
Psalm 114

1 When Israel3478 went out3318 of Egypt,4480 4714 the house1004 of Jacob3290 from a people4480 5971 of strange language;3937

2 Judah3063 was1961 his sanctuary,6944 and Israel3478 his dominion.4475

3 The sea3220 saw7200 it, and fled:5127 Jordan3383 was driven5437 back.268

4 The mountains2022 skipped7540 like rams,352 and the little hills1389 like lambs.1121 6629

5 What4100 ailed thee, O thou sea,3220 that3588 thou fleddest?5127 thou Jordan,3383 that thou wast driven5437 back?268

6 Ye mountains,2022 that ye skipped7540 like rams;352 and ye little hills,1389 like lambs?1121 6629

7 Tremble,2342 thou earth,776 at the presence4480 6440 of the Lord,113 at the presence4480 6440 of the God433 of Jacob;3290

8 Which turned2015 the rock6697 into a standing98 water,4325 the flint2496 into a fountain4599 of waters.4325



1 以色列出了埃及,雅各家離開說異言之民;

2 那時,猶大為他的[his]聖所,以色列為他所治理的國度。

3 滄海看見就奔逃;約旦河也倒流。

4 大山踴躍,如公綿羊[rams];小山跳舞,如綿羊羔[lambs]

5 滄海啊,你為何奔逃?約旦哪,你為何倒流?

6 大山哪,你為何踴躍,如公綿羊[rams]?小山哪,你為何跳舞,如綿羊羔[lambs]

7 大地啊,你因見主的面,就是雅各神的面,便要顫動[tremble]

8 他叫磐石變為水池,叫堅石變為泉源。


Psalm 114



1 When Israel3478 went out3318 of Egypt,4480 4714 the house1004 of Jacob3290 from a people4480 5971 of strange language;3937

1 以色列出了埃及,雅各家離開說異言之民;

2 Judah3063 was1961 his sanctuary,6944 and Israel3478 his dominion.4475

2 那時,猶大為他的[his]聖所,以色列為他所治理的國度。

3 The sea3220 saw7200 it, and fled:5127 Jordan3383 was driven5437 back.268

3 滄海看見就奔逃;約旦河也倒流。

4 The mountains2022 skipped7540 like rams,352 and the little hills1389 like lambs.1121 6629

4 大山踴躍,如公綿羊[rams];小山跳舞,如綿羊羔[lambs]

5 What4100 ailed thee, O thou sea,3220 that3588 thou fleddest?5127 thou Jordan,3383 that thou wast driven5437 back?268

5 滄海啊,你為何奔逃?約旦哪,你為何倒流?

6 Ye mountains,2022 that ye skipped7540 like rams;352 and ye little hills,1389 like lambs?1121 6629

6 大山哪,你為何踴躍,如公綿羊[rams]?小山哪,你為何跳舞,如綿羊羔[lambs]

7 Tremble,2342 thou earth,776 at the presence4480 6440 of the Lord,113 at the presence4480 6440 of the God433 of Jacob;3290

7 大地啊,你因見主的面,就是雅各神的面,便要顫動[tremble]

8 Which turned2015 the rock6697 into a standing98 water,4325 the flint2496 into a fountain4599 of waters.4325

8 他叫磐石變為水池,叫堅石變為泉源。