

1 今日之事,尚不及知,明日之事,勿自誇詡。

2 人揄揚爾則可,自善其善則非所宜。

3 石沙甚重,愚人之怒,殆有甚焉。

4 人之憤怒酷烈,勢若行潦,人懷嫉妒,誰能禦之。

5 愛人之心,藏諸衷曲,不如責人以善,直言無隱。

6 仇讎雖與我接吻,亦知其偽,友朋雖出言傷予,益見其直。

7 人而果腹,雖蜂房亦有所厭,人而饑餓,雖苦物亦以爲甘。

8 人遊遠方,如鳥離巢。

9 馨香悅心,同於良朋之相勸。

10 父之良朋,己之密友,爾與之善,相愛靡已,則遘難之時,毋庸詣兄弟之室,蓋兄弟遠離,不如鄰里在側。

11 爾小子,宜學智慧,致悅我心,有人毁予,以此答之。

12 智者先機以避害,愚人前往而遭刑。

13 爲外人異族作中保,而不能償,則必取其衣爲質。

14 晨興,不讚其友而過實,人以爲誹之。

15 妻頑譬彼陰雨,屋宇恒漏。

16 欲使之不嚚,如使風不吹,若手握香膏,欲芬芳之不聞。

17 以鐵治鐵,交相磨礪,益友亦若是。

18 植無花果樹,可食其實,人事其主,必蒙賞賚。

19 人鑑於水,形容維肖,以己心度人心者亦若是。

20 陰司暗府無盈日,貪欲無厭者亦若是。

21 洪爐足以煉金銀,頌美足以覘人心。

22 扑責愚人,如擣麥於臼,亦不能夫其愚,

23 爾之牛羊,牧養必勸。

24 蓋貸財不能永存,冠冕不能世襲。

25 百草萌蘖,菜蔬叢生,爲爾斂藏。

26 爾其勤牧羣羊,剪羔羊之毛,可以製衣,售牡羊之價,可以購田,

27 牝羊出乳,供爾僕婢之食,綽然有餘。


Chapter 27

1 BOAST not for tomorrow; for you know not what a day may bring forth.

2 Let a stranger praise you, and not your own mouth; another, and not your own lips.

3 A stone is heavy and sand is weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both.

4 Wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous; but who can stand before envy?

5 Open rebuke is better than deceitful friendship.

6 Better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy.

7 A person who is full loathes a honeycomb; but to a hungry person even a bitter thing is sweet.

8 Like a bird that wanders from its nest, so is a man who is moved from his place.

9 As oil and perfume rejoice the heart, so does the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.

10 Your own friend and your father's friend forsake not; neither go into your brother's house in the day of your calamity; for better is a neighbor who is near than a brother far off.

11 My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, and remove from me the reproach of those who reproach me.

12 A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself; but the fools pass on and suffer loss.

13 He who is surety for a stranger, his cloak will be taken away from him and held in pledge for the stranger.

14 He who blesses his friend with a flattering loud voice is not different from him who curses.

15 Like a continual dripping on a rainy day, so is a quarrelsome woman.

16 The north wind is severe, but it is called the right wind.

17 Iron sharpens iron; so a man enlightens the face of his friend.

18 He who guards his fig tree shall eat its fruit; and he who is careful of his master shall be honored.

19 As faces do not resemble faces, so hearts do not resemble hearts.

20 Sheol and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

21 As the refining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold, so is a man tested by the mouth of those who praise him. The heart of the wicked desires evil, and the heart of the pious desires knowledge.

22 Though you should beat a fool in the midst of an assembly, you will not do him any good, nor will you cause his foolishness to depart from him.

