

1 耶和華諭我曰、

2 人子、爾當遙望耶路撒冷、指以色列地之聖所、而言未來事、

3 告以色列國云、我耶和華降災於爾、拔刃出鞘、善者惡者俱欲殲滅、殺戮衆生、自南至北、

4 併於上節

5 使億兆知、我耶和華拔刃出鞘、必不復韜、

6 惟爾人子、歔欷太息、至於斷腸、令人目覩。

7 如彼問爾、何爲太息、必曰、因風聞將來之事、衆人喪膽、手疲膝倦、懦弱如水、禍患迫至、主耶和華已言之矣。

8 耶和華又曰、

9 人子、當傳我命曰、磨礪鋒刃、光芒四射。

10 鋒旣利而行殺戮、光華閃爍、孰敢存喜樂之心哉、我民不畏杖箠、必擊以刃、

11 加以磨礱、淬其光芒、俾殺人者執而用之。

12 人子、爾當呼號哭泣、以刃擊以色列君民、百姓驚駭、恐遭飲刃、故當擊髀浩歎。

13 主耶和華曰、旣以艱難試我民、彼又不畏長上、其國必致淪亡。

14 惟爾人子、當鼓爾掌、言未來事、使刃三至、殺戮人民、入諸密室、誅滅大人。

15 我以鋒刃攻諸邑門、使人喪膽、使邑侵圮、蓋鋒刃閃爍、以備殺戮、

16 其刃指揮莫定、或左或右、隨其方向。

17 我必鼓掌、以雪我忿、我耶和華已言之矣。

18 耶和華又諭我曰、

19 人子、爾圖繪巴比倫王軍旅出國、至歧途、有衢可達二邑、

20 一至亞捫之喇巴、一至猶大之耶路撒冷城垣。

21 蓋巴比倫王躑躅歧途、不知所之、故卜以矢、問偶像、察牲肝、以決從違。

22 據繇辭、當右往耶路撒冷、發鎚破之、厥口孔張、大聲號呼、欲行殺戮、復發鎚攻門、建營築壘。

23 耶路撒冷人旣與法老盟、則以巴比倫之卜筮爲不足信、巴比倫王追憶其背約之罪、必取其邑。

24 主耶和華曰、巴比倫王知爾背約、厥罪昭彰、所爲不善、故爲敵所取。

25 主耶和華曰、惟爾以色列族之君、爽約作惡、必罰其罪、時日已至、當去冠脫冕、不以斯人爲王、使高者降爲卑、卑者升爲高、

26 併於上節

27 斯國必一滅再滅而復滅、不克振興、待當王者至、則我賜之。

28 惟爾人子、當以未來事語人、云、亞捫人凌辱以色列族、故主耶和華曰、鋒刃已拔、加以磨礪、光芒閃爍、殺戮人民。

29 卜筮所占、惟尚虛妄、欲使爾與惡者偕亡、尸相枕藉、蓋降罰之日已至。

30 鋒刃旣拔、不復入鞘、我必於爾生長之地殺爾、

31 我怒憤烈、降災爾躬、付爾於殘忍殺戮者之手、

32 人必爇爾若薪、殺爾於斯土、使名泯沒、我耶和華已言之矣。


Chapter 21

1 AND the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

2 Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem and look at their holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel.

3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus says the LORD God: Behold, I am against you; I will draw my sword out of its sheath and will destroy from you the righteous and the sinner.

4 Seeing then that I will destroy from you the righteous and the sinner, therefore my sword shall go forth out of its sheath against all flesh from the south to the north,

5 That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of its sheath; it shall not return any more.

6 And as for you, O Son of man, sigh with a broken heart, and with bitterness groan before their eyes.

7 And if they should say to you, Why do you sigh? you shall say to them, Because of news of disaster which is coming; and every heart shall melt and all hands shall be feeble and every spirit shall faint and all knees shall be weary; behold, it is coming and it shall be brought to pass, says the LORD God.

8 Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus says the LORD God: A sword, a sword is sharpened;

10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is burnished that it may glitter; and it is sharpened to cut off the family of my son; and to reject every other branch.

11 I have given it to be burnished, that it may be handled; the sword is sharpened and polished to deliver it into the hand of the slayer.

12 Cry and wail, Son of man; for it is against my people and against all the princes of Israel;

13 Clap your hands because this calamity is justified; if the royal family is rejected, it shall be no more, says the LORD God.

