
Chapter 21

1 And when king4428 Arad6166 the Canaanite,3669 which dwelled3427 in the south,5045 heard8085 tell that Israel3478 came935 by the way1870 of the spies;871 then he fought3898 against Israel,3478 and took3947 some of them prisoners.7628

2 And Israel3478 vowed5087 a vow5088 to the LORD,3068 and said,559 If518 you will indeed389 deliver5414 this2088 people5971 into my hand,3027 then I will utterly destroy2763 their cities.5892

3 And the LORD3068 listened8085 to the voice6963 of Israel,3478 and delivered5414 up the Canaanites;3669 and they utterly destroyed2763 them and their cities:5892 and he called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 Hormah.2767

4 And they journeyed5265 from mount2022 Hor2023 by the way1870 of the Red5488 sea,3220 to compass5437 the land776 of Edom:123 and the soul5315 of the people5971 was much7114 discouraged7114 because of the way.1870

5 And the people5971 spoke1696 against God,430 and against Moses,4872 Why4100 have you brought5927 us up out of Egypt4714 to die4191 in the wilderness?4057 for there is no369 bread,3899 neither369 is there any water;4325 and our soul5315 loathes6973 this light7052 bread.3899

6 And the LORD3068 sent7971 fiery8314 serpents5175 among the people,5971 and they bit5391 the people;5971 and much7227 people5971 of Israel3478 died.4191

7 Therefore the people5971 came935 to Moses,4872 and said,559 We have sinned,2398 for we have spoken1696 against the LORD,3068 and against you; pray6419 to the LORD,3068 that he take5493 away the serpents5175 from us. And Moses4872 prayed6419 for the people.5971

8 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Make6213 you a fiery8314 serpent,8314 and set7760 it on a pole:5251 and it shall come1961 to pass, that every3605 one that is bitten,5391 when he looks7200 on it, shall live.2425

9 And Moses4872 made6213 a serpent5175 of brass,5178 and put7760 it on a pole,5251 and it came1961 to pass, that if518 a serpent5175 had bitten5391 any man,376 when he beheld5027 the serpent5175 of brass,5178 he lived.2425

10 And the children1121 of Israel3478 set5265 forward,5265 and pitched2583 in Oboth.88

11 And they journeyed5265 from Oboth,88 and pitched2583 at Ijeabarim,5863 in the wilderness4057 which834 is before5921 6440 Moab,4124 toward the sun rise.4217

12 From there8033 they removed,5265 and pitched2583 in the valley5158 of Zared.2218

13 From there8033 they removed,5265 and pitched2583 on5921 the other5676 side5676 of Arnon,769 which834 is in the wilderness4057 that comes3318 out of the coasts1366 of the Amorites:567 for Arnon769 is the border1366 of Moab,4124 between996 Moab4124 and the Amorites.567

14 Why5921 3651 it is said559 in the book5612 of the wars4421 of the LORD,3068 What853 he did2052 in the Red5492 sea, and in the brooks5158 of Arnon,769

15 And at the stream793 of the brooks5158 that goes5186 down5186 to the dwelling3427 of Ar,6144 and lies8172 on the border1366 of Moab.4124

16 And from there8033 they went to Beer:876 that is the well875 whereof834 the LORD3068 spoke559 to Moses,4872 Gather622 the people5971 together, and I will give5414 them water.4325

17 Then227 Israel3478 sang7891 this2088 song,7892 Spring5927 up, O well;875 sing6030 you to it:

18 The princes8269 dig2658 the well,875 the nobles5081 of the people5971 dig3738 it, by the direction of the lawgiver,2710 with their staves.4938 And from the wilderness4057 they went to Mattanah:4980

19 And from Mattanah4980 to Nahaliel:5160 and from Nahaliel5160 to Bamoth:1120

20 And from Bamoth1120 in the valley,1516 that is in the country7704 of Moab,4124 to the top7218 of Pisgah,6449 which looks8259 toward5921 6440 Jeshimon.3452

21 And Israel3478 sent7971 messengers4397 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites,567 saying,559

22 Let me pass5674 through your land:776 we will not turn5186 into the fields,7704 or into the vineyards;3754 we will not drink8354 of the waters4325 of the well:875 but we will go3212 along by the king's4428 high way,1870 until5704 we be past5674 your borders.1366

