

1 我儕離衆舟行、徑至哥士、翌日至羅底、適帕大刺、

2 見有舟、欲濟腓尼基、登之而行、

3 望見居比路、則右行過之、至叙利亞、於推羅登岸、舟當卸載、

4 見有門徒、與居七日、門徒感於聖神、謂保羅勿上耶路撒冷、

5 越七日、我儕往、衆與妻孥、送至邑外、皆於岸屈膝祈禱、

6 言別、登舟、衆乃歸、

7 自推羅至多利買、水程旣盡、乃問安兄弟、同居一日、

8 明日保羅及從人至該撒利亞、入傳福音者腓力家居之、此人乃執事七人之一、

9 有處子四人、能言未來事、

10 居數日、有先知名亞伽布、來自猶太、

11 就我儕、取保羅帶、自縛手足、曰、聖神言、在耶路撒冷、猶太人將如此縛斯帶之主、解與異邦人矣、

12 我儕與其地之人聞言、勸保羅勿上耶路撒冷、

13 保羅曰、爾曹胡爲哭、而摧我心、我甘爲主耶穌名不第受縛、卽死於耶路撒冷亦可、

14 我儕見其不受勸則止、曰、主旨得成矣、

15 逾數日、束裝上耶路撒冷、

16 該撒利亞數門徒同行、引至一徒家、欲主之、其徒名拿孫、年已老、居比路人也、

17 至耶路撒冷、兄弟欣然相接、

18 明日、保羅與我儕入見雅各、諸長老亦至、

19 保羅問安、一一述上帝遣己、在異邦中所行之事、

20 衆聞此、則讚主、謂保羅曰、兄弟見猶太信者數萬、皆銳志守法、

21 彼聞爾於異邦中、教諸猶太人、背摩西言、不從其例、生子不需割禮、

22 衆聞爾至、必集、將若何、

23 孰若從我言、偕我者有誓願四人、

24 爾與此人同潔、代爲捐費、俾得薙髮、如此、則衆知前所聞者皆謬、爾固守法而行之者也、

25 至於信主之異邦人、我儕曾遺書酌定、不必守此、惟戒淫、及祭偶之物、勒死之牲若血而已、

26 明日、保羅與四人同潔、入殿、告以潔期盡、爲各人獻祭、

27 七日將竟、自亞西亞來之猶太人、見保羅在殿、唆衆執之、

28 呼曰、以色列人助我、此人隨在播教、攻我民及法與聖所、引希利尼人進殿、聖所爲其所污、

29 蓋昔見以弗所人特羅非摩與保羅在城、疑保羅必引之入殿、

30 於是舉邑震動、民共趨執保羅、曳出殿、殿門閉、

31 欲殺之、舉耶路撒冷洶淘、傳聞至營之千夫長率、

32 百夫長士卒趨至、衆見千夫長與士卒、不復扑保羅、

33 千夫長前取保羅、命以二鐵索繫之、問其爲誰、所爲何事、

34 衆譁不一、當亂不得情、命曳入營、

35 及階民擁甚、士卒負保羅、

36 民在後呼曰、去之、

37 將入營、保羅謂千夫長曰、我有言告爾、可乎、曰、爾識希利尼方言乎、

38 爾非埃及人、昔日作亂、率四千兇人出野者乎、

39 保羅曰、我猶太人、生於基利家大數、固名邑之民也、請許我與民言、

40 許之、保羅立於階搖手、使民緘默、遂以希伯來方言語之、


Chapter 21

1 AND it came to pass, after we separated from them, we sailed a straight course to the Island of Co'os, and the following day we arrived at Rhodes, and from thence to Pat'a-ra:

2 And we found there a ship sailing to Pheni'cia, and we went on board, and set forth.

3 Then we reached the Island of Cyprus, and passed it on the left hand, and sailed to for there the ship was to unload her cargo.

4 And because we found disciples there, we stayed with them seven days: and every day they said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

5 After these days, we departed on our journey, and they all escorted us on our way with their wives and children, till we were out of the city: then they knelt down by the seaside and prayed;

6 And when we had kissed one another good-bye, we took ship; and they returned to their homes.

7 We sailed from Tyre and arrived at the city of Ak-ka (Ptol-e-ma'is), and we saluted the brethren who were there, and tarried with them a day.

8 On the next day we departed and came to Cµs-a-re'a: and we went in and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven.

9 He had four daughters, virgins, who prophesied.

10 And as we were there many days, there came down from Judµa a prophet named Ag'a-bus.

11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own feet and hands, and said, Thus says the Holy Spirit, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owns this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

12 And when we had heard these words, both we and the natives of the place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.

13 Then Paul answered and said, Why do you weep and break my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the sake of the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

14 And when he would not listen to us, we ceased, saying, Let the will of our LORD be done.

15 After those days, we made our preparations and went up to Jerusalem.

16 And there came with us some of the disciples from Cµs-a-re'a, bringing with them a brother who was among the first converts, named Mna'son, a native of Cyprus, who had before received us at his house.

