

1 耶穌設譬曰、有人樹葡萄園、以籬環之、掘酒醡、建塔、租與農夫、遂往異地、

2 及期、遣僕就農夫、取園中當納之果、

3 農夫執而扑之、使徒返、

4 復遺他僕、農夫石傷其首、凌辱遣之、

5 又遣一僕、農夫殺之、復遣羣侯、或扑或殺、

6 有愛子一、卒遣之、以爲必敬我子矣、

7 農夫相告曰、此其嗣子、且來殺之、業歸我矣、

8 遂執而殺之、棄諸園外、

9 園主將何以處此、必至而滅農夫、以園託他人焉、

10 經云、工師所棄之石、成爲屋隅首石、

11 此主所成者、我目而奇之、爾未讀乎、

12 其人知耶穌設譬指己、欲執之、而畏衆、遂去、〇

13 後遣法利賽希律黨數人、欲卽其言阱陷之、

14 乃就耶穌曰、先生、我知爾乃眞者、不偏視人、不以貌取人、而以誠傳上帝道者也、納稅該撒〔該撒羅馬國君之號〕宜否、

15 納不納乎、耶穌知其詐、曰、何試我耶、取金錢一、予我觀之、

16 遂取之、耶穌曰、是像與號誰乎、曰、該撒、

17 曰、以該撒之物納該撒、以上帝之物納上帝矣、衆奇之、〇

18 有撒吐該人、言無復生者、就而問曰、

19 先生、摩西筆以示我云、若人兄弟死、遺妻而無子、兄弟當娶其妻、生子以嗣之、

20 有兄弟七人、長者娶妻、無子而死、

21 其二娶之、亦無子而死、其三亦然、

22 如是、七人娶之、皆無遺子、厥後、婦亦死焉、

23 至復生時、其人復生、此婦爲誰之妻乎、蓋納之者七人矣、

24 耶穌曰、爾不識經、及上帝權若此、豈不謬哉、

25 夫復生之時、不嫁不娶、如在天使者、

26 論死者復生、上帝云、我乃亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、載在摩西書棘中篇、爾未讀乎、

27 是上帝非死者之上帝、乃生者之上帝矣、故爾曹謬甚、〇

28 有一士子、聞其辯論、見耶穌善於應對、就而問曰、何爲諸誡首、

29 耶穌曰、諸誡首云、以色列民聽之哉、主卽我之上帝、一主耳、

30 當盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力、愛主爾之上帝、此首誡也、

31 其次愛人如己、亦猶是、誡未有大於此者、

32 士子曰、善哉、先生之言是也、蓋上帝惟一、其外無他、

33 苟盡心、盡意、盡性、盡力、愛之、又愛人如己、則愈諸熱犧祭祀、多矣、

34 耶穌見其善於應對、乃曰爾違上帝國不遠矣、自是無敢問者、〇

35 耶穌於殿教誨、曰士子何言基督爲大闢裔乎、

36 大闢感於聖神、言曰、主謂我主云、坐我右、我將以爾敵置爾足下、

37 夫大闢旣稱基督爲主、則基督如何爲大闢裔乎、衆皆樂聞、〇

38 耶穌傳道曰、謹防士子、彼好衣長服而遊、喜市上問安、

39 會堂高位、席間上坐、

40 然幷吞嫠婦家資、佯爲長祈、其受罪必尤重也、〇

41 耶穌對庫而坐、見衆以金輸庫、諸富者輸多金、

42 有貧嫠至、輸半釐者二、卽一釐耳、

43 乃招門徒曰、吾誠告爾、此貧嫠輸庫、較衆尤多、

44 蓋衆以羨餘輸之、此則不足而盡輸所有、是全業也、


Chapter 12

1 And he began756 to speak3004 to them by parables.3850 A certain man444 planted5452 a vineyard,290 and set4060 an hedge5418 about5418 it, and dig3736 a place for the winefat,5276 and built3618 a tower,4444 and let1554 it out to farmers,1092 and went589 into a far country.589

