

1 耶穌就用比喻對他們說:「有人栽了一個葡萄園,周圍圈上籬笆,挖了一個壓酒[place],蓋了一座樓,租給園戶,就往遠方[far country]去了。

2 到了時候,[he]打發一個僕人到園戶那裏,要從園戶收葡萄園的果子。

3 園戶拿住他,打了他,叫他空手回去。

4 [he]再打發一個僕人到他們那裏;他們用石頭打他[at him they cast stones],打傷他的頭,並且凌辱他,叫他回去[sent him away]

5 [he]又打發一個僕人去;他們就殺了他,後又打發許多[many]僕人去;有被他們打的,有被他們殺的。

6 這樣[therefore],還有一個兒子[son]乃園主所疼愛的[his wellbeloved],末後又打發他到他們[unto them]去,意思說:『他們必尊敬我的兒子。』

7 不料,那些園戶彼此說:『這是承受產業的;來吧,我們殺他,產業就歸我們了。』

8 他們便[And they]拿住他,殺了他,把他丟在園外。

9 這樣,葡萄園的主人要怎麼辦呢?他要來除滅那些園戶,將葡萄園轉給別人。

10 你們豈沒有念過這聖經說[And have ye not read this scripture]:『匠人所棄的石頭,成為[is become]房角的頭塊石頭;

11 這是主所作的,在我們眼中看為希奇[This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?]』嗎?」

12 他們就想要捉拿他[And they sought to lay hold on him],只是懼怕百姓;因他們知道這比喻是指著他們說的[for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them]他們[they]於是離開他走了。

13 他們便[And they]打發幾個法利賽人和幾個希律黨的人到耶穌那裏,要就著他的話陷害他。

14 他們來了,就對他說:「夫子,我們知道你是誠實的,一人[no man]你都不徇情面;因為你不看人的外貌,乃是誠誠實實傳神的道:納稅給凱撒可以不可以?

15 我們該納不該納?」[But]耶穌知道他們的假意,就對他們說:「你們為甚麼試探我?拿一個[penny]來給我看。」

16 他們就拿了來。耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這像和這號是誰的?」他們對他[unto him]說:「是凱撒的。」

17 耶穌回答[answering]他們[unto them]說:「凱撒的物當歸給凱撒,神的物當歸給神。」他們就希奇[marvelled at]他。

18 就有撒都該人到耶穌那裏[Then come unto him the Sadducees]撒都該人常說沒有復活的事[which say there is no resurrection]他們問[they asked]耶穌說:

19 「夫子,摩西為我們寫著說:『人若有兄弟[a man's brother]死了,撇下他的[his]妻子,沒有兒女[children],他兄弟當娶他的妻,為哥哥生子立後。』

20 如今[Now]有弟兄七人;第一個娶了妻,死了,沒有留下孩子。

21 第二個娶了她,也死了,沒有留下孩子;第三個也是這樣。

22 那七個人都娶過她[had her][and]沒有留下孩子;末了,那婦人也死了。

23 故此[therefore]當復活、他們要起來[they shall rise]的時候,她[shall]是那一個的妻子呢?因為他們七個人都娶過她。」

24 耶穌回答[answering]他們[them]說:「你們所以錯了,豈不是因為你們[ye]不明白聖經,不曉得神的大能嗎?

25 人從死裏復活,也不娶也不嫁;乃像天上的天使[angels]一樣。

26 論到死人復活,你們沒有念過摩西的書上所載、神怎樣在荊棘中[how in the bush]對摩西說:『我是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神』嗎?

