

1 一日、耶穌在殿教民、傳福音時、祭司諸長、士子、長老就之、曰、

2 請告我、爾以何權行是、賜爾斯權者誰耶、

3 耶穌曰、我亦一言問爾、請告我、

4 約翰施洗、由天乎、由人乎、

5 其人竊議、曰、若云由天、彼必曰曷不信之、

6 若云由人、民必石擊我、蓋民信約翰爲先知也、

7 遂對曰、不知、

8 耶穌曰、我亦不以何權行是告爾、〇

9 乃設譬語衆曰、有人樹葡萄園、租與農夫、而往異地、久之、

10 及期、遣僕就農夫、令輸園中當納之果、農夫扑、使徒反、

11 再遣僕、復扑辱、使徒反、

12 三遣僕、竟傷而逐之、

13 園主曰、我將奈何、不如遣愛子、庶幾見而敬之、

14 農夫見其子、竊議曰、此其嗣子、且來殺之、業歸我矣、

15 遂逐於園外殺焉、園主將何以處之、

16 必至而滅此農夫、以園託他人矣、聞者曰、不願有此、

17 耶穌目之曰、記所載何歟、工師所棄之石、成爲屋隅首石、

18 躓此石上者人必糜、此石墜其上者身必碎、〇

19 時祭司諸長士子知耶穌設譬指己、欲執之而畏民、

20 乃窺之、遣偵者、偽爲義人、欲卽其言、解與方伯、按治之、

21 遂問曰、先生、我知爾所言所傳皆正、不以貌取人、乃以誠傳上帝道者也、

22 我儕納稅該撒、宜否、

23 耶穌知其詭譎、曰、何試我耶、

24 將一金錢、與我觀之、是像與號誰乎、對曰、該撒、

25 曰、若是、以該撒之物納該撒、以上帝之物納上帝矣、

26 偵者當民前、末由執其言、且奇其應對、故默然、〇

27 有撒吐該人、言無復生者、就而問曰、

28 先生、摩西筆以示我云、若人兄弟有妻、無子而死、兄弟則娶其妻、生子以嗣之、

29 有兄弟七人、長者娶妻、無子而死、

30 其二娶之、亦無子而死、

31 其三娶之、至其七亦然、皆無遺子而死、

32 厥後婦亦死、

33 至復生時、此婦爲誰之妻乎、蓋納之者七人矣、

34 耶穌曰、惟世人有嫁娶、

35 若能得復生之世、則不嫁不娶、

36 亦不復死、乃如天使、亦爲上帝子、是復生之人也、

37 論死者復生、摩西棘中篇詳之矣、其稱主爲亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、

38 是上帝非死者之上帝、乃生者之上帝、蓋衆以之而生矣、〔以之而生曰或曰由上帝觀之衆生矣〕

39 士子數人曰、先生之言善也、

40 後無敢問者、

41 耶穌謂衆曰、人何言基督爲大闢裔乎、

42 蓋詩篇中、大闢自言、主謂我主云、

43 坐我右、我將以爾敵、置爾足下、

44 夫大闢稱基督爲主、則基督如何爲大闢裔乎、〇

45 庶民聽時、耶穌語門徒曰、

46 謹防士子、好衣長服而遊、喜市上問安、會堂高位、席間上坐、

47 然幷吞嫠婦家資、佯爲長祈、其受罪必尤重也、


Chapter 20

1 AND it came to pass on one of the days, while he was teaching the people and preaching in the temple, the high priests and the scribes with the elders rose up against him.

2 And they said to him, Tell us by what authority you do these things, and who gave you this authority?

3 Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask you a word, and you tell me;

4 The baptism of John, was it from heaven or from men?

5 And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we should say from heaven, he will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

6 And if we should say from men, all the people will stone us; for they regard John as a prophet.

7 So they said to him, We do not know whence it is.

8 Jesus said to them, Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.

9 And he began to say this parable to the people, A man planted a vineyard, and leased it to laborers, and went on a journey for a long time.

10 And at the season he sent his servant to the laborers to give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the laborers beat him and sent him back empty.

11 And again he sent another of his servants; but they beat him also, and treated him shamefully, and sent him back empty.

12 And again he sent the third one; but they wounded him also, and threw him outside.

13 Then the owner of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; perhaps they will see him and feel ashamed.

14 But when the laborers saw him, they reasoned with themselves, saying, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.

15 So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore will the owner of the vineyard do to them?

16 He will come and destroy those laborers, and give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, This will never happen.

17 But he looked at them and said, What is it that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same became the cornerstone?