14 You therefore, Son of man, prophesy and clap your hands, and let the sword smite double, and the third stroke is the stroke of the slain; this is the sword for a great slaughter that causes them to tremble,

15 That their hearts may faint and the sufferers be multiplied in all their gates, for I have delivered them to the sword which is sharpened, glittering and drawn for the slaughter.

16 Take hold firmly my right hand, take hold firmly my left hand, wherever my face is turned;

17 I will also clap my hands, and I will cause my fury to rest; I the LORD have said it.

18 The word of the LORD came to me, saying,

19 Also, Son of man, prepare for yourself two ways that the sword of the king of Babylon may come; both of them shall come forth out of the same land; and set a sign at the head of the highway to the choicest city.

20 And prepare a way, that the sword may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Judah and to Jerusalem, the mighty city.

21 For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination; he shoots an arrow, he inquires of his idol, he sees his triumph.

22 At his right hand was the divination against Jerusalem, saying to build mounds against her, to open his mouth threatening with all his strength, to lift up his voice with shouting, to set battering rams against the gates, to cast a mount, and to build siege forts.

23 And it shall be as a false divination to them; but he will call to remembrance their iniquity, that they may be captured.

24 Therefore thus says the LORD God: Because you have made your iniquity to be remembered clearly and your transgressions are uncovered so that in all your devices your sins are evident, therefore, with the hand shall you be caught.

25 And as for you, filthy wicked prince of Israel, your day and the time of your iniquity and your end has come.

26 Thus says the LORD God: Remove the diadem and take off the crown; the low is exalted, and the proud is brought down.

27 Even this place I will cause to be a ruin; until he comes to whom it belongs by right, and I will deliver it to him.

28 And you, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus says the LORD God concerning the Ammonites and concerning their reproach: even say, The sword, the sword is drawn for the slaughter; it is sharpened and it glitters;

29 Because of your false vision and because of your false divination, to bring you upon the necks of the sinful and wicked men, whose day has come and the time of their iniquity and their end.

30 Return the sword to its sheath! for in the land wherein you were born, there will I judge you.

31 And I will pour out my indignation upon you; I will blow against you with the fire of my wrath, and will deliver you into the hand of men brutish and skilful to destroy.

32 You shall be fuel for the fire; your blood shall be in the midst of the land; you shall be no more remembered; for I the LORD have spoken it.




Chapter 21

1 耶和華諭我曰、

1 AND the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

2 人子、爾當遙望耶路撒冷、指以色列地之聖所、而言未來事、

2 Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem and look at their holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel.

3 告以色列國云、我耶和華降災於爾、拔刃出鞘、善者惡者俱欲殲滅、殺戮衆生、自南至北、

3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus says the LORD God: Behold, I am against you; I will draw my sword out of its sheath and will destroy from you the righteous and the sinner.

4 併於上節

4 Seeing then that I will destroy from you the righteous and the sinner, therefore my sword shall go forth out of its sheath against all flesh from the south to the north,

5 使億兆知、我耶和華拔刃出鞘、必不復韜、

5 That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of its sheath; it shall not return any more.

6 惟爾人子、歔欷太息、至於斷腸、令人目覩。

6 And as for you, O Son of man, sigh with a broken heart, and with bitterness groan before their eyes.

7 如彼問爾、何爲太息、必曰、因風聞將來之事、衆人喪膽、手疲膝倦、懦弱如水、禍患迫至、主耶和華已言之矣。

7 And if they should say to you, Why do you sigh? you shall say to them, Because of news of disaster which is coming; and every heart shall melt and all hands shall be feeble and every spirit shall faint and all knees shall be weary; behold, it is coming and it shall be brought to pass, says the LORD God.

8 耶和華又曰、

8 Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

9 人子、當傳我命曰、磨礪鋒刃、光芒四射。

9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus says the LORD God: A sword, a sword is sharpened;

10 鋒旣利而行殺戮、光華閃爍、孰敢存喜樂之心哉、我民不畏杖箠、必擊以刃、

10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is burnished that it may glitter; and it is sharpened to cut off the family of my son; and to reject every other branch.

11 加以磨礱、淬其光芒、俾殺人者執而用之。

11 I have given it to be burnished, that it may be handled; the sword is sharpened and polished to deliver it into the hand of the slayer.

12 人子、爾當呼號哭泣、以刃擊以色列君民、百姓驚駭、恐遭飲刃、故當擊髀浩歎。

12 Cry and wail, Son of man; for it is against my people and against all the princes of Israel;

13 主耶和華曰、旣以艱難試我民、彼又不畏長上、其國必致淪亡。

13 Clap your hands because this calamity is justified; if the royal family is rejected, it shall be no more, says the LORD God.