27 神不是死人的神,乃是活人的神;所以[therefore]你們是大錯了。」

28 有一個文士來,聽見他們辯論,[perceiving]耶穌回答的好,就問他說:「一切[all]誡命中,那是第一要緊的呢?」

29 耶穌回答[him]說:「一切誡命中[of all the commanments],第一要緊的就是說:『以色列啊,你要聽;主─我們神是獨一的主。

30 你要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主─你的神。』這是第一要緊的誡命[this is the first commandment]

31 其次也相仿[like],就是說:『[Thou]要愛[neighour]如己。』再沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了。」

32 那文士對耶穌說:「你說得好,夫子[Well, Master]你說得不錯[thou hast said the truth]因為只有一位神[for there is one God];除了他以外,再沒有別的神。

33 並且盡心、盡智、盡性[with all the soul]、盡力愛他,[his]又愛[neighour]如己,就比一切全牲的[whole]燔祭和各樣祭祀為好[more]。」

34 耶穌見他回答的有智慧,就對他說:「你離神的國不遠了。」從此以後,沒有人敢再問他甚麼。

35 耶穌在殿裏教訓人,回答[answered]說:「文士怎麼說基督是大衛的子孫呢?

36 大衛自己[himself]被聖靈感動,說:『耶和華[The LORD]對我主說:『你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。』

37 所以大衛自己[David therefore himself]稱他為主;這樣[then],他怎麼又是大衛的子孫呢?」平民[common people]都喜歡聽他。

38 耶穌在道理[doctrine]之間,對他們[unto them]說:「你們要防備文士,他們[love]穿長衣出往[to go],喜愛人在街市上問他們的安,

39 又喜愛會堂裏的高位,筵席上的首座;

40 他們侵吞寡婦的家產,假意作很長的禱告;這些人要受更重的咒詛[damnation]。」

41 耶穌對銀庫坐著,看百姓[people]怎樣投錢入庫;多有[many]財主往裏投了許多[much]的錢。

42 有一個窮寡婦來,往裏投了兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。

43 耶穌叫他的[his]門徒來,對他們[unto them]說:「我實在告訴你們:『這窮寡婦[hath]投入庫裏的,比眾人所投的更多。

44 因為,他們都是自己多有餘剩[abundance],拿出來投在裏頭;但這寡婦是自己不足,把她一切養生的都投上了。」


Chapter 12

1 AND he began to speak to them in parables. A man planted a vineyard, and fenced it all around, and he dug in it a wine-press, and built a tower in it, and then he leased it to laborers, and went on a journey.

2 And in due season he sent his servant to the laborers, to receive some of the fruits of the vineyard.

3 But they beat him, and sent him away empty.

4 And again he sent to them another servant; they stoned him also, and wounded him, and sent him away in disgrace.

5 And again he sent another, but they killed him; and he sent many other servants, some of them they beat, and some they killed.

6 But finally, he had a very beloved son, and he sent him to them last of all, for he said, They might feel ashamed before my son.

7 But the laborers said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.

8 And they took and killed him, and threw him outside of the vineyard.

9 What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy those laborers, and give the vineyard to others.

10 Have you not read this scripture, The stone which the builders rejected, the same became the corner-stone?

11 This was from the Lord, and it is a wonder in our eyes.

12 They wanted to seize him, but they were afraid of the people; for they knew that he spoke this parable against them; and they left him and went away.

13 And they sent to him some men of the scribes and of the Herodians, that they might trap him by a word.

14 They came and asked him, Master, we know that you are true, and you do not favor any man; for you are impartial, and you teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give head-tax to Caesar or not?

15 Shall we give or shall we not give? But he knew their scheme, and said to them, Why do you tempt me? Bring me a penny, that I may see it.

16 And they brought it to him. He said to them, Whose is this image and inscription? They said, Caesar's.

17 Jesus said to them, Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. And they were amazed at him.

18 Then the Sadducees came to him, those who say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying,

19 Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother die, and leave a wife, and leave no children, his brother should take his wife, and raise up offspring for his brother.

20 Now there were seven brothers; the first one took a wife and died, and left no off- spring.

21 Then the second one married her, and he died; he also left no offspring; and likewise the third one.

22 So all seven of them married her, and left no offspring. And after them all the woman also died.

23 Therefore at the resurrection, whose wife will she be? for all seven had married her.

24 Jesus said to them, Do you not err, because you do not understand the scriptures, nor the power of God?

25 For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry women, nor are women given in marriage to men; but they are like the angels in heaven.