2 And at the season2540 he sent649 to the farmers1092 a servant,1401 that he might receive2983 from the farmers1092 of the fruit2590 of the vineyard.290

3 And they caught2983 him, and beat1194 him, and sent649 him away649 empty.2756

4 And again3825 he sent649 to them another243 servant;1401 and at him they cast3036 stones,3036 and wounded him in the head,2775 and sent649 him away649 shamefully821 handled.821

5 And again3825 he sent649 another;243 and him they killed,615 and many4183 others;243 beating1194 some,3588 3303 and killing615 some.3588

6 Having2192 yet2089 therefore3767 one1520 son,5207 his well beloved,27 he sent649 him also2532 last2078 to them, saying,3004 They will reverence1788 my son.5207

7 But those1565 farmers1092 said2036 among4314 themselves,1438 This3778 is the heir;2818 come,1205 let us kill615 him, and the inheritance2817 shall be our's.2257

8 And they took2983 him, and killed615 him, and cast1544 him out of the vineyard.290

9 What5101 shall therefore3767 the lord2962 of the vineyard290 do?4160 he will come2064 and destroy622 the farmers,1092 and will give1325 the vineyard290 to others.243

10 And have you not read314 this5026 scripture;1124 The stone3037 which3739 the builders3618 rejected593 is become1096 1519 the head2776 of the corner:1137

11 This3778 was the Lord's2962 doing,1096 and it is marvelous2298 in our eyes?3788

12 And they sought2212 to lay hold2902 on him, but feared5399 the people:3793 for they knew1097 that he had spoken2036 the parable3850 against4314 them: and they left863 him, and went565 their way.

13 And they send649 to him certain5100 of the Pharisees5330 and of the Herodians,2265 to catch64 him in his words.3056

14 And when they were come,2064 they say3004 to him, Master,1320 we know1492 that you are1488 true,227 and care3199 for no3762 man:444 for you regard991 not the person4383 of men,444 but teach1321 the way3598 of God2316 in truth:225 Is it lawful1832 to give1325 tribute2778 to Caesar,2541 or2228 not?

15 Shall we give,1325 or2228 shall we not give?1325 But he, knowing1492 their hypocrisy,5272 said2036 to them, Why5101 tempt3985 you me? bring5342 me a penny,1220 that I may see1492 it.

16 And they brought5342 it. And he said3004 to them, Whose5101 is this3778 image1504 and superscription?1923 And they said2036 to him, Caesar's.2541

17 And Jesus2424 answering611 said2036 to them, Render591 to Caesar2541 the things that are Caesar's,2541 and to God2316 the things that are God's.2316 And they marveled2296 at1909 him.

18 Then2532 come2064 to him the Sadducees,4523 which3748 say3004 there is no3361 resurrection;386 and they asked1905 him, saying,3004

19 Master,1320 Moses3475 wrote1125 to us, If1437 a man's5100 brother80 die,599 and leave2641 his wife1135 behind2641 him, and leave863 no3361 children,5043 that his brother80 should take2983 his wife,1135 and raise1817 up seed4690 to his brother.80

20 Now3767 there were seven2033 brothers:80 and the first4413 took2983 a wife,1135 and dying599 left863 no3756 seed.4690

21 And the second1208 took2983 her, and died,599 neither3761 left863 he any seed:4690 and the third5154 likewise.5615

22 And the seven2033 had2983 her, and left863 no3756 seed:4690 last2078 of all3956 the woman1135 died599 also.2532

23 In the resurrection386 therefore,3767 when3752 they shall rise,450 whose5101 wife1135 shall she be of them? for the seven2033 had2192 her to wife.1135

24 And Jesus2424 answering611 said2036 to them, Do you not therefore1223 5124 err,4105 because you know1492 not the scriptures,1124 neither3366 the power1411 of God?2316

