

1 因此[therefore],我在神面前,並在主耶穌基督─就是到他國度顯現的時候,那審判活人死人的面前囑咐你[and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom]

2 務要傳道;無論得時不得時,總要切切預備[be instant];用百般的忍耐,各樣的教訓,責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。

3 因為時候要到,人必厭煩純正的道理,耳朵發癢,就隨從自己的情慾,增添好些教師[teachers]

4 並且掩耳不聽真理[truth],偏向荒渺的言語。

5 你卻要凡事謹慎,忍受苦難,作傳道的工作[work],盡你的職分。

6 我現在預備好[ready to]被澆奠,我離世的時候近了[at hand]

7 那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。

8 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按著公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。

9 你要趕緊的到我這裏來。

10 因為底馬貪愛[this]現今的世界,就離棄了[forsaken]我,離開[departed]往帖撒羅尼迦去了;革勒士往加拉太去,提多往撻馬太去,

11 獨有路加在我這裏。你來的時候,要把馬可帶來,因為他在傳道的事[for the ministry]上於我有益處。

12 我已經打發推基古往以弗所去。

13 我在特羅亞留於加布的那件外衣,你來的時候可以帶來,那些書也要帶來,更要緊的是那些羊皮卷[parchments]

14 銅匠亞歷山大多多的害我;主必照他所行的報應他。

15 你也要防備他,因為他極力敵擋了我們的話。

16 我初次申訴,沒有人前來幫助,竟都離棄我;但願神使[I pray God]這罪不歸與他們。

17 唯有主站在我旁邊,加給我力量,使福音被我盡都傳明,叫外邦人都聽見;我也從獅子口裏被救出來。

18 主必救我脫離諸般的兇惡,也必保守[preserve]我進他的天國。願榮耀歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

19 問百基拉、亞居拉,和阿尼色弗一家的人安。

20 以拉都在哥林多住下了。特羅非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。

21 你要趕緊在冬天以前到我這裏來。有友布羅、布田、利奴、革老底亞,和眾弟兄都問你安。

22 願主耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]與你的靈同在。願恩典[Grace]常與你們同在。阿們[Amen]

2 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 I SOLEMNLY charge you before God, and our LORD Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead when his kingdom is come;

2 Preach the word; and stand by it zealously in season and out of season, rebuke, reprove, through all patience and teaching.

3 For the time will come when men will not listen to sound doctrine; but they will add for themselves extra teachers according to their desires, being lured by enticing words;

4 And they will turn away their ears from the truth, and they will turn to fables.

5 But you must be awake to all things, endure hardships, do the work of a preacher, and fulfil your ministry.

6 From henceforth I am ready to die, and the time of my departure is at hand.

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept my faith:

8 Henceforth there is preserved for me a crown of righteousness, which my LORD, the righteous judge, will give me at that day: and not to me only but also to all those who eagerly await his appearance.

9 Make every effort to come to me soon:

10 For De'mas has forsaken me, having loved this world, and has gone to Thes-salo- ni'ca; Cres'cens to Ga-la'tia; Titus to Dalma'tia.

11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with you: for he is suitable to me for the ministry.

12 I have sent Tych'i-cus to Eph'e-sus.

13 The book-carrier which I left at Tro'as with Car'pus, bring it with you when you come, and the en_lbp_books, especially the parchment scrolls.

14 Alexander, the blacksmith, has done me much evil: our LORD reward him according to his works:

15 You beware of him also; for he has greatly opposed our words.

16 When I first wrote you, there was no one with me, for all had forsaken me: Do not hold this against them.

17 Nevertheless, my LORD stood by me and strengthened me, that by me the preaching might be fulfilled, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

18 And my LORD shall deliver me from every evil work, and will give me life in his heavenly Kingdom: To him be glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

19 Salute Pris-ca and A'qui-la, and their household, and On-e-siph'o-rus.

20 E-ras'tus has remained at Corinth: but I left Troph'i-mus sick at the city of Mi-le'tus.

21 Make every effort to come before winter. Eu-bu'lus greets you, and Pu'dens and Li'nus, and Clau'di-a, and all the brethren.

