Das Buch Josua

Kapitel 21

1 Da traten herzu5066 die obersten7218 Väter1 unter den Leviten3881 zu dem Priester Eleasar499 und3548 Josua3091, dem Sohn1121 Nuns5126, und zu den obersten7218 Vätern1 unter den Stämmen4294 der Kinder1121 Israel3478;

2 und redeten mit ihnen zu Silo7887 im Lande776 Kanaan3667 und sprachen1696: Der HErr3068 hat geboten6680 durch Mose4872, daß man559 uns3027 Städte5892 geben5414 solle, zu wohnen3427, und derselben Vorstädte4054 zu unserm Vieh929.

3 Da gaben5414 die Kinder1121 Israel3478 den Leviten3881 von ihren Erbteilen5159 nach dem Befehl6310 des HErrn3068 diese Städte5892 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

4 Und5892 das Los1486 fiel auf das Geschlecht4940 der Kahathiter6956, und wurden den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, aus3318 den Leviten3881 durchs Los1486 dreizehn Städte6240: von dem Stamm4294 Juda3063, von dem Stamm4294 Simeon8099 und von dem Stamm4294 Benjamin1144.

5 Den andern3498 Kindern1121 aber Kahaths6955, desselben Geschlechts4940, wurden durchs Los1486 zehn6235 Städte5892: von dem Stamm4294 Ephraim669, von dem Stamm4294 Dan1835 und von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519.

6 Aber den Kindern1121 Gersons1648, desselben Geschlechts4940, wurden durchs Los1486 dreizehn Städte6240: von dem Stamm4294 Isaschar3485, von dem Stamm4294 Asser836 und5892 von dem Stamm4294 Naphthali5321 und von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zu Basan1316.

7 Den Kindern1121 Meraris4847, ihres Geschlechts4940, wurden zwölf6240 Städte5892: von dem Stamm4294 Ruben7205, von dem Stamm4294 Gad1410 und von dem Stamm4294 Sebulon2074.

8 Also gaben5414 die Kinder1121 Israel3478 den Leviten3881 durchs Los1486 diese Städte5892 und ihre Vorstädte4054, wie der HErr3068 durch3027 Mose4872 geboten hatte6680.

9 Von dem Stamm4294 der Kinder1121 Juda3063 und von dem Stamm4294 der Kinder1121 Simeon8095 gaben5414 sie diese Städte5892, die sie mit ihren Namen8034 nannten7121,

10 den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Geschlechts4940 der Kahathiter6956, aus den Kindern1121 Levi3878; denn das erste7223 Los1486 war ihr.

11 So gaben5414 sie7151 ihnen nun Kiriath-Arba704, die des Vaters1 Enaks6061 war, das ist Hebron2275, auf dem Gebirge2022 Juda3063, und ihre Vorstädte4054 um sie her5439.

12 Aber den Acker7704 der Stadt5892 und ihre Dörfer2691 gaben5414 sie Kaleb3612, dem Sohn1121 Jephunnes3312, zu seinem Erbe272.

13 Also gaben5414 sie den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, die Freistadt der Totschläger7523, Hebron2275 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Libna3841 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

14 Jathir und ihre Vorstädte4054, Esthemoa851 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

15 Holon2473 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Debir1688 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

16 Ain5871 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Juta und ihre Vorstädte4054, Beth-Semes1053 und ihre Vorstädte4054; neun8672 Städte5892 von diesen8147 zween Stämmen7626.

17 Von dem Stamm4294 Benjamin1144 aber gaben sie vier Städte: Gibeon1391 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Geba1387 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

18 Anathoth6068 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Almon5960 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

19 daß alle Städte5892 der Kinder1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, waren dreizehn mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

20 Den Geschlechtern4940 aber der andern3498 Kinder1121 Kahaths6955, den Leviten3881, wurden durch ihr1121 Los1486 vier Städte5892 von dem Stamm4294 Ephraim669.