26 Now concerning the rising of the dead, have you not read in the book of Moses, how God said to him from the bush, I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?

27 And yet he was not the God of the dead, but of the living. You therefore greatly err.

28 And one of the scribes came near and heard them debating, and he saw that he gave them a good answer. So he asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

29 Jesus said to him, The first of all commandments is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord;

30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your power; this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like to it, You must love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

32 The scribe said to him, Well, Teacher, you have said the truth, that he is one, and there is no other beside him;

33 And that a man should love him with all the heart, and with all the mind, and with all the soul, and with all the power, and love his neighbor as himself; this is far more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.

34 When Jesus saw that he replied wisely, he answered and said to him, You are not far from the kingdom of God. And no man dared again to question him.

35 And Jesus answered and said, as he taught in the temple, How do the scribes say that Christ is the son of David?

36 For David himself said through the Holy Spirit, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, until I put your enemies a stool under your feet.

37 Now therefore David himself calls him my Lord, and how can he be his son? And all the people heard him with pleasure.

38 And in his teaching he said to them, Beware of the scribes, who like to walk in long robes, and love to be saluted in the streets,

39 And the front seats in the synagogues, and the head places at banquets;

40 Those who embezzle the property of widows, with the pretense of making long prayers. They shall receive greater judgment.

41 And when Jesus sat towards the treasury, he watched how the people cast their alms into the treasury; and many rich men were casting in a great deal.

42 And there came a poor widow, and she cast in two coins, which are farthings.

43 And Jesus called his disciples, and said to them, Truly I say to you, that this poor widow has cast in the treasury more than all the men who are casting;

44 For all of them cast of their abundance; but she of her poverty cast everything she had, even all of her possessions.




Chapter 12

1 耶穌就用比喻對他們說:「有人栽了一個葡萄園,周圍圈上籬笆,挖了一個壓酒[place],蓋了一座樓,租給園戶,就往遠方[far country]去了。

1 AND he began to speak to them in parables. A man planted a vineyard, and fenced it all around, and he dug in it a wine-press, and built a tower in it, and then he leased it to laborers, and went on a journey.

2 到了時候,[he]打發一個僕人到園戶那裏,要從園戶收葡萄園的果子。

2 And in due season he sent his servant to the laborers, to receive some of the fruits of the vineyard.

3 園戶拿住他,打了他,叫他空手回去。

3 But they beat him, and sent him away empty.

4 [he]再打發一個僕人到他們那裏;他們用石頭打他[at him they cast stones],打傷他的頭,並且凌辱他,叫他回去[sent him away]

4 And again he sent to them another servant; they stoned him also, and wounded him, and sent him away in disgrace.

5 [he]又打發一個僕人去;他們就殺了他,後又打發許多[many]僕人去;有被他們打的,有被他們殺的。

5 And again he sent another, but they killed him; and he sent many other servants, some of them they beat, and some they killed.

6 這樣[therefore],還有一個兒子[son]乃園主所疼愛的[his wellbeloved],末後又打發他到他們[unto them]去,意思說:『他們必尊敬我的兒子。』

6 But finally, he had a very beloved son, and he sent him to them last of all, for he said, They might feel ashamed before my son.

