
Chapter 10

1 For the law3551 having2192 a shadow4639 of good18 things to come,3195 and not the very846 image1504 of the things,4229 can1410 never3763 with those3588 846 sacrifices2378 which3739 they offered4374 year1763 by year1763 continually1519 1336 make5055 the comers4334 thereunto4334 perfect.5048

2 For then would they not have ceased3973 to be offered?4374 because1223 that the worshippers3000 once530 purged2508 should have2192 had2192 no3367 more2089 conscience4893 of sins.266

3 But in those3588 846 sacrifices there is a remembrance364 again364 made of sins266 every2596 year.1763

4 For it is not possible102 that the blood129 of bulls5022 and of goats5131 should take851 away851 sins.266

5 Why1352 when he comes into1519 the world,2889 he said,3004 Sacrifice2378 and offering4376 you would2309 not, but a body4983 have you prepared2675 me:

6 In burnt3646 offerings3646 and sacrifices for sin266 you have had no3756 pleasure.2106

7 Then5119 said2036 I, See,2400 I come2240 (in the volume2777 of the book975 it is written1125 of me,) to do4160 your will,2307 O God.2316

8 Above511 when he said,3004 Sacrifice2378 and offering4376 and burnt3646 offerings3646 and offering for sin266 you would2309 not, neither3761 had pleasure2106 therein; which3748 are offered4374 by the law;3551

9 Then5119 said2046 he, See,2400 I come2240 to do4160 your will,2307 O God.2316 He takes337 away337 the first,4413 that he may establish2476 the second.1208

10 By the which3739 will2307 we are sanctified37 through1223 the offering4376 of the body4983 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 once2178 for all.2178

11 And every3956 priest2409 stands2476 daily2596 2250 ministering3008 and offering4374 oftentimes4178 the same846 sacrifices,2378 which3748 can1410 never3763 take4014 away4014 sins:266

12 But this3778 man, after he had offered4374 one3391 sacrifice2378 for sins266 for ever,1336 sat2523 down2523 on1722 the right1188 hand of God;2316

13 From now on3063 expecting1551 till2193 his enemies2190 be made5087 his footstool.5286

14 For by one3391 offering4376 he has perfected5048 for ever1336 them that are sanctified.37

15 Whereof the Holy40 Ghost4151 also2532 is a witness3140 to us: for after3326 that he had said4280 before,4280

16 This3778 is the covenant1242 that I will make1303 with them after3326 those1565 days,2250 said3004 the Lord,2962 I will put1325 my laws3551 into1909 their hearts,2588 and in their minds1271 will I write1924 them;

17 And their sins266 and iniquities458 will I remember3415 no3361 more.2089

18 Now1161 where3699 remission859 of these5130 is, there is no3765 more2089 offering4376 for sin.266

19 Having2192 therefore,3767 brothers,80 boldness3954 to enter1529 into the holiest39 by the blood129 of Jesus,2424

20 By a new4372 and living2198 way,3598 which3739 he has consecrated1457 for us, through1223 the veil,2665 that is to say, his flesh;4561

21 And having an high3173 priest2409 over1909 the house3624 of God;2316

22 Let us draw4334 near4334 with a true228 heart2588 in full4136 assurance4136 of faith,4102 having our hearts2588 sprinkled4473 from an evil4190 conscience,4893 and our bodies4983 washed3068 with pure2513 water.5204

23 Let us hold2722 fast2722 the profession3671 of our faith1680 without186 wavering;186 (for he is faithful4103 that promised;1861)

24 And let us consider2657 one240 another240 to provoke3948 to love26 and to good2570 works:2041

25 Not forsaking1459 the assembling1997 of ourselves1438 together,1997 as the manner1485 of some5100 is; but exhorting3870 one another: and so5118 much5118 the more,3123 as you see991 the day2250 approaching.1448

26 For if we sin264 willfully1596 after3326 that we have received2983 the knowledge1922 of the truth,225 there remains620 no3765 more2089 sacrifice2378 for sins,266

