Die Offenbarung

Kapitel 12

1 Und2532 es846 erschien3700 ein groß3173 Zeichen4592 im1722 Himmel3772: ein Weib1135, mit der Sonne2246 bekleidet4016, und2532 der Mond4582 unter5270 ihren846 Füßen4228 und2532 auf1909 ihrem Haupt2776 eine Krone4735 von zwölf1427 Sternen792.

2 Und2532 sie war schwanger5088 und2532 schrie2896 und war in1722 Kindesnöten5605 und hatte2192 große Qual928 zur Geburt.

3 Und2532 es erschien3700 ein ander Zeichen4592 im1722 Himmel3772; und2532 siehe2400, ein großer3173, roter4450 Drache1404, der hatte2192 sieben2033 Häupter2776 und2532 zehn1176 Hörner2768 und2532 auf1909 seinen Häuptern2776 sieben2033 Kronen1238.

4 Und2532 sein Schwanz3769 zog4951 den dritten5154 Teil der Sterne792 und2532 warf sie1799 auf1519 die Erde1093. Und2532 der Drache1404 trat2476 vor906 das3588 Weib1135, die gebären5088 sollte3195, auf daß2443, wenn3752 sie846 geboren5088 hätte, er846 ihr846 Kind5043 fräße2719.

5 Und2532 sie846 gebar5088 einen Sohn730, ein Knäblein, der3739 alle3956 Heiden1484 sollte3195 weiden4165 mit4314 der eisernen4603 Rute4464; und2532 ihr846 Kind5043 ward entrückt726 zu1722 GOtt2316 und2532 seinem Stuhl2362.

6 Und2532 das Weib1135 entfloh5343 in1519 die Wüste2048, da3699 sie846 hatte2192 einen Ort5117 bereit von575 GOtt2316, daß2443 sie daselbst1563 ernähret würde5142 tausend5507 zweihundertundsechzig1250 Tage2250.

7 Und2532 es erhub sich1096 ein Streit4171 im1722 Himmel3772: Michael3413 und2532 seine846 Engel32 stritten4170 mit2596 dem Drachen1404. Und2532 der Drache1404 stritt und2532 seine846 Engel32

8 und2532 siegeten nicht3756; auch ward ihre Stätte5117 nicht3777 mehr2089 funden im1722 Himmel3772.

9 Und2532 es846 ward906 ausgeworfen der große3173 Drache1404, die3588 alte744 Schlange3789, die da3326 heißt2564 der Teufel1228 und2532 Satanas4567, der die ganze3650 Welt3625 verführet; und2532 ward geworfen906 auf1519 die Erde1093; und seine846 Engel32 wurden auch dahin geworfen906.

10 Und2532 ich737 hörete eine große3173 Stimme5456, die191 sprach3004 im1722 Himmel3772: Nun ist1096 das932 Heil4991 und2532 die Kraft1411 und2532 das3588 Reich und2532 die Macht1849 unsers2257 Gottes2316, seines846 Christus5547 worden, weil der Verkläger2725 unserer2257 Brüder80 verworfen ist, der sie846 verklaget Tag2250 und3754 Nacht3571 vor1799 GOtt2316.

11 Und2532 sie haben25 ihn überwunden3528 durch1223 des Lammes721 Blut129 und durch1223 das Wort3056 ihres Zeugnisses3141; und haben ihr846 Leben5590 nicht3756 geliebet bis891 an den Tod2288.

12 Darum freuet euch2165, ihr846 Himmel3772, und2532 die darinnen wohnen4637! Wehe3759 denen, die auf Erden1093 wohnen2730 und2532 auf dem Meer2281; denn3754 der Teufel1228 kommt zu1722 euch5209 hinab2597 und3754 hat2192 einen großen3173 Zorn2372 und weiß1492, daß5124 er4314 wenig3641 Zeit2540 hat2192.

13 Und2532 da3753 der3748 Drache1404 sah, daß3754 er verworfen war auf1519 die Erde1093, verfolgete er das1492 Weib1135, die das Knäblein730 geboren5088 hatte906.