18 Whoever falls on that stone will be broken; and on whomever it falls it will scatter him.

19 The high priests and the scribes sought to lay hands on him that very hour; but they were afraid of the people; for they knew that he had spoken this parable against them.

20 So they sent spies disguised as righteous men, to ensnare him by a word, and to deliver him to the judge, and then to the authority of the governor.

21 So they asked him, and said to him, Teacher, we know that you speak and teach truthfully, and you do not discriminate be- tween men, but you teach the way of God justly.

22 Is it lawful for us to pay head-tax * to Caesar or not?

23 But he understood their craftiness and said, Why do you tempt me?

24 Show me a penny. Whose image and inscription are on it? They said, Caesar's.

25 Jesus said to them, Give therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

26 And they were not able to get a word from him before the people; and they were amazed at his answer, and kept silence.

27 Then came to him some of the men of the Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection; and they asked him,

28 Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother should die, and has a wife without children, let his brother take his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.

29 Now there were seven brothers; the first married and died without children.

30 The second married his wife, and he died without children.

31 And the third one married her again; and likewise the seven of them; and they died leaving no children.

32 And at last the woman also died.

33 Therefore at the resurrection to which one of them will she be a wife? for seven of them married her.

34 Jesus said to them, The sons of this world marry women, and women are given to men in marriage.

35 But those who are worthy of the other world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither take women in marriage nor are women given in marriage to men.

36 For they cannot die again, because they are like angels; and they are sons of God, because they are sons of the resurrection.

37 Now concerning the resurrection of the dead, even Moses pointed out; for he referred to it at the Bush when he said, The Lord God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

38 God is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to him.

39 And some of the men of the scribes answered and said to him, Teacher, you have well said.

40 And they did not dare again to question him concerning anything.

41 And he said to them, How can the scribes say concerning the Christ, that he is son of David?

42 And yet David said in the book of Psalms, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand,

43 Until I put down your enemies under your feet.

44 If, therefore David calls him my Lord, how then can he be his son?

45 And while all the people were listening, he said to his disciples,

46 Beware of the scribes, who like to walk in long robes, and love to be greeted in the streets, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the high places at the banquets;

47 Those who embezzle the property of widows with the pretence that they make long prayers; they will receive a greater judgment.




Chapter 20

1 一日、耶穌在殿教民、傳福音時、祭司諸長、士子、長老就之、曰、

1 AND it came to pass on one of the days, while he was teaching the people and preaching in the temple, the high priests and the scribes with the elders rose up against him.

2 請告我、爾以何權行是、賜爾斯權者誰耶、

2 And they said to him, Tell us by what authority you do these things, and who gave you this authority?

3 耶穌曰、我亦一言問爾、請告我、

3 Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask you a word, and you tell me;

4 約翰施洗、由天乎、由人乎、

4 The baptism of John, was it from heaven or from men?

5 其人竊議、曰、若云由天、彼必曰曷不信之、

5 And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we should say from heaven, he will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

6 若云由人、民必石擊我、蓋民信約翰爲先知也、

6 And if we should say from men, all the people will stone us; for they regard John as a prophet.

7 遂對曰、不知、

7 So they said to him, We do not know whence it is.

8 耶穌曰、我亦不以何權行是告爾、〇

8 Jesus said to them, Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.

9 乃設譬語衆曰、有人樹葡萄園、租與農夫、而往異地、久之、

9 And he began to say this parable to the people, A man planted a vineyard, and leased it to laborers, and went on a journey for a long time.

10 及期、遣僕就農夫、令輸園中當納之果、農夫扑、使徒反、

10 And at the season he sent his servant to the laborers to give him of the fruit of the vineyard; but the laborers beat him and sent him back empty.

11 再遣僕、復扑辱、使徒反、

11 And again he sent another of his servants; but they beat him also, and treated him shamefully, and sent him back empty.

12 三遣僕、竟傷而逐之、

12 And again he sent the third one; but they wounded him also, and threw him outside.

13 園主曰、我將奈何、不如遣愛子、庶幾見而敬之、

13 Then the owner of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; perhaps they will see him and feel ashamed.

14 農夫見其子、竊議曰、此其嗣子、且來殺之、業歸我矣、

14 But when the laborers saw him, they reasoned with themselves, saying, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.

15 遂逐於園外殺焉、園主將何以處之、

15 So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore will the owner of the vineyard do to them?

16 必至而滅此農夫、以園託他人矣、聞者曰、不願有此、

16 He will come and destroy those laborers, and give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, This will never happen.

