
Chapter 15

1 I am1510 the true228 vine,288 and my Father3962 is the farmer.1092

2 Every3956 branch2814 in me that bears5342 not fruit2590 he takes142 away: and every3956 branch that bears5342 fruit,2590 he purges2508 it, that it may bring5342 forth more4119 fruit.2590

3 Now2235 you are clean2513 through1223 the word3056 which3739 I have spoken2980 to you.

4 Abide3306 in me, and I in you. As the branch2814 cannot3756 1410 bear5342 fruit2590 of itself,1438 except3362 it abide3306 in the vine;288 no3761 more3761 can1410 you, except3362 you abide3306 in me.

5 I am1510 the vine,288 you are the branches:2814 He that stays3306 in me, and I in him, the same3778 brings5342 forth much4183 fruit:2590 for without5565 me you can1410 do4160 nothing.3762

6 If1437 a man5100 abide3306 not in me, he is cast906 forth1854 as a branch,2814 and is withered;3583 and men gather4863 them, and cast906 them into1519 the fire,4442 and they are burned.2545

7 If1437 you abide3306 in me, and my words4487 abide3306 in you, you shall ask154 what3739 you will,2309 and it shall be done1096 to you.

8 Herein1722 5129 is my Father3962 glorified,1392 that you bear5342 much4183 fruit;2590 so2532 shall you be my disciples.3101

9 As the Father3962 has loved25 me, so2504 have I loved25 you: continue3306 you in my love.26

10 If1437 you keep5083 my commandments,1785 you shall abide3306 in my love;26 even2531 as I have kept5083 my Father's3962 commandments,1785 and abide3306 in his love.26

11 These5023 things have I spoken2980 to you, that my joy5479 might remain3306 in you, and that your5216 joy5479 might be full.4137

12 This3778 is my commandment,1785 That you love26 one240 another,240 as I have loved25 you.

13 Greater3187 love26 has2192 no3762 man3762 than this,5026 that a man5100 lay5087 down his life5590 for his friends.5384

14 You are my friends,5384 if1437 you do4160 whatever3745 I command1781 you.

15 From now on3765 I call3004 you not servants;1401 for the servant1401 knows1492 not what5101 his lord2962 does:4160 but I have called2046 you friends;5384 for all3956 things that I have heard191 of my Father3962 I have made1107 known1107 to you.

16 You have not chosen1586 me, but I have chosen1586 you, and ordained5087 you, that you should go5217 and bring5342 forth fruit,2590 and that your5216 fruit2590 should remain:3306 that whatever3748 302 you shall ask154 of the Father3962 in my name,3686 he may give1325 it you.

17 These5023 things I command1781 you, that you love25 one240 another.240

18 If1487 the world2889 hate3404 you, you know1097 that it hated3404 me before4412 it hated you.

19 If1487 you were of the world,2889 the world2889 would love5368 his own:2398 but because3754 you are not of the world,2889 but I have chosen1586 you out of the world,2889 therefore1223 5124 the world2889 hates3404 you.

20 Remember3421 the word3056 that I said2036 to you, The servant1401 is not greater3187 than his lord.2962 If1487 they have persecuted1377 me, they will also2532 persecute1377 you; if1487 they have kept5083 my saying,3056 they will keep5083 yours5212 also.2532

21 But all3956 these5023 things will they do4160 to you for my name's3686 sake, because3754 they know1097 not him that sent3992 me.

22 If1487 I had not come2064 and spoken2980 to them, they had2192 not had sin:266 but now3568 they have2192 no3756 cloak4392 for their sin.266

23 He that hates3404 me hates3404 my Father3962 also.2532

24 If1487 I had not done4160 among1722 them the works2041 which3739 none3762 other243 man did,4160 they had2192 not had sin:266 but now3568 have they both2532 seen3708 and hated3404 both2532 me and my Father.3962

25 But this comes to pass, that the word3056 might be fulfilled4137 that is written1125 in their law,3551 They hated3404 me without1432 a cause.1432

26 But when3752 the Comforter3875 is come,2064 whom3739 I will send3992 to you from the Father,3962 even the Spirit4151 of truth,225 which3739 proceeds1607 from the Father,3962 he shall testify3140 of me:

27 And you also2532 shall bear3140 witness,3140 because3754 you have been2075 with me from the beginning.746



1 我爲眞葡萄樹、我父爲塲師、

2 凡我諸枝、不結實者去之、結實者治之、使結實尤繁、

3 今爾曹以我所傳之道而治者也、

4 爾當在我、則我在爾、設枝不在葡萄樹、其實不結、爾曹不在我、亦如是、

5 我乃葡萄樹、爾乃枝、凡在我而我在之者、則結實繁、絕於我、爾無能爲也、

6 人不在我、猶枝離樹而槁、拾之委火焚矣、

7 若爾在我、我道在爾、凡所欲、求必成之、

8 爾繁實、我父以此而榮、爾誠我徒矣、

9 如父愛我、我亦愛爾、勿失我愛、

10 爾守我誡、則不失我愛、如我守父誡、不失父愛焉、

11 我以是告爾、欲常爲爾喜、而爾喜甚矣、

12 爾宜相愛、如我愛爾、此我誡也、

13 人爲友捐命、愛無有大於此者、

14 爾遵我命、卽我友矣、

15 今而後、我不僕爾、以僕不知主所行、我惟友爾、以我聞於父者、皆示爾也、

16 非爾選我、乃我選爾、命爾結實、而實恒在、則托我名求父者、可賜爾、

17 我以此命爾、使爾相愛也、

18 世人惡爾、知其必先惡我、

19 爾從世、世人必以爲其類而愛之、爾不從世、我乃選爾出乎世、故世人惡爾、

20 我謂僕不大於主、斯言可憶、人窘逐我、亦窘逐爾、守我言、亦守爾言、

21 人緣我名、以是加爾、不識遣我者故也、

22 若我未來誨之、則其人無罪、今其罪不得辭矣、

23 惡我者、亦惡我父、

24 我若在衆前、未行人所不能行者、則其人無罪、今其於我及我父、且見且惡之、

25 如是、律言人無故惡我者應矣、

26 我所遣之保惠師、卽眞理之神、由父出者、旣至必爲我證、

27 爾亦爲證、因爾自始偕我也、


Chapter 15



1 I am1510 the true228 vine,288 and my Father3962 is the farmer.1092

1 我爲眞葡萄樹、我父爲塲師、

2 Every3956 branch2814 in me that bears5342 not fruit2590 he takes142 away: and every3956 branch that bears5342 fruit,2590 he purges2508 it, that it may bring5342 forth more4119 fruit.2590

2 凡我諸枝、不結實者去之、結實者治之、使結實尤繁、

3 Now2235 you are clean2513 through1223 the word3056 which3739 I have spoken2980 to you.

3 今爾曹以我所傳之道而治者也、

4 Abide3306 in me, and I in you. As the branch2814 cannot3756 1410 bear5342 fruit2590 of itself,1438 except3362 it abide3306 in the vine;288 no3761 more3761 can1410 you, except3362 you abide3306 in me.

4 爾當在我、則我在爾、設枝不在葡萄樹、其實不結、爾曹不在我、亦如是、

5 I am1510 the vine,288 you are the branches:2814 He that stays3306 in me, and I in him, the same3778 brings5342 forth much4183 fruit:2590 for without5565 me you can1410 do4160 nothing.3762

5 我乃葡萄樹、爾乃枝、凡在我而我在之者、則結實繁、絕於我、爾無能爲也、

6 If1437 a man5100 abide3306 not in me, he is cast906 forth1854 as a branch,2814 and is withered;3583 and men gather4863 them, and cast906 them into1519 the fire,4442 and they are burned.2545

6 人不在我、猶枝離樹而槁、拾之委火焚矣、

7 If1437 you abide3306 in me, and my words4487 abide3306 in you, you shall ask154 what3739 you will,2309 and it shall be done1096 to you.