21 Und5892 gaben5414 ihnen7927 die Freistadt der Totschläger7523, Sechem und ihre Vorstädte4054 auf dem Gebirge2022 Ephraim669, Geser1507 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

22 Kibzaim6911 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Beth-Horon1032 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

23 Von dem Stamm4294 Dan1835 vier Städte: Eltheke514 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Gibthon und ihre Vorstädte4054,

24 Ajalon357 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Gath-Rimon und ihre Vorstädte4054.

25 Von dem halben4276 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zwo Städte5892: Thaenach und ihre Vorstädte4054, Gath-Rimon und ihre Vorstädte4054,

26 daß alle Städte5892 der andern3498 Kinder1121 des Geschlechts4940 Kahath6955 waren zehn6235 mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

27 Den Kindern1121 aber Gersons1648 aus den Geschlechtern4940 der Leviten3881 wurden gegeben von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zwo Städte5892: die Freistadt für die Totschläger7523, Golan1474 in Basan1316 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Beesthra1203 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

28 Von dem Stamm4294 Isaschar3485 vier Städte: Kision und ihre Vorstädte4054, Dabrath1705 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

29 Jarmuth3412 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, En-Gannim5873 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

30 Von dem Stamm4294 Asser836 vier Städte: Miseal4861 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Abdon5658 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

31 Helkath2520 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Rehob7340 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

32 Von dem Stamm4294 Naphthali5321 drei7969 Städte5892: die Freistadt Kedes6943 für die Totschläger7523 in Galiläa1551 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Hammoth-Dor2576 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Karthan7178 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

33 daß alle Städte5892 des Geschlechts4940 der Gersoniter1649 waren dreizehn mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

34 Den Geschlechtern4940 aber der Kinder1121 Meraris4847, den andern3498 Leviten3881, wurden gegeben von dem Stamm4294 Sebulon2074 vier Städte: Jakneam und ihre Vorstädte4054, Kartha7177 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

35 Dimna1829 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Nahalal5096 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

36 Von dem Stamm Ruben7205 vier Städte: Bezer1221 und ihre Vorstädte, Jahza3096 und ihre Vorstädte,

37 Kedemoth6932 und5892 ihre Vorstädte702, Mephaath4158 und ihre Vorstädte.

38 Von dem Stamm4294 Gad1410 vier Städte5892: die Freistadt für die Totschläger7523, Ramoth7433 in Gilead1568 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

39 Mahanaim und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Hesbon2809 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Jaeser und ihre Vorstädte702,

40 daß aller Städte5892 der Kinder1121 Meraris4847 unter ihren Geschlechtern4940, der andern3498 Leviten3881, nach ihrem Los1486 waren zwölf6240.

41 Aller Städte5892 der Leviten3881 unter8432 dem Erbe272 der Kinder1121 Israel3478 waren achtundvierzig8083 mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

42 Und eine jegliche dieser Städte5892 hatte ihre Vorstadt4054 um sich her5439, eine wie die andere.

43 Also gab5414 der HErr3068 dem Israel3478 alles Land776, das er geschworen7650 hatte, ihren Vätern1 zu geben5414; und sie3427 nahmen‘s3423 ein und wohneten drinnen.

44 Und3068 der HErr3068 gab5414 ihnen Ruhe5117 von allen umher5439, wie er ihren Vätern1 geschworen7650 hatte5975; und stund ihrer Feinde341 keiner376 wider sie, sondern alle ihre Feinde341 gab er in6440 ihre Hände3027.

45 Und es fehlte5307 nichts1697 an allem Guten2896, das1697 der HErr3068 dem Hause1004 Israel3478 geredet hatte1696. Es kam935 alles.


Chapter 21

1 THEN the chiefs of the priests and the Levites came near to Eleazar the priest and to Joshua the son of Nun and to the heads of the fathers of the tribes of Israel,

2 And they said to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with their suburbs for our cattle.

3 And the children of Israel gave to the Levites out of their inheritance, at the commandment of the LORD, these cities and their suburbs.

4 And lots were drawn for the families of the Kohathites; and the children of Aaron the priest, who were of the Levites, had by lot from the tribe of Judah, from the tribe of Simeon, and from the tribe of Benjamin, thirteen cities.

5 And the rest of the Kohathites had by lot from the tribe of Ephraim, from the tribe of Dan, and from the half tribe of Manasseh, ten cities.

