

1 在那些日子,聚集的人甚多[In those days the multitude being very great],並沒有甚麼吃的,耶穌叫他的[his]門徒來,對他們[unto them]說:

2 「我憐憫這眾人,因為他們同我在這裏已經三天,也沒有吃的了;

3 我若打發他們餓著回家,就必在路上困乏,因為其中有從遠處來的。」

4 他的[his]門徒回答[him]說:「在這曠野[wilderness][man]從哪裏能得餅,叫這些人吃飽呢?」

5 耶穌問他們說:「你們有多少餅?」他們說:「七個。」

6 他吩咐百姓[people]坐在地上。[he]就拿著這七個餅感謝了[gave thanks],擘開,遞給門徒,叫他們擺開;門徒就擺[them]百姓[people]面前。

7 他們[they]又有幾條小魚;耶穌祝了福,就吩咐也擺[them]他們[them]面前。

8 百姓就[So they]吃,並且吃飽了;收拾剩下的零碎,有七籃子。

9 吃的[eaten]人數約有四千;耶穌打發他們走了。

10 [he]隨即同[his]門徒上船,來到大瑪努他境內。

11 法利賽人出來盤問耶穌,求他從天上顯個神蹟給他們看,想要試探他。

12 耶穌[spirit]裏深深的歎息,說:「這世代為甚麼求神蹟呢?我實在告訴你們:『沒有神蹟給這世代看。』」

13 他就離開他們,又[entering into]船往海那邊去了。

14 門徒忘了帶餅;在船上除了一個餅,沒有別的食物。

15 耶穌囑咐他們說:「務要謹慎[Take heed],防備法利賽人的酵,和希律的酵。」

16 他們彼此議論說:「這是因為我們沒有餅吧。」

17 耶穌知道了[knew],就對他們[unto them]說:「你們為甚麼因為沒有餅就議論呢?你們還不省悟,還不明白嗎?你們的心還是剛硬[hardened]嗎?

18 你們有眼睛,看不見嗎?你們[ye]有耳朵,聽不見嗎?你們[ye]也不記得嗎?

19 我擘開那五個餅分給五千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少籃子呢?」他們對耶穌[unto him]說:「十二個。」

20 「又擘開那七個餅分給四千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少籃子呢?」他們說:「七個。」

21 耶穌就對他們[unto them]說:「你們怎麼[How is it that]不明白呢?」

22 [he]來到伯賽大;有人帶一個瞎子來,求耶穌摸他。

23 耶穌拉著瞎子的手,領他到村外;[he]吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,[when]問他看見甚麼沒有[if he saw ought]

24 他就抬頭一看,說:「我看見人好像[I see men as]樹木,並且行走。」

25 隨後,[he]又按手在他眼睛上,使他舉望[made him look up][he]就復了原,人人[every man]都看得清楚了。

26 耶穌打發他回家,說:「這村子你不要進去,也不要告訴村裏的人[Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town]。」

27 耶穌和他的[his]門徒出去,往凱撒利亞腓立比的村莊去;[he]在路上問[his]門徒,對他們[unto them]說:「人說我是誰?」

28 他們回答[answered]說:「有人說『是施浸的約翰。』[but]有人說『是以利亞;』又有人說『是先知裏的一個。』」

29 耶穌[he][saith unto]他們說:「你們[But]說我是誰?」彼得回答[him]說:「你是基督。」

30 耶穌就囑咐[charged]他們,不要告訴人。

31 從此,他教訓他們說:「人子必須受許多的苦,被長老、祭司長,和文士棄絕,並且被殺,過三天復活。」

32 耶穌明明的說[that]話。彼得就拉著他,[rebuke]他。

33 [But]耶穌轉過來,看著他的[his]門徒,就責備彼得說:「撒但,退我後邊去吧。因為你不繫念[savourest]神的[things],只繫念[savourest]人的[things]。」

34 那時[when][he]百姓[people]他的[his]門徒[also]來,對他們說:「[whosoever]有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架來跟從我。

35 因為,凡要救自己生命[life]的,必喪掉生命;然而[but],凡為我和福音喪掉生命的,必救了生命。

36[if]賺得全世界,卻喪了[and lose]自己的性命[soul],有甚麼益處呢?

37 或是[Or]人還能拿甚麼換性命[soul]呢?

