
Psalm 62

1 MY soul waits upon God; from him comes my salvation.

2 He only is my God and my salvation; he is my great defense; I shall not be moved.

3 How long will you threaten a man so that you may kill him? Like a crumbling wall shall you be and as a tottering fence.

4 For you have thought to cast him down from his excellency; you delight in lies; you bless with your mouths, but curse with your hearts.

5 My soul, wait only upon God; for my salvation is from him.

6 He only is my God and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be moved.

7 In God is my salvation and my glory; God is my strength, my refuge, and my hope.

8 Trust in him at all times; you people, pour out your hearts before him; God is a refuge for us.

9 Surely all untrue men are like vapor; when they are placed in the balance, they are found wanting.

10 Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery; if riches increase, let not your heart rejoice over them.

11 God has said this once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God.

12 Also unto thee, O LORD, belongs mercy; for thou renderest to every man according to his work.



1 我惟上帝是望、彼乃援予、

2 彼若巉巖、扶翼予、護衛予、使不震動兮、

3 爾曹攻予、伊於何底、汝欲毀予、如將傾之恒、如欲覆之壁、

4 予得興起、爾欲敗予、爾惟詭譎是喜、口祝福、心咒詛兮。

5 我惟上帝是賴、望其眷佑兮。

6 彼如巉巖、護衛乎予、俾不震動兮。

7 上帝拯予、錫以尊榮、彼如巖穴、使予棲身兮。

8 上帝誠可恃兮、爾曹民人、當恒賴之、爾在其前、吐露衷懷兮。

9 斯世之人、由尊逮卑、咸尚虛妄、若權衡之、輕於呼吸之氣兮。

10 爾卽財貨豐饒、勿以爲樂、況虐人奪人、更不可以此浮財自恃、

11 上帝之言、一而再、予聞之兮、凡百才能、出自上帝、

12 主矜憫是懷、必視人所行、而加賞罰兮。


Psalm 62



1 MY soul waits upon God; from him comes my salvation.

1 我惟上帝是望、彼乃援予、

2 He only is my God and my salvation; he is my great defense; I shall not be moved.

2 彼若巉巖、扶翼予、護衛予、使不震動兮、

3 How long will you threaten a man so that you may kill him? Like a crumbling wall shall you be and as a tottering fence.

3 爾曹攻予、伊於何底、汝欲毀予、如將傾之恒、如欲覆之壁、

4 For you have thought to cast him down from his excellency; you delight in lies; you bless with your mouths, but curse with your hearts.

4 予得興起、爾欲敗予、爾惟詭譎是喜、口祝福、心咒詛兮。

5 My soul, wait only upon God; for my salvation is from him.

5 我惟上帝是賴、望其眷佑兮。

6 He only is my God and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be moved.

6 彼如巉巖、護衛乎予、俾不震動兮。

7 In God is my salvation and my glory; God is my strength, my refuge, and my hope.

7 上帝拯予、錫以尊榮、彼如巖穴、使予棲身兮。

8 Trust in him at all times; you people, pour out your hearts before him; God is a refuge for us.

8 上帝誠可恃兮、爾曹民人、當恒賴之、爾在其前、吐露衷懷兮。

9 Surely all untrue men are like vapor; when they are placed in the balance, they are found wanting.

9 斯世之人、由尊逮卑、咸尚虛妄、若權衡之、輕於呼吸之氣兮。

10 Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery; if riches increase, let not your heart rejoice over them.

10 爾卽財貨豐饒、勿以爲樂、況虐人奪人、更不可以此浮財自恃、

11 God has said this once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God.

11 上帝之言、一而再、予聞之兮、凡百才能、出自上帝、

12 Also unto thee, O LORD, belongs mercy; for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

12 主矜憫是懷、必視人所行、而加賞罰兮。