6 And the Gershonites had by lot from the tribe of Issachar, from the tribe of Asher, from the tribe of Naphtali, and from the half tribe of Manasseh in Mathnin, thirteen cities.

7 And the descendants of Merari by their families had from the tribe of Reuben, from the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.

8 And the children of Israel gave by lot to the Levites these cities with their suburbs, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

9 These are the names of the cities which they gave out of the tribe of Judah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, each city mentioned by its name.

10 They became the property of the descendants of Aaron, being of the family of the Kohathites, who were the children of Levi, for theirs was the first lot.

11 And they gave them Koriath-arba, which belonged to the father of giants, that is, Hebron, on the mountain of Judah, with its suburbs round about it.

12 But the fields of the city, with its villages, they gave to Caleb the son of Jophaniah for his possession.

13 Thus they gave to the children of Aaron the priest, Hebron, the city of refuge for the slayers, with its suburbs, and Libnah with its suburbs,

14 And Jarath with its suburbs, and Eshtemoa with its suburbs.

15 Halol with its suburbs, Debir with its suburbs,

16 Ain with its suburbs, Aata with its suburbs, and Beth-shemesh with its suburbs; nine cities out of the tribes of Judah and Simeon.

17 And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon with its suburbs, Geba with its suburbs,

18 Anathoth with its suburbs, and Almon with its suburbs: four cities.

19 All the cities of the children of Aaron, the priest, were thirteen cities with their suburbs.

20 And for the families of the Kohathites, the Levites, that remained of the children of Kohath, they had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim.

21 For they gave them Shechem, the city of refuge for the slavers, with its suburbs, on mount Ephraim, Gedar with its suburbs,

22 Kibzaim with its suburbs, and Beth-hauran with its suburbs; four cities.

23 And out of the tribe of Dan, Ethleka with its suburbs, Gibethen with its suburbs,

24 Aijalon with its suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

25 And out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Tanach with its suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with its suburbs; two cities with their suburbs.

26 All the towns and the cities were ten with their suburbs which went for the remaining families of the Kohathites.

27 And the Gershonites, of the families of the Levites, had their cities out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Golan in Mathnin, the city of refuge for the slayer, with its suburbs, and Ashteroth with its suburbs; two cities with their suburbs.

28 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishian with its suburbs, Rabbath with its suburbs,

29 Jarmuth with its suburbs, En-gad with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

30 And out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal with its suburbs, Acron with its suburbs,

31 Helkath with its suburbs, and Rehob with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

32 And out of the tribe of Naphtali, Rakim in Galilee with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the slayer, Hammoth-dor with its suburbs, and Kartan with its suburbs; three cities with their suburbs.

33 All the cities of the families of the Gershonites were thirteen cities with their suburbs.

34 And the children of Merari, the rest of the Levites, received their cities out of the tribe of Reuben, Jahaz with its suburbs, Kermoth with its suburbs, Kiriathim with its suburbs,

35 And Ahshemoth with its suburbs, four cities with their suburbs.

36 And out of the tribe of Zebulun, Nacah with its suburbs, Karthan with its suburbs,

37 Ramin with its suburbs, and Jahlah with its suburbs, four cities with their suburbs.

38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the slayer, and Mahanaim with its suburbs,

39 Heshbon with its suburbs, and Jazer with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

40 So all the cities for the children of Merari by their families, who were remaining of the families of the Levites, were by their lot twelve cities with their suburbs.

41 All the cities of the Levites within the possession of the children of Israel were forty-eight cities with their suburbs.

42 These cities with their towns were situated thus, each town with its suburbs round about it; thus were all these towns with their cities.

43 And the LORD gave to Israel all the land which he had sworn to give to their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.

44 And the LORD gave them rest round about, according to all that he swore to their fathers; and there stood not a man of their enemies before them, but the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hands.