23 And Sihon5511 would not suffer5414 Israel3478 to pass5674 through his border:1366 but Sihon5511 gathered622 all3605 his people5971 together, and went3318 out against Israel3478 into the wilderness:4057 and he came935 to Jahaz,3096 and fought3898 against Israel.3478

24 And Israel3478 smote5221 him with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and possessed3423 his land776 from Arnon769 to Jabbok,2999 even to the children1121 of Ammon:5983 for the border1366 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 was strong.5794

25 And Israel3478 took3947 all3605 these428 cities:5892 and Israel3478 dwelled3427 in all3605 the cities5892 of the Amorites,567 in Heshbon,2809 and in all3605 the villages1323 thereof.

26 For Heshbon2809 was the city5892 of Sihon5511 the king4428 of the Amorites,567 who1931 had fought3898 against the former7223 king4428 of Moab,4124 and taken3947 all3605 his land776 out of his hand,3027 even to Arnon.769

27 Why5921 3651 they that speak in proverbs4911 say,559 Come935 into Heshbon,2809 let the city5892 of Sihon5511 be built1129 and prepared:3559

28 For there is a fire784 gone3318 out of Heshbon,2809 a flame3852 from the city7151 of Sihon:5511 it has consumed398 Ar6144 of Moab,4124 and the lords1167 of the high1116 places of Arnon.769

29 Woe188 to you, Moab!4124 you are undone,6 O people5971 of Chemosh:3645 he has given5414 his sons1121 that escaped,6412 and his daughters,1323 into captivity7628 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites.567

30 We have shot3384 at them; Heshbon2809 is perished6 even to Dibon,1769 and we have laid them waste8074 even to Nophah,5302 which834 reaches to Medeba.4311

31 Thus Israel3478 dwelled3427 in the land776 of the Amorites.567

32 And Moses4872 sent7971 to spy7270 out Jaazer,3270 and they took3920 the villages1323 thereof, and drove3423 out the Amorites567 that were there.8033

33 And they turned6437 and went5927 up by the way1870 of Bashan:1316 and Og5747 the king4428 of Bashan1316 went3318 out against7125 them, he, and all3605 his people,5971 to the battle4421 at Edrei.154

34 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Fear3372 him not: for I have delivered5414 him into your hand,3027 and all3605 his people,5971 and his land;776 and you shall do6213 to him as you did6213 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites,567 which834 dwelled3427 at Heshbon.2809

35 So they smote5221 him, and his sons,1121 and all3605 his people,5971 until5704 there was none1115 left7604 him alive:8300 and they possessed3423 his land.776