38 所以[therefore],凡在這淫亂罪惡的世代,把我和我的道當作可恥的;人子在他父的榮耀裏,同聖天使降臨的時候,也要把那人當作可恥的。」


Chapter 8

1 In those1565 days2250 the multitude3793 being5607 very3827 great,3827 and having2192 nothing3385 to eat,5315 Jesus2424 called4341 his disciples3101 to him, and said3004 to them,

2 I have compassion4697 on1909 the multitude,3793 because3754 they have now2235 been4357 with me three5140 days,2250 and have2192 nothing3756 5100 to eat:5315

3 And if1437 I send630 them away630 fasting3523 to their own houses,3624 they will faint1590 by the way:3598 for divers5100 of them came2240 from far.3113

4 And his disciples3101 answered611 him, From where4159 can1410 a man5100 satisfy5526 these5128 men with bread740 here5602 in the wilderness?2047

5 And he asked1905 them, How4214 many4214 loaves740 have2192 you? And they said,2036 Seven.2033

6 And he commanded3853 the people3793 to sit377 down377 on1909 the ground:1093 and he took2983 the seven2033 loaves,740 and gave1325 thanks,2168 and broke,2806 and gave1325 to his disciples3101 to set3908 before3908 them; and they did set3908 them before3908 the people.3793

7 And they had2192 a few3641 small2485 fishes:2485 and he blessed,2127 and commanded2036 to set3908 them also2532 before3908 them.

8 So1161 they did eat,5315 and were filled:5526 and they took142 up of the broken2801 meat that was left4051 seven2033 baskets.4711

9 And they that had eaten5315 were about5613 four5070 thousand:5070 and he sent630 them away.630

10 And straightway2112 he entered1684 into1519 a ship4143 with his disciples,3101 and came2064 into1519 the parts3313 of Dalmanutha.1148

11 And the Pharisees5330 came1831 forth,1831 and began756 to question4802 with him, seeking2212 of him a sign4592 from heaven,3772 tempting3985 him.

12 And he sighed389 deeply389 in his spirit,4151 and said,3004 Why5101 does this3778 generation1074 seek1934 after1934 a sign?4592 truly281 I say3004 to you, There shall no1487 sign4592 be given1325 to this5026 generation.1074

13 And he left863 them, and entering1684 into1519 the ship4143 again3825 departed565 to the other4008 side.4008

14 Now2532 the disciples had forgotten1950 to take2983 bread,740 neither2532 3762 had2192 they in the ship4143 with them more1508 than1508 one1520 loaf.740

15 And he charged1291 them, saying,3004 Take heed,3708 beware991 of the leaven2219 of the Pharisees,5330 and of the leaven2219 of Herod.2264

16 And they reasoned1260 among4314 themselves,240 saying,3004 It is because3754 we have2192 no3756 bread.740

17 And when Jesus2424 knew1097 it, he said3004 to them, Why5101 reason1260 you, because3754 you have2192 no3756 bread?740 perceive3539 you not yet,3768 neither3761 understand?4920 have2192 you your5216 heart2588 yet2089 hardened?4456

18 Having2192 eyes,3788 see991 you not? and having2192 ears,3775 hear191 you not? and do you not remember?3421

19 When3753 I broke2806 the five4002 loaves740 among1519 five4000 thousand,4000 how4214 many4214 baskets2894 full4134 of fragments2801 took142 you up? They say3004 to him, Twelve.1427

20 And when3753 the seven2033 among1519 four5070 thousand,5070 how4214 many4214 baskets4711 full4138 of fragments2801 took142 you up? And they said,2036 Seven.2033

21 And he said3004 to them, How4459 is it that you do not understand?4920

22 And he comes2064 to Bethsaida;966 and they bring5342 a blind5185 man to him, and sought3870 him to touch680 him.

23 And he took1949 the blind5185 man by the hand,5495 and led1806 him out of the town;2968 and when he had spit4429 on1519 his eyes,3659 and put2007 his hands5495 on him, he asked1905 him if1487 he saw991 ought.5100

24 And he looked308 up, and said,3004 I see991 men444 as trees,1186 walking.4043

25 After1534 that he put2007 his hands5495 again3825 on his eyes,3788 and made4160 him look308 up: and he was restored,600 and saw1689 every537 man clearly.5081

26 And he sent649 him away649 to his house,3624 saying,3004 Neither3366 go1525 into1519 the town,2968 nor3366 tell2036 it to any5100 in the town.2968

