, you that have knowledge.

3 For the ear tries words, and the palate tastes food.

4 Let us choose for us a judge; let him know among ourselves what is good.

5 For Job has said, I am righteous; and God has turned aside my judgment.

6 Who is the man who has perished without transgression?

7 What man is like Job, who drinks up scorning like water?

8 Who is a companion and friend of the workers of iniquity, and walks with wicked men?

9 For he has said that a man is not justified because he fears God.

10 Therefore hearken to me, O you men of understanding; far be it from God that he should do wickedness; and far be it from him that he should commit iniquity.

11 For he compensates a man according to his works, and causes every man to be rewarded according to his ways.

12 Truly, God does not commit iniquity, neither does God pervert justice.

13 Who has control over the earth? Or who has made all the world?

14 If he should turn his heart against man, man's spirit and his breath will be gathered to him.

15 Then all flesh would perish together, and man would return again to dust.

16 If now you have understanding, hear this; hearken to the voice of my words.

17 He who hates justice cannot be declared innocent, and he who is innocent will not be condemned justly;

18 He who says concerning the king that he is wicked, and yet he is a good ruler over princes and governors;

19 And not partial to princes, and does not discriminate against the poor (for they are all the work of his hands);

20 In a moment shall he die, and he shall be consumed at midnight, and pass away; he will be rendered powerless by the Almighty.

21 For his eyes are upon all the ways of man, and he sees all his goings.

22 There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

23 For he has not set a time for a man that he should enter into judgment with God.

24 For he has brought misfortune to many men without number, and sets others in their places.

25 Therefore he knows them by their works, and he overturns them in the night.

26 Their works shall be crushed under the weight of their wickedness in a land of terror;

27 Because they turned aside from following him, and did not consider any of his ways.

28 The prayer of the poor comes to him, and he hears the cry of the afflicted.

29 When he forgives, who then can condemn? And when he turns his face away, who can forgive the people, or mankind altogether?

30 He sees to it that an impious and wicked man shall not reign over the people.

31 For God has said, I have forgiven, I will not destroy men who are without sin.

32 en_lbp_inform me now, teach me, if you have committed iniquity;

33 I will not answer you any more, because you have sinned, for you have been examined, and not I; therefore speak out what you know.

34 Let men of understanding tell me, and let a wise man hearken to me.

35 Job has spoken without knowledge, and his words are without understanding.

36 Truly, Job has been tested to the end, and yet he is not counted among the wicked.

37 And if Job should add to his sins, then his transgression will affect us all, and he still will bring his complaint before God.




Chapter 34

1 以利戶又曰、

1 MOREOVER Elihu continued and said.

2 凡爾賢人哲士、試聽我言、

2 Hear my words, O you wise men, and give ear to me, you that have knowledge.

3 耳察聲音、猶口之知味也。

3 For the ear tries words, and the palate tastes food.

4 當準之以理、而擇其善者。

4 Let us choose for us a judge; let him know among ourselves what is good.

5 約百嘗曰、我乃義、上帝不以直道待我、

5 For Job has said, I am righteous; and God has turned aside my judgment.

6 如自謂不義、是欺人也、然我雖無過、厥疾不瘳。

6 Who is the man who has perished without transgression?

7 約百狂而多言、如渴而縱飲、較諸他人尤甚。

7 What man is like Job, who drinks up scorning like water?

8 是從惡黨、與作惡者如出一轍。

8 Who is a companion and friend of the workers of iniquity, and walks with wicked men?

9 彼曰、崇事上帝、亦何所裨。

9 For he has said that a man is not justified because he fears God.

10 維爾智者、請聽我言、寧有全能上帝、而行非義哉。

10 Therefore hearken to me, O you men of understanding; far be it from God that he should do wickedness; and far be it from him that he should commit iniquity.

11 必視人所行、而加賞罰。

11 For he compensates a man according to his works, and causes every man to be rewarded according to his ways.

12 全能之上帝、誠無不義、直道以待人、

12 Truly, God does not commit iniquity, neither does God pervert justice.

13 彼立大地、理天下、獨斷獨行。

13 Who has control over the earth? Or who has made all the world?

14 如定其意旨、不使人通呼吸、

14 If he should turn his heart against man, man's spirit and his breath will be gathered to him.

15 則億兆死亡、衆生歸墓。

15 Then all flesh would perish together, and man would return again to dust.

16 爾有智慧、宜聽我言、

16 If now you have understanding, hear this; hearken to the voice of my words.

17 如上帝不秉大公、何以理衆生、蓋至義者莫若主、豈可以不義之名委之哉。

17 He who hates justice cannot be declared innocent, and he who is innocent will not be condemned justly;

18 王公諸伯、尚不可加以惡名、

18 He who says concerning the king that he is wicked, and yet he is a good ruler over princes and governors;

19 況乎上帝、貧富尊卑、視同一體、皆其所造者乎。

19 And not partial to princes, and does not discriminate against the poor (for they are all the work of his hands);

20 俄頃之間、民人死亡、中夜震動、逝世者衆、有能之人、亦被斥逐、此非假手於人也。

20 In a moment shall he die, and he shall be consumed at midnight, and pass away; he will be rendered powerless by the Almighty.

21 上帝鑒察寰宇、知人所爲。

21 For his eyes are upon all the ways of man, and he sees all his goings.

22 行惡之人、遁於幽暗陰翳、不能自匿。

22 There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

23 上帝鞫人、毋庸參聽。

23 For he has not set a time for a man that he should enter into judgment with God.

24 不察而明、有權能者、降以重譴、使人代其職。

24 For he has brought misfortune to many men without number, and sets others in their places.

25 上帝悉其所行、加諸患難、糜爛其身、

25 Therefore he knows them by their works, and he overturns them in the night.

26 因其行惡、擊之於衆前。

26 Their works shall be crushed under the weight of their wickedness in a land of terror;

27 昔彼背主、不從厥道、

27 Because they turned aside from following him, and did not consider any of his ways.

28 虐遇貧民、使呼龥於上、上帝垂聽之、

28 The prayer of the poor comes to him, and he hears the cry of the afflicted.

29 主所福、誰能禍之、主所禍、誰能福之、其待人或一國、或匹夫、無二理也。

29 When he forgives, who then can condemn? And when he turns his face away, who can forgive the people, or mankind altogether?

30 不義者黜其位、不使爲民坎阱。

30 He sees to it that an impious and wicked man shall not reign over the people.

31 爾宜告上帝曰、我旣受爾譴責、必不再蹈前愆、

31 For God has said, I have forgiven, I will not destroy men who are without sin.

32 我所不知、請爾指示、不敢復履故轍。

32 en_lbp_inform me now, teach me, if you have committed iniquity;

33 上帝賞罰、爾雖不欲、豈可狥爾私意、此實係爾事、於我何與、爾有所見、請爾述之。

33 I will not answer you any more, because you have sinned, for you have been examined, and not I; therefore speak out what you know.

34 智者聞斯言、必曰、

34 Let men of understanding tell me, and let a wise man hearken to me.

35 約百懵然無知、所言不明乎理。

35 Job has spoken without knowledge, and his words are without understanding.

36 我亦曰、約百黨惡同謀、愈增其罪、言忤上帝、欺世人、故我欲人窮诘其辭。

36 Truly, Job has been tested to the end, and yet he is not counted among the wicked.

37 併於上節

37 And if Job should add to his sins, then his transgression will affect us all, and he still will bring his complaint before God.