14 惟爾人子、當鼓爾掌、言未來事、使刃三至、殺戮人民、入諸密室、誅滅大人。

14 You therefore, Son of man, prophesy and clap your hands, and let the sword smite double, and the third stroke is the stroke of the slain; this is the sword for a great slaughter that causes them to tremble,

15 我以鋒刃攻諸邑門、使人喪膽、使邑侵圮、蓋鋒刃閃爍、以備殺戮、

15 That their hearts may faint and the sufferers be multiplied in all their gates, for I have delivered them to the sword which is sharpened, glittering and drawn for the slaughter.

16 其刃指揮莫定、或左或右、隨其方向。

16 Take hold firmly my right hand, take hold firmly my left hand, wherever my face is turned;

17 我必鼓掌、以雪我忿、我耶和華已言之矣。

17 I will also clap my hands, and I will cause my fury to rest; I the LORD have said it.

18 耶和華又諭我曰、

18 The word of the LORD came to me, saying,

19 人子、爾圖繪巴比倫王軍旅出國、至歧途、有衢可達二邑、

19 Also, Son of man, prepare for yourself two ways that the sword of the king of Babylon may come; both of them shall come forth out of the same land; and set a sign at the head of the highway to the choicest city.

20 一至亞捫之喇巴、一至猶大之耶路撒冷城垣。

20 And prepare a way, that the sword may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Judah and to Jerusalem, the mighty city.

21 蓋巴比倫王躑躅歧途、不知所之、故卜以矢、問偶像、察牲肝、以決從違。

21 For the king of Babylon stands at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination; he shoots an arrow, he inquires of his idol, he sees his triumph.

22 據繇辭、當右往耶路撒冷、發鎚破之、厥口孔張、大聲號呼、欲行殺戮、復發鎚攻門、建營築壘。

22 At his right hand was the divination against Jerusalem, saying to build mounds against her, to open his mouth threatening with all his strength, to lift up his voice with shouting, to set battering rams against the gates, to cast a mount, and to build siege forts.

23 耶路撒冷人旣與法老盟、則以巴比倫之卜筮爲不足信、巴比倫王追憶其背約之罪、必取其邑。

23 And it shall be as a false divination to them; but he will call to remembrance their iniquity, that they may be captured.

24 主耶和華曰、巴比倫王知爾背約、厥罪昭彰、所爲不善、故爲敵所取。

24 Therefore thus says the LORD God: Because you have made your iniquity to be remembered clearly and your transgressions are uncovered so that in all your devices your sins are evident, therefore, with the hand shall you be caught.

25 主耶和華曰、惟爾以色列族之君、爽約作惡、必罰其罪、時日已至、當去冠脫冕、不以斯人爲王、使高者降爲卑、卑者升爲高、

25 And as for you, filthy wicked prince of Israel, your day and the time of your iniquity and your end has come.

26 併於上節

26 Thus says the LORD God: Remove the diadem and take off the crown; the low is exalted, and the proud is brought down.

27 斯國必一滅再滅而復滅、不克振興、待當王者至、則我賜之。

27 Even this place I will cause to be a ruin; until he comes to whom it belongs by right, and I will deliver it to him.

28 惟爾人子、當以未來事語人、云、亞捫人凌辱以色列族、故主耶和華曰、鋒刃已拔、加以磨礪、光芒閃爍、殺戮人民。

28 And you, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus says the LORD God concerning the Ammonites and concerning their reproach: even say, The sword, the sword is drawn for the slaughter; it is sharpened and it glitters;

29 卜筮所占、惟尚虛妄、欲使爾與惡者偕亡、尸相枕藉、蓋降罰之日已至。

29 Because of your false vision and because of your false divination, to bring you upon the necks of the sinful and wicked men, whose day has come and the time of their iniquity and their end.

30 鋒刃旣拔、不復入鞘、我必於爾生長之地殺爾、

30 Return the sword to its sheath! for in the land wherein you were born, there will I judge you.

31 我怒憤烈、降災爾躬、付爾於殘忍殺戮者之手、

31 And I will pour out my indignation upon you; I will blow against you with the fire of my wrath, and will deliver you into the hand of men brutish and skilful to destroy.

32 人必爇爾若薪、殺爾於斯土、使名泯沒、我耶和華已言之矣。

32 You shall be fuel for the fire; your blood shall be in the midst of the land; you shall be no more remembered; for I the LORD have spoken it.
