

1 滅天下者、已至爾境、命戍稽察、設兵守險、束爾腰、施爾力、以爲扞禦、

2 雅各家以色列族之顯榮、敵使之虚無、削其枝葉、我耶和華必令其恢復、

3 惟彼敵國壯士之干、則塗以朱、武夫之衣、其色維絳、戰鬬之日、車輪曳刃、閃爍若火、其戈大若松株、信手揮擊、

4 彼有車騎、馳驟邑郊、奔走校塲、迅如火炬、疾若電光、

5 尼尼微王召厥有能之士、趦趄而至、篥女牆、登陴扞禦

6 河閘己潰、宮闕雖堅、亦遭淹沒、

7 王后被擄、徙於遠方、羣婢椎胸、哀鳴若鴿、

8 越在疇昔、尼尼微邑若滙水之區、今民逃遁、呼之使止、彼不敢囘顧焉、

9 敵擄金銀、財貨衆多、玩好之物、不可勝數、

10 城邑空虛、變爲荒土、人皆喪膽、兩股戰慄、腰骨殊痛、悚惶變色、

11 今也牝獅之穴安在、稚獅之洞何存、昔者牝獅牡獅、俱游於斯、無人叱之、

12 牡狮斷物、以子稚獅、牡獅攫物、以子牝獅、居處之穴中、所得之物充盈焉、

13 我萬有之主耶和華、必攻斯邑、燬厥車騎、俱成烟燄、殺戮稚獅、不許得物於斯土、其聲名泯沒無聞。


Chapter 2

1 A RULER has come up against you who keeps a watch, guards the road, and girds loins; whose strength is exceedingly great.

2 For the LORD will restore the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel; for the oppressors have trampled upon them and destroyed their branches.

3 The shields of their mighty men are red, the valiant men parade with flaming torches and in chariots in the day of their preparation, and the horsemen are terrifying.

4 In the streets they sing praises and glory in their chariots, their appearance is like torches; they run like lightning.

5 The soldiers are obedient to their officers; they stumble as they march; they make haste to the wall, and the battlements are prepared.

6 The city gates are opened and the palace trembles.

7 And the queen summons her horsemen and flees northward; her maids are mourning in their hearts like doves.

8 And Nineveh is like a lake, and she is situated by the waters; her warriors flee away. Make a stand, make a stand, their officers cry; but none turns back.

9 Plunder the silver, plunder the gold; for there is no end to the precious ornaments, and abundance of every kind of precious vessels.

10 She is trampled upon, she is overthrown and breached; the heart faints and the knees tremble and pain is in all loins, and all of them are greatly ashamed.

11 where is the lion's den and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion went to enter there and the lion's whelp, and there was none to harm them?

12 The lion did tear in pieces enough to feed his whelps, and ripped apart for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey and his dens with pieces of flesh.

13 Behold, I am against you, says the LORD of hosts, and I will burn up your multitudes in the smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions; and I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the news of your deeds shall no more be heard.




Chapter 2

1 滅天下者、已至爾境、命戍稽察、設兵守險、束爾腰、施爾力、以爲扞禦、

1 A RULER has come up against you who keeps a watch, guards the road, and girds loins; whose strength is exceedingly great.

2 雅各家以色列族之顯榮、敵使之虚無、削其枝葉、我耶和華必令其恢復、

2 For the LORD will restore the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel; for the oppressors have trampled upon them and destroyed their branches.

3 惟彼敵國壯士之干、則塗以朱、武夫之衣、其色維絳、戰鬬之日、車輪曳刃、閃爍若火、其戈大若松株、信手揮擊、

3 The shields of their mighty men are red, the valiant men parade with flaming torches and in chariots in the day of their preparation, and the horsemen are terrifying.

4 彼有車騎、馳驟邑郊、奔走校塲、迅如火炬、疾若電光、

4 In the streets they sing praises and glory in their chariots, their appearance is like torches; they run like lightning.

5 尼尼微王召厥有能之士、趦趄而至、篥女牆、登陴扞禦

5 The soldiers are obedient to their officers; they stumble as they march; they make haste to the wall, and the battlements are prepared.

6 河閘己潰、宮闕雖堅、亦遭淹沒、

6 The city gates are opened and the palace trembles.

7 王后被擄、徙於遠方、羣婢椎胸、哀鳴若鴿、

7 And the queen summons her horsemen and flees northward; her maids are mourning in their hearts like doves.

8 越在疇昔、尼尼微邑若滙水之區、今民逃遁、呼之使止、彼不敢囘顧焉、

8 And Nineveh is like a lake, and she is situated by the waters; her warriors flee away. Make a stand, make a stand, their officers cry; but none turns back.

9 敵擄金銀、財貨衆多、玩好之物、不可勝數、

9 Plunder the silver, plunder the gold; for there is no end to the precious ornaments, and abundance of every kind of precious vessels.

10 城邑空虛、變爲荒土、人皆喪膽、兩股戰慄、腰骨殊痛、悚惶變色、

10 She is trampled upon, she is overthrown and breached; the heart faints and the knees tremble and pain is in all loins, and all of them are greatly ashamed.

11 今也牝獅之穴安在、稚獅之洞何存、昔者牝獅牡獅、俱游於斯、無人叱之、

11 where is the lion's den and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion went to enter there and the lion's whelp, and there was none to harm them?

12 牡狮斷物、以子稚獅、牡獅攫物、以子牝獅、居處之穴中、所得之物充盈焉、

12 The lion did tear in pieces enough to feed his whelps, and ripped apart for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey and his dens with pieces of flesh.

13 我萬有之主耶和華、必攻斯邑、燬厥車騎、俱成烟燄、殺戮稚獅、不許得物於斯土、其聲名泯沒無聞。

13 Behold, I am against you, says the LORD of hosts, and I will burn up your multitudes in the smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions; and I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the news of your deeds shall no more be heard.
