

1 今而後、兄弟當以主爲悅、我不憚以此書遺爾、使爾安固、

2 遠諸梟獍、行惡損割之人、

3 我儕心事上帝、以基督耶穌爲悅、不恃儀文、是眞受割禮者、

4 雖然我亦嘗恃儀文、若他人以儀文爲可恃、則我更可恃矣、

5 余生八日、卽受割禮、固以色列裔冑、便雅憫支派也、世爲希伯來人、以教法言之、則爲法利賽人、

6 論及熱中、則窘逐教會、論及守法稱義、則無疵可摘、

7 然始以此爲我益、今緣基督吾以爲損、

8 且悟諸事、較吾主基督耶穌至道爲損、故篾棄諸事、視爲糞土、致獲乎基督、

9 欲恆賴基督、非以己守法稱義、乃以信基督、卽上帝以人信主而稱義、

10 欲知基督復生之大用、共受其苦而效其死、

11 或可得復生、

12 然我未嘗得、我事猶未成、惟得生是求、蓋爲此意、基督耶穌獲我、

13 兄弟乎、我不以爲旣得、

14 惟不顧其後、向前騰踔趨、趨及標準、欲得上帝緣基督耶穌上召之賞也、

15 練達者、宜懷此意、否則上帝將以此啓迪爾、

16 然我儕所至之地、當遵此法、而與同志、

17 兄弟宜效我、及視諸從我模楷者、

18 我言之屢矣、今至涕泣而道、多有行事與基督十字架之道相敵者、

19 彼養小體、如事上帝、〔彼養二句本經云以口腹爲上帝〕以辱爲榮、惟是涉世、終必沉淪、

20 惟我國在天、望救主耶穌基督由天而降、

21 旣有大力、服萬物歸己、必能化我卑陋之身、效厥榮顯之體、


Chapter 3

1 HENCEFORTH, my brethren, rejoice in our LORD. It does not bother me to write the same things to you, because they enlighten you.

2 Beware of backbiters, beware of evil workers, beware of circumcising.

3 For we are the true people of circumcision, who worship God in Spirit, and glory in Jesus Christ, and yet do not rely on things of the flesh.

4 As for me, I once relied on things of the flesh. However, if a man thinks his hope is on things of the flesh, I have more hope than he has;

5 Because I was circumcised when I was eight days old, being an Israelite by race, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew son of Hebrews, and according to the law a Pharisee;

6 And because, concerning zeal, I was a persecutor of the church; and according to the standards of righteousness of the law, I was blameless.

7 But these things which once were a gain to me, I counted a loss for the sake of Christ.

8 And I still count them all a loss, for the sake of abundant knowledge of Jesus Christ my LORD: for whom I have lost everything, and I have considered all those things as refuse, so that I may increase in Christ

9 And be found in him, since I have no righteousness of my own gained from the law, but the righteousness which comes through the faith of Christ; that is, the righteousness which comes from God:

10 So that through this righteousness I may know Jesus and the power of his resurrection, and be a partaker of his sufferings, even to a death like his;

11 That I may by any means attain the resurrection from the dead.

12 Not as though I had already attained or were already perfect; but I am striving, that I may reach that for which Jesus Christ appointed me.

13 My brethren, I do not consider that I have reached the goal; but this one thing I do know, forgetting those things which are behind me, I strive for those things which are before me,

14 I press toward the goal to receive the prize of victory of God's highest calling through Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore let those of you who are perfect think these things over; and if you reason in any other way, God will reveal even that to you.

16 Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same path and with one accord.

17 My brethren, be followers like me, and observe those who walk such a path, and then you will be examples as we are.

18 For there are many who live otherwise, of whom I have often told you, and now I tell you with tears that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ;

19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame; whose thought is on earthly things.

20 But our labours are in heavenly things, from whence we look for our Saviour, our LORD Jesus Christ,

21 Who shall transform our poor body, to the likeness of his glorious body, according to his mighty power, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.




