
Chapter 17

1 Thou shalt not3808 sacrifice2076 unto the LORD3068 thy God430 any bullock,7794 or sheep,7716 wherein834 is1961 blemish,3971 or any3605 evilfavoredness:1697 7451 for3588 that1931 is an abomination8441 unto the LORD3068 thy God.430

2 If3588 there be found4672 among7130 you, within any259 of thy gates8179 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 giveth5414 thee, man376 or176 woman,802 that834 hath wrought6213 853 wickedness7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD3068 thy God,430 in transgressing5674 his covenant,1285

3 And hath gone1980 and served5647 other312 gods,430 and worshiped7812 them, either the sun,8121 or176 moon,3394 or176 any3605 of the host6635 of heaven,8064 which834 I have not3808 commanded;6680

4 And it be told5046 thee, and thou hast heard8085 of it, and inquired1875 diligently,3190 and, behold,2009 it be true,571 and the thing1697 certain,3559 that such2063 abomination8441 is wrought6213 in Israel: 3478

5 Then shalt thou bring forth3318 853 that1931 man376 or176 that1931 woman,802 which834 have committed6213 853 that2088 wicked7451 thing,1697 unto413 thy gates,8179 even853 that man376 or176 853 that woman,802 and shalt stone5619 them with stones,68 till they die.4191

6 At5921 the mouth6310 of two8147 witnesses,5707 or176 three7969 witnesses,5707 shall he that is worthy of death4191 be put to death;4191 but at5921 the mouth6310 of one259 witness5707 he shall not3808 be put to death.4191

7 The hands3027 of the witnesses5707 shall be1961 first7223 upon him to put him to death,4191 and afterward314 the hands3027 of all3605 the people.5971 So thou shalt put the evil away1197 7451 from among4480 7130 you.

8 If3588 there arise a matter too hard6381 1697 for4480 thee in judgment,4941 between996 blood1818 and blood,1818 between996 plea1779 and plea,1779 and between996 stroke5061 and stroke,5061 being matters1697 of controversy7379 within thy gates:8179 then shalt thou arise,6965 and get thee up5927 into413 the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 shall choose;977

9 And thou shalt come935 unto413 the priests3548 the Levites,3881 and unto413 the judge8199 that834 shall be1961 in those1992 days,3117 and inquire;1875 and they shall show5046 thee853 the sentence1697 of judgment: 4941

10 And thou shalt do6213 according to5921 6310 the sentence,1697 which834 they of4480 that1931 place4725 which834 the LORD3068 shall choose977 shall show5046 thee; and thou shalt observe8104 to do6213 according to all3605 that834 they inform3384 thee:

11 According to5921 the sentence6310 of the law8451 which834 they shall teach3384 thee, and according to5921 the judgment4941 which834 they shall tell559 thee, thou shalt do:6213 thou shalt not3808 decline5493 from4480 the sentence1697 which834 they shall show5046 thee, to the right hand,3225 nor to the left.8040

12 And the man376 that834 will do6213 presumptuously,2087 and will not1115 hearken8085 unto413 the priest3548 that standeth5975 to minister8334 there8033 before854 the LORD3068 thy God,430 or176 unto413 the judge,8199 even that1931 man376 shall die:4191 and thou shalt put away1197 the evil7451 from Israel.4480 3478

13 And all3605 the people5971 shall hear,8085 and fear,3372 and do no3808 more5750 presumptuously.2102

14 When3588 thou art come935 unto413 the land776 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 giveth5414 thee, and shalt possess3423 it, and shalt dwell3427 therein, and shalt say,559 I will set7760 a king4428 over5921 me, like as all3605 the nations1471 that834 are about5439 me;

15 Thou shalt in any wise set7760 7760 him king4428 over5921 thee, whom834 the LORD3068 thy God430 shall choose:977 one from among4480 7130 thy brethren251 shalt thou set7760 king4428 over5921 thee: thou mayest3201 not3808 set5414 a stranger376 5237 over5921 thee, which834 is not3808 thy brother.251