27 And Jesus2424 went1831 out, and his disciples,3101 into1519 the towns2968 of Caesarea2542 Philippi:5375 and by the way3598 he asked1905 his disciples,3101 saying3004 to them, Whom5101 do men444 say3004 that I am?1511

28 And they answered,611 John2491 the Baptist;910 but some243 say, Elias;2243 and others,243 One1520 of the prophets.4396

29 And he said3004 to them, But whom5101 say3004 you that I am?1511 And Peter4074 answers611 and said3004 to him, You are1488 the Christ.5547

30 And he charged2008 them that they should tell3004 no3367 man3367 of him.

31 And he began756 to teach1321 them, that the Son5207 of man444 must1163 suffer3958 many4183 things, and be rejected593 of the elders,4245 and of the chief749 priests,749 and scribes,1122 and be killed,615 and after3326 three5140 days2250 rise450 again.450

32 And he spoke2980 that saying3056 openly.3954 And Peter4074 took4355 him, and began756 to rebuke2008 him.

33 But when he had turned1994 about1994 and looked1492 on his disciples,3101 he rebuked2008 Peter,4074 saying,3004 Get5217 you behind3694 me, Satan:4567 for you mind5426 not the things that be of God,2316 but the things that be of men.444

34 And when he had called4341 the people3793 to him with his disciples3101 also, he said2036 to them, Whoever3748 will2309 come2064 after3694 me, let him deny533 himself,1438 and take142 up his cross,4716 and follow190 me.

35 For whoever3736 302 will2309 save4982 his life5590 shall lose622 it; but whoever3736 302 shall lose622 his life5590 for my sake1752 and the gospel's,2098 the same3778 shall save4982 it.

36 For what5101 shall it profit5623 a man,444 if1437 he shall gain2770 the whole3650 world,2889 and lose2210 his own soul?5590

37 Or2228 what5101 shall a man444 give1325 in exchange465 for his soul?5590

38 Whoever3736 302 therefore1063 shall be ashamed1870 of me and of my words3056 in this5026 adulterous3428 and sinful268 generation;1074 of him also2532 shall the Son5207 of man444 be ashamed,1870 when3752 he comes2064 in the glory1391 of his Father3962 with the holy40 angels.32




Chapter 8

1 在那些日子,聚集的人甚多[In those days the multitude being very great],並沒有甚麼吃的,耶穌叫他的[his]門徒來,對他們[unto them]說:

1 In those1565 days2250 the multitude3793 being5607 very3827 great,3827 and having2192 nothing3385 to eat,5315 Jesus2424 called4341 his disciples3101 to him, and said3004 to them,

2 「我憐憫這眾人,因為他們同我在這裏已經三天,也沒有吃的了;

2 I have compassion4697 on1909 the multitude,3793 because3754 they have now2235 been4357 with me three5140 days,2250 and have2192 nothing3756 5100 to eat:5315

3 我若打發他們餓著回家,就必在路上困乏,因為其中有從遠處來的。」

3 And if1437 I send630 them away630 fasting3523 to their own houses,3624 they will faint1590 by the way:3598 for divers5100 of them came2240 from far.3113

4 他的[his]門徒回答[him]說:「在這曠野[wilderness][man]從哪裏能得餅,叫這些人吃飽呢?」

4 And his disciples3101 answered611 him, From where4159 can1410 a man5100 satisfy5526 these5128 men with bread740 here5602 in the wilderness?2047

5 耶穌問他們說:「你們有多少餅?」他們說:「七個。」

5 And he asked1905 them, How4214 many4214 loaves740 have2192 you? And they said,2036 Seven.2033

6 他吩咐百姓[people]坐在地上。[he]就拿著這七個餅感謝了[gave thanks],擘開,遞給門徒,叫他們擺開;門徒就擺[them]百姓[people]面前。

6 And he commanded3853 the people3793 to sit377 down377 on1909 the ground:1093 and he took2983 the seven2033 loaves,740 and gave1325 thanks,2168 and broke,2806 and gave1325 to his disciples3101 to set3908 before3908 them; and they did set3908 them before3908 the people.3793

7 他們[they]又有幾條小魚;耶穌祝了福,就吩咐也擺[them]他們[them]面前。

7 And they had2192 a few3641 small2485 fishes:2485 and he blessed,2127 and commanded2036 to set3908 them also2532 before3908 them.