25 For when3752 they shall rise450 from the dead,3498 they neither3777 marry,1060 nor3777 are given in marriage;1061 but are as the angels32 which3588 are in heaven.3772

26 And as touching4012 the dead,3498 that they rise:1453 have you not read314 in the book976 of Moses,3475 how5613 in the bush942 God2316 spoke2036 to him, saying,3004 I am the God2316 of Abraham,11 and the God2316 of Isaac,2464 and the God2316 of Jacob?2384

27 He is not the God2316 of the dead,3498 but the God2316 of the living:2198 you therefore3767 do greatly4183 err.4105

28 And one1520 of the scribes1122 came,4334 and having heard191 them reasoning4802 together,4802 and perceiving1492 that he had answered611 them well,2573 asked1905 him, Which4169 is the first4413 commandment1785 of all?3956

29 And Jesus2424 answered611 him, The first4413 of all3956 the commandments1785 is, Hear,191 O Israel;2474 The Lord2962 our God2316 is one1520 Lord:2962

30 And you shall love25 the Lord2962 your God2316 with all3650 your heart,2588 and with all3650 your soul,5590 and with all3650 your mind,1271 and with all3650 your strength:2479 this3778 is the first4413 commandment.1785

31 And the second1208 is like,3664 namely this,3778 You shall love25 your neighbor4139 as yourself.4572 There is none3756 other243 commandment1785 greater3187 than these.5130

32 And the scribe1122 said2036 to him, Well,2573 Master,1320 you have said2036 the truth:225 for there is one1520 God;2316 and there is none3756 other243 but he:

33 And to love25 him with all3650 the heart,2588 and with all3650 the understanding,4907 and with all3650 the soul,5590 and with all3650 the strength,2479 and to love25 his neighbor4139 as himself,1438 is more4119 than all3956 whole3646 burnt3646 offerings3646 and sacrifices.2378

34 And when Jesus2424 saw1492 that he answered611 discreetly,3562 he said2036 to him, You are1488 not far3112 from the kingdom932 of God.2316 And no3762 man3762 after3765 that dared5111 ask1905 him any question.

35 And Jesus2424 answered611 and said,3004 while he taught2258 1321 in the temple,2411 How4459 say3004 the scribes1122 that Christ5547 is the son5207 of David?1138

36 For David1138 himself846 said2036 by the Holy40 Ghost,4151 The LORD2962 said2036 to my Lord,2962 Sit2521 you on1537 my right1188 hand, till2193 I make5087 your4675 enemies2190 your footstool.5286

37 David1138 therefore3767 himself846 calls3004 him Lord;2962 and from where4159 is he then his son?5207 And the common4183 people3793 heard191 him gladly.2234

38 And he said3004 to them in his doctrine,1322 Beware991 of the scribes,1122 which3588 love2309 to go4043 in long clothing,4749 and love salutations783 in the marketplaces,58

39 And the chief4410 seats4410 in the synagogues,4864 and the uppermost4411 rooms4411 at1722 feasts:1173

40 Which3739 devour2719 widows'5503 houses,3614 and for a pretense4392 make4336 long3117 prayers:4336 these3778 shall receive2983 greater4055 damnation.2917

41 And Jesus2424 sat2523 over2713 against2713 the treasury,1049 and beheld2334 how4459 the people3793 cast906 money5475 into1519 the treasury:1049 and many4183 that were rich4145 cast906 in much.4183

42 And there came2064 a certain1520 poor4434 widow,5503 and she threw906 in two1417 mites,3016 which2076 make1510 a farthing.2835

43 And he called4341 to him his disciples,3101 and said3004 to them, Truly281 I say3004 to you, That this3778 poor4434 widow5503 has cast906 more4119 in, than all3956 they which have cast906 into1519 the treasury:1049

44 For all3956 they did cast906 in of their abundance;4052 but she of her want5304 did cast906 in all3956 that she had,2192 even all3650 her living.979