45 There failed not one of the good things which the LORD has spoken to the house of Israel; all came to pass.

Das Buch Josua

Kapitel 21


Chapter 21

1 Da traten herzu5066 die obersten7218 Väter1 unter den Leviten3881 zu dem Priester Eleasar499 und3548 Josua3091, dem Sohn1121 Nuns5126, und zu den obersten7218 Vätern1 unter den Stämmen4294 der Kinder1121 Israel3478;

1 THEN the chiefs of the priests and the Levites came near to Eleazar the priest and to Joshua the son of Nun and to the heads of the fathers of the tribes of Israel,

2 und redeten mit ihnen zu Silo7887 im Lande776 Kanaan3667 und sprachen1696: Der HErr3068 hat geboten6680 durch Mose4872, daß man559 uns3027 Städte5892 geben5414 solle, zu wohnen3427, und derselben Vorstädte4054 zu unserm Vieh929.

2 And they said to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with their suburbs for our cattle.

3 Da gaben5414 die Kinder1121 Israel3478 den Leviten3881 von ihren Erbteilen5159 nach dem Befehl6310 des HErrn3068 diese Städte5892 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

3 And the children of Israel gave to the Levites out of their inheritance, at the commandment of the LORD, these cities and their suburbs.

4 Und5892 das Los1486 fiel auf das Geschlecht4940 der Kahathiter6956, und wurden den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, aus3318 den Leviten3881 durchs Los1486 dreizehn Städte6240: von dem Stamm4294 Juda3063, von dem Stamm4294 Simeon8099 und von dem Stamm4294 Benjamin1144.

4 And lots were drawn for the families of the Kohathites; and the children of Aaron the priest, who were of the Levites, had by lot from the tribe of Judah, from the tribe of Simeon, and from the tribe of Benjamin, thirteen cities.

5 Den andern3498 Kindern1121 aber Kahaths6955, desselben Geschlechts4940, wurden durchs Los1486 zehn6235 Städte5892: von dem Stamm4294 Ephraim669, von dem Stamm4294 Dan1835 und von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519.

5 And the rest of the Kohathites had by lot from the tribe of Ephraim, from the tribe of Dan, and from the half tribe of Manasseh, ten cities.

6 Aber den Kindern1121 Gersons1648, desselben Geschlechts4940, wurden durchs Los1486 dreizehn Städte6240: von dem Stamm4294 Isaschar3485, von dem Stamm4294 Asser836 und5892 von dem Stamm4294 Naphthali5321 und von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zu Basan1316.

6 And the Gershonites had by lot from the tribe of Issachar, from the tribe of Asher, from the tribe of Naphtali, and from the half tribe of Manasseh in Mathnin, thirteen cities.

7 Den Kindern1121 Meraris4847, ihres Geschlechts4940, wurden zwölf6240 Städte5892: von dem Stamm4294 Ruben7205, von dem Stamm4294 Gad1410 und von dem Stamm4294 Sebulon2074.

7 And the descendants of Merari by their families had from the tribe of Reuben, from the tribe of Gad, and from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.

8 Also gaben5414 die Kinder1121 Israel3478 den Leviten3881 durchs Los1486 diese Städte5892 und ihre Vorstädte4054, wie der HErr3068 durch3027 Mose4872 geboten hatte6680.

8 And the children of Israel gave by lot to the Levites these cities with their suburbs, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

9 Von dem Stamm4294 der Kinder1121 Juda3063 und von dem Stamm4294 der Kinder1121 Simeon8095 gaben5414 sie diese Städte5892, die sie mit ihren Namen8034 nannten7121,

9 These are the names of the cities which they gave out of the tribe of Judah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, each city mentioned by its name.

10 den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Geschlechts4940 der Kahathiter6956, aus den Kindern1121 Levi3878; denn das erste7223 Los1486 war ihr.

10 They became the property of the descendants of Aaron, being of the family of the Kohathites, who were the children of Levi, for theirs was the first lot.

11 So gaben5414 sie7151 ihnen nun Kiriath-Arba704, die des Vaters1 Enaks6061 war, das ist Hebron2275, auf dem Gebirge2022 Juda3063, und ihre Vorstädte4054 um sie her5439.

11 And they gave them Koriath-arba, which belonged to the father of giants, that is, Hebron, on the mountain of Judah, with its suburbs round about it.

12 Aber den Acker7704 der Stadt5892 und ihre Dörfer2691 gaben5414 sie Kaleb3612, dem Sohn1121 Jephunnes3312, zu seinem Erbe272.