7 不料,那些園戶彼此說:『這是承受產業的;來吧,我們殺他,產業就歸我們了。』

7 But the laborers said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.

8 他們便[And they]拿住他,殺了他,把他丟在園外。

8 And they took and killed him, and threw him outside of the vineyard.

9 這樣,葡萄園的主人要怎麼辦呢?他要來除滅那些園戶,將葡萄園轉給別人。

9 What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy those laborers, and give the vineyard to others.

10 你們豈沒有念過這聖經說[And have ye not read this scripture]:『匠人所棄的石頭,成為[is become]房角的頭塊石頭;

10 Have you not read this scripture, The stone which the builders rejected, the same became the corner-stone?

11 這是主所作的,在我們眼中看為希奇[This was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?]』嗎?」

11 This was from the Lord, and it is a wonder in our eyes.

12 他們就想要捉拿他[And they sought to lay hold on him],只是懼怕百姓;因他們知道這比喻是指著他們說的[for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them]他們[they]於是離開他走了。

12 They wanted to seize him, but they were afraid of the people; for they knew that he spoke this parable against them; and they left him and went away.

13 他們便[And they]打發幾個法利賽人和幾個希律黨的人到耶穌那裏,要就著他的話陷害他。

13 And they sent to him some men of the scribes and of the Herodians, that they might trap him by a word.

14 他們來了,就對他說:「夫子,我們知道你是誠實的,一人[no man]你都不徇情面;因為你不看人的外貌,乃是誠誠實實傳神的道:納稅給凱撒可以不可以?

14 They came and asked him, Master, we know that you are true, and you do not favor any man; for you are impartial, and you teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give head-tax to Caesar or not?

15 我們該納不該納?」[But]耶穌知道他們的假意,就對他們說:「你們為甚麼試探我?拿一個[penny]來給我看。」

15 Shall we give or shall we not give? But he knew their scheme, and said to them, Why do you tempt me? Bring me a penny, that I may see it.

16 他們就拿了來。耶穌對他們[unto them]說:「這像和這號是誰的?」他們對他[unto him]說:「是凱撒的。」

16 And they brought it to him. He said to them, Whose is this image and inscription? They said, Caesar's.

17 耶穌回答[answering]他們[unto them]說:「凱撒的物當歸給凱撒,神的物當歸給神。」他們就希奇[marvelled at]他。

17 Jesus said to them, Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. And they were amazed at him.

18 就有撒都該人到耶穌那裏[Then come unto him the Sadducees]撒都該人常說沒有復活的事[which say there is no resurrection]他們問[they asked]耶穌說:

18 Then the Sadducees came to him, those who say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying,

19 「夫子,摩西為我們寫著說:『人若有兄弟[a man's brother]死了,撇下他的[his]妻子,沒有兒女[children],他兄弟當娶他的妻,為哥哥生子立後。』

19 Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother die, and leave a wife, and leave no children, his brother should take his wife, and raise up offspring for his brother.

20 如今[Now]有弟兄七人;第一個娶了妻,死了,沒有留下孩子。

20 Now there were seven brothers; the first one took a wife and died, and left no off- spring.

21 第二個娶了她,也死了,沒有留下孩子;第三個也是這樣。

21 Then the second one married her, and he died; he also left no offspring; and likewise the third one.

22 那七個人都娶過她[had her][and]沒有留下孩子;末了,那婦人也死了。

22 So all seven of them married her, and left no offspring. And after them all the woman also died.

23 故此[therefore]當復活、他們要起來[they shall rise]的時候,她[shall]是那一個的妻子呢?因為他們七個人都娶過她。」

23 Therefore at the resurrection, whose wife will she be? for all seven had married her.

24 耶穌回答[answering]他們[them]說:「你們所以錯了,豈不是因為你們[ye]不明白聖經,不曉得神的大能嗎?

24 Jesus said to them, Do you not err, because you do not understand the scriptures, nor the power of God?

25 人從死裏復活,也不娶也不嫁;乃像天上的天使[angels]一樣。

25 For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry women, nor are women given in marriage to men; but they are like the angels in heaven.

26 論到死人復活,你們沒有念過摩西的書上所載、神怎樣在荊棘中[how in the bush]對摩西說:『我是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神』嗎?

26 Now concerning the rising of the dead, have you not read in the book of Moses, how God said to him from the bush, I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?

