

1 旣得救、知其島名米利大、

2 夷人以希有之仁待我、因雨而寒、熾火納我儕、

3 適保羅束薪置火、火熱、蝮出、繞其手、

4 夷人見蝮懸繞其手、相語曰、是誠殺人者、雖得救於海、理不容其生也、

5 保羅拂蝮於火、毫無所害、

6 夷人候其腫、卽仆地死、久之、見其無傷、反疑爲上帝、

7 島長名部伯流有田近此處、迎我儕止宿三日、以恩禮相待、

8 部伯流父患瘧、血痢而臥、保羅入祈禱、按手醫之、

9 自是島中有負病者、來而得醫、

10 皆優禮敬我、臨別以所需者相贈、

11 三月後、遇亞力山太舟、號丟士雙子、於島過冬、登之而行、

12 叙拉古居三日、

13 沿岸至利其翁、越一日、南風起、明日至部丟利、

14 遇兄弟請我同居七日、遂往羅馬、

15 羅馬兄弟聞之、出至亞比島市、及三館處迎我、保羅見之、謝上帝而心安、

16 旣至羅馬、百夫長以衆囚交將軍、惟聽保羅偕守卒一人、居於外、

17 越三日、保羅會猶太長者、旣集、謂之曰、兄弟、我未獲罪以色列民、違列祖例、然自耶路撒冷、解與羅馬人爲囚、

18 羅馬人審我、見無死罪、欲釋我、

19 惟猶太人不可、我不得已叩該撒、非有意訟我民也、

20 爲此、請爾曹相見互論、蓋我今繫以鐵索、特爲以色列民所望之事耳、

21 衆曰、我儕末受猶太言爾之書、兄弟至此、亦未言爾不道、

22 我願聞爾所見若何、蓋論此教、我知其隨在被誚矣、

23 旣定期、多人至館、保羅自朝至暮、證述上帝國之道、引摩西律、先知言、勸衆信耶穌、

24 其言、有信者、有不信者、

25 兩不相合、將散、保羅發言曰、昔聖神以先知以賽亞、告我列祖者、其言誠是、云、

26 往告此民曰、爾將耳聞而不聰、目視而不明、

27 蓋此民心頑、耳聾、目瞶、免其目視、耳聽、心悟、遷改而我醫之、

28 爾曹當知上帝救道、施及異邦人、彼將聽之也、

29 保羅言竟、猶太人歸、多相辯論、

30 保羅居自賃之屋二年、凡來見者受之、

31 傳上帝國道、言主耶穌基督事、侃侃如也、無能禁之矣、


Chapter 28

1 AFTERWARDS they learned that the island was called Mel'i-ta.

2 And the barbarians who inhabited it showed us much kindness: for they kindled a fire and called us all to warm ourselves, because of heavy rain and the cold.

3 And Paul picked up a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire and a scorpion driven by the heat, came out and bit his hand.

4 And when the barbarians saw it hanging from his hand, they said, It may be that this man is a murderer, whom though he has been rescued from the sea, yet justice does not permit him to live.

5 But Paul shook his hand and threw the viper into the fire, and felt no harm.

6 However, the barbarians expected he would immediately swell up and fall to the ground dead: but after they had waited for a long while, and saw he had not been harmed, they changed their talk, and said that he was a god.

7 There were villages in that region, belonging to a man whose name was Pub'li-us, the chief man of the island; and he gladly received us at his house for three days.

8 But the father of Pub'li-us was sick with fever and dysentery: so Paul went in to where he was lying and prayed, then he laid his hand on him and healed him.

9 So when this was done, others also sick in the island, came, and were healed.

10 The inhabitants honored us with great honors: and when we departed from thence, they ladened us with provisions.

11 After three months we departed, sailing in an Al-ex-an'dri-an ship, which had wintered in the island, and which bore the sign of Castor and Pollux.