14 Und2532 es wurden dem575 Weibe1135 zween Flügel4420 gegeben1325 wie eines großen3173 Adlers105, daß2443 sie in1519 die Wüste2048 flöge4072 an1519 ihren Ort5117, da3699 sie ernähret würde5142 eine Zeit2540 und2532 zwo Zeiten und2532 eine halbe2255 Zeit vor dem Angesichte4383 der Schlange3789.

15 Und2532 die5026 Schlange3789 schoß906 nach3694 dem Weibe1135 aus1537 ihrem Munde4750 ein Wasser5204 wie5613 ein Strom4215, daß2443 er sie ersäufete.

16 Aber die3739 Erde1093 half997 dem Weibe1135 und2532 tat ihren Mund4750 auf455 und2532 verschlang2666 den Strom4215, den der Drache1404 aus1537 seinem Munde4750 schoß906.

17 Und2532 der Drache1404 ward zornig3710 über1909 das3588 Weib1135 und2532 ging565 hin, zu streiten4171 mit3326 den846 übrigen3062 von ihrem Samen4690, die da Gottes2316 Gebote1785 halten4160 und2532 haben5083 das Zeugnis3141 JEsu2424 Christi5547.


Chapter 12

1 AND a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another sign in heaven; and behold, there was a great dragon of fire, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail cut off a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth; and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, so as to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5 And she brought forth a male child, who was to shepherd all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand and two hundred and three score days.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought,

8 But did not prevail; neither was their place found any longer in heaven.

9 Thus the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out on the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now the deliverance and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ, has been accomplished: for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before God day and night, is cast down.

11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they did not spare themselves even unto death.

12 Therefore rejoice, O ye heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, and of the sea! for the Devil has come down to you; and his wrath is great, because he knows that his time is short.

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son.

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly from the presence of the serpent to the wilderness, into her place, where she would be nourished for years, and months, and days.

15 Then the serpent sent a flood of water out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away by the flood.

16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed up the water which the dragon had gushed out of his mouth.

17 And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and he went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.

Die Offenbarung

Kapitel 12


Chapter 12

1 Und2532 es846 erschien3700 ein groß3173 Zeichen4592 im1722 Himmel3772: ein Weib1135, mit der Sonne2246 bekleidet4016, und2532 der Mond4582 unter5270 ihren846 Füßen4228 und2532 auf1909 ihrem Haupt2776 eine Krone4735 von zwölf1427 Sternen792.

1 AND a great sign was seen in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 Und2532 sie war schwanger5088 und2532 schrie2896 und war in1722 Kindesnöten5605 und hatte2192 große Qual928 zur Geburt.

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 Und2532 es erschien3700 ein ander Zeichen4592 im1722 Himmel3772; und2532 siehe2400, ein großer3173, roter4450 Drache1404, der hatte2192 sieben2033 Häupter2776 und2532 zehn1176 Hörner2768 und2532 auf1909 seinen Häuptern2776 sieben2033 Kronen1238.

3 And there appeared another sign in heaven; and behold, there was a great dragon of fire, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 Und2532 sein Schwanz3769 zog4951 den dritten5154 Teil der Sterne792 und2532 warf sie1799 auf1519 die Erde1093. Und2532 der Drache1404 trat2476 vor906 das3588 Weib1135, die gebären5088 sollte3195, auf daß2443, wenn3752 sie846 geboren5088 hätte, er846 ihr846 Kind5043 fräße2719.

4 And his tail cut off a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth; and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, so as to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5 Und2532 sie846 gebar5088 einen Sohn730, ein Knäblein, der3739 alle3956 Heiden1484 sollte3195 weiden4165 mit4314 der eisernen4603 Rute4464; und2532 ihr846 Kind5043 ward entrückt726 zu1722 GOtt2316 und2532 seinem Stuhl2362.

5 And she brought forth a male child, who was to shepherd all the nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne.

6 Und2532 das Weib1135 entfloh5343 in1519 die Wüste2048, da3699 sie846 hatte2192 einen Ort5117 bereit von575 GOtt2316, daß2443 sie daselbst1563 ernähret würde5142 tausend5507 zweihundertundsechzig1250 Tage2250.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand and two hundred and three score days.