Chapter 12

1 耶穌設譬曰、有人樹葡萄園、以籬環之、掘酒醡、建塔、租與農夫、遂往異地、

1 And he began756 to speak3004 to them by parables.3850 A certain man444 planted5452 a vineyard,290 and set4060 an hedge5418 about5418 it, and dig3736 a place for the winefat,5276 and built3618 a tower,4444 and let1554 it out to farmers,1092 and went589 into a far country.589

2 及期、遣僕就農夫、取園中當納之果、

2 And at the season2540 he sent649 to the farmers1092 a servant,1401 that he might receive2983 from the farmers1092 of the fruit2590 of the vineyard.290

3 農夫執而扑之、使徒返、

3 And they caught2983 him, and beat1194 him, and sent649 him away649 empty.2756

4 復遺他僕、農夫石傷其首、凌辱遣之、

4 And again3825 he sent649 to them another243 servant;1401 and at him they cast3036 stones,3036 and wounded him in the head,2775 and sent649 him away649 shamefully821 handled.821

5 又遣一僕、農夫殺之、復遣羣侯、或扑或殺、

5 And again3825 he sent649 another;243 and him they killed,615 and many4183 others;243 beating1194 some,3588 3303 and killing615 some.3588

6 有愛子一、卒遣之、以爲必敬我子矣、

6 Having2192 yet2089 therefore3767 one1520 son,5207 his well beloved,27 he sent649 him also2532 last2078 to them, saying,3004 They will reverence1788 my son.5207

7 農夫相告曰、此其嗣子、且來殺之、業歸我矣、

7 But those1565 farmers1092 said2036 among4314 themselves,1438 This3778 is the heir;2818 come,1205 let us kill615 him, and the inheritance2817 shall be our's.2257

8 遂執而殺之、棄諸園外、

8 And they took2983 him, and killed615 him, and cast1544 him out of the vineyard.290

9 園主將何以處此、必至而滅農夫、以園託他人焉、

9 What5101 shall therefore3767 the lord2962 of the vineyard290 do?4160 he will come2064 and destroy622 the farmers,1092 and will give1325 the vineyard290 to others.243

10 經云、工師所棄之石、成爲屋隅首石、

10 And have you not read314 this5026 scripture;1124 The stone3037 which3739 the builders3618 rejected593 is become1096 1519 the head2776 of the corner:1137

11 此主所成者、我目而奇之、爾未讀乎、

11 This3778 was the Lord's2962 doing,1096 and it is marvelous2298 in our eyes?3788

12 其人知耶穌設譬指己、欲執之、而畏衆、遂去、〇

12 And they sought2212 to lay hold2902 on him, but feared5399 the people:3793 for they knew1097 that he had spoken2036 the parable3850 against4314 them: and they left863 him, and went565 their way.

13 後遣法利賽希律黨數人、欲卽其言阱陷之、

13 And they send649 to him certain5100 of the Pharisees5330 and of the Herodians,2265 to catch64 him in his words.3056

14 乃就耶穌曰、先生、我知爾乃眞者、不偏視人、不以貌取人、而以誠傳上帝道者也、納稅該撒〔該撒羅馬國君之號〕宜否、

14 And when they were come,2064 they say3004 to him, Master,1320 we know1492 that you are1488 true,227 and care3199 for no3762 man:444 for you regard991 not the person4383 of men,444 but teach1321 the way3598 of God2316 in truth:225 Is it lawful1832 to give1325 tribute2778 to Caesar,2541 or2228 not?

15 納不納乎、耶穌知其詐、曰、何試我耶、取金錢一、予我觀之、

15 Shall we give,1325 or2228 shall we not give?1325 But he, knowing1492 their hypocrisy,5272 said2036 to them, Why5101 tempt3985 you me? bring5342 me a penny,1220 that I may see1492 it.