27 神不是死人的神,乃是活人的神;所以[therefore]你們是大錯了。」

27 And yet he was not the God of the dead, but of the living. You therefore greatly err.

28 有一個文士來,聽見他們辯論,[perceiving]耶穌回答的好,就問他說:「一切[all]誡命中,那是第一要緊的呢?」

28 And one of the scribes came near and heard them debating, and he saw that he gave them a good answer. So he asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

29 耶穌回答[him]說:「一切誡命中[of all the commanments],第一要緊的就是說:『以色列啊,你要聽;主─我們神是獨一的主。

29 Jesus said to him, The first of all commandments is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord;

30 你要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主─你的神。』這是第一要緊的誡命[this is the first commandment]

30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your power; this is the first commandment.

31 其次也相仿[like],就是說:『[Thou]要愛[neighour]如己。』再沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了。」

31 And the second is like to it, You must love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

32 那文士對耶穌說:「你說得好,夫子[Well, Master]你說得不錯[thou hast said the truth]因為只有一位神[for there is one God];除了他以外,再沒有別的神。

32 The scribe said to him, Well, Teacher, you have said the truth, that he is one, and there is no other beside him;

33 並且盡心、盡智、盡性[with all the soul]、盡力愛他,[his]又愛[neighour]如己,就比一切全牲的[whole]燔祭和各樣祭祀為好[more]。」

33 And that a man should love him with all the heart, and with all the mind, and with all the soul, and with all the power, and love his neighbor as himself; this is far more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.

34 耶穌見他回答的有智慧,就對他說:「你離神的國不遠了。」從此以後,沒有人敢再問他甚麼。

34 When Jesus saw that he replied wisely, he answered and said to him, You are not far from the kingdom of God. And no man dared again to question him.

35 耶穌在殿裏教訓人,回答[answered]說:「文士怎麼說基督是大衛的子孫呢?

35 And Jesus answered and said, as he taught in the temple, How do the scribes say that Christ is the son of David?

36 大衛自己[himself]被聖靈感動,說:『耶和華[The LORD]對我主說:『你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。』

36 For David himself said through the Holy Spirit, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand, until I put your enemies a stool under your feet.

37 所以大衛自己[David therefore himself]稱他為主;這樣[then],他怎麼又是大衛的子孫呢?」平民[common people]都喜歡聽他。

37 Now therefore David himself calls him my Lord, and how can he be his son? And all the people heard him with pleasure.

38 耶穌在道理[doctrine]之間,對他們[unto them]說:「你們要防備文士,他們[love]穿長衣出往[to go],喜愛人在街市上問他們的安,

38 And in his teaching he said to them, Beware of the scribes, who like to walk in long robes, and love to be saluted in the streets,

39 又喜愛會堂裏的高位,筵席上的首座;

39 And the front seats in the synagogues, and the head places at banquets;

40 他們侵吞寡婦的家產,假意作很長的禱告;這些人要受更重的咒詛[damnation]。」

40 Those who embezzle the property of widows, with the pretense of making long prayers. They shall receive greater judgment.

41 耶穌對銀庫坐著,看百姓[people]怎樣投錢入庫;多有[many]財主往裏投了許多[much]的錢。

41 And when Jesus sat towards the treasury, he watched how the people cast their alms into the treasury; and many rich men were casting in a great deal.

42 有一個窮寡婦來,往裏投了兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。

42 And there came a poor widow, and she cast in two coins, which are farthings.

43 耶穌叫他的[his]門徒來,對他們[unto them]說:「我實在告訴你們:『這窮寡婦[hath]投入庫裏的,比眾人所投的更多。

43 And Jesus called his disciples, and said to them, Truly I say to you, that this poor widow has cast in the treasury more than all the men who are casting;

44 因為,他們都是自己多有餘剩[abundance],拿出來投在裏頭;但這寡婦是自己不足,把她一切養生的都投上了。」

44 For all of them cast of their abundance; but she of her poverty cast everything she had, even all of her possessions.