22 Our LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with all of us. Amen.



2 Timothy

Chapter 4

1 因此[therefore],我在神面前,並在主耶穌基督─就是到他國度顯現的時候,那審判活人死人的面前囑咐你[and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom]

1 I SOLEMNLY charge you before God, and our LORD Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead when his kingdom is come;

2 務要傳道;無論得時不得時,總要切切預備[be instant];用百般的忍耐,各樣的教訓,責備人、警戒人、勸勉人。

2 Preach the word; and stand by it zealously in season and out of season, rebuke, reprove, through all patience and teaching.

3 因為時候要到,人必厭煩純正的道理,耳朵發癢,就隨從自己的情慾,增添好些教師[teachers]

3 For the time will come when men will not listen to sound doctrine; but they will add for themselves extra teachers according to their desires, being lured by enticing words;

4 並且掩耳不聽真理[truth],偏向荒渺的言語。

4 And they will turn away their ears from the truth, and they will turn to fables.

5 你卻要凡事謹慎,忍受苦難,作傳道的工作[work],盡你的職分。

5 But you must be awake to all things, endure hardships, do the work of a preacher, and fulfil your ministry.

6 我現在預備好[ready to]被澆奠,我離世的時候近了[at hand]

6 From henceforth I am ready to die, and the time of my departure is at hand.

7 那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept my faith:

8 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按著公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。

8 Henceforth there is preserved for me a crown of righteousness, which my LORD, the righteous judge, will give me at that day: and not to me only but also to all those who eagerly await his appearance.

9 你要趕緊的到我這裏來。

9 Make every effort to come to me soon:

10 因為底馬貪愛[this]現今的世界,就離棄了[forsaken]我,離開[departed]往帖撒羅尼迦去了;革勒士往加拉太去,提多往撻馬太去,

10 For De'mas has forsaken me, having loved this world, and has gone to Thes-salo- ni'ca; Cres'cens to Ga-la'tia; Titus to Dalma'tia.

11 獨有路加在我這裏。你來的時候,要把馬可帶來,因為他在傳道的事[for the ministry]上於我有益處。

11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with you: for he is suitable to me for the ministry.

12 我已經打發推基古往以弗所去。

12 I have sent Tych'i-cus to Eph'e-sus.

13 我在特羅亞留於加布的那件外衣,你來的時候可以帶來,那些書也要帶來,更要緊的是那些羊皮卷[parchments]

13 The book-carrier which I left at Tro'as with Car'pus, bring it with you when you come, and the en_lbp_books, especially the parchment scrolls.

14 銅匠亞歷山大多多的害我;主必照他所行的報應他。

14 Alexander, the blacksmith, has done me much evil: our LORD reward him according to his works:

15 你也要防備他,因為他極力敵擋了我們的話。

15 You beware of him also; for he has greatly opposed our words.

16 我初次申訴,沒有人前來幫助,竟都離棄我;但願神使[I pray God]這罪不歸與他們。

16 When I first wrote you, there was no one with me, for all had forsaken me: Do not hold this against them.

17 唯有主站在我旁邊,加給我力量,使福音被我盡都傳明,叫外邦人都聽見;我也從獅子口裏被救出來。

17 Nevertheless, my LORD stood by me and strengthened me, that by me the preaching might be fulfilled, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

18 主必救我脫離諸般的兇惡,也必保守[preserve]我進他的天國。願榮耀歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

18 And my LORD shall deliver me from every evil work, and will give me life in his heavenly Kingdom: To him be glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

19 問百基拉、亞居拉,和阿尼色弗一家的人安。

19 Salute Pris-ca and A'qui-la, and their household, and On-e-siph'o-rus.

20 以拉都在哥林多住下了。特羅非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。

20 E-ras'tus has remained at Corinth: but I left Troph'i-mus sick at the city of Mi-le'tus.

21 你要趕緊在冬天以前到我這裏來。有友布羅、布田、利奴、革老底亞,和眾弟兄都問你安。

21 Make every effort to come before winter. Eu-bu'lus greets you, and Pu'dens and Li'nus, and Clau'di-a, and all the brethren.

22 願主耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]與你的靈同在。願恩典[Grace]常與你們同在。阿們[Amen]

22 Our LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with all of us. Amen.