1 亞臘王居迦南地之南境、聞以色列族由亞大領道而進、則與之戰、人民少為所虜。

2 以色列族指耶和華許願曰、若以此民付於我手、我必滅其邑。

3 耶和華應所求、以迦南人付以色列族、盡圯厥邑滅厥衆、故稱其地曰曷馬。〇

4 以色列族離何耳山、沿紅海、繞以東地、程途遙遠、精力困憊、

5 讟上帝及摩西曰、奚導我出埃及使死於野、在此無餅無水、所食不能果腹、我心厭之、

6 耶和華遣毒蛇傷民、以色列族多死亡者。

7 民就摩西曰、我讟耶和華及爾、故負罪愆、請祈耶和華為我驅蛇、摩西代為之祈、

8 耶和華諭摩西曰、爾造毒蛇之象、懸之於竿、被傷者見此得生。

9 摩西造銅蛇、懸之於竿、被蛇所傷者、觀銅蛇而得生。〇

10 以色列族遄征、張幕於阿泊。

11 自阿伯而東、近摩押郊、在以雅巴林張幕。

12 由彼而往、張幕於撒烈谷。

13 再往張幕於亞嫩東、亞嫩有溪在野、源出亞摩哩境、在亞摩哩摩押接壤之間。

14 耶和華戰紀曰、在數法之哇協、卽亞嫩溪、

15 諸水滙聚、流至亞耳宅、近摩押界。

16 以色列族離彼、至庇耳、在彼有井。耶和華諭摩西曰、汝集人民、我飲以水。

17 時以色列族謳歌曰、泉之始達、唱子和汝、

18 長者民牧、以杖以圭、掘之鑿之。以色列族離彼野、往馬大拿、

19 離馬大拿往拿哈列、離拿哈列往巴末、

20 離巴末往摩押郊之谷、近比士迦岡曠野、相對之處。〇

21 以色列族遣使至亞摩哩王西宏、曰、

22 容我假途於爾地、我不入田園、不飲井水、必由大道而行、以出爾境。

23 西宏不許、乃集厥民、往於曠野、至雅哈斯、與以色列族戰。

24 以色列族擊之、據有其地、自亞嫩至雅泊溪、卽亞捫族之地、蓋亞捫族地甚爲險固。

25 亞摩哩人之邑希實本、及其四周之鄉里、以色列族悉取之、居處其中。

26 昔亞摩哩王西宏與摩押先王戰、徧取斯地、至亞嫩溪、希實本乃其都也。

27 詩人詠之曰、希實本可復建、西宏邑可重新、

28 越在疇昔、火自希實本、焰自西宏邑、摩押之亞耳因之悉燬、亞嫩之崇邱、藉以復得。

29 摩押有禍乎、基抹其危哉、厥子遁逃、厥女見攘、俱亞摩哩王西宏所爲也。

30 我已射之、希實本危亡、爰及底本、我已滅之、至於挪法、近米底巴、〇

31 於是以色列族居亞摩哩人之地。

32 摩西遣人偵伺雅設、遂破其鄉、亞摩哩人悉被驅逐。

33 以色列族反旆、往巴山道、巴山王噩、率衆至以得來、與之戰。

34 耶和華諭摩西曰、毋畏、我將是王、以及土地人民、咸畀於爾、汝可滅之、如都希實本之亞摩哩王西宏然。

35 於是擊王、戮其子、攻其民、靡有孑遺、盡得其地。


Chapter 21



1 And when king4428 Arad6166 the Canaanite,3669 which dwelled3427 in the south,5045 heard8085 tell that Israel3478 came935 by the way1870 of the spies;871 then he fought3898 against Israel,3478 and took3947 some of them prisoners.7628

1 亞臘王居迦南地之南境、聞以色列族由亞大領道而進、則與之戰、人民少為所虜。

2 And Israel3478 vowed5087 a vow5088 to the LORD,3068 and said,559 If518 you will indeed389 deliver5414 this2088 people5971 into my hand,3027 then I will utterly destroy2763 their cities.5892

2 以色列族指耶和華許願曰、若以此民付於我手、我必滅其邑。

3 And the LORD3068 listened8085 to the voice6963 of Israel,3478 and delivered5414 up the Canaanites;3669 and they utterly destroyed2763 them and their cities:5892 and he called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 Hormah.2767

3 耶和華應所求、以迦南人付以色列族、盡圯厥邑滅厥衆、故稱其地曰曷馬。〇

4 And they journeyed5265 from mount2022 Hor2023 by the way1870 of the Red5488 sea,3220 to compass5437 the land776 of Edom:123 and the soul5315 of the people5971 was much7114 discouraged7114 because of the way.1870

4 以色列族離何耳山、沿紅海、繞以東地、程途遙遠、精力困憊、

5 And the people5971 spoke1696 against God,430 and against Moses,4872 Why4100 have you brought5927 us up out of Egypt4714 to die4191 in the wilderness?4057 for there is no369 bread,3899 neither369 is there any water;4325 and our soul5315 loathes6973 this light7052 bread.3899

5 讟上帝及摩西曰、奚導我出埃及使死於野、在此無餅無水、所食不能果腹、我心厭之、

6 And the LORD3068 sent7971 fiery8314 serpents5175 among the people,5971 and they bit5391 the people;5971 and much7227 people5971 of Israel3478 died.4191

6 耶和華遣毒蛇傷民、以色列族多死亡者。

7 Therefore the people5971 came935 to Moses,4872 and said,559 We have sinned,2398 for we have spoken1696 against the LORD,3068 and against you; pray6419 to the LORD,3068 that he take5493 away the serpents5175 from us. And Moses4872 prayed6419 for the people.5971

