

1 當時、在耶路撒冷聖會、大遭窘逐、使徒而外、皆散處猶太、撒馬利亞諸地、

2 敬虔者葬士提反爲之拊膺大哭、

3 掃羅噬害教會、入其家、執男女囚之、

4 散處者、徧行傳福音、

5 腓力至撒馬利亞邑、以基督之道示人、

6 衆聞腓力言、見所行異蹟、心嚮往之、

7 有多患邪神者、神大呼、離人而出、癱瘋者跛者得愈、

8 邑中大喜、

9 有人名西門、素於邑爲巫、每自誇大、使撒馬利亞民異己、

10 衆嚮往之、由尊至卑、僉曰、此人乃上帝大能也、

11 具嚮往之故、因久以巫術、使民異之也、

12 腓力傳上帝國福音、及耶穌基督名、男女信而受洗、

13 西門亦信、旣受洗、常偕腓力見所行大能異蹟、奇之、

14 使徒在耶路撒冷、聞撒馬利亞受上帝道、乃遣彼得約翰往、

15 旣至爲衆祈禱、俾受聖神、

16 蓋向未有聖神臨之、第以主耶穌名、受洗而已、

17 二人乃以手按衆、咸受聖神、

18 西門見使徒按手、卽有聖神之賜、以金獻曰、

19 以此能予我、使我手所按者、亦受聖神、

20 彼得曰、金與汝偕亡、爾意上帝之賜、可以金市耶、

21 爾於此事無分無與、蓋在上帝前、爾心不正也、

22 是宜悔改、祈求上帝、庶爾心之欲可赦、

23 我見爾如在苦膽中、爲物欲所繫也、

24 西門曰、爾曹爲我禱主、使偕亡之言不及我、

25 二徒旣以主道示人、反耶路撒冷、經撒馬利亞諸村、傳福音、

26 主之使者、謂腓力曰、起而南適耶路撒冷至迦薩之道、其遁乃曠野、

27 遂起而往、遇埃提阿百宦者、司埃提阿百女王干大基庫、有權者也、已至耶路撒冷、崇拜而反、

28 乘車、讀先知以賽亞書、

29 聖神謂腓力曰、前往就車、

30 腓力趨就之、聞其讀先知以賽亞書、乃問曰、爾所讀者、知之乎、

31 曰、不有啓發、安能知之、遂請腓力登車同乘、

32 所讀經文曰、其爲人牽、如羊就死地、其不啓口、似羔對翦毛者而無聲、

33 其居謙時、人廢公義而審之、生命且滅於世、遑計其後乎、

34 宦者謂腓力曰、先知言此、何所指、己乎人乎、請以教我、

35 腓力引此經、傳耶穌福音、〇

36 行道時、至水濱、宦者曰、水哉、受洗何害、

37 腓力曰、信以全心則可、曰、我信耶穌基督上帝子也、

38 遂命止車、腓力宦者下水、腓力施洗焉、

39 由水而上、主之神忽引腓力去、宦者不見之、欣然就道、

40 腓力覺在亞瑣都、遂經行諸邑、至該撒利亞傳福音、


Chapter 8

1 SAUL was pleased to have had a part in the murder of Stephen. At that very time there was severe persecution against the church at Jerusalem; and they were all, with the exception of the apostles, dispersed throughout the towns of Judµ'a and Sama'ria.

2 And devout men picked up Stephen and buried him, and they mourned over him in great sorrow.

3 As for Saul, he continued to persecute the church of God, entering into houses and dragging out men and women and delivering them to prison,

4 So that they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word of God.

5 Then Philip went down to a Samaritan city and preached to them about Christ.

6 And when the people of that place heard his word, they gave heed and listened attentively to everything Philip said, because they saw the miracles which he did.

7 Many who were mentally afflicted, cried with loud voices and were restored; and others who were paralytic and lame, were healed.

8 And there was great joy in that city.

9 Now there was there a man called Semon, who had lived in that city a long time, and who had deceived the Samaritan people by his magic, boasting of himself and saying, I am the greatest one.

10 And both the noblest and the least followed him, saying, He is the greatest power of God.

11 All of them listened to him, because for a long time he had bewitched them with his sorceries.

12 But when they believed Philip, preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

13 Semon himself also believed and was baptized and attached himself to Philip, and as he saw the miracles and great signs performed by his hand, he marvelled greatly.

14 N ow when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that the Samaritan people had accepted the word of God, they sent to them Simon Peter and John,

15 Who, when they went down, prayed over them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.

16 For as yet it had not come upon them although they had been baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus.