27 But a certain5100 fearful5398 looking1561 for of judgment2920 and fiery4442 indignation,2205 which shall devour2068 the adversaries.5227

28 He that despised114 Moses'3475 law3551 died599 without5565 mercy3628 under1909 two1417 or2228 three5140 witnesses:3144

29 Of how4214 much4214 sorer5501 punishment,5098 suppose1380 you, shall he be thought worthy,515 who3588 has trodden2662 under2662 foot2662 the Son5207 of God,2316 and has counted2233 the blood129 of the covenant,1242 with which1722 3739 he was sanctified,37 an unholy2839 thing, and has done1796 despite1796 to the Spirit4151 of grace?5485

30 For we know1492 him that has said,2036 Vengeance1557 belongs to me, I will recompense,467 said3004 the Lord.2962 And again,3825 The Lord2962 shall judge2919 his people.2992

31 It is a fearful5398 thing to fall1706 into1519 the hands5495 of the living2198 God.2316

32 But call363 to remembrance363 the former4386 days,2250 in which,3739 after you were illuminated,5461 you endured5278 a great4183 fight119 of afflictions;3804

33 Partly,5124 3303 whilst you were made2301 a spectacle2301 both5037 by reproaches3680 and afflictions;2347 and partly,5124 1161 whilst you became1096 companions2844 of them that were so3779 used.390

34 For you had compassion4834 of me in my bonds,1199 and took4327 joyfully3326 5479 the spoiling724 of your5216 goods,5224 knowing1097 in yourselves1438 that you have2192 in heaven3772 a better2909 and an enduring3306 substance.5223

35 Cast577 not away577 therefore3767 your5216 confidence,3954 which3748 has2192 great3173 recompense3405 of reward.3405

36 For you have need5532 of patience,5281 that, after you have done4160 the will2307 of God,2316 you might receive2865 the promise.1860

37 For yet2089 a little3397 while,3397 and he that shall come2064 will come,2240 and will not tarry.5549

38 Now1161 the just1342 shall live2198 by faith:4102 but if1437 any man draw5288 back,5288 my soul5590 shall have no3756 pleasure2106 in him.

39 But we are not of them who draw5289 back5289 to perdition;684 but of them that believe4102 to the saving4047 of the soul.5590



1 律法既是將來美事的影兒,不是本物的真像,總不能藉著每年常獻一樣的祭物叫那近前來的人得以完全。

2 若不然,獻祭的事豈不早已止住了嗎?因為敬拜的人[worshippers],良心既被潔淨,就不再覺得有罪了。

3 但這些祭物是叫人每年想起罪來;

4 因為公牛和山羊的血,斷不能除罪。

5 所以基督到世上來的時候,就說:「神啊,祭物和禮物是你不願意的;你曾給我預備了身體。

6 燔祭和贖罪祭是你不喜歡的。」

7 那時我說:「看哪[lo],神啊,我來了,為要照你的旨意行;(我的事在經卷上已經記載了。)

8 以上說:「祭物和禮物,燔祭和贖罪祭,是你不願意的,也是你不喜歡的,這都是按著律法獻的。」

9 後又說:「神啊[O God],我來了為要照你的旨意行。」可見他是除去在先的,為要立定在後的。

10 我們憑這旨意,靠耶穌基督,只一次獻上他的身體,就得以成聖。

11 凡祭司天天站著事奉神,屢次獻上一樣的祭物,這祭物永不能除罪。

12 但基督獻了一次永遠的贖罪祭,就在神的右邊坐下了。

13 從此,等候他仇敵成了他的腳凳。

14 因為他一次獻祭,便叫那得以成聖的人永遠完全。

15 聖靈也對我們作見證;因為他既已說過:

16 主說:「那些日子以後,我與他們所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們心裏[into their hearts],又要寫在他們意念裏[in their minds will I write them]。」