Chapter 3

1 今而後、兄弟當以主爲悅、我不憚以此書遺爾、使爾安固、

1 HENCEFORTH, my brethren, rejoice in our LORD. It does not bother me to write the same things to you, because they enlighten you.

2 遠諸梟獍、行惡損割之人、

2 Beware of backbiters, beware of evil workers, beware of circumcising.

3 我儕心事上帝、以基督耶穌爲悅、不恃儀文、是眞受割禮者、

3 For we are the true people of circumcision, who worship God in Spirit, and glory in Jesus Christ, and yet do not rely on things of the flesh.

4 雖然我亦嘗恃儀文、若他人以儀文爲可恃、則我更可恃矣、

4 As for me, I once relied on things of the flesh. However, if a man thinks his hope is on things of the flesh, I have more hope than he has;

5 余生八日、卽受割禮、固以色列裔冑、便雅憫支派也、世爲希伯來人、以教法言之、則爲法利賽人、

5 Because I was circumcised when I was eight days old, being an Israelite by race, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew son of Hebrews, and according to the law a Pharisee;

6 論及熱中、則窘逐教會、論及守法稱義、則無疵可摘、

6 And because, concerning zeal, I was a persecutor of the church; and according to the standards of righteousness of the law, I was blameless.

7 然始以此爲我益、今緣基督吾以爲損、

7 But these things which once were a gain to me, I counted a loss for the sake of Christ.

8 且悟諸事、較吾主基督耶穌至道爲損、故篾棄諸事、視爲糞土、致獲乎基督、

8 And I still count them all a loss, for the sake of abundant knowledge of Jesus Christ my LORD: for whom I have lost everything, and I have considered all those things as refuse, so that I may increase in Christ

9 欲恆賴基督、非以己守法稱義、乃以信基督、卽上帝以人信主而稱義、

9 And be found in him, since I have no righteousness of my own gained from the law, but the righteousness which comes through the faith of Christ; that is, the righteousness which comes from God:

10 欲知基督復生之大用、共受其苦而效其死、

10 So that through this righteousness I may know Jesus and the power of his resurrection, and be a partaker of his sufferings, even to a death like his;

11 或可得復生、

11 That I may by any means attain the resurrection from the dead.

12 然我未嘗得、我事猶未成、惟得生是求、蓋爲此意、基督耶穌獲我、

12 Not as though I had already attained or were already perfect; but I am striving, that I may reach that for which Jesus Christ appointed me.

13 兄弟乎、我不以爲旣得、

13 My brethren, I do not consider that I have reached the goal; but this one thing I do know, forgetting those things which are behind me, I strive for those things which are before me,

14 惟不顧其後、向前騰踔趨、趨及標準、欲得上帝緣基督耶穌上召之賞也、

14 I press toward the goal to receive the prize of victory of God's highest calling through Jesus Christ.

15 練達者、宜懷此意、否則上帝將以此啓迪爾、

15 Therefore let those of you who are perfect think these things over; and if you reason in any other way, God will reveal even that to you.

16 然我儕所至之地、當遵此法、而與同志、

16 Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same path and with one accord.

17 兄弟宜效我、及視諸從我模楷者、

17 My brethren, be followers like me, and observe those who walk such a path, and then you will be examples as we are.

18 我言之屢矣、今至涕泣而道、多有行事與基督十字架之道相敵者、

18 For there are many who live otherwise, of whom I have often told you, and now I tell you with tears that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ;

19 彼養小體、如事上帝、〔彼養二句本經云以口腹爲上帝〕以辱爲榮、惟是涉世、終必沉淪、

19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame; whose thought is on earthly things.

20 惟我國在天、望救主耶穌基督由天而降、

20 But our labours are in heavenly things, from whence we look for our Saviour, our LORD Jesus Christ,

21 旣有大力、服萬物歸己、必能化我卑陋之身、效厥榮顯之體、

21 Who shall transform our poor body, to the likeness of his glorious body, according to his mighty power, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