17 耶穌目之曰、記所載何歟、工師所棄之石、成爲屋隅首石、

17 But he looked at them and said, What is it that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same became the cornerstone?

18 躓此石上者人必糜、此石墜其上者身必碎、〇

18 Whoever falls on that stone will be broken; and on whomever it falls it will scatter him.

19 時祭司諸長士子知耶穌設譬指己、欲執之而畏民、

19 The high priests and the scribes sought to lay hands on him that very hour; but they were afraid of the people; for they knew that he had spoken this parable against them.

20 乃窺之、遣偵者、偽爲義人、欲卽其言、解與方伯、按治之、

20 So they sent spies disguised as righteous men, to ensnare him by a word, and to deliver him to the judge, and then to the authority of the governor.

21 遂問曰、先生、我知爾所言所傳皆正、不以貌取人、乃以誠傳上帝道者也、

21 So they asked him, and said to him, Teacher, we know that you speak and teach truthfully, and you do not discriminate be- tween men, but you teach the way of God justly.

22 我儕納稅該撒、宜否、

22 Is it lawful for us to pay head-tax * to Caesar or not?

23 耶穌知其詭譎、曰、何試我耶、

23 But he understood their craftiness and said, Why do you tempt me?

24 將一金錢、與我觀之、是像與號誰乎、對曰、該撒、

24 Show me a penny. Whose image and inscription are on it? They said, Caesar's.

25 曰、若是、以該撒之物納該撒、以上帝之物納上帝矣、

25 Jesus said to them, Give therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

26 偵者當民前、末由執其言、且奇其應對、故默然、〇

26 And they were not able to get a word from him before the people; and they were amazed at his answer, and kept silence.

27 有撒吐該人、言無復生者、就而問曰、

27 Then came to him some of the men of the Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection; and they asked him,

28 先生、摩西筆以示我云、若人兄弟有妻、無子而死、兄弟則娶其妻、生子以嗣之、

28 Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother should die, and has a wife without children, let his brother take his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.

29 有兄弟七人、長者娶妻、無子而死、

29 Now there were seven brothers; the first married and died without children.

30 其二娶之、亦無子而死、

30 The second married his wife, and he died without children.

31 其三娶之、至其七亦然、皆無遺子而死、

31 And the third one married her again; and likewise the seven of them; and they died leaving no children.

32 厥後婦亦死、

32 And at last the woman also died.

33 至復生時、此婦爲誰之妻乎、蓋納之者七人矣、

33 Therefore at the resurrection to which one of them will she be a wife? for seven of them married her.

34 耶穌曰、惟世人有嫁娶、

34 Jesus said to them, The sons of this world marry women, and women are given to men in marriage.

35 若能得復生之世、則不嫁不娶、

35 But those who are worthy of the other world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither take women in marriage nor are women given in marriage to men.

36 亦不復死、乃如天使、亦爲上帝子、是復生之人也、

36 For they cannot die again, because they are like angels; and they are sons of God, because they are sons of the resurrection.

37 論死者復生、摩西棘中篇詳之矣、其稱主爲亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝、

37 Now concerning the resurrection of the dead, even Moses pointed out; for he referred to it at the Bush when he said, The Lord God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

38 是上帝非死者之上帝、乃生者之上帝、蓋衆以之而生矣、〔以之而生曰或曰由上帝觀之衆生矣〕

38 God is not the God of the dead but of the living; for all live to him.

39 士子數人曰、先生之言善也、

39 And some of the men of the scribes answered and said to him, Teacher, you have well said.

40 後無敢問者、

40 And they did not dare again to question him concerning anything.

41 耶穌謂衆曰、人何言基督爲大闢裔乎、

41 And he said to them, How can the scribes say concerning the Christ, that he is son of David?

42 蓋詩篇中、大闢自言、主謂我主云、

42 And yet David said in the book of Psalms, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand,

43 坐我右、我將以爾敵、置爾足下、

43 Until I put down your enemies under your feet.

44 夫大闢稱基督爲主、則基督如何爲大闢裔乎、〇

44 If, therefore David calls him my Lord, how then can he be his son?

45 庶民聽時、耶穌語門徒曰、

45 And while all the people were listening, he said to his disciples,

46 謹防士子、好衣長服而遊、喜市上問安、會堂高位、席間上坐、

46 Beware of the scribes, who like to walk in long robes, and love to be greeted in the streets, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the high places at the banquets;

47 然幷吞嫠婦家資、佯爲長祈、其受罪必尤重也、

47 Those who embezzle the property of widows with the pretence that they make long prayers; they will receive a greater judgment.