16 But7535 he shall not3808 multiply7235 horses5483 to himself, nor3808 cause853 the people5971 to return7725 to Egypt,4714 to the end that4616 he should multiply7235 horses:5483 forasmuch as the LORD3068 hath said559 unto you, Ye shall henceforth3254 return7725 no3808 more5750 that2088 way.1870

17 Neither3808 shall he multiply7235 wives802 to himself, that his heart3824 turn not away:5493 3808 neither3808 shall he greatly3966 multiply7235 to himself silver3701 and gold.2091

18 And it shall be,1961 when he sitteth3427 upon5921 the throne3678 of his kingdom,4467 that he shall write3789 him853 a copy4932 of this2063 law8451 in5921 a book5612 out of that which is before4480 6440 the priests3548 the Levites: 3881

19 And it shall be1961 with5973 him, and he shall read7121 therein all3605 the days3117 of his life:2416 that4616 he may learn3925 to fear3372 853 the LORD3068 his God,430 to keep8104 853 all3605 the words1697 of this2063 law8451 and these428 statutes,2706 to do6213 them:

20 That his heart3824 be not1115 lifted up7311 above his brethren,4480 251 and that he turn not aside5493 1115 from4480 the commandment,4687 to the right hand,3225 or to the left:8040 to the end that4616 he may prolong748 his days3117 in5921 his kingdom,4467 he,1931 and his children,1121 in the midst7130 of Israel.3478



1 「凡有殘疾,或有甚麼惡病的甚麼公牛[any bullock][or]羊,你都不可獻給耶和華─你的神,因為這是耶和華─你神所憎惡的。

2 「在你們中間,在耶和華─你神所賜你的諸城中,無論在你哪座城門內[within any of thy gates],若有人,或男或女,行耶和華─你神眼中看為惡的事,違背了他的約,

3 去事奉敬拜別神,或敬拜[worshipped]日頭,或敬拜[worshipped]月亮,或敬拜[worshipped]天象,是主不曾吩咐的;

4 有人告訴你,你也聽見了,就要細細的探聽,果然是真,準有這可憎惡的事行在以色列中,

5 你就要將[that]犯了[committed]這惡事的男人或女人拉到城門[unto],用石頭將他們[they]打死。

6 要憑兩三個人的口作見證將那當死的人治死;不可憑一個人的口作見證將他治死。

7 見證人要先下手,然後眾民也下手將他治死。這樣,就把那惡從你們中間除掉。

8 在你城門之內[within thy gates],若起了爭訟的事,或因流血,或因爭競,或因毆打,是你難斷的案件;你就當起來,往耶和華─你神所選擇的地方,

9 [thou]去見祭司利未人,並當那些日子[those days]的審判官,求問他們;他們必將判語指示你。

10 他們在耶和華所選擇的地方指示你的判語,你必照著他們所指教你的一切話謹守遵行。

11 [thou]要按他們所指教你的律法,照他們所斷定的去行;他們所指示你的判語,你不可偏離左右。

12 若有人擅敢不聽從那侍立在耶和華─你神面前的祭司,或不聽從審判官,那人就必治死;這樣,[thou]便將那惡從以色列中除掉。

13 眾百姓都要聽見害怕,不再擅敢行事。

14 「到了耶和華─你神所賜你的地,得了那地居住的時候,若說:『我要立王治理我,像四圍的國一樣。』

15 你總要立耶和華─你神所揀選的人為王。必從你弟兄中立一人;不可立你兄弟[brother]以外的人為王。

16 只是王不可為自己加添馬匹,也不可使百姓回埃及去,為要加添他的馬匹;因耶和華曾[said unto]你們說:『你們[Ye]不可再回那條路去。』

17 他也不可為自己多立妃嬪,恐怕他的心偏邪;也不可為自己多積金銀。

18 他登了國位,就要將祭司利未人面前的這律法書,為自己抄錄一本,

19 存在他那裏,要平生誦讀,好學習敬畏耶和華─他的神,謹守遵行這律法書上的一切言語和這些律例,

20 免得他向弟兄心高氣傲,偏左偏右,離了這誡命。這樣,他和他的子孫便可在以色列中,在國位上年長日久。


Chapter 17



1 Thou shalt not3808 sacrifice2076 unto the LORD3068 thy God430 any bullock,7794 or sheep,7716 wherein834 is1961 blemish,3971 or any3605 evilfavoredness:1697 7451 for3588 that1931 is an abomination8441 unto the LORD3068 thy God.430