17 以後就說:「我不再記念他們的罪愆和他們的過犯。」

18 這些罪過既已赦免,就不用再為罪獻祭了。

19 弟兄們,我們既[by]耶穌的血得以坦然進入至聖所,


21 又有一位大祭司治理神的家。

22 並我們心中良心[conscience]的虧欠已經灑去,身體用清水洗淨了,就當存著誠心和全然堅定[in full assurance]的信心,來到神面前。

23 也要堅守我們所宣認[profession]信仰[faith]毫不[without]搖動,(因為那應許我們的是信實的。)

24 又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善。

25 你們不可停止聚會,好像那些停止慣了的人,倒要彼此勸勉,既看見[see]那日子臨近,就更當如此。

26 因為我們領受了真理的知識[received the knowledge of the truth]以後,若故意犯罪,贖罪的祭就再沒有了;

27 唯有戰懼等候審判和那吞滅[devour]眾敵人的烈火。

28 人干犯摩西的律法,憑兩三個見證人,尚且不得憐恤而死,

29 何況人踐踏神的兒子,將那使他成聖之約的血當作平常,又褻慢施恩的[Spirit],你們想,他要受的刑罰該怎樣加重呢。

30 因為我們知道誰說:「主說[saith the Lord],伸冤在我,我必報應。」又說:「主要審判他的百姓。」

31 落在永生神的手裏,真是可怕的。

32 你們要追念往日,蒙了光照以後所忍受大爭戰的各樣苦難:

33 你們[ye]一面被毀謗,遭患難,成了戲景,叫眾人觀看;一面陪伴那些受這樣苦難的人。

34 因為你們體恤了我的捆鎖[of me in my bonds],並且你們的家業被人搶去,也甘心忍受,心裏[in]知道自己在天上[in heaven]有更美長存的家業。

35 所以你們不可丟棄信心[confidence],存這樣的心必得大賞賜。

36 你們必須忍耐,使你們行完[have done]神的旨意以後[after],就可以得著所應許的。

37 因為還有片時[a little while],那要來的就來,並不遲延。

38 義人[the just]必因信得生;只是[but]若有人[if any man]退後,我心裏就不喜歡他。

39 我們卻不是退後入沉淪的那等人,乃是有信心以致元魂[soul]得救的人。


Chapter 10



1 For the law3551 having2192 a shadow4639 of good18 things to come,3195 and not the very846 image1504 of the things,4229 can1410 never3763 with those3588 846 sacrifices2378 which3739 they offered4374 year1763 by year1763 continually1519 1336 make5055 the comers4334 thereunto4334 perfect.5048

1 律法既是將來美事的影兒,不是本物的真像,總不能藉著每年常獻一樣的祭物叫那近前來的人得以完全。

2 For then would they not have ceased3973 to be offered?4374 because1223 that the worshippers3000 once530 purged2508 should have2192 had2192 no3367 more2089 conscience4893 of sins.266

2 若不然,獻祭的事豈不早已止住了嗎?因為敬拜的人[worshippers],良心既被潔淨,就不再覺得有罪了。

3 But in those3588 846 sacrifices there is a remembrance364 again364 made of sins266 every2596 year.1763

3 但這些祭物是叫人每年想起罪來;

4 For it is not possible102 that the blood129 of bulls5022 and of goats5131 should take851 away851 sins.266

4 因為公牛和山羊的血,斷不能除罪。

5 Why1352 when he comes into1519 the world,2889 he said,3004 Sacrifice2378 and offering4376 you would2309 not, but a body4983 have you prepared2675 me:

5 所以基督到世上來的時候,就說:「神啊,祭物和禮物是你不願意的;你曾給我預備了身體。

6 In burnt3646 offerings3646 and sacrifices for sin266 you have had no3756 pleasure.2106

6 燔祭和贖罪祭是你不喜歡的。」

7 Then5119 said2036 I, See,2400 I come2240 (in the volume2777 of the book975 it is written1125 of me,) to do4160 your will,2307 O God.2316

7 那時我說:「看哪[lo],神啊,我來了,為要照你的旨意行;(我的事在經卷上已經記載了。)

8 Above511 when he said,3004 Sacrifice2378 and offering4376 and burnt3646 offerings3646 and offering for sin266 you would2309 not, neither3761 had pleasure2106 therein; which3748 are offered4374 by the law;3551

