
Psalm 83

1 O GOD, who is like unto thee? Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God;

2 For, lo, thine enemies are raging and they that hate thee have lifted up the head against thy people.

3 They have taken crafty counsel, and consulted against thy chosen ones.

4 They have said, Come, let us destroy them from among the nations, that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

5 For they have agreed with one heart; they have made alliance against thee:

6 The tabernacles of Edom and the Ishmaelites; of Moab and the Gadarenes;

7 The people of the region of Ammon and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

8 The Assyrians have also joined with them; they have helped the children of Lot.

9 Do to them as to the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the valley of Kishon;

10 Which perished at Endor; they became as manure for the earth.

11 Destroy their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb; yea, all their princes as Zebah and as Zalmunna;

12 For they said, Let us inherit for ourselves the city of God.

13 O God, make them like a turning wheel; and like stubble before the wind.

14 As the fire burns a forest and as the flame sets the mountains on fire;

15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

16 Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish,

18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is the LORD, art the most high over all the earth.



1 (亞薩的詩歌。)神啊,求你不要靜默;神啊,求你不要閉口,也不要不作聲。

2 看哪[lo],因為你的仇敵喧嚷,恨你的抬起頭來。

3 他們同謀奸詐要害你的百姓,彼此商議要害你所隱藏的人。

4 他們說:來吧,我們將他們剪滅,使他們不再成國。使以色列的名不再被人記念。

5 他們同心商議,彼此結盟,要抵擋你,

6 就是住帳棚的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,

7 迦巴勒、亞捫,和亞瑪力、非利士並推羅的居民。

8 亞述也與他們連合;他們作羅得子孫的幫手。細拉。

9 求你待他們,如待米甸;如在基順河待西西拉和耶賓一樣。

10 他們在隱.多珥滅亡;他們給地上成如糞土[they became as dung for the earth]

11 求你叫他們的貴族[nobles]像俄立和西伊伯;叫他們的王子都像西巴和撒慕拿;

12 就是[Who]說:「我們要得神的住處,作為自己的產業」[Who]

13 我的神啊,求你叫他們像輪子[wheel],像風前的碎稭。

14 火怎樣焚燒樹林,火燄怎樣燒著山嶺,

15 求你也照樣用狂風逼迫[persecute]他們,用暴雨使他們驚惶[make them afraid]

16 願你使他們滿面羞恥,好叫他們尋求你─耶和華的名[O]

17 願他們永遠抱愧[confounded]驚惶,願他們受辱[put to shame]滅亡;

18 使[men]知道你─獨名為「耶和華」的[thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH]全地以上乃為至高[art the most high over all the earth]


Psalm 83



1 O GOD, who is like unto thee? Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God;

1 (亞薩的詩歌。)神啊,求你不要靜默;神啊,求你不要閉口,也不要不作聲。

2 For, lo, thine enemies are raging and they that hate thee have lifted up the head against thy people.

2 看哪[lo],因為你的仇敵喧嚷,恨你的抬起頭來。

3 They have taken crafty counsel, and consulted against thy chosen ones.

3 他們同謀奸詐要害你的百姓,彼此商議要害你所隱藏的人。

4 They have said, Come, let us destroy them from among the nations, that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

4 他們說:來吧,我們將他們剪滅,使他們不再成國。使以色列的名不再被人記念。

5 For they have agreed with one heart; they have made alliance against thee:

5 他們同心商議,彼此結盟,要抵擋你,

6 The tabernacles of Edom and the Ishmaelites; of Moab and the Gadarenes;

6 就是住帳棚的以東人和以實瑪利人,摩押和夏甲人,

7 The people of the region of Ammon and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

7 迦巴勒、亞捫,和亞瑪力、非利士並推羅的居民。

8 The Assyrians have also joined with them; they have helped the children of Lot.

8 亞述也與他們連合;他們作羅得子孫的幫手。細拉。

9 Do to them as to the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the valley of Kishon;

9 求你待他們,如待米甸;如在基順河待西西拉和耶賓一樣。

10 Which perished at Endor; they became as manure for the earth.

10 他們在隱.多珥滅亡;他們給地上成如糞土[they became as dung for the earth]

11 Destroy their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb; yea, all their princes as Zebah and as Zalmunna;

11 求你叫他們的貴族[nobles]像俄立和西伊伯;叫他們的王子都像西巴和撒慕拿;

12 For they said, Let us inherit for ourselves the city of God.

12 就是[Who]說:「我們要得神的住處,作為自己的產業」[Who]

13 O God, make them like a turning wheel; and like stubble before the wind.

13 我的神啊,求你叫他們像輪子[wheel],像風前的碎稭。

14 As the fire burns a forest and as the flame sets the mountains on fire;

14 火怎樣焚燒樹林,火燄怎樣燒著山嶺,

15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

15 求你也照樣用狂風逼迫[persecute]他們,用暴雨使他們驚惶[make them afraid]

16 Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

16 願你使他們滿面羞恥,好叫他們尋求你─耶和華的名[O]

17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish,

17 願他們永遠抱愧[confounded]驚惶,願他們受辱[put to shame]滅亡;

18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is the LORD, art the most high over all the earth.

18 使[men]知道你─獨名為「耶和華」的[thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH]全地以上乃為至高[art the most high over all the earth]