23 When you are feeding the sheep, know their faces and set your mind on the flock.

24 Possessions are not for ever; nor can riches be handed down from one generation to another.

25 The grass springs up, the tender growth shows itself, and the herbs of the mountains are gathered.

26 The lambs are for your clothing and the kids are for your sustenance;

27 And the goats' milk is for your food and for the food of your household.




Chapter 27

1 今日之事,尚不及知,明日之事,勿自誇詡。

1 BOAST not for tomorrow; for you know not what a day may bring forth.

2 人揄揚爾則可,自善其善則非所宜。

2 Let a stranger praise you, and not your own mouth; another, and not your own lips.

3 石沙甚重,愚人之怒,殆有甚焉。

3 A stone is heavy and sand is weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both.

4 人之憤怒酷烈,勢若行潦,人懷嫉妒,誰能禦之。

4 Wrath is cruel and anger is outrageous; but who can stand before envy?

5 愛人之心,藏諸衷曲,不如責人以善,直言無隱。

5 Open rebuke is better than deceitful friendship.

6 仇讎雖與我接吻,亦知其偽,友朋雖出言傷予,益見其直。

6 Better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy.

7 人而果腹,雖蜂房亦有所厭,人而饑餓,雖苦物亦以爲甘。

7 A person who is full loathes a honeycomb; but to a hungry person even a bitter thing is sweet.

8 人遊遠方,如鳥離巢。

8 Like a bird that wanders from its nest, so is a man who is moved from his place.

9 馨香悅心,同於良朋之相勸。

9 As oil and perfume rejoice the heart, so does the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.

10 父之良朋,己之密友,爾與之善,相愛靡已,則遘難之時,毋庸詣兄弟之室,蓋兄弟遠離,不如鄰里在側。

10 Your own friend and your father's friend forsake not; neither go into your brother's house in the day of your calamity; for better is a neighbor who is near than a brother far off.

11 爾小子,宜學智慧,致悅我心,有人毁予,以此答之。

11 My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, and remove from me the reproach of those who reproach me.

12 智者先機以避害,愚人前往而遭刑。

12 A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself; but the fools pass on and suffer loss.

13 爲外人異族作中保,而不能償,則必取其衣爲質。

13 He who is surety for a stranger, his cloak will be taken away from him and held in pledge for the stranger.

14 晨興,不讚其友而過實,人以爲誹之。

14 He who blesses his friend with a flattering loud voice is not different from him who curses.

15 妻頑譬彼陰雨,屋宇恒漏。

15 Like a continual dripping on a rainy day, so is a quarrelsome woman.

16 欲使之不嚚,如使風不吹,若手握香膏,欲芬芳之不聞。

16 The north wind is severe, but it is called the right wind.

17 以鐵治鐵,交相磨礪,益友亦若是。

17 Iron sharpens iron; so a man enlightens the face of his friend.

18 植無花果樹,可食其實,人事其主,必蒙賞賚。

18 He who guards his fig tree shall eat its fruit; and he who is careful of his master shall be honored.

19 人鑑於水,形容維肖,以己心度人心者亦若是。

19 As faces do not resemble faces, so hearts do not resemble hearts.

20 陰司暗府無盈日,貪欲無厭者亦若是。

20 Sheol and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

21 洪爐足以煉金銀,頌美足以覘人心。

21 As the refining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold, so is a man tested by the mouth of those who praise him. The heart of the wicked desires evil, and the heart of the pious desires knowledge.

22 扑責愚人,如擣麥於臼,亦不能夫其愚,

22 Though you should beat a fool in the midst of an assembly, you will not do him any good, nor will you cause his foolishness to depart from him.

23 爾之牛羊,牧養必勸。

23 When you are feeding the sheep, know their faces and set your mind on the flock.

24 蓋貸財不能永存,冠冕不能世襲。

24 Possessions are not for ever; nor can riches be handed down from one generation to another.

25 百草萌蘖,菜蔬叢生,爲爾斂藏。

25 The grass springs up, the tender growth shows itself, and the herbs of the mountains are gathered.

26 爾其勤牧羣羊,剪羔羊之毛,可以製衣,售牡羊之價,可以購田,

26 The lambs are for your clothing and the kids are for your sustenance;

27 牝羊出乳,供爾僕婢之食,綽然有餘。

27 And the goats' milk is for your food and for the food of your household.