8 百姓就[So they]吃,並且吃飽了;收拾剩下的零碎,有七籃子。

8 So1161 they did eat,5315 and were filled:5526 and they took142 up of the broken2801 meat that was left4051 seven2033 baskets.4711

9 吃的[eaten]人數約有四千;耶穌打發他們走了。

9 And they that had eaten5315 were about5613 four5070 thousand:5070 and he sent630 them away.630

10 [he]隨即同[his]門徒上船,來到大瑪努他境內。

10 And straightway2112 he entered1684 into1519 a ship4143 with his disciples,3101 and came2064 into1519 the parts3313 of Dalmanutha.1148

11 法利賽人出來盤問耶穌,求他從天上顯個神蹟給他們看,想要試探他。

11 And the Pharisees5330 came1831 forth,1831 and began756 to question4802 with him, seeking2212 of him a sign4592 from heaven,3772 tempting3985 him.

12 耶穌[spirit]裏深深的歎息,說:「這世代為甚麼求神蹟呢?我實在告訴你們:『沒有神蹟給這世代看。』」

12 And he sighed389 deeply389 in his spirit,4151 and said,3004 Why5101 does this3778 generation1074 seek1934 after1934 a sign?4592 truly281 I say3004 to you, There shall no1487 sign4592 be given1325 to this5026 generation.1074

13 他就離開他們,又[entering into]船往海那邊去了。

13 And he left863 them, and entering1684 into1519 the ship4143 again3825 departed565 to the other4008 side.4008

14 門徒忘了帶餅;在船上除了一個餅,沒有別的食物。

14 Now2532 the disciples had forgotten1950 to take2983 bread,740 neither2532 3762 had2192 they in the ship4143 with them more1508 than1508 one1520 loaf.740

15 耶穌囑咐他們說:「務要謹慎[Take heed],防備法利賽人的酵,和希律的酵。」

15 And he charged1291 them, saying,3004 Take heed,3708 beware991 of the leaven2219 of the Pharisees,5330 and of the leaven2219 of Herod.2264

16 他們彼此議論說:「這是因為我們沒有餅吧。」

16 And they reasoned1260 among4314 themselves,240 saying,3004 It is because3754 we have2192 no3756 bread.740

17 耶穌知道了[knew],就對他們[unto them]說:「你們為甚麼因為沒有餅就議論呢?你們還不省悟,還不明白嗎?你們的心還是剛硬[hardened]嗎?

17 And when Jesus2424 knew1097 it, he said3004 to them, Why5101 reason1260 you, because3754 you have2192 no3756 bread?740 perceive3539 you not yet,3768 neither3761 understand?4920 have2192 you your5216 heart2588 yet2089 hardened?4456

18 你們有眼睛,看不見嗎?你們[ye]有耳朵,聽不見嗎?你們[ye]也不記得嗎?

18 Having2192 eyes,3788 see991 you not? and having2192 ears,3775 hear191 you not? and do you not remember?3421

19 我擘開那五個餅分給五千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少籃子呢?」他們對耶穌[unto him]說:「十二個。」

19 When3753 I broke2806 the five4002 loaves740 among1519 five4000 thousand,4000 how4214 many4214 baskets2894 full4134 of fragments2801 took142 you up? They say3004 to him, Twelve.1427

20 「又擘開那七個餅分給四千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少籃子呢?」他們說:「七個。」

20 And when3753 the seven2033 among1519 four5070 thousand,5070 how4214 many4214 baskets4711 full4138 of fragments2801 took142 you up? And they said,2036 Seven.2033

21 耶穌就對他們[unto them]說:「你們怎麼[How is it that]不明白呢?」

21 And he said3004 to them, How4459 is it that you do not understand?4920

22 [he]來到伯賽大;有人帶一個瞎子來,求耶穌摸他。

22 And he comes2064 to Bethsaida;966 and they bring5342 a blind5185 man to him, and sought3870 him to touch680 him.

23 耶穌拉著瞎子的手,領他到村外;[he]吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,[when]問他看見甚麼沒有[if he saw ought]

23 And he took1949 the blind5185 man by the hand,5495 and led1806 him out of the town;2968 and when he had spit4429 on1519 his eyes,3659 and put2007 his hands5495 on him, he asked1905 him if1487 he saw991 ought.5100