1 「凡有殘疾,或有甚麼惡病的甚麼公牛[any bullock][or]羊,你都不可獻給耶和華─你的神,因為這是耶和華─你神所憎惡的。

2 If3588 there be found4672 among7130 you, within any259 of thy gates8179 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 giveth5414 thee, man376 or176 woman,802 that834 hath wrought6213 853 wickedness7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD3068 thy God,430 in transgressing5674 his covenant,1285

2 「在你們中間,在耶和華─你神所賜你的諸城中,無論在你哪座城門內[within any of thy gates],若有人,或男或女,行耶和華─你神眼中看為惡的事,違背了他的約,

3 And hath gone1980 and served5647 other312 gods,430 and worshiped7812 them, either the sun,8121 or176 moon,3394 or176 any3605 of the host6635 of heaven,8064 which834 I have not3808 commanded;6680

3 去事奉敬拜別神,或敬拜[worshipped]日頭,或敬拜[worshipped]月亮,或敬拜[worshipped]天象,是主不曾吩咐的;

4 And it be told5046 thee, and thou hast heard8085 of it, and inquired1875 diligently,3190 and, behold,2009 it be true,571 and the thing1697 certain,3559 that such2063 abomination8441 is wrought6213 in Israel: 3478

4 有人告訴你,你也聽見了,就要細細的探聽,果然是真,準有這可憎惡的事行在以色列中,

5 Then shalt thou bring forth3318 853 that1931 man376 or176 that1931 woman,802 which834 have committed6213 853 that2088 wicked7451 thing,1697 unto413 thy gates,8179 even853 that man376 or176 853 that woman,802 and shalt stone5619 them with stones,68 till they die.4191

5 你就要將[that]犯了[committed]這惡事的男人或女人拉到城門[unto],用石頭將他們[they]打死。

6 At5921 the mouth6310 of two8147 witnesses,5707 or176 three7969 witnesses,5707 shall he that is worthy of death4191 be put to death;4191 but at5921 the mouth6310 of one259 witness5707 he shall not3808 be put to death.4191

6 要憑兩三個人的口作見證將那當死的人治死;不可憑一個人的口作見證將他治死。

7 The hands3027 of the witnesses5707 shall be1961 first7223 upon him to put him to death,4191 and afterward314 the hands3027 of all3605 the people.5971 So thou shalt put the evil away1197 7451 from among4480 7130 you.

7 見證人要先下手,然後眾民也下手將他治死。這樣,就把那惡從你們中間除掉。

8 If3588 there arise a matter too hard6381 1697 for4480 thee in judgment,4941 between996 blood1818 and blood,1818 between996 plea1779 and plea,1779 and between996 stroke5061 and stroke,5061 being matters1697 of controversy7379 within thy gates:8179 then shalt thou arise,6965 and get thee up5927 into413 the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 shall choose;977

8 在你城門之內[within thy gates],若起了爭訟的事,或因流血,或因爭競,或因毆打,是你難斷的案件;你就當起來,往耶和華─你神所選擇的地方,

9 And thou shalt come935 unto413 the priests3548 the Levites,3881 and unto413 the judge8199 that834 shall be1961 in those1992 days,3117 and inquire;1875 and they shall show5046 thee853 the sentence1697 of judgment: 4941

9 [thou]去見祭司利未人,並當那些日子[those days]的審判官,求問他們;他們必將判語指示你。

10 And thou shalt do6213 according to5921 6310 the sentence,1697 which834 they of4480 that1931 place4725 which834 the LORD3068 shall choose977 shall show5046 thee; and thou shalt observe8104 to do6213 according to all3605 that834 they inform3384 thee:

10 他們在耶和華所選擇的地方指示你的判語,你必照著他們所指教你的一切話謹守遵行。

11 According to5921 the sentence6310 of the law8451 which834 they shall teach3384 thee, and according to5921 the judgment4941 which834 they shall tell559 thee, thou shalt do:6213 thou shalt not3808 decline5493 from4480 the sentence1697 which834 they shall show5046 thee, to the right hand,3225 nor to the left.8040

11 [thou]要按他們所指教你的律法,照他們所斷定的去行;他們所指示你的判語,你不可偏離左右。

12 And the man376 that834 will do6213 presumptuously,2087 and will not1115 hearken8085 unto413 the priest3548 that standeth5975 to minister8334 there8033 before854 the LORD3068 thy God,430 or176 unto413 the judge,8199 even that1931 man376 shall die:4191 and thou shalt put away1197 the evil7451 from Israel.4480 3478

12 若有人擅敢不聽從那侍立在耶和華─你神面前的祭司,或不聽從審判官,那人就必治死;這樣,[thou]便將那惡從以色列中除掉。

13 And all3605 the people5971 shall hear,8085 and fear,3372 and do no3808 more5750 presumptuously.2102

13 眾百姓都要聽見害怕,不再擅敢行事。

14 When3588 thou art come935 unto413 the land776 which834 the LORD3068 thy God430 giveth5414 thee, and shalt possess3423 it, and shalt dwell3427 therein, and shalt say,559 I will set7760 a king4428 over5921 me, like as all3605 the nations1471 that834 are about5439 me;

14 「到了耶和華─你神所賜你的地,得了那地居住的時候,若說:『我要立王治理我,像四圍的國一樣。』

15 Thou shalt in any wise set7760 7760 him king4428 over5921 thee, whom834 the LORD3068 thy God430 shall choose:977 one from among4480 7130 thy brethren251 shalt thou set7760 king4428 over5921 thee: thou mayest3201 not3808 set5414 a stranger376 5237 over5921 thee, which834 is not3808 thy brother.251

15 你總要立耶和華─你神所揀選的人為王。必從你弟兄中立一人;不可立你兄弟[brother]以外的人為王。

16 But7535 he shall not3808 multiply7235 horses5483 to himself, nor3808 cause853 the people5971 to return7725 to Egypt,4714 to the end that4616 he should multiply7235 horses:5483 forasmuch as the LORD3068 hath said559 unto you, Ye shall henceforth3254 return7725 no3808 more5750 that2088 way.1870

16 只是王不可為自己加添馬匹,也不可使百姓回埃及去,為要加添他的馬匹;因耶和華曾[said unto]你們說:『你們[Ye]不可再回那條路去。』

17 Neither3808 shall he multiply7235 wives802 to himself, that his heart3824 turn not away:5493 3808 neither3808 shall he greatly3966 multiply7235 to himself silver3701 and gold.2091

17 他也不可為自己多立妃嬪,恐怕他的心偏邪;也不可為自己多積金銀。

18 And it shall be,1961 when he sitteth3427 upon5921 the throne3678 of his kingdom,4467 that he shall write3789 him853 a copy4932 of this2063 law8451 in5921 a book5612 out of that which is before4480 6440 the priests3548 the Levites: 3881

18 他登了國位,就要將祭司利未人面前的這律法書,為自己抄錄一本,

19 And it shall be1961 with5973 him, and he shall read7121 therein all3605 the days3117 of his life:2416 that4616 he may learn3925 to fear3372 853 the LORD3068 his God,430 to keep8104 853 all3605 the words1697 of this2063 law8451 and these428 statutes,2706 to do6213 them:

19 存在他那裏,要平生誦讀,好學習敬畏耶和華─他的神,謹守遵行這律法書上的一切言語和這些律例,

20 That his heart3824 be not1115 lifted up7311 above his brethren,4480 251 and that he turn not aside5493 1115 from4480 the commandment,4687 to the right hand,3225 or to the left:8040 to the end that4616 he may prolong748 his days3117 in5921 his kingdom,4467 he,1931 and his children,1121 in the midst7130 of Israel.3478

20 免得他向弟兄心高氣傲,偏左偏右,離了這誡命。這樣,他和他的子孫便可在以色列中,在國位上年長日久。