12 But the fields of the city, with its villages, they gave to Caleb the son of Jophaniah for his possession.

13 Also gaben5414 sie den Kindern1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, die Freistadt der Totschläger7523, Hebron2275 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Libna3841 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

13 Thus they gave to the children of Aaron the priest, Hebron, the city of refuge for the slayers, with its suburbs, and Libnah with its suburbs,

14 Jathir und ihre Vorstädte4054, Esthemoa851 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

14 And Jarath with its suburbs, and Eshtemoa with its suburbs.

15 Holon2473 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Debir1688 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

15 Halol with its suburbs, Debir with its suburbs,

16 Ain5871 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Juta und ihre Vorstädte4054, Beth-Semes1053 und ihre Vorstädte4054; neun8672 Städte5892 von diesen8147 zween Stämmen7626.

16 Ain with its suburbs, Aata with its suburbs, and Beth-shemesh with its suburbs; nine cities out of the tribes of Judah and Simeon.

17 Von dem Stamm4294 Benjamin1144 aber gaben sie vier Städte: Gibeon1391 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Geba1387 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

17 And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon with its suburbs, Geba with its suburbs,

18 Anathoth6068 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Almon5960 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

18 Anathoth with its suburbs, and Almon with its suburbs: four cities.

19 daß alle Städte5892 der Kinder1121 Aarons175, des Priesters3548, waren dreizehn mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

19 All the cities of the children of Aaron, the priest, were thirteen cities with their suburbs.

20 Den Geschlechtern4940 aber der andern3498 Kinder1121 Kahaths6955, den Leviten3881, wurden durch ihr1121 Los1486 vier Städte5892 von dem Stamm4294 Ephraim669.

20 And for the families of the Kohathites, the Levites, that remained of the children of Kohath, they had the cities of their lot out of the tribe of Ephraim.

21 Und5892 gaben5414 ihnen7927 die Freistadt der Totschläger7523, Sechem und ihre Vorstädte4054 auf dem Gebirge2022 Ephraim669, Geser1507 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

21 For they gave them Shechem, the city of refuge for the slavers, with its suburbs, on mount Ephraim, Gedar with its suburbs,

22 Kibzaim6911 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Beth-Horon1032 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

22 Kibzaim with its suburbs, and Beth-hauran with its suburbs; four cities.

23 Von dem Stamm4294 Dan1835 vier Städte: Eltheke514 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Gibthon und ihre Vorstädte4054,

23 And out of the tribe of Dan, Ethleka with its suburbs, Gibethen with its suburbs,

24 Ajalon357 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Gath-Rimon und ihre Vorstädte4054.

24 Aijalon with its suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

25 Von dem halben4276 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zwo Städte5892: Thaenach und ihre Vorstädte4054, Gath-Rimon und ihre Vorstädte4054,

25 And out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Tanach with its suburbs, and Gath-rimmon with its suburbs; two cities with their suburbs.

26 daß alle Städte5892 der andern3498 Kinder1121 des Geschlechts4940 Kahath6955 waren zehn6235 mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

26 All the towns and the cities were ten with their suburbs which went for the remaining families of the Kohathites.

27 Den Kindern1121 aber Gersons1648 aus den Geschlechtern4940 der Leviten3881 wurden gegeben von dem halben2677 Stamm4294 Manasse4519 zwo Städte5892: die Freistadt für die Totschläger7523, Golan1474 in Basan1316 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Beesthra1203 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

27 And the Gershonites, of the families of the Levites, had their cities out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Golan in Mathnin, the city of refuge for the slayer, with its suburbs, and Ashteroth with its suburbs; two cities with their suburbs.