7 若爾在我、我道在爾、凡所欲、求必成之、

8 Herein1722 5129 is my Father3962 glorified,1392 that you bear5342 much4183 fruit;2590 so2532 shall you be my disciples.3101

8 爾繁實、我父以此而榮、爾誠我徒矣、

9 As the Father3962 has loved25 me, so2504 have I loved25 you: continue3306 you in my love.26

9 如父愛我、我亦愛爾、勿失我愛、

10 If1437 you keep5083 my commandments,1785 you shall abide3306 in my love;26 even2531 as I have kept5083 my Father's3962 commandments,1785 and abide3306 in his love.26

10 爾守我誡、則不失我愛、如我守父誡、不失父愛焉、

11 These5023 things have I spoken2980 to you, that my joy5479 might remain3306 in you, and that your5216 joy5479 might be full.4137

11 我以是告爾、欲常爲爾喜、而爾喜甚矣、

12 This3778 is my commandment,1785 That you love26 one240 another,240 as I have loved25 you.

12 爾宜相愛、如我愛爾、此我誡也、

13 Greater3187 love26 has2192 no3762 man3762 than this,5026 that a man5100 lay5087 down his life5590 for his friends.5384

13 人爲友捐命、愛無有大於此者、

14 You are my friends,5384 if1437 you do4160 whatever3745 I command1781 you.

14 爾遵我命、卽我友矣、

15 From now on3765 I call3004 you not servants;1401 for the servant1401 knows1492 not what5101 his lord2962 does:4160 but I have called2046 you friends;5384 for all3956 things that I have heard191 of my Father3962 I have made1107 known1107 to you.

15 今而後、我不僕爾、以僕不知主所行、我惟友爾、以我聞於父者、皆示爾也、

16 You have not chosen1586 me, but I have chosen1586 you, and ordained5087 you, that you should go5217 and bring5342 forth fruit,2590 and that your5216 fruit2590 should remain:3306 that whatever3748 302 you shall ask154 of the Father3962 in my name,3686 he may give1325 it you.

16 非爾選我、乃我選爾、命爾結實、而實恒在、則托我名求父者、可賜爾、

17 These5023 things I command1781 you, that you love25 one240 another.240

17 我以此命爾、使爾相愛也、

18 If1487 the world2889 hate3404 you, you know1097 that it hated3404 me before4412 it hated you.

18 世人惡爾、知其必先惡我、

19 If1487 you were of the world,2889 the world2889 would love5368 his own:2398 but because3754 you are not of the world,2889 but I have chosen1586 you out of the world,2889 therefore1223 5124 the world2889 hates3404 you.

19 爾從世、世人必以爲其類而愛之、爾不從世、我乃選爾出乎世、故世人惡爾、

20 Remember3421 the word3056 that I said2036 to you, The servant1401 is not greater3187 than his lord.2962 If1487 they have persecuted1377 me, they will also2532 persecute1377 you; if1487 they have kept5083 my saying,3056 they will keep5083 yours5212 also.2532

20 我謂僕不大於主、斯言可憶、人窘逐我、亦窘逐爾、守我言、亦守爾言、

21 But all3956 these5023 things will they do4160 to you for my name's3686 sake, because3754 they know1097 not him that sent3992 me.

21 人緣我名、以是加爾、不識遣我者故也、

22 If1487 I had not come2064 and spoken2980 to them, they had2192 not had sin:266 but now3568 they have2192 no3756 cloak4392 for their sin.266

22 若我未來誨之、則其人無罪、今其罪不得辭矣、

23 He that hates3404 me hates3404 my Father3962 also.2532

23 惡我者、亦惡我父、

24 If1487 I had not done4160 among1722 them the works2041 which3739 none3762 other243 man did,4160 they had2192 not had sin:266 but now3568 have they both2532 seen3708 and hated3404 both2532 me and my Father.3962

24 我若在衆前、未行人所不能行者、則其人無罪、今其於我及我父、且見且惡之、

25 But this comes to pass, that the word3056 might be fulfilled4137 that is written1125 in their law,3551 They hated3404 me without1432 a cause.1432

25 如是、律言人無故惡我者應矣、

26 But when3752 the Comforter3875 is come,2064 whom3739 I will send3992 to you from the Father,3962 even the Spirit4151 of truth,225 which3739 proceeds1607 from the Father,3962 he shall testify3140 of me:

26 我所遣之保惠師、卽眞理之神、由父出者、旣至必爲我證、

27 And you also2532 shall bear3140 witness,3140 because3754 you have been2075 with me from the beginning.746

27 爾亦爲證、因爾自始偕我也、
