

1 余不能忍、願自留雅典、

2 遣我兄弟提摩太、卽上帝僕與我同勞、傳基督福音、俾爾堅定、爲爾信生而慰爾、

3 勿爲患難所動、爾知分定故也、

4 我素偕爾預備、我儕必受難、後果如是、此爾所知、

5 放我不能忍、遣人欲知爾之信主、恐試者惑爾、而我徒勞、

6 今提摩太由爾反、報我嘉昔、言爾信愛主、緬懷我、常欲見我、如我之欲見爾、

7 故我患難顛沛中、念兄弟信主爲爾受慰、

8 爾宗主堅立、我則生矣、

9 我在上帝前、線爾喜甚、將何以祝謝上帝乎、

10 我晝夜祈禱、甚欲見爾、補爾信主之不遠、

11 願吾父上帝、及我主耶穌基督、賜我坦然至爾、

12 又願主使爾敦友誼、汎愛衆、猶我之愛爾、

13 亦堅爾心、無疵可摘、成聖於吾父上帝前、迨吾主耶穌基督、儅諸聖徒臨日。

1 Thessalonians

Chapter 3

1 AND because we could no longer with stand these obstacles, we decided to remain at Athens alone;

2 And send Ti-mo'the-us, our brother, a minister of God, and our helper in the gospel of Christ, to sustain you and comfort you concerning your faith:

3 So that no man among you might be disheartened by these tribulations: for you, yourselves, know that this is our destiny.

4 For verily when we were with you, we told you before, that we should suffer tribulations; even as it has come to pass, and as you know.

5 For this reason also, when I could no longer wait, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor was in vain.

6 But now since Ti-mo'the-us has returned to us from you, and brought us good tidings of your faith and love, and that you have good remembrance of us always, longing to see us, just as we also long to see you:

7 Therefore, our brethren, we have been comforted by you, in the midst of all our distress and tribulations because of your faith:

8 Now we can live happily, if you stand firm in our LORD.

9 What thanks can we offer to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sakes,

10 Except, before God to abundantly offer supplication, night and day, to see your faces, and to complete that which is lacking in your faith?

11 Now may God, our Father, and our LORD Jesus Christ, direct our journey unto you,

12 And may the LORD increase and enrich your love toward one another and toward all men, even as we love you:

13 And may he strengthen your hearts to be without blemish in holiness before God our Father, at the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ with all his saints.



1 Thessalonians

Chapter 3

1 余不能忍、願自留雅典、

1 AND because we could no longer with stand these obstacles, we decided to remain at Athens alone;

2 遣我兄弟提摩太、卽上帝僕與我同勞、傳基督福音、俾爾堅定、爲爾信生而慰爾、

2 And send Ti-mo'the-us, our brother, a minister of God, and our helper in the gospel of Christ, to sustain you and comfort you concerning your faith:

3 勿爲患難所動、爾知分定故也、

3 So that no man among you might be disheartened by these tribulations: for you, yourselves, know that this is our destiny.

4 我素偕爾預備、我儕必受難、後果如是、此爾所知、

4 For verily when we were with you, we told you before, that we should suffer tribulations; even as it has come to pass, and as you know.

5 放我不能忍、遣人欲知爾之信主、恐試者惑爾、而我徒勞、

5 For this reason also, when I could no longer wait, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter had tempted you, and our labor was in vain.

6 今提摩太由爾反、報我嘉昔、言爾信愛主、緬懷我、常欲見我、如我之欲見爾、

6 But now since Ti-mo'the-us has returned to us from you, and brought us good tidings of your faith and love, and that you have good remembrance of us always, longing to see us, just as we also long to see you:

7 故我患難顛沛中、念兄弟信主爲爾受慰、

7 Therefore, our brethren, we have been comforted by you, in the midst of all our distress and tribulations because of your faith:

8 爾宗主堅立、我則生矣、

8 Now we can live happily, if you stand firm in our LORD.

9 我在上帝前、線爾喜甚、將何以祝謝上帝乎、

9 What thanks can we offer to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sakes,

10 我晝夜祈禱、甚欲見爾、補爾信主之不遠、

10 Except, before God to abundantly offer supplication, night and day, to see your faces, and to complete that which is lacking in your faith?

11 願吾父上帝、及我主耶穌基督、賜我坦然至爾、

11 Now may God, our Father, and our LORD Jesus Christ, direct our journey unto you,

12 又願主使爾敦友誼、汎愛衆、猶我之愛爾、

12 And may the LORD increase and enrich your love toward one another and toward all men, even as we love you:

13 亦堅爾心、無疵可摘、成聖於吾父上帝前、迨吾主耶穌基督、儅諸聖徒臨日。

13 And may he strengthen your hearts to be without blemish in holiness before God our Father, at the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ with all his saints.
