

1 我又舉目觀看,見一人手拿準繩。

2 於是[Then]我說:「你往哪裏去?」他對我說:「要去量耶路撒冷,看有多寬多長。」

3 忽然[behold],與我說話的天使去的時候,又有一個天使迎著他來,

4 對他說:「你跑去告訴[this]少年人說,耶路撒冷必有人居住,好像無城牆的村莊[towns],因為人民和牲畜甚多;

5 耶和華說:我要作耶路撒冷四圍的火[wall],並要作其中的榮耀。」

6 耶和華說:「現在你們要出來,從北方之地逃回[come forth, and flee from the land of the north][for]我從前分散你們在天的四[winds],這是耶和華說的。

7女子巴比倫[daughter of Babylon]同住的錫安[Zion]哪,應當自救[Deliver thyself]

8 大軍之耶和華說:在顯出榮耀之後,[he]差遣我去懲罰那擄掠你們的列國;摸你們的就是摸他眼中的瞳孔。

9 看哪,[I]要向他們搖動我的手[shake mine hand],他們就必作他們僕人[their servants]的擄物,你們便知道大軍之耶和華差遣我了。

10 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,應當歡樂歌唱;看哪[lo][for]我來要住在你中間,這是耶和華說的。」

11 那日[day],必有許多國併與[be joined to]耶和華,作我[my]的子民;[I]要住在你中間,你就知道大軍之耶和華差遣我到你那裏去了。

12 耶和華必收回猶大作他[in]聖地的分,也必再揀選耶路撒冷。

13 凡有血氣的[O],都當在耶和華面前靜默無聲;[for]他興起,從他聖居所[his holy habitation]出來了。


Chapter 2

1 I lifted5375 up my eyes5869 again, and looked,7200 and behold2009 a man376 with a measuring4060 line2256 in his hand.3027

2 Then said559 I, Where575 go1980 you? And he said559 to me, To measure4058 Jerusalem,3389 to see7200 what4100 is the breadth7341 thereof, and what4100 is the length753 thereof.

3 And, behold,2009 the angel4397 that talked1696 with me went3318 forth,3318 and another312 angel4397 went3318 out to meet7125 him,

4 And said559 to him, Run,7323 speak1696 to this1975 young5288 man, saying,559 Jerusalem3389 shall be inhabited3427 as towns6519 without walls for the multitude7230 of men120 and cattle929 therein:8432

5 For I, said5002 the LORD,3068 will be to her a wall2346 of fire784 round5439 about, and will be the glory3519 in the middle8432 of her.

6 Ho,1945 ho,1945 come forth, and flee5127 from the land776 of the north,6828 said5002 the LORD:3068 for I have spread6566 you abroad6566 as the four702 winds7307 of the heaven,8064 said5002 the LORD.3068

7 Deliver4422 yourself, O Zion,6726 that dwell3427 with the daughter1323 of Babylon.894

8 For thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 After310 the glory3519 has he sent7971 me to the nations1471 which spoiled7997 you: for he that touches5060 you touches5060 the apple892 of his eye.5869

9 For, behold,2005 I will shake5130 my hand3027 on them, and they shall be a spoil7998 to their servants:5647 and you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has sent7971 me.

10 Sing7442 and rejoice,8055 O daughter1323 of Zion:6726 for, see, I come,935 and I will dwell7931 in the middle8432 of you, said5002 the LORD.3068

11 And many7227 nations1471 shall be joined3867 to the LORD3068 in that day,3117 and shall be my people:5971 and I will dwell7931 in the middle8432 of you, and you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has sent7971 me to you.