17 Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

18 And when Semon saw that the Holy Spirit was given by the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money,

19 Saying, Give me also this authority so that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.

20 Simon Peter said to him, Let your money perish with you because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with wealth.

21 You have no part nor lot in this faith because your heart is not right in the sight of God.

22 Repent, therefore, of this evil of yours, and beseech God that he may perhaps forgive you for the guile which is in your heart.

23 For I see your heart is as bitter as gall and you are in the bonds of iniquity.

24 Then Semon answered and said, Pray God for me so that none of these things which you have spoken may come upon me.

25 Now when Simon Peter and John had testified and taught them the word of God, they returned to Jerusalem after they had preached in many Samaritan villages.

26 And the angel of the LORD spoke to Philip, saying, Arise, and go south by way of the desert that leads down from Jerusalem to Gaza,

27 So he arose and went: and he was met by a eunuch, who had come from E-thi-o'pi-a; an official of Can'da-ce, queen of the E-thio'pi- ans, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to worship at Jerusalem.

28 While he was returning, sitting in his chariot, he read the book of the prophet Isa'iah.

29 And the Spirit said to Philip, Go near and keep close to the chariot.

30 And as Philip drew near and heard him reading from the book of the prophet I-sa'iah, he said to him, Do you understand what you are reading?

31 And the E-thi-o'pi-an said, How can I understand unless some one teach me? and he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

32 The portion of the scripture which he was reading was this: He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and like a ewe sheep before the shearer, so he opened not his mouth:

33 In his humiliation, he suffered imprisonment and judgment: none can tell his struggle, for even his life is taken away from the earth.

34 And the eunuch said to Philip. I pray you, of whom does this prophet speak? of himself or of some other man?

35 Then Philip opened his mouth and began at that same scripture and preached to him concerning our LORD Jesus.

36 And as they went on their way, they came to a place where there was water; and the eunuch said, Behold here is water; what prevents me from being baptized?

37 * And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

38 And he commanded the chariot be stopped: and both went down into the water, and Philip baptized the eunuch.

39 And when they came up from the water, the Spirit of the LORD caught Philip away and the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.

40 Philip was found at Az-o'tus: and from there he traveled around and preached in all the cities till he came to Cµs-a-re'a.




Chapter 8

1 當時、在耶路撒冷聖會、大遭窘逐、使徒而外、皆散處猶太、撒馬利亞諸地、

1 SAUL was pleased to have had a part in the murder of Stephen. At that very time there was severe persecution against the church at Jerusalem; and they were all, with the exception of the apostles, dispersed throughout the towns of Judµ'a and Sama'ria.

2 敬虔者葬士提反爲之拊膺大哭、

2 And devout men picked up Stephen and buried him, and they mourned over him in great sorrow.

3 掃羅噬害教會、入其家、執男女囚之、

3 As for Saul, he continued to persecute the church of God, entering into houses and dragging out men and women and delivering them to prison,

4 散處者、徧行傳福音、

4 So that they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word of God.

5 腓力至撒馬利亞邑、以基督之道示人、

5 Then Philip went down to a Samaritan city and preached to them about Christ.

6 衆聞腓力言、見所行異蹟、心嚮往之、

6 And when the people of that place heard his word, they gave heed and listened attentively to everything Philip said, because they saw the miracles which he did.

7 有多患邪神者、神大呼、離人而出、癱瘋者跛者得愈、

7 Many who were mentally afflicted, cried with loud voices and were restored; and others who were paralytic and lame, were healed.

8 邑中大喜、

8 And there was great joy in that city.

9 有人名西門、素於邑爲巫、每自誇大、使撒馬利亞民異己、

9 Now there was there a man called Semon, who had lived in that city a long time, and who had deceived the Samaritan people by his magic, boasting of himself and saying, I am the greatest one.

10 衆嚮往之、由尊至卑、僉曰、此人乃上帝大能也、

10 And both the noblest and the least followed him, saying, He is the greatest power of God.

11 具嚮往之故、因久以巫術、使民異之也、

11 All of them listened to him, because for a long time he had bewitched them with his sorceries.

12 腓力傳上帝國福音、及耶穌基督名、男女信而受洗、

12 But when they believed Philip, preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

13 西門亦信、旣受洗、常偕腓力見所行大能異蹟、奇之、

13 Semon himself also believed and was baptized and attached himself to Philip, and as he saw the miracles and great signs performed by his hand, he marvelled greatly.

