

1 其人導我入殿、左右各有石柱、量之各徑六尺、

2 門闕廣一丈、門旁左右、各五尺、共計殿廣二丈、深四丈。

3 遂進內殿、量其門橛、徑二尺、門廣六尺、門旁各七尺、

4 其人量後殿、深廣各二丈、廣與前殿相同、告我云、此至聖之所。

5 遂量殿牆六尺、殿之四周、有衆小室各廣四尺、

6 室有三層、每層計之、得室三十、殿牆四周、又有小牆、附牆遍築衆室、不與殿牆相接、

7 上層之室、愈高愈廣、四周之室皆若是、衆室之中、自下層至上層、緣梯曲折而登、

8 我觀殿之四周、衆小室自下至上、各高一杖、卽六尺、

9 衆室之外牆、厚五尺、外牆之外、卽殿之左右有兩廡、其間有隙地、廣二丈、

10 併於上節

11 自小室至隙地、有二門、一南向、一北向、殿牆四周、有陛廣五尺、

12 隙地西向有廡、深七丈、廣九丈、四周之牆、厚五尺、

13 遂量殿長十丈、殿旁隙地與廡及牆、亦長十丈、

14 殿前隙地、東向亦十丈、

15 殿後隙地、及兩廡各廣十丈、

16 內殿前廊門橛窗櫺與環殿三層之室、門橛相向、自地及窗、俱蓋以板、

17 殿門之上、殿之內外、牆之四周、雕??咏、與棗樹之狀、相間而列、??咏各有二面、

18 併於上節

19 左則貌似人、右則狀若獅、各向棗樹、殿之四周皆如是、

20 門旁之牆自殿及巔、雕??咏與棗樹之狀、

21 殿之門柱、形製維方、聖所之前、其狀亦若是、

22 有木臺高三尺、長廣俱二尺、其角其旁、俱以木爲、其人告我曰、此乃耶和華之臺、

23 外殿與聖所、各有二門。

24 門之左右各有雙扉、

25 門上雕??咏、與棗樹之狀、與牆上無異、殿門以巨木爲閾、

26 廊左右有窗、雕棗樹之狀、環殿之室與陛、亦若是。


Chapter 41

1 THEN he brought me into the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on this side and six cubits broad on that side;

2 And the breadth of the door of the temple was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side; and he measured its length, forty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits.

3 Then he went inside and measured the post of the door, two cubits; and the door, six cubits; and the breadth of the door, seven cubits.

4 And he measured, the length of the sanctuary, twenty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits, before the nave; and he said to me, This is the Holy of Holies.

5 Then he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side chamber, four cubits, round about the house on every side.

6 And the side rooms were one over another, thirty-three in order; and they entered into the wall of the house for the side rooms round about, that they might hold fast, but they were separated from the wall.

7 And the side rooms rose higher, so that they encircled the house from above, thus enlarging the house from above; and from the lowest rooms they went up to the middle rooms, and from the middle rooms to the highest rooms.

8 I saw also the height of the house round about; and the side rooms were separated one from another a full measuring reed of six cubits.

9 The thickness of the outer wall which was for the side rooms was five cubits; and from within it was five cubits.

10 And between the rooms was the breadth of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.

11 And the doors of the side rooms were toward the place that was left open, one door toward the south, another door toward the north; and the breadth of the door that was left was five cubits round about.

12 Now the building that was in front of the separate place which is at the west gate was seventy cubits broad: and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about, and its length ninety cubits.

13 So he measured the house, a hundred cubits long; and the separate place and the building, with its walls, a hundred cubits long;

14 Also the breadth opposite the house, and the separate place toward the east. a hundred cubits.

15 And he measured the length of the building in front of the separate place, and behind it, and its arches on the one side and on the other side, a hundred cubits, with the inner temple and the porticoes of the court;

16 And the door posts and the narrow windows and the arches round about on their three stories, over against the three gates that were ceiled with wood round about, and from the ground up to the windows;

17 And the windows which were covered above the door of the inner house, and the outside of all the walls round about, he measured from inside and from outside.

18 And it was made with cherubim and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub; and every cherub had two faces;

19 So that the face of a man was toward the palm trees from this side and from that side; the house was made in this manner round about:

20 The space from the ground to above the doors was decorated with cherubim and palm trees.

21 And the wall of the temple was foursquare, and the face of the sanctuary as seen in the vision was like the appearance of a wooden altar;

22 It was three cubits high, two cubits long; and it had corners: and its sides and base were all made of wood; and he said to me, This is the table that is before the LORD.

23 And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.

24 And the doors had two hinges apiece, two hinges for the one door and two hinges for the other.

25 And the doors of the temple were decorated with cherubim and palm trees, like those that were made on the walls; and there were thick planks upon the face of the portico without.

26 And there were narrow windows and palm trees on one side and on the other side: and the sides of the portico, and the side rooms of the temple were covered with wood boards.