17 When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brethren welcomed us gladly.

18 And the next day when all the elders were present we went in with Paul unto James.

19 And when we had saluted them, Paul told them in successive order everything that God had done among the Gentiles by his ministry.

20 And when they heard it, they glorified God, and said to Paul, Our brother, see how many thousands there are in Judµa who are believers; and they are all zealous of the law;

21 But they have been en_lbp_informed about you, that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake the law of Moses, stating that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to follow after the customs of the law.

22 Now, therefore, they have heard that you have come here.

23 Do, therefore, what we tell you: We have four men who have vowed to purify themselves;

24 Take them and go purify yourself with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads: then every one will know that what has been said against you is false, and that you yourself have fulfilled the law and obey it.

25 As for the believers amongst the Gentiles, we have written that they should abstain from the things sacrificed to idols, and from fornication, and from what is strangled, and from blood.

26 Then Paul took the men and on the next day he was purified with them and then he entered into the temple, en_lbp_informing them how to complete the days of purification, until the gift of every one of them was offered.

27 And when the seventh day approached, and the Jews from Asia Minor saw him in the temple, they stirred up all the people against him and laid hands on him,

28 And cried out, saying, Men of Israel, help: This is the man who teaches everywhere against our people, against the law, and against this place; and further, he has brought Syr-i-ans into the temple, and has defiled this holy place.

29 For they had previously seen Troph'imus, the E-phe'sian, with him in the city, and they thought he had entered into the temple with Paul.

30 So the whole city was in a tumult, and all the people ran together; they seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple; and the doors were immediately shut.

31 And as the mob sought to kill him, the news reached the captain of the company, that all the city was in an uproar.

32 He immediately took a centurion and many soldiers, and ran down to them: and when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, they ceased beating Paul.

33 Then the chief captain came near him and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains. Then he inquired, Who is he and what has he done?

34 And some of the mob cried against him one thing, some another: and because of their confusion he was unable to know what was true, so he commanded him to be taken to headquarters.

35 And when Paul reached the stairs, the soldiers bore him because of the violence of the people.

36 For a great many people followed after, crying, and saying, Away with him.

37 And as Paul was about to be led into headquarters, he said to the chief captain, May I speak to you? The captain said, Can you speak Greek?

38 Are you not that Egyptian who some time ago created disturbances and led out into the desert four thousand malefactors?

39 But Paul said, I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cili'cia, a citizen of a well-known city: I beg you, permit me to speak to the people.

40 And when he had given him permission, Paul stood on the stairs and beckoned with his hand to them. And when they were quiet, he spoke to them in the Hebrew (Aramaic) tongue and said to them.




Chapter 21

1 我儕離衆舟行、徑至哥士、翌日至羅底、適帕大刺、

1 AND it came to pass, after we separated from them, we sailed a straight course to the Island of Co'os, and the following day we arrived at Rhodes, and from thence to Pat'a-ra:

2 見有舟、欲濟腓尼基、登之而行、

2 And we found there a ship sailing to Pheni'cia, and we went on board, and set forth.

3 望見居比路、則右行過之、至叙利亞、於推羅登岸、舟當卸載、

3 Then we reached the Island of Cyprus, and passed it on the left hand, and sailed to for there the ship was to unload her cargo.

4 見有門徒、與居七日、門徒感於聖神、謂保羅勿上耶路撒冷、

4 And because we found disciples there, we stayed with them seven days: and every day they said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.

5 越七日、我儕往、衆與妻孥、送至邑外、皆於岸屈膝祈禱、

5 After these days, we departed on our journey, and they all escorted us on our way with their wives and children, till we were out of the city: then they knelt down by the seaside and prayed;

6 言別、登舟、衆乃歸、

6 And when we had kissed one another good-bye, we took ship; and they returned to their homes.

7 自推羅至多利買、水程旣盡、乃問安兄弟、同居一日、

7 We sailed from Tyre and arrived at the city of Ak-ka (Ptol-e-ma'is), and we saluted the brethren who were there, and tarried with them a day.

8 明日保羅及從人至該撒利亞、入傳福音者腓力家居之、此人乃執事七人之一、

8 On the next day we departed and came to Cµs-a-re'a: and we went in and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven.

9 有處子四人、能言未來事、

9 He had four daughters, virgins, who prophesied.

10 居數日、有先知名亞伽布、來自猶太、

10 And as we were there many days, there came down from Judµa a prophet named Ag'a-bus.

11 就我儕、取保羅帶、自縛手足、曰、聖神言、在耶路撒冷、猶太人將如此縛斯帶之主、解與異邦人矣、

11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own feet and hands, and said, Thus says the Holy Spirit, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owns this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

12 我儕與其地之人聞言、勸保羅勿上耶路撒冷、

12 And when we had heard these words, both we and the natives of the place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.