24 他就抬頭一看,說:「我看見人好像[I see men as]樹木,並且行走。」

24 And he looked308 up, and said,3004 I see991 men444 as trees,1186 walking.4043

25 隨後,[he]又按手在他眼睛上,使他舉望[made him look up][he]就復了原,人人[every man]都看得清楚了。

25 After1534 that he put2007 his hands5495 again3825 on his eyes,3788 and made4160 him look308 up: and he was restored,600 and saw1689 every537 man clearly.5081

26 耶穌打發他回家,說:「這村子你不要進去,也不要告訴村裏的人[Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town]。」

26 And he sent649 him away649 to his house,3624 saying,3004 Neither3366 go1525 into1519 the town,2968 nor3366 tell2036 it to any5100 in the town.2968

27 耶穌和他的[his]門徒出去,往凱撒利亞腓立比的村莊去;[he]在路上問[his]門徒,對他們[unto them]說:「人說我是誰?」

27 And Jesus2424 went1831 out, and his disciples,3101 into1519 the towns2968 of Caesarea2542 Philippi:5375 and by the way3598 he asked1905 his disciples,3101 saying3004 to them, Whom5101 do men444 say3004 that I am?1511

28 他們回答[answered]說:「有人說『是施浸的約翰。』[but]有人說『是以利亞;』又有人說『是先知裏的一個。』」

28 And they answered,611 John2491 the Baptist;910 but some243 say, Elias;2243 and others,243 One1520 of the prophets.4396

29 耶穌[he][saith unto]他們說:「你們[But]說我是誰?」彼得回答[him]說:「你是基督。」

29 And he said3004 to them, But whom5101 say3004 you that I am?1511 And Peter4074 answers611 and said3004 to him, You are1488 the Christ.5547

30 耶穌就囑咐[charged]他們,不要告訴人。

30 And he charged2008 them that they should tell3004 no3367 man3367 of him.

31 從此,他教訓他們說:「人子必須受許多的苦,被長老、祭司長,和文士棄絕,並且被殺,過三天復活。」

31 And he began756 to teach1321 them, that the Son5207 of man444 must1163 suffer3958 many4183 things, and be rejected593 of the elders,4245 and of the chief749 priests,749 and scribes,1122 and be killed,615 and after3326 three5140 days2250 rise450 again.450

32 耶穌明明的說[that]話。彼得就拉著他,[rebuke]他。

32 And he spoke2980 that saying3056 openly.3954 And Peter4074 took4355 him, and began756 to rebuke2008 him.

33 [But]耶穌轉過來,看著他的[his]門徒,就責備彼得說:「撒但,退我後邊去吧。因為你不繫念[savourest]神的[things],只繫念[savourest]人的[things]。」

33 But when he had turned1994 about1994 and looked1492 on his disciples,3101 he rebuked2008 Peter,4074 saying,3004 Get5217 you behind3694 me, Satan:4567 for you mind5426 not the things that be of God,2316 but the things that be of men.444

34 那時[when][he]百姓[people]他的[his]門徒[also]來,對他們說:「[whosoever]有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架來跟從我。

34 And when he had called4341 the people3793 to him with his disciples3101 also, he said2036 to them, Whoever3748 will2309 come2064 after3694 me, let him deny533 himself,1438 and take142 up his cross,4716 and follow190 me.

35 因為,凡要救自己生命[life]的,必喪掉生命;然而[but],凡為我和福音喪掉生命的,必救了生命。

35 For whoever3736 302 will2309 save4982 his life5590 shall lose622 it; but whoever3736 302 shall lose622 his life5590 for my sake1752 and the gospel's,2098 the same3778 shall save4982 it.

36[if]賺得全世界,卻喪了[and lose]自己的性命[soul],有甚麼益處呢?

36 For what5101 shall it profit5623 a man,444 if1437 he shall gain2770 the whole3650 world,2889 and lose2210 his own soul?5590

37 或是[Or]人還能拿甚麼換性命[soul]呢?

37 Or2228 what5101 shall a man444 give1325 in exchange465 for his soul?5590

38 所以[therefore],凡在這淫亂罪惡的世代,把我和我的道當作可恥的;人子在他父的榮耀裏,同聖天使降臨的時候,也要把那人當作可恥的。」

38 Whoever3736 302 therefore1063 shall be ashamed1870 of me and of my words3056 in this5026 adulterous3428 and sinful268 generation;1074 of him also2532 shall the Son5207 of man444 be ashamed,1870 when3752 he comes2064 in the glory1391 of his Father3962 with the holy40 angels.32