8 以上說:「祭物和禮物,燔祭和贖罪祭,是你不願意的,也是你不喜歡的,這都是按著律法獻的。」

9 Then5119 said2046 he, See,2400 I come2240 to do4160 your will,2307 O God.2316 He takes337 away337 the first,4413 that he may establish2476 the second.1208

9 後又說:「神啊[O God],我來了為要照你的旨意行。」可見他是除去在先的,為要立定在後的。

10 By the which3739 will2307 we are sanctified37 through1223 the offering4376 of the body4983 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 once2178 for all.2178

10 我們憑這旨意,靠耶穌基督,只一次獻上他的身體,就得以成聖。

11 And every3956 priest2409 stands2476 daily2596 2250 ministering3008 and offering4374 oftentimes4178 the same846 sacrifices,2378 which3748 can1410 never3763 take4014 away4014 sins:266

11 凡祭司天天站著事奉神,屢次獻上一樣的祭物,這祭物永不能除罪。

12 But this3778 man, after he had offered4374 one3391 sacrifice2378 for sins266 for ever,1336 sat2523 down2523 on1722 the right1188 hand of God;2316

12 但基督獻了一次永遠的贖罪祭,就在神的右邊坐下了。

13 From now on3063 expecting1551 till2193 his enemies2190 be made5087 his footstool.5286

13 從此,等候他仇敵成了他的腳凳。

14 For by one3391 offering4376 he has perfected5048 for ever1336 them that are sanctified.37

14 因為他一次獻祭,便叫那得以成聖的人永遠完全。

15 Whereof the Holy40 Ghost4151 also2532 is a witness3140 to us: for after3326 that he had said4280 before,4280

15 聖靈也對我們作見證;因為他既已說過:

16 This3778 is the covenant1242 that I will make1303 with them after3326 those1565 days,2250 said3004 the Lord,2962 I will put1325 my laws3551 into1909 their hearts,2588 and in their minds1271 will I write1924 them;

16 主說:「那些日子以後,我與他們所立的約乃是這樣:我要將我的律法放在他們心裏[into their hearts],又要寫在他們意念裏[in their minds will I write them]。」

17 And their sins266 and iniquities458 will I remember3415 no3361 more.2089

17 以後就說:「我不再記念他們的罪愆和他們的過犯。」

18 Now1161 where3699 remission859 of these5130 is, there is no3765 more2089 offering4376 for sin.266

18 這些罪過既已赦免,就不用再為罪獻祭了。

19 Having2192 therefore,3767 brothers,80 boldness3954 to enter1529 into the holiest39 by the blood129 of Jesus,2424

19 弟兄們,我們既[by]耶穌的血得以坦然進入至聖所,

20 By a new4372 and living2198 way,3598 which3739 he has consecrated1457 for us, through1223 the veil,2665 that is to say, his flesh;4561


21 And having an high3173 priest2409 over1909 the house3624 of God;2316

21 又有一位大祭司治理神的家。

22 Let us draw4334 near4334 with a true228 heart2588 in full4136 assurance4136 of faith,4102 having our hearts2588 sprinkled4473 from an evil4190 conscience,4893 and our bodies4983 washed3068 with pure2513 water.5204

22 並我們心中良心[conscience]的虧欠已經灑去,身體用清水洗淨了,就當存著誠心和全然堅定[in full assurance]的信心,來到神面前。

23 Let us hold2722 fast2722 the profession3671 of our faith1680 without186 wavering;186 (for he is faithful4103 that promised;1861)

23 也要堅守我們所宣認[profession]信仰[faith]毫不[without]搖動,(因為那應許我們的是信實的。)

24 And let us consider2657 one240 another240 to provoke3948 to love26 and to good2570 works:2041

24 又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善。

25 Not forsaking1459 the assembling1997 of ourselves1438 together,1997 as the manner1485 of some5100 is; but exhorting3870 one another: and so5118 much5118 the more,3123 as you see991 the day2250 approaching.1448