16 遂取之、耶穌曰、是像與號誰乎、曰、該撒、

16 And they brought5342 it. And he said3004 to them, Whose5101 is this3778 image1504 and superscription?1923 And they said2036 to him, Caesar's.2541

17 曰、以該撒之物納該撒、以上帝之物納上帝矣、衆奇之、〇

17 And Jesus2424 answering611 said2036 to them, Render591 to Caesar2541 the things that are Caesar's,2541 and to God2316 the things that are God's.2316 And they marveled2296 at1909 him.

18 有撒吐該人、言無復生者、就而問曰、

18 Then2532 come2064 to him the Sadducees,4523 which3748 say3004 there is no3361 resurrection;386 and they asked1905 him, saying,3004

19 先生、摩西筆以示我云、若人兄弟死、遺妻而無子、兄弟當娶其妻、生子以嗣之、

19 Master,1320 Moses3475 wrote1125 to us, If1437 a man's5100 brother80 die,599 and leave2641 his wife1135 behind2641 him, and leave863 no3361 children,5043 that his brother80 should take2983 his wife,1135 and raise1817 up seed4690 to his brother.80

20 有兄弟七人、長者娶妻、無子而死、

20 Now3767 there were seven2033 brothers:80 and the first4413 took2983 a wife,1135 and dying599 left863 no3756 seed.4690

21 其二娶之、亦無子而死、其三亦然、

21 And the second1208 took2983 her, and died,599 neither3761 left863 he any seed:4690 and the third5154 likewise.5615

22 如是、七人娶之、皆無遺子、厥後、婦亦死焉、

22 And the seven2033 had2983 her, and left863 no3756 seed:4690 last2078 of all3956 the woman1135 died599 also.2532

23 至復生時、其人復生、此婦爲誰之妻乎、蓋納之者七人矣、

23 In the resurrection386 therefore,3767 when3752 they shall rise,450 whose5101 wife1135 shall she be of them? for the seven2033 had2192 her to wife.1135

24 耶穌曰、爾不識經、及上帝權若此、豈不謬哉、

24 And Jesus2424 answering611 said2036 to them, Do you not therefore1223 5124 err,4105 because you know1492 not the scriptures,1124 neither3366 the power1411 of God?2316

25 夫復生之時、不嫁不娶、如在天使者、

25 For when3752 they shall rise450 from the dead,3498 they neither3777 marry,1060 nor3777 are given in marriage;1061 but are as the angels32 which3588 are in heaven.3772

26 論死者復生、上帝云、我乃亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、載在摩西書棘中篇、爾未讀乎、

26 And as touching4012 the dead,3498 that they rise:1453 have you not read314 in the book976 of Moses,3475 how5613 in the bush942 God2316 spoke2036 to him, saying,3004 I am the God2316 of Abraham,11 and the God2316 of Isaac,2464 and the God2316 of Jacob?2384

27 是上帝非死者之上帝、乃生者之上帝矣、故爾曹謬甚、〇

27 He is not the God2316 of the dead,3498 but the God2316 of the living:2198 you therefore3767 do greatly4183 err.4105

28 有一士子、聞其辯論、見耶穌善於應對、就而問曰、何爲諸誡首、

28 And one1520 of the scribes1122 came,4334 and having heard191 them reasoning4802 together,4802 and perceiving1492 that he had answered611 them well,2573 asked1905 him, Which4169 is the first4413 commandment1785 of all?3956

29 耶穌曰、諸誡首云、以色列民聽之哉、主卽我之上帝、一主耳、

29 And Jesus2424 answered611 him, The first4413 of all3956 the commandments1785 is, Hear,191 O Israel;2474 The Lord2962 our God2316 is one1520 Lord:2962

30 當盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力、愛主爾之上帝、此首誡也、

30 And you shall love25 the Lord2962 your God2316 with all3650 your heart,2588 and with all3650 your soul,5590 and with all3650 your mind,1271 and with all3650 your strength:2479 this3778 is the first4413 commandment.1785