12 And the LORD3068 shall inherit5157 Judah3063 his portion2506 in the holy6944 land,127 and shall choose977 Jerusalem3389 again.5750

13 Be silent,2013 O all3605 flesh,1320 before6440 the LORD:3068 for he is raised5782 up out of his holy6944 habitation.4583




Chapter 2

1 我又舉目觀看,見一人手拿準繩。

1 I lifted5375 up my eyes5869 again, and looked,7200 and behold2009 a man376 with a measuring4060 line2256 in his hand.3027

2 於是[Then]我說:「你往哪裏去?」他對我說:「要去量耶路撒冷,看有多寬多長。」

2 Then said559 I, Where575 go1980 you? And he said559 to me, To measure4058 Jerusalem,3389 to see7200 what4100 is the breadth7341 thereof, and what4100 is the length753 thereof.

3 忽然[behold],與我說話的天使去的時候,又有一個天使迎著他來,

3 And, behold,2009 the angel4397 that talked1696 with me went3318 forth,3318 and another312 angel4397 went3318 out to meet7125 him,

4 對他說:「你跑去告訴[this]少年人說,耶路撒冷必有人居住,好像無城牆的村莊[towns],因為人民和牲畜甚多;

4 And said559 to him, Run,7323 speak1696 to this1975 young5288 man, saying,559 Jerusalem3389 shall be inhabited3427 as towns6519 without walls for the multitude7230 of men120 and cattle929 therein:8432

5 耶和華說:我要作耶路撒冷四圍的火[wall],並要作其中的榮耀。」

5 For I, said5002 the LORD,3068 will be to her a wall2346 of fire784 round5439 about, and will be the glory3519 in the middle8432 of her.

6 耶和華說:「現在你們要出來,從北方之地逃回[come forth, and flee from the land of the north][for]我從前分散你們在天的四[winds],這是耶和華說的。

6 Ho,1945 ho,1945 come forth, and flee5127 from the land776 of the north,6828 said5002 the LORD:3068 for I have spread6566 you abroad6566 as the four702 winds7307 of the heaven,8064 said5002 the LORD.3068

7女子巴比倫[daughter of Babylon]同住的錫安[Zion]哪,應當自救[Deliver thyself]

7 Deliver4422 yourself, O Zion,6726 that dwell3427 with the daughter1323 of Babylon.894

8 大軍之耶和華說:在顯出榮耀之後,[he]差遣我去懲罰那擄掠你們的列國;摸你們的就是摸他眼中的瞳孔。

8 For thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 After310 the glory3519 has he sent7971 me to the nations1471 which spoiled7997 you: for he that touches5060 you touches5060 the apple892 of his eye.5869

9 看哪,[I]要向他們搖動我的手[shake mine hand],他們就必作他們僕人[their servants]的擄物,你們便知道大軍之耶和華差遣我了。

9 For, behold,2005 I will shake5130 my hand3027 on them, and they shall be a spoil7998 to their servants:5647 and you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has sent7971 me.

10 女子錫安[daughter of Zion]啊,應當歡樂歌唱;看哪[lo][for]我來要住在你中間,這是耶和華說的。」

10 Sing7442 and rejoice,8055 O daughter1323 of Zion:6726 for, see, I come,935 and I will dwell7931 in the middle8432 of you, said5002 the LORD.3068

11 那日[day],必有許多國併與[be joined to]耶和華,作我[my]的子民;[I]要住在你中間,你就知道大軍之耶和華差遣我到你那裏去了。

11 And many7227 nations1471 shall be joined3867 to the LORD3068 in that day,3117 and shall be my people:5971 and I will dwell7931 in the middle8432 of you, and you shall know3045 that the LORD3068 of hosts6635 has sent7971 me to you.

12 耶和華必收回猶大作他[in]聖地的分,也必再揀選耶路撒冷。

12 And the LORD3068 shall inherit5157 Judah3063 his portion2506 in the holy6944 land,127 and shall choose977 Jerusalem3389 again.5750

13 凡有血氣的[O],都當在耶和華面前靜默無聲;[for]他興起,從他聖居所[his holy habitation]出來了。

13 Be silent,2013 O all3605 flesh,1320 before6440 the LORD:3068 for he is raised5782 up out of his holy6944 habitation.4583