7 Und2532 es erhub sich1096 ein Streit4171 im1722 Himmel3772: Michael3413 und2532 seine846 Engel32 stritten4170 mit2596 dem Drachen1404. Und2532 der Drache1404 stritt und2532 seine846 Engel32

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought,

8 und2532 siegeten nicht3756; auch ward ihre Stätte5117 nicht3777 mehr2089 funden im1722 Himmel3772.

8 But did not prevail; neither was their place found any longer in heaven.

9 Und2532 es846 ward906 ausgeworfen der große3173 Drache1404, die3588 alte744 Schlange3789, die da3326 heißt2564 der Teufel1228 und2532 Satanas4567, der die ganze3650 Welt3625 verführet; und2532 ward geworfen906 auf1519 die Erde1093; und seine846 Engel32 wurden auch dahin geworfen906.

9 Thus the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world: he was cast out on the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 Und2532 ich737 hörete eine große3173 Stimme5456, die191 sprach3004 im1722 Himmel3772: Nun ist1096 das932 Heil4991 und2532 die Kraft1411 und2532 das3588 Reich und2532 die Macht1849 unsers2257 Gottes2316, seines846 Christus5547 worden, weil der Verkläger2725 unserer2257 Brüder80 verworfen ist, der sie846 verklaget Tag2250 und3754 Nacht3571 vor1799 GOtt2316.

10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now the deliverance and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ, has been accomplished: for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before God day and night, is cast down.

11 Und2532 sie haben25 ihn überwunden3528 durch1223 des Lammes721 Blut129 und durch1223 das Wort3056 ihres Zeugnisses3141; und haben ihr846 Leben5590 nicht3756 geliebet bis891 an den Tod2288.

11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they did not spare themselves even unto death.

12 Darum freuet euch2165, ihr846 Himmel3772, und2532 die darinnen wohnen4637! Wehe3759 denen, die auf Erden1093 wohnen2730 und2532 auf dem Meer2281; denn3754 der Teufel1228 kommt zu1722 euch5209 hinab2597 und3754 hat2192 einen großen3173 Zorn2372 und weiß1492, daß5124 er4314 wenig3641 Zeit2540 hat2192.

12 Therefore rejoice, O ye heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, and of the sea! for the Devil has come down to you; and his wrath is great, because he knows that his time is short.

13 Und2532 da3753 der3748 Drache1404 sah, daß3754 er verworfen war auf1519 die Erde1093, verfolgete er das1492 Weib1135, die das Knäblein730 geboren5088 hatte906.

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son.

14 Und2532 es wurden dem575 Weibe1135 zween Flügel4420 gegeben1325 wie eines großen3173 Adlers105, daß2443 sie in1519 die Wüste2048 flöge4072 an1519 ihren Ort5117, da3699 sie ernähret würde5142 eine Zeit2540 und2532 zwo Zeiten und2532 eine halbe2255 Zeit vor dem Angesichte4383 der Schlange3789.

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly from the presence of the serpent to the wilderness, into her place, where she would be nourished for years, and months, and days.

15 Und2532 die5026 Schlange3789 schoß906 nach3694 dem Weibe1135 aus1537 ihrem Munde4750 ein Wasser5204 wie5613 ein Strom4215, daß2443 er sie ersäufete.

15 Then the serpent sent a flood of water out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away by the flood.

16 Aber die3739 Erde1093 half997 dem Weibe1135 und2532 tat ihren Mund4750 auf455 und2532 verschlang2666 den Strom4215, den der Drache1404 aus1537 seinem Munde4750 schoß906.

16 But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed up the water which the dragon had gushed out of his mouth.

17 Und2532 der Drache1404 ward zornig3710 über1909 das3588 Weib1135 und2532 ging565 hin, zu streiten4171 mit3326 den846 übrigen3062 von ihrem Samen4690, die da Gottes2316 Gebote1785 halten4160 und2532 haben5083 das Zeugnis3141 JEsu2424 Christi5547.

17 And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and he went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.