12 Landing at Syracuse, we remained there for three days.

13 From there we circled around, and arrived at Rhe'gi-um city. After a day the south wind blew in our favor, and in two days, we came to Pu-te'o-li, an Italian city,

14 Where we found brethren who invited us; and we stayed with them seven days: then we departed for Rome.

15 When the brethren there heard of us, they came out to meet us as far as the street which is called Ap'pi-i-fo'rum and The Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God, and was greatly encouraged.

16 Then we entered Rome, and the centurion gave permission to Paul to live wherever he pleased with a soldier to guard him.

17 And after three days, Paul sent and called the Jewish leaders; and when they were come together, he said to them, Men and my brethren, though I have done nothing against the people and the law of my fathers, yet I was delivered from Jerusalem in bonds into the hands of the Romans,

18 Who, when they had examined me, would have released me, because they found in me no cause worthy of death.

19 But as the Jews stood against me I was obliged to appeal to Cµsar; not that I had anything of which to accuse my own people.

20 This is the reason I begged you to come, for I wish to see you and to relate these things to you; because it is for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.

21 And they said to him, We have neither received a letter concerning you from Judµ'a, nor have any of the brethren who have come from Jerusalem made any evil report about you.

22 Nevertheless, we desire to hear what you have to say, but if it is concerning this teaching, we know well that it is not acceptable to any one, and we do not want to hear about it.

23 So they appointed a day for him and many gathered together and came to him where he was staying; and he explained to them about the Kingdom of God, thus testifying and persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

24 And some of them harkened to his words, but others paid no attention.

25 And as they were dismissed, disagreeing Acts 28 Paul preaches in Rome for two years. among themselves, Paul said to them this saying, Well spoke the Holy Spirit by the mouth of the prophet I-sa'iah against your fathers,

26 Saying, Go to this people and say, Hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive:

27 For the heart of this people is hardened and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and repent before me, and I should forgive them.

28 Let this be known to you therefore: that this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, for they will listen to it.

29 * And when he had said these words, the Jews departed arguing much among themselves.

30 And Paul hired a house for himself at his own expense and lived in it for two years; there he received all who came to him,

31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching openly about our LORD Jesus Christ, without hindrance.




Chapter 28

1 旣得救、知其島名米利大、

1 AFTERWARDS they learned that the island was called Mel'i-ta.

2 夷人以希有之仁待我、因雨而寒、熾火納我儕、

2 And the barbarians who inhabited it showed us much kindness: for they kindled a fire and called us all to warm ourselves, because of heavy rain and the cold.

3 適保羅束薪置火、火熱、蝮出、繞其手、

3 And Paul picked up a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire and a scorpion driven by the heat, came out and bit his hand.

4 夷人見蝮懸繞其手、相語曰、是誠殺人者、雖得救於海、理不容其生也、

4 And when the barbarians saw it hanging from his hand, they said, It may be that this man is a murderer, whom though he has been rescued from the sea, yet justice does not permit him to live.

5 保羅拂蝮於火、毫無所害、

5 But Paul shook his hand and threw the viper into the fire, and felt no harm.

6 夷人候其腫、卽仆地死、久之、見其無傷、反疑爲上帝、

6 However, the barbarians expected he would immediately swell up and fall to the ground dead: but after they had waited for a long while, and saw he had not been harmed, they changed their talk, and said that he was a god.

7 島長名部伯流有田近此處、迎我儕止宿三日、以恩禮相待、

7 There were villages in that region, belonging to a man whose name was Pub'li-us, the chief man of the island; and he gladly received us at his house for three days.

8 部伯流父患瘧、血痢而臥、保羅入祈禱、按手醫之、

8 But the father of Pub'li-us was sick with fever and dysentery: so Paul went in to where he was lying and prayed, then he laid his hand on him and healed him.

9 自是島中有負病者、來而得醫、

9 So when this was done, others also sick in the island, came, and were healed.

10 皆優禮敬我、臨別以所需者相贈、

10 The inhabitants honored us with great honors: and when we departed from thence, they ladened us with provisions.

11 三月後、遇亞力山太舟、號丟士雙子、於島過冬、登之而行、

11 After three months we departed, sailing in an Al-ex-an'dri-an ship, which had wintered in the island, and which bore the sign of Castor and Pollux.