7 民就摩西曰、我讟耶和華及爾、故負罪愆、請祈耶和華為我驅蛇、摩西代為之祈、

8 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Make6213 you a fiery8314 serpent,8314 and set7760 it on a pole:5251 and it shall come1961 to pass, that every3605 one that is bitten,5391 when he looks7200 on it, shall live.2425

8 耶和華諭摩西曰、爾造毒蛇之象、懸之於竿、被傷者見此得生。

9 And Moses4872 made6213 a serpent5175 of brass,5178 and put7760 it on a pole,5251 and it came1961 to pass, that if518 a serpent5175 had bitten5391 any man,376 when he beheld5027 the serpent5175 of brass,5178 he lived.2425

9 摩西造銅蛇、懸之於竿、被蛇所傷者、觀銅蛇而得生。〇

10 And the children1121 of Israel3478 set5265 forward,5265 and pitched2583 in Oboth.88

10 以色列族遄征、張幕於阿泊。

11 And they journeyed5265 from Oboth,88 and pitched2583 at Ijeabarim,5863 in the wilderness4057 which834 is before5921 6440 Moab,4124 toward the sun rise.4217

11 自阿伯而東、近摩押郊、在以雅巴林張幕。

12 From there8033 they removed,5265 and pitched2583 in the valley5158 of Zared.2218

12 由彼而往、張幕於撒烈谷。

13 From there8033 they removed,5265 and pitched2583 on5921 the other5676 side5676 of Arnon,769 which834 is in the wilderness4057 that comes3318 out of the coasts1366 of the Amorites:567 for Arnon769 is the border1366 of Moab,4124 between996 Moab4124 and the Amorites.567

13 再往張幕於亞嫩東、亞嫩有溪在野、源出亞摩哩境、在亞摩哩摩押接壤之間。

14 Why5921 3651 it is said559 in the book5612 of the wars4421 of the LORD,3068 What853 he did2052 in the Red5492 sea, and in the brooks5158 of Arnon,769

14 耶和華戰紀曰、在數法之哇協、卽亞嫩溪、

15 And at the stream793 of the brooks5158 that goes5186 down5186 to the dwelling3427 of Ar,6144 and lies8172 on the border1366 of Moab.4124

15 諸水滙聚、流至亞耳宅、近摩押界。

16 And from there8033 they went to Beer:876 that is the well875 whereof834 the LORD3068 spoke559 to Moses,4872 Gather622 the people5971 together, and I will give5414 them water.4325

16 以色列族離彼、至庇耳、在彼有井。耶和華諭摩西曰、汝集人民、我飲以水。

17 Then227 Israel3478 sang7891 this2088 song,7892 Spring5927 up, O well;875 sing6030 you to it:

17 時以色列族謳歌曰、泉之始達、唱子和汝、

18 The princes8269 dig2658 the well,875 the nobles5081 of the people5971 dig3738 it, by the direction of the lawgiver,2710 with their staves.4938 And from the wilderness4057 they went to Mattanah:4980

18 長者民牧、以杖以圭、掘之鑿之。以色列族離彼野、往馬大拿、

19 And from Mattanah4980 to Nahaliel:5160 and from Nahaliel5160 to Bamoth:1120

19 離馬大拿往拿哈列、離拿哈列往巴末、

20 And from Bamoth1120 in the valley,1516 that is in the country7704 of Moab,4124 to the top7218 of Pisgah,6449 which looks8259 toward5921 6440 Jeshimon.3452

20 離巴末往摩押郊之谷、近比士迦岡曠野、相對之處。〇

21 And Israel3478 sent7971 messengers4397 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites,567 saying,559

21 以色列族遣使至亞摩哩王西宏、曰、

22 Let me pass5674 through your land:776 we will not turn5186 into the fields,7704 or into the vineyards;3754 we will not drink8354 of the waters4325 of the well:875 but we will go3212 along by the king's4428 high way,1870 until5704 we be past5674 your borders.1366