Chapter 41

1 其人導我入殿、左右各有石柱、量之各徑六尺、

1 THEN he brought me into the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on this side and six cubits broad on that side;

2 門闕廣一丈、門旁左右、各五尺、共計殿廣二丈、深四丈。

2 And the breadth of the door of the temple was ten cubits; and the sides of the door were five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side; and he measured its length, forty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits.

3 遂進內殿、量其門橛、徑二尺、門廣六尺、門旁各七尺、

3 Then he went inside and measured the post of the door, two cubits; and the door, six cubits; and the breadth of the door, seven cubits.

4 其人量後殿、深廣各二丈、廣與前殿相同、告我云、此至聖之所。

4 And he measured, the length of the sanctuary, twenty cubits; and the breadth, twenty cubits, before the nave; and he said to me, This is the Holy of Holies.

5 遂量殿牆六尺、殿之四周、有衆小室各廣四尺、

5 Then he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side chamber, four cubits, round about the house on every side.

6 室有三層、每層計之、得室三十、殿牆四周、又有小牆、附牆遍築衆室、不與殿牆相接、

6 And the side rooms were one over another, thirty-three in order; and they entered into the wall of the house for the side rooms round about, that they might hold fast, but they were separated from the wall.

7 上層之室、愈高愈廣、四周之室皆若是、衆室之中、自下層至上層、緣梯曲折而登、

7 And the side rooms rose higher, so that they encircled the house from above, thus enlarging the house from above; and from the lowest rooms they went up to the middle rooms, and from the middle rooms to the highest rooms.

8 我觀殿之四周、衆小室自下至上、各高一杖、卽六尺、

8 I saw also the height of the house round about; and the side rooms were separated one from another a full measuring reed of six cubits.

9 衆室之外牆、厚五尺、外牆之外、卽殿之左右有兩廡、其間有隙地、廣二丈、

9 The thickness of the outer wall which was for the side rooms was five cubits; and from within it was five cubits.

10 併於上節

10 And between the rooms was the breadth of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.

11 自小室至隙地、有二門、一南向、一北向、殿牆四周、有陛廣五尺、

11 And the doors of the side rooms were toward the place that was left open, one door toward the south, another door toward the north; and the breadth of the door that was left was five cubits round about.

12 隙地西向有廡、深七丈、廣九丈、四周之牆、厚五尺、

12 Now the building that was in front of the separate place which is at the west gate was seventy cubits broad: and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about, and its length ninety cubits.

13 遂量殿長十丈、殿旁隙地與廡及牆、亦長十丈、

13 So he measured the house, a hundred cubits long; and the separate place and the building, with its walls, a hundred cubits long;

14 殿前隙地、東向亦十丈、

14 Also the breadth opposite the house, and the separate place toward the east. a hundred cubits.

15 殿後隙地、及兩廡各廣十丈、

15 And he measured the length of the building in front of the separate place, and behind it, and its arches on the one side and on the other side, a hundred cubits, with the inner temple and the porticoes of the court;

16 內殿前廊門橛窗櫺與環殿三層之室、門橛相向、自地及窗、俱蓋以板、

16 And the door posts and the narrow windows and the arches round about on their three stories, over against the three gates that were ceiled with wood round about, and from the ground up to the windows;

17 殿門之上、殿之內外、牆之四周、雕??咏、與棗樹之狀、相間而列、??咏各有二面、

17 And the windows which were covered above the door of the inner house, and the outside of all the walls round about, he measured from inside and from outside.

18 併於上節

18 And it was made with cherubim and palm trees, so that a palm tree was between a cherub and a cherub; and every cherub had two faces;

19 左則貌似人、右則狀若獅、各向棗樹、殿之四周皆如是、

19 So that the face of a man was toward the palm trees from this side and from that side; the house was made in this manner round about:

20 門旁之牆自殿及巔、雕??咏與棗樹之狀、

20 The space from the ground to above the doors was decorated with cherubim and palm trees.

21 殿之門柱、形製維方、聖所之前、其狀亦若是、

21 And the wall of the temple was foursquare, and the face of the sanctuary as seen in the vision was like the appearance of a wooden altar;

22 有木臺高三尺、長廣俱二尺、其角其旁、俱以木爲、其人告我曰、此乃耶和華之臺、

22 It was three cubits high, two cubits long; and it had corners: and its sides and base were all made of wood; and he said to me, This is the table that is before the LORD.

23 外殿與聖所、各有二門。

23 And the temple and the sanctuary had two doors.

24 門之左右各有雙扉、

24 And the doors had two hinges apiece, two hinges for the one door and two hinges for the other.

25 門上雕??咏、與棗樹之狀、與牆上無異、殿門以巨木爲閾、

25 And the doors of the temple were decorated with cherubim and palm trees, like those that were made on the walls; and there were thick planks upon the face of the portico without.

26 廊左右有窗、雕棗樹之狀、環殿之室與陛、亦若是。

26 And there were narrow windows and palm trees on one side and on the other side: and the sides of the portico, and the side rooms of the temple were covered with wood boards.
