

1 基督道之始、我姑舍是、但練達是務、不復言創基、若悔改妄行、信從上帝、

2 施洗按手、復生恒報、諸道是也、

3 惟上帝許我、我則行是、

4 乃有始則明道、蒙天賜賚、共享聖神、

5 知上帝至理、季世有妙用、

6 後竟背教、其不克悔改自新、猶復釘上帝子於十字架、而顯辱之、

7 譬如土壤、時雨潤之、百物生之、農夫利之、上帝培之、

8 若其叢生荊棘、則人棄之、終必被詛、而爇以火、

9 我言此、望良朋、無若背教者、亦望爾得救、

10 蓋上帝至公、必不爾忘、爾素爲生名施仁勤勞、以供事聖徒、今所行亦如是、

11 我願爾衆、至終慇懃、以懷厚望、

12 爾勿惰慢、昔諸信主恒忍者、彼獲所許之福、爾其則傚、

13 且未有大於上帝者、其許亞伯拉罕時、指己而誓、

14 曰、吾必大資爾福祉、昌熾爾子孫、

15 亞伯拉罕恒忍以待、故獲所許、

16 凡人之誓、必指大於己者、誓所以堅其信、而違言息矣、

17 上帝欲使將得福之人、知其旨不易、故實之以誓、

18 上帝眞實無妄、旣許之而復誓之、皆不可易、吾素避難、冀得所許之福、大可慰藉、

19 我所望福、藏于幔內、猶心之有錨、鞏固不移、

20 耶穌先我入之、永立爲祭司長、依麥基洗德之班聯、


Chapter 6

1 THEREFORE, let us leave the elementary word of Christ, and let us go on to perfection: Why do you again lay another foundation for the repentance from past deeds, and for faith in God?

2 And for the doctrine of baptisms, and for the laying on of hands, and for the resurrection of the dead and for eternal judgment?

3 If the LORD permits, this we will do.

4 But this is impossible for those who have once been baptised, and have tasted the gift from heaven, and have received the Holy Spirit,

5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

6 For, for them to sin again, and be renewed again by repentance, they crucify the Son of God a second time, and put him to open shame.

7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that falls abundantly on it, and brings forth herbs useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God:

8 But if it should produce thorns and briers it is rejected and not far from being condemned; and at the end this crop will be used for fuel.

9 But beloved brethren, we expect from you the things that are good and that pertain to salvation, even though we speak in this manner.

10 For God is not unjust to forget your works and your labor of love which you have made known in his name, for you have ministered to the saints and still do minister.

11 We desire that every one of you show the same diligence toward the fulfillment of your hope, even unto the end,

12 And that you be not slothful, but be followers of those who through faith and patience have become heirs of the promise.

13 For when God made a promise to A'braham, because there was none greater than himself by whom he could swear, he swore by himself,

14 Saying, Blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying, I will multiply you.

15 And so he was patient, and obtained the promise.

16 For men swear by one who is greater than themselves: and in every dispute among them, the true settlement is by oaths.

17 Therefore, because God wanted more abundantly to show to the heirs of promise that his agreement was unchangeable, he sealed it by an oath.

18 Thus, by the promise and by the oath which are unchangeable, and in neither of which could God lie, we find courage to hold fast to the hope that has been promised by him in whom we have taken refuge.

19 That promise is like an anchor to us; it upholds the soul so that it may not be shaken, and it penetrates beyond the veil of the temple;

20 Therein Jesus has previously entered for our sakes, and become the high priest for ever, after the order of Mel-chis'e-dec.




Chapter 6

1 基督道之始、我姑舍是、但練達是務、不復言創基、若悔改妄行、信從上帝、

1 THEREFORE, let us leave the elementary word of Christ, and let us go on to perfection: Why do you again lay another foundation for the repentance from past deeds, and for faith in God?

2 施洗按手、復生恒報、諸道是也、

2 And for the doctrine of baptisms, and for the laying on of hands, and for the resurrection of the dead and for eternal judgment?

3 惟上帝許我、我則行是、

3 If the LORD permits, this we will do.

4 乃有始則明道、蒙天賜賚、共享聖神、

4 But this is impossible for those who have once been baptised, and have tasted the gift from heaven, and have received the Holy Spirit,

5 知上帝至理、季世有妙用、

5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

6 後竟背教、其不克悔改自新、猶復釘上帝子於十字架、而顯辱之、

6 For, for them to sin again, and be renewed again by repentance, they crucify the Son of God a second time, and put him to open shame.

7 譬如土壤、時雨潤之、百物生之、農夫利之、上帝培之、

7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that falls abundantly on it, and brings forth herbs useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God:

8 若其叢生荊棘、則人棄之、終必被詛、而爇以火、

8 But if it should produce thorns and briers it is rejected and not far from being condemned; and at the end this crop will be used for fuel.

9 我言此、望良朋、無若背教者、亦望爾得救、

9 But beloved brethren, we expect from you the things that are good and that pertain to salvation, even though we speak in this manner.

10 蓋上帝至公、必不爾忘、爾素爲生名施仁勤勞、以供事聖徒、今所行亦如是、

10 For God is not unjust to forget your works and your labor of love which you have made known in his name, for you have ministered to the saints and still do minister.

11 我願爾衆、至終慇懃、以懷厚望、

11 We desire that every one of you show the same diligence toward the fulfillment of your hope, even unto the end,

12 爾勿惰慢、昔諸信主恒忍者、彼獲所許之福、爾其則傚、

12 And that you be not slothful, but be followers of those who through faith and patience have become heirs of the promise.

13 且未有大於上帝者、其許亞伯拉罕時、指己而誓、

13 For when God made a promise to A'braham, because there was none greater than himself by whom he could swear, he swore by himself,

14 曰、吾必大資爾福祉、昌熾爾子孫、

14 Saying, Blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying, I will multiply you.

15 亞伯拉罕恒忍以待、故獲所許、

15 And so he was patient, and obtained the promise.

16 凡人之誓、必指大於己者、誓所以堅其信、而違言息矣、

16 For men swear by one who is greater than themselves: and in every dispute among them, the true settlement is by oaths.

17 上帝欲使將得福之人、知其旨不易、故實之以誓、

17 Therefore, because God wanted more abundantly to show to the heirs of promise that his agreement was unchangeable, he sealed it by an oath.

18 上帝眞實無妄、旣許之而復誓之、皆不可易、吾素避難、冀得所許之福、大可慰藉、

18 Thus, by the promise and by the oath which are unchangeable, and in neither of which could God lie, we find courage to hold fast to the hope that has been promised by him in whom we have taken refuge.

19 我所望福、藏于幔內、猶心之有錨、鞏固不移、

19 That promise is like an anchor to us; it upholds the soul so that it may not be shaken, and it penetrates beyond the veil of the temple;

20 耶穌先我入之、永立爲祭司長、依麥基洗德之班聯、

20 Therein Jesus has previously entered for our sakes, and become the high priest for ever, after the order of Mel-chis'e-dec.
