
Psalm 42

1 To the chief Musician,5329 Maschil,4905 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 As the hart354 panteth6165 after5921 the water4325 brooks,650 so3651 panteth6165 my soul5315 after413 thee, O God.430

2 My soul5315 thirsteth6770 for God,430 for the living2416 God:410 when4970 shall I come935 and appear7200 before6440 God?430

3 My tears1832 have been1961 my meat3899 day3119 and night,3915 while they continually3605 3117 say559 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

4 When I remember2142 these428 things, I pour out8210 my soul5315 in5921 me: for3588 I had gone5674 with the multitude,5519 I went1718 with them to5704 the house1004 of God,430 with the voice6963 of joy7440 and praise,8426 with a multitude1995 that kept holyday.2287

5 Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why art thou disquieted1993 in5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him for the help3444 of his countenance.6440

6 O my God,430 my soul5315 is cast down7817 within5921 me: therefore5921 3651 will I remember2142 thee from the land4480 776 of Jordan,3383 and of the Hermonites,2769 from the hill4480 2022 Mizar.4706

7 Deep8415 calleth7121 unto413 deep8415 at the noise6963 of thy waterspouts:6794 all3605 thy waves4867 and thy billows1530 are gone5674 over5921 me.

8 Yet the LORD3068 will command6680 his lovingkindness2617 in the daytime,3119 and in the night3915 his song7892 shall be with5973 me, and my prayer8605 unto the God410 of my life.2416

9 I will say559 unto God410 my rock,5553 Why4100 hast thou forgotten7911 me? why4100 go1980 I mourning6937 because of the oppression3906 of the enemy?341

10 As with a sword7524 in my bones,6106 mine enemies6887 reproach2778 me; while they say559 daily3605 3117 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

11 Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why4100 art thou disquieted1993 within5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him, who is the health3444 of my countenance,6440 and my God.430



1 (此詩因訓迪哥喇子孫而作使伶長歌之)我一心仰慕上帝、猶鹿渴慕溪水兮、

2 予也中心渴慕永生之上帝兮、不識何時、得造其前兮、

3 人恒詰我、上帝何在、予也忘食、盡日飲涕兮、

4 惟我在昔、與衆和會、忻喜鼓舞、徐行詣殿、以守節禮兮、今也不然、困苦難堪兮。

5 我何拳曲不勝、中心不安、仰望上帝、必得眷祐、而頌美之兮、

6 予今在約旦河濱、黑門地米薩山、中心屈抑、追念上帝之恩兮、

7 山霤奔赴、其聲噌吰、源源而來、勢欲淹予兮。

8 越在疇昔、耶和華錫予以恩、予朝夕作歌以頌之兮、今籲求我生命之上帝、

9 曰、爾之上帝、如我岡巒、何遺我兮、合爲敵人虐我、使予殷憂兮、

10 仇讐傷予、害同折骨兮、彼恒侮子曰、爾之上帝安在兮。

11 我何拳曲不勝、中心不安兮、當仰望我之上帝、必得眷祐、而頌美之兮。


Psalm 42



1 To the chief Musician,5329 Maschil,4905 for the sons1121 of Korah.7141 As the hart354 panteth6165 after5921 the water4325 brooks,650 so3651 panteth6165 my soul5315 after413 thee, O God.430

1 (此詩因訓迪哥喇子孫而作使伶長歌之)我一心仰慕上帝、猶鹿渴慕溪水兮、

2 My soul5315 thirsteth6770 for God,430 for the living2416 God:410 when4970 shall I come935 and appear7200 before6440 God?430

2 予也中心渴慕永生之上帝兮、不識何時、得造其前兮、

3 My tears1832 have been1961 my meat3899 day3119 and night,3915 while they continually3605 3117 say559 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

3 人恒詰我、上帝何在、予也忘食、盡日飲涕兮、

4 When I remember2142 these428 things, I pour out8210 my soul5315 in5921 me: for3588 I had gone5674 with the multitude,5519 I went1718 with them to5704 the house1004 of God,430 with the voice6963 of joy7440 and praise,8426 with a multitude1995 that kept holyday.2287

4 惟我在昔、與衆和會、忻喜鼓舞、徐行詣殿、以守節禮兮、今也不然、困苦難堪兮。

5 Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why art thou disquieted1993 in5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him for the help3444 of his countenance.6440

5 我何拳曲不勝、中心不安、仰望上帝、必得眷祐、而頌美之兮、

6 O my God,430 my soul5315 is cast down7817 within5921 me: therefore5921 3651 will I remember2142 thee from the land4480 776 of Jordan,3383 and of the Hermonites,2769 from the hill4480 2022 Mizar.4706

6 予今在約旦河濱、黑門地米薩山、中心屈抑、追念上帝之恩兮、

7 Deep8415 calleth7121 unto413 deep8415 at the noise6963 of thy waterspouts:6794 all3605 thy waves4867 and thy billows1530 are gone5674 over5921 me.

7 山霤奔赴、其聲噌吰、源源而來、勢欲淹予兮。

8 Yet the LORD3068 will command6680 his lovingkindness2617 in the daytime,3119 and in the night3915 his song7892 shall be with5973 me, and my prayer8605 unto the God410 of my life.2416

8 越在疇昔、耶和華錫予以恩、予朝夕作歌以頌之兮、今籲求我生命之上帝、

9 I will say559 unto God410 my rock,5553 Why4100 hast thou forgotten7911 me? why4100 go1980 I mourning6937 because of the oppression3906 of the enemy?341

9 曰、爾之上帝、如我岡巒、何遺我兮、合爲敵人虐我、使予殷憂兮、

10 As with a sword7524 in my bones,6106 mine enemies6887 reproach2778 me; while they say559 daily3605 3117 unto413 me, Where346 is thy God?430

10 仇讐傷予、害同折骨兮、彼恒侮子曰、爾之上帝安在兮。

11 Why4100 art thou cast down,7817 O my soul?5315 and why4100 art thou disquieted1993 within5921 me? hope3176 thou in God:430 for3588 I shall yet5750 praise3034 him, who is the health3444 of my countenance,6440 and my God.430

11 我何拳曲不勝、中心不安兮、當仰望我之上帝、必得眷祐、而頌美之兮。