25 你們不可停止聚會,好像那些停止慣了的人,倒要彼此勸勉,既看見[see]那日子臨近,就更當如此。

26 For if we sin264 willfully1596 after3326 that we have received2983 the knowledge1922 of the truth,225 there remains620 no3765 more2089 sacrifice2378 for sins,266

26 因為我們領受了真理的知識[received the knowledge of the truth]以後,若故意犯罪,贖罪的祭就再沒有了;

27 But a certain5100 fearful5398 looking1561 for of judgment2920 and fiery4442 indignation,2205 which shall devour2068 the adversaries.5227

27 唯有戰懼等候審判和那吞滅[devour]眾敵人的烈火。

28 He that despised114 Moses'3475 law3551 died599 without5565 mercy3628 under1909 two1417 or2228 three5140 witnesses:3144

28 人干犯摩西的律法,憑兩三個見證人,尚且不得憐恤而死,

29 Of how4214 much4214 sorer5501 punishment,5098 suppose1380 you, shall he be thought worthy,515 who3588 has trodden2662 under2662 foot2662 the Son5207 of God,2316 and has counted2233 the blood129 of the covenant,1242 with which1722 3739 he was sanctified,37 an unholy2839 thing, and has done1796 despite1796 to the Spirit4151 of grace?5485

29 何況人踐踏神的兒子,將那使他成聖之約的血當作平常,又褻慢施恩的[Spirit],你們想,他要受的刑罰該怎樣加重呢。

30 For we know1492 him that has said,2036 Vengeance1557 belongs to me, I will recompense,467 said3004 the Lord.2962 And again,3825 The Lord2962 shall judge2919 his people.2992

30 因為我們知道誰說:「主說[saith the Lord],伸冤在我,我必報應。」又說:「主要審判他的百姓。」

31 It is a fearful5398 thing to fall1706 into1519 the hands5495 of the living2198 God.2316

31 落在永生神的手裏,真是可怕的。

32 But call363 to remembrance363 the former4386 days,2250 in which,3739 after you were illuminated,5461 you endured5278 a great4183 fight119 of afflictions;3804

32 你們要追念往日,蒙了光照以後所忍受大爭戰的各樣苦難:

33 Partly,5124 3303 whilst you were made2301 a spectacle2301 both5037 by reproaches3680 and afflictions;2347 and partly,5124 1161 whilst you became1096 companions2844 of them that were so3779 used.390

33 你們[ye]一面被毀謗,遭患難,成了戲景,叫眾人觀看;一面陪伴那些受這樣苦難的人。

34 For you had compassion4834 of me in my bonds,1199 and took4327 joyfully3326 5479 the spoiling724 of your5216 goods,5224 knowing1097 in yourselves1438 that you have2192 in heaven3772 a better2909 and an enduring3306 substance.5223

34 因為你們體恤了我的捆鎖[of me in my bonds],並且你們的家業被人搶去,也甘心忍受,心裏[in]知道自己在天上[in heaven]有更美長存的家業。

35 Cast577 not away577 therefore3767 your5216 confidence,3954 which3748 has2192 great3173 recompense3405 of reward.3405

35 所以你們不可丟棄信心[confidence],存這樣的心必得大賞賜。

36 For you have need5532 of patience,5281 that, after you have done4160 the will2307 of God,2316 you might receive2865 the promise.1860

36 你們必須忍耐,使你們行完[have done]神的旨意以後[after],就可以得著所應許的。

37 For yet2089 a little3397 while,3397 and he that shall come2064 will come,2240 and will not tarry.5549

37 因為還有片時[a little while],那要來的就來,並不遲延。

38 Now1161 the just1342 shall live2198 by faith:4102 but if1437 any man draw5288 back,5288 my soul5590 shall have no3756 pleasure2106 in him.

38 義人[the just]必因信得生;只是[but]若有人[if any man]退後,我心裏就不喜歡他。

39 But we are not of them who draw5289 back5289 to perdition;684 but of them that believe4102 to the saving4047 of the soul.5590

39 我們卻不是退後入沉淪的那等人,乃是有信心以致元魂[soul]得救的人。