14 使徒在耶路撒冷、聞撒馬利亞受上帝道、乃遣彼得約翰往、

14 N ow when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that the Samaritan people had accepted the word of God, they sent to them Simon Peter and John,

15 旣至爲衆祈禱、俾受聖神、

15 Who, when they went down, prayed over them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.

16 蓋向未有聖神臨之、第以主耶穌名、受洗而已、

16 For as yet it had not come upon them although they had been baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus.

17 二人乃以手按衆、咸受聖神、

17 Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

18 西門見使徒按手、卽有聖神之賜、以金獻曰、

18 And when Semon saw that the Holy Spirit was given by the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money,

19 以此能予我、使我手所按者、亦受聖神、

19 Saying, Give me also this authority so that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.

20 彼得曰、金與汝偕亡、爾意上帝之賜、可以金市耶、

20 Simon Peter said to him, Let your money perish with you because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with wealth.

21 爾於此事無分無與、蓋在上帝前、爾心不正也、

21 You have no part nor lot in this faith because your heart is not right in the sight of God.

22 是宜悔改、祈求上帝、庶爾心之欲可赦、

22 Repent, therefore, of this evil of yours, and beseech God that he may perhaps forgive you for the guile which is in your heart.

23 我見爾如在苦膽中、爲物欲所繫也、

23 For I see your heart is as bitter as gall and you are in the bonds of iniquity.

24 西門曰、爾曹爲我禱主、使偕亡之言不及我、

24 Then Semon answered and said, Pray God for me so that none of these things which you have spoken may come upon me.

25 二徒旣以主道示人、反耶路撒冷、經撒馬利亞諸村、傳福音、

25 Now when Simon Peter and John had testified and taught them the word of God, they returned to Jerusalem after they had preached in many Samaritan villages.

26 主之使者、謂腓力曰、起而南適耶路撒冷至迦薩之道、其遁乃曠野、

26 And the angel of the LORD spoke to Philip, saying, Arise, and go south by way of the desert that leads down from Jerusalem to Gaza,

27 遂起而往、遇埃提阿百宦者、司埃提阿百女王干大基庫、有權者也、已至耶路撒冷、崇拜而反、

27 So he arose and went: and he was met by a eunuch, who had come from E-thi-o'pi-a; an official of Can'da-ce, queen of the E-thio'pi- ans, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to worship at Jerusalem.

28 乘車、讀先知以賽亞書、

28 While he was returning, sitting in his chariot, he read the book of the prophet Isa'iah.

29 聖神謂腓力曰、前往就車、

29 And the Spirit said to Philip, Go near and keep close to the chariot.

30 腓力趨就之、聞其讀先知以賽亞書、乃問曰、爾所讀者、知之乎、

30 And as Philip drew near and heard him reading from the book of the prophet I-sa'iah, he said to him, Do you understand what you are reading?

31 曰、不有啓發、安能知之、遂請腓力登車同乘、

31 And the E-thi-o'pi-an said, How can I understand unless some one teach me? and he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

32 所讀經文曰、其爲人牽、如羊就死地、其不啓口、似羔對翦毛者而無聲、

32 The portion of the scripture which he was reading was this: He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and like a ewe sheep before the shearer, so he opened not his mouth:

33 其居謙時、人廢公義而審之、生命且滅於世、遑計其後乎、

33 In his humiliation, he suffered imprisonment and judgment: none can tell his struggle, for even his life is taken away from the earth.

34 宦者謂腓力曰、先知言此、何所指、己乎人乎、請以教我、

34 And the eunuch said to Philip. I pray you, of whom does this prophet speak? of himself or of some other man?

35 腓力引此經、傳耶穌福音、〇

35 Then Philip opened his mouth and began at that same scripture and preached to him concerning our LORD Jesus.

36 行道時、至水濱、宦者曰、水哉、受洗何害、

36 And as they went on their way, they came to a place where there was water; and the eunuch said, Behold here is water; what prevents me from being baptized?

37 腓力曰、信以全心則可、曰、我信耶穌基督上帝子也、

37 * And Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

38 遂命止車、腓力宦者下水、腓力施洗焉、

38 And he commanded the chariot be stopped: and both went down into the water, and Philip baptized the eunuch.

39 由水而上、主之神忽引腓力去、宦者不見之、欣然就道、

39 And when they came up from the water, the Spirit of the LORD caught Philip away and the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.

40 腓力覺在亞瑣都、遂經行諸邑、至該撒利亞傳福音、

40 Philip was found at Az-o'tus: and from there he traveled around and preached in all the cities till he came to Cµs-a-re'a.