13 保羅曰、爾曹胡爲哭、而摧我心、我甘爲主耶穌名不第受縛、卽死於耶路撒冷亦可、

13 Then Paul answered and said, Why do you weep and break my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the sake of the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

14 我儕見其不受勸則止、曰、主旨得成矣、

14 And when he would not listen to us, we ceased, saying, Let the will of our LORD be done.

15 逾數日、束裝上耶路撒冷、

15 After those days, we made our preparations and went up to Jerusalem.

16 該撒利亞數門徒同行、引至一徒家、欲主之、其徒名拿孫、年已老、居比路人也、

16 And there came with us some of the disciples from Cµs-a-re'a, bringing with them a brother who was among the first converts, named Mna'son, a native of Cyprus, who had before received us at his house.

17 至耶路撒冷、兄弟欣然相接、

17 When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brethren welcomed us gladly.

18 明日、保羅與我儕入見雅各、諸長老亦至、

18 And the next day when all the elders were present we went in with Paul unto James.

19 保羅問安、一一述上帝遣己、在異邦中所行之事、

19 And when we had saluted them, Paul told them in successive order everything that God had done among the Gentiles by his ministry.

20 衆聞此、則讚主、謂保羅曰、兄弟見猶太信者數萬、皆銳志守法、

20 And when they heard it, they glorified God, and said to Paul, Our brother, see how many thousands there are in Judµa who are believers; and they are all zealous of the law;

21 彼聞爾於異邦中、教諸猶太人、背摩西言、不從其例、生子不需割禮、

21 But they have been en_lbp_informed about you, that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake the law of Moses, stating that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to follow after the customs of the law.

22 衆聞爾至、必集、將若何、

22 Now, therefore, they have heard that you have come here.

23 孰若從我言、偕我者有誓願四人、

23 Do, therefore, what we tell you: We have four men who have vowed to purify themselves;

24 爾與此人同潔、代爲捐費、俾得薙髮、如此、則衆知前所聞者皆謬、爾固守法而行之者也、

24 Take them and go purify yourself with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads: then every one will know that what has been said against you is false, and that you yourself have fulfilled the law and obey it.

25 至於信主之異邦人、我儕曾遺書酌定、不必守此、惟戒淫、及祭偶之物、勒死之牲若血而已、

25 As for the believers amongst the Gentiles, we have written that they should abstain from the things sacrificed to idols, and from fornication, and from what is strangled, and from blood.

26 明日、保羅與四人同潔、入殿、告以潔期盡、爲各人獻祭、

26 Then Paul took the men and on the next day he was purified with them and then he entered into the temple, en_lbp_informing them how to complete the days of purification, until the gift of every one of them was offered.

27 七日將竟、自亞西亞來之猶太人、見保羅在殿、唆衆執之、

27 And when the seventh day approached, and the Jews from Asia Minor saw him in the temple, they stirred up all the people against him and laid hands on him,

28 呼曰、以色列人助我、此人隨在播教、攻我民及法與聖所、引希利尼人進殿、聖所爲其所污、

28 And cried out, saying, Men of Israel, help: This is the man who teaches everywhere against our people, against the law, and against this place; and further, he has brought Syr-i-ans into the temple, and has defiled this holy place.

29 蓋昔見以弗所人特羅非摩與保羅在城、疑保羅必引之入殿、

29 For they had previously seen Troph'imus, the E-phe'sian, with him in the city, and they thought he had entered into the temple with Paul.

30 於是舉邑震動、民共趨執保羅、曳出殿、殿門閉、

30 So the whole city was in a tumult, and all the people ran together; they seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple; and the doors were immediately shut.

31 欲殺之、舉耶路撒冷洶淘、傳聞至營之千夫長率、

31 And as the mob sought to kill him, the news reached the captain of the company, that all the city was in an uproar.

32 百夫長士卒趨至、衆見千夫長與士卒、不復扑保羅、

32 He immediately took a centurion and many soldiers, and ran down to them: and when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, they ceased beating Paul.

33 千夫長前取保羅、命以二鐵索繫之、問其爲誰、所爲何事、

33 Then the chief captain came near him and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains. Then he inquired, Who is he and what has he done?

34 衆譁不一、當亂不得情、命曳入營、

34 And some of the mob cried against him one thing, some another: and because of their confusion he was unable to know what was true, so he commanded him to be taken to headquarters.

35 及階民擁甚、士卒負保羅、

35 And when Paul reached the stairs, the soldiers bore him because of the violence of the people.

36 民在後呼曰、去之、

36 For a great many people followed after, crying, and saying, Away with him.

37 將入營、保羅謂千夫長曰、我有言告爾、可乎、曰、爾識希利尼方言乎、

37 And as Paul was about to be led into headquarters, he said to the chief captain, May I speak to you? The captain said, Can you speak Greek?

38 爾非埃及人、昔日作亂、率四千兇人出野者乎、

38 Are you not that Egyptian who some time ago created disturbances and led out into the desert four thousand malefactors?

39 保羅曰、我猶太人、生於基利家大數、固名邑之民也、請許我與民言、

39 But Paul said, I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cili'cia, a citizen of a well-known city: I beg you, permit me to speak to the people.

40 許之、保羅立於階搖手、使民緘默、遂以希伯來方言語之、

40 And when he had given him permission, Paul stood on the stairs and beckoned with his hand to them. And when they were quiet, he spoke to them in the Hebrew (Aramaic) tongue and said to them.