31 其次愛人如己、亦猶是、誡未有大於此者、

31 And the second1208 is like,3664 namely this,3778 You shall love25 your neighbor4139 as yourself.4572 There is none3756 other243 commandment1785 greater3187 than these.5130

32 士子曰、善哉、先生之言是也、蓋上帝惟一、其外無他、

32 And the scribe1122 said2036 to him, Well,2573 Master,1320 you have said2036 the truth:225 for there is one1520 God;2316 and there is none3756 other243 but he:

33 苟盡心、盡意、盡性、盡力、愛之、又愛人如己、則愈諸熱犧祭祀、多矣、

33 And to love25 him with all3650 the heart,2588 and with all3650 the understanding,4907 and with all3650 the soul,5590 and with all3650 the strength,2479 and to love25 his neighbor4139 as himself,1438 is more4119 than all3956 whole3646 burnt3646 offerings3646 and sacrifices.2378

34 耶穌見其善於應對、乃曰爾違上帝國不遠矣、自是無敢問者、〇

34 And when Jesus2424 saw1492 that he answered611 discreetly,3562 he said2036 to him, You are1488 not far3112 from the kingdom932 of God.2316 And no3762 man3762 after3765 that dared5111 ask1905 him any question.

35 耶穌於殿教誨、曰士子何言基督爲大闢裔乎、

35 And Jesus2424 answered611 and said,3004 while he taught2258 1321 in the temple,2411 How4459 say3004 the scribes1122 that Christ5547 is the son5207 of David?1138

36 大闢感於聖神、言曰、主謂我主云、坐我右、我將以爾敵置爾足下、

36 For David1138 himself846 said2036 by the Holy40 Ghost,4151 The LORD2962 said2036 to my Lord,2962 Sit2521 you on1537 my right1188 hand, till2193 I make5087 your4675 enemies2190 your footstool.5286

37 夫大闢旣稱基督爲主、則基督如何爲大闢裔乎、衆皆樂聞、〇

37 David1138 therefore3767 himself846 calls3004 him Lord;2962 and from where4159 is he then his son?5207 And the common4183 people3793 heard191 him gladly.2234

38 耶穌傳道曰、謹防士子、彼好衣長服而遊、喜市上問安、

38 And he said3004 to them in his doctrine,1322 Beware991 of the scribes,1122 which3588 love2309 to go4043 in long clothing,4749 and love salutations783 in the marketplaces,58

39 會堂高位、席間上坐、

39 And the chief4410 seats4410 in the synagogues,4864 and the uppermost4411 rooms4411 at1722 feasts:1173

40 然幷吞嫠婦家資、佯爲長祈、其受罪必尤重也、〇

40 Which3739 devour2719 widows'5503 houses,3614 and for a pretense4392 make4336 long3117 prayers:4336 these3778 shall receive2983 greater4055 damnation.2917

41 耶穌對庫而坐、見衆以金輸庫、諸富者輸多金、

41 And Jesus2424 sat2523 over2713 against2713 the treasury,1049 and beheld2334 how4459 the people3793 cast906 money5475 into1519 the treasury:1049 and many4183 that were rich4145 cast906 in much.4183

42 有貧嫠至、輸半釐者二、卽一釐耳、

42 And there came2064 a certain1520 poor4434 widow,5503 and she threw906 in two1417 mites,3016 which2076 make1510 a farthing.2835

43 乃招門徒曰、吾誠告爾、此貧嫠輸庫、較衆尤多、

43 And he called4341 to him his disciples,3101 and said3004 to them, Truly281 I say3004 to you, That this3778 poor4434 widow5503 has cast906 more4119 in, than all3956 they which have cast906 into1519 the treasury:1049

44 蓋衆以羨餘輸之、此則不足而盡輸所有、是全業也、

44 For all3956 they did cast906 in of their abundance;4052 but she of her want5304 did cast906 in all3956 that she had,2192 even all3650 her living.979