12 叙拉古居三日、

12 Landing at Syracuse, we remained there for three days.

13 沿岸至利其翁、越一日、南風起、明日至部丟利、

13 From there we circled around, and arrived at Rhe'gi-um city. After a day the south wind blew in our favor, and in two days, we came to Pu-te'o-li, an Italian city,

14 遇兄弟請我同居七日、遂往羅馬、

14 Where we found brethren who invited us; and we stayed with them seven days: then we departed for Rome.

15 羅馬兄弟聞之、出至亞比島市、及三館處迎我、保羅見之、謝上帝而心安、

15 When the brethren there heard of us, they came out to meet us as far as the street which is called Ap'pi-i-fo'rum and The Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God, and was greatly encouraged.

16 旣至羅馬、百夫長以衆囚交將軍、惟聽保羅偕守卒一人、居於外、

16 Then we entered Rome, and the centurion gave permission to Paul to live wherever he pleased with a soldier to guard him.

17 越三日、保羅會猶太長者、旣集、謂之曰、兄弟、我未獲罪以色列民、違列祖例、然自耶路撒冷、解與羅馬人爲囚、

17 And after three days, Paul sent and called the Jewish leaders; and when they were come together, he said to them, Men and my brethren, though I have done nothing against the people and the law of my fathers, yet I was delivered from Jerusalem in bonds into the hands of the Romans,

18 羅馬人審我、見無死罪、欲釋我、

18 Who, when they had examined me, would have released me, because they found in me no cause worthy of death.

19 惟猶太人不可、我不得已叩該撒、非有意訟我民也、

19 But as the Jews stood against me I was obliged to appeal to Cµsar; not that I had anything of which to accuse my own people.

20 爲此、請爾曹相見互論、蓋我今繫以鐵索、特爲以色列民所望之事耳、

20 This is the reason I begged you to come, for I wish to see you and to relate these things to you; because it is for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.

21 衆曰、我儕末受猶太言爾之書、兄弟至此、亦未言爾不道、

21 And they said to him, We have neither received a letter concerning you from Judµ'a, nor have any of the brethren who have come from Jerusalem made any evil report about you.

22 我願聞爾所見若何、蓋論此教、我知其隨在被誚矣、

22 Nevertheless, we desire to hear what you have to say, but if it is concerning this teaching, we know well that it is not acceptable to any one, and we do not want to hear about it.

23 旣定期、多人至館、保羅自朝至暮、證述上帝國之道、引摩西律、先知言、勸衆信耶穌、

23 So they appointed a day for him and many gathered together and came to him where he was staying; and he explained to them about the Kingdom of God, thus testifying and persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

24 其言、有信者、有不信者、

24 And some of them harkened to his words, but others paid no attention.

25 兩不相合、將散、保羅發言曰、昔聖神以先知以賽亞、告我列祖者、其言誠是、云、

25 And as they were dismissed, disagreeing Acts 28 Paul preaches in Rome for two years. among themselves, Paul said to them this saying, Well spoke the Holy Spirit by the mouth of the prophet I-sa'iah against your fathers,

26 往告此民曰、爾將耳聞而不聰、目視而不明、

26 Saying, Go to this people and say, Hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive:

27 蓋此民心頑、耳聾、目瞶、免其目視、耳聽、心悟、遷改而我醫之、

27 For the heart of this people is hardened and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and repent before me, and I should forgive them.

28 爾曹當知上帝救道、施及異邦人、彼將聽之也、

28 Let this be known to you therefore: that this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, for they will listen to it.

29 保羅言竟、猶太人歸、多相辯論、

29 * And when he had said these words, the Jews departed arguing much among themselves.

30 保羅居自賃之屋二年、凡來見者受之、

30 And Paul hired a house for himself at his own expense and lived in it for two years; there he received all who came to him,

31 傳上帝國道、言主耶穌基督事、侃侃如也、無能禁之矣、

31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching openly about our LORD Jesus Christ, without hindrance.