28 Von dem Stamm4294 Isaschar3485 vier Städte: Kision und ihre Vorstädte4054, Dabrath1705 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

28 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishian with its suburbs, Rabbath with its suburbs,

29 Jarmuth3412 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, En-Gannim5873 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

29 Jarmuth with its suburbs, En-gad with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

30 Von dem Stamm4294 Asser836 vier Städte: Miseal4861 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Abdon5658 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

30 And out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal with its suburbs, Acron with its suburbs,

31 Helkath2520 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Rehob7340 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

31 Helkath with its suburbs, and Rehob with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

32 Von dem Stamm4294 Naphthali5321 drei7969 Städte5892: die Freistadt Kedes6943 für die Totschläger7523 in Galiläa1551 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Hammoth-Dor2576 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Karthan7178 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

32 And out of the tribe of Naphtali, Rakim in Galilee with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the slayer, Hammoth-dor with its suburbs, and Kartan with its suburbs; three cities with their suburbs.

33 daß alle Städte5892 des Geschlechts4940 der Gersoniter1649 waren dreizehn mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

33 All the cities of the families of the Gershonites were thirteen cities with their suburbs.

34 Den Geschlechtern4940 aber der Kinder1121 Meraris4847, den andern3498 Leviten3881, wurden gegeben von dem Stamm4294 Sebulon2074 vier Städte: Jakneam und ihre Vorstädte4054, Kartha7177 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

34 And the children of Merari, the rest of the Levites, received their cities out of the tribe of Reuben, Jahaz with its suburbs, Kermoth with its suburbs, Kiriathim with its suburbs,

35 Dimna1829 und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Nahalal5096 und ihre Vorstädte4054.

35 And Ahshemoth with its suburbs, four cities with their suburbs.

36 Von dem Stamm Ruben7205 vier Städte: Bezer1221 und ihre Vorstädte, Jahza3096 und ihre Vorstädte,

36 And out of the tribe of Zebulun, Nacah with its suburbs, Karthan with its suburbs,

37 Kedemoth6932 und5892 ihre Vorstädte702, Mephaath4158 und ihre Vorstädte.

37 Ramin with its suburbs, and Jahlah with its suburbs, four cities with their suburbs.

38 Von dem Stamm4294 Gad1410 vier Städte5892: die Freistadt für die Totschläger7523, Ramoth7433 in Gilead1568 und ihre Vorstädte4054,

38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Gilead with its suburbs, the city of refuge for the slayer, and Mahanaim with its suburbs,

39 Mahanaim und5892 ihre Vorstädte4054, Hesbon2809 und ihre Vorstädte4054, Jaeser und ihre Vorstädte702,

39 Heshbon with its suburbs, and Jazer with its suburbs; four cities with their suburbs.

40 daß aller Städte5892 der Kinder1121 Meraris4847 unter ihren Geschlechtern4940, der andern3498 Leviten3881, nach ihrem Los1486 waren zwölf6240.

40 So all the cities for the children of Merari by their families, who were remaining of the families of the Levites, were by their lot twelve cities with their suburbs.

41 Aller Städte5892 der Leviten3881 unter8432 dem Erbe272 der Kinder1121 Israel3478 waren achtundvierzig8083 mit ihren Vorstädten4054.

41 All the cities of the Levites within the possession of the children of Israel were forty-eight cities with their suburbs.

42 Und eine jegliche dieser Städte5892 hatte ihre Vorstadt4054 um sich her5439, eine wie die andere.

42 These cities with their towns were situated thus, each town with its suburbs round about it; thus were all these towns with their cities.

43 Also gab5414 der HErr3068 dem Israel3478 alles Land776, das er geschworen7650 hatte, ihren Vätern1 zu geben5414; und sie3427 nahmen‘s3423 ein und wohneten drinnen.

43 And the LORD gave to Israel all the land which he had sworn to give to their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.

44 Und3068 der HErr3068 gab5414 ihnen Ruhe5117 von allen umher5439, wie er ihren Vätern1 geschworen7650 hatte5975; und stund ihrer Feinde341 keiner376 wider sie, sondern alle ihre Feinde341 gab er in6440 ihre Hände3027.

44 And the LORD gave them rest round about, according to all that he swore to their fathers; and there stood not a man of their enemies before them, but the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hands.

45 Und es fehlte5307 nichts1697 an allem Guten2896, das1697 der HErr3068 dem Hause1004 Israel3478 geredet hatte1696. Es kam935 alles.

45 There failed not one of the good things which the LORD has spoken to the house of Israel; all came to pass.