22 容我假途於爾地、我不入田園、不飲井水、必由大道而行、以出爾境。

23 And Sihon5511 would not suffer5414 Israel3478 to pass5674 through his border:1366 but Sihon5511 gathered622 all3605 his people5971 together, and went3318 out against Israel3478 into the wilderness:4057 and he came935 to Jahaz,3096 and fought3898 against Israel.3478

23 西宏不許、乃集厥民、往於曠野、至雅哈斯、與以色列族戰。

24 And Israel3478 smote5221 him with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and possessed3423 his land776 from Arnon769 to Jabbok,2999 even to the children1121 of Ammon:5983 for the border1366 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 was strong.5794

24 以色列族擊之、據有其地、自亞嫩至雅泊溪、卽亞捫族之地、蓋亞捫族地甚爲險固。

25 And Israel3478 took3947 all3605 these428 cities:5892 and Israel3478 dwelled3427 in all3605 the cities5892 of the Amorites,567 in Heshbon,2809 and in all3605 the villages1323 thereof.

25 亞摩哩人之邑希實本、及其四周之鄉里、以色列族悉取之、居處其中。

26 For Heshbon2809 was the city5892 of Sihon5511 the king4428 of the Amorites,567 who1931 had fought3898 against the former7223 king4428 of Moab,4124 and taken3947 all3605 his land776 out of his hand,3027 even to Arnon.769

26 昔亞摩哩王西宏與摩押先王戰、徧取斯地、至亞嫩溪、希實本乃其都也。

27 Why5921 3651 they that speak in proverbs4911 say,559 Come935 into Heshbon,2809 let the city5892 of Sihon5511 be built1129 and prepared:3559

27 詩人詠之曰、希實本可復建、西宏邑可重新、

28 For there is a fire784 gone3318 out of Heshbon,2809 a flame3852 from the city7151 of Sihon:5511 it has consumed398 Ar6144 of Moab,4124 and the lords1167 of the high1116 places of Arnon.769

28 越在疇昔、火自希實本、焰自西宏邑、摩押之亞耳因之悉燬、亞嫩之崇邱、藉以復得。

29 Woe188 to you, Moab!4124 you are undone,6 O people5971 of Chemosh:3645 he has given5414 his sons1121 that escaped,6412 and his daughters,1323 into captivity7628 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites.567

29 摩押有禍乎、基抹其危哉、厥子遁逃、厥女見攘、俱亞摩哩王西宏所爲也。

30 We have shot3384 at them; Heshbon2809 is perished6 even to Dibon,1769 and we have laid them waste8074 even to Nophah,5302 which834 reaches to Medeba.4311

30 我已射之、希實本危亡、爰及底本、我已滅之、至於挪法、近米底巴、〇

31 Thus Israel3478 dwelled3427 in the land776 of the Amorites.567

31 於是以色列族居亞摩哩人之地。

32 And Moses4872 sent7971 to spy7270 out Jaazer,3270 and they took3920 the villages1323 thereof, and drove3423 out the Amorites567 that were there.8033

32 摩西遣人偵伺雅設、遂破其鄉、亞摩哩人悉被驅逐。

33 And they turned6437 and went5927 up by the way1870 of Bashan:1316 and Og5747 the king4428 of Bashan1316 went3318 out against7125 them, he, and all3605 his people,5971 to the battle4421 at Edrei.154

33 以色列族反旆、往巴山道、巴山王噩、率衆至以得來、與之戰。

34 And the LORD3068 said559 to Moses,4872 Fear3372 him not: for I have delivered5414 him into your hand,3027 and all3605 his people,5971 and his land;776 and you shall do6213 to him as you did6213 to Sihon5511 king4428 of the Amorites,567 which834 dwelled3427 at Heshbon.2809

34 耶和華諭摩西曰、毋畏、我將是王、以及土地人民、咸畀於爾、汝可滅之、如都希實本之亞摩哩王西宏然。

35 So they smote5221 him, and his sons,1121 and all3605 his people,5971 until5704 there was none1115 left7604 him alive:8300 and they possessed3423 his land.776

35 於是擊王、戮其子、攻其民、靡有孑遺、盡得其地。