

1 所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。

2 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。

3 我憑著所賜我的恩對你們各人說;不要看自己過於所當看的,要照著神所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。

4 正如我們一個身體上有許多[many]肢體,肢體也不都是一樣的用處。

5 我們這許多人,在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此。

6 按我們所得的恩賜,各有不同。或說預言,就當照著信心的程度說預言,

7 或作執事,就當專一執事;或作教導的,就當專一教導;

8 或作勸化的,就當專一勸化;施捨的,就當誠實;治理的,就當殷勤;憐憫人的,就當甘心。

9 愛人不可虛假;惡要厭惡,善要親近。

10 愛弟兄,要彼此親愛[kindly affectioned];恭敬人,要彼此推讓。

11 殷勤不可懶惰。要[spirit]裏火熱,常常服事主。


13 聖徒缺乏要幫補;客要一味的款待。

14 逼迫你們的,要給他們祝福;只要祝福,不可咒詛。

15 與喜樂的人要同樂;與哀哭的人要同哭。

16 要彼此同心;不要志氣高大,倒要俯就卑微的[men];不要自以為聰明。

17 不要以惡報惡;眾人以為[honest]的事要留心去做。

18 若是能行,總要盡力與眾人和睦。

19 親愛的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,寧可讓步,聽憑主怒[give place unto wrath];因為經上記著:「主說:『伸冤在我,我必報應。』」

20 所以,「你的仇敵若餓了,就給他吃,若渴了,就給他喝;因為你這樣行就是把炭火堆在他的頭上。」

21 你不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡。


Chapter 12

1 I beseech3870 you5209 therefore,3767 brethren,80 by1223 the3588 mercies3628 of God,2316 that ye present3936 your5216 bodies4983 a living2198 sacrifice,2378 holy,40 acceptable2101 unto God,2316 which is your5216 reasonable3050 service.2999

2 And2532 be not3361 conformed4964 to this5129 world:165 but235 be ye transformed3339 by the3588 renewing342 of your5216 mind,3563 that ye5209 may prove1381 what5101 is that good,18 and2532 acceptable,2101 and2532 perfect,5046 will2307 of God.2316

3 For1063 I say,3004 through1223 the3588 grace5485 given1325 unto me,3427 to every man3956 that is5607 among1722 you,5213 not3361 to think of himself more highly than5252 3844 3739 he ought1163 to think;5426 but235 to think5426 soberly,4993 according as5613 God2316 hath dealt3307 to every man1538 the measure3358 of faith.4102

4 For1063 as2509 we have2192 many4183 members3196 in1722 one1520 body,4983 and1161 all3956 members3196 have2192 not3756 the3588 same846 office: 4234

5 So3779 we, being many,4183 are2070 one1520 body4983 in1722 Christ,5547 and1161 every2596 one1520 members3196 one of another.240

6 Having2192 then1161 gifts5486 differing1313 according2596 to the3588 grace5485 that is given1325 to us,2254 whether1535 prophecy,4394 let us prophesy according2596 to the3588 proportion356 of faith;4102

7 Or1535 ministry,1248 let us wait on1722 our ministering:1248 or1535 he that teacheth,1321 on1722 teaching;1319

8 Or1535 he that exhorteth,3870 on1722 exhortation:3874 he that giveth,3330 let him do it with1722 simplicity;572 he that ruleth,4291 with1722 diligence;4710 he that showeth mercy,1653 with1722 cheerfulness.2432

9 Let love26 be without dissimulation.505 Abhor655 that which is evil;4190 cleave2853 to that which is good.18

10 Be kindly affectioned5387 one to another240 1519 with brotherly love;5360 in honor5092 preferring4285 one another;240

11 Not3361 slothful3636 in business;4710 fervent2204 in spirit;4151 serving1398 the3588 Lord;2962

12 Rejoicing5463 in hope;1680 patient5278 in tribulation;2347 continuing instant4342 in prayer;4335

13 Distributing2841 to the3588 necessity5532 of saints;40 given to1377 hospitality.5381

14 Bless2127 them which persecute1377 you:5209 bless,2127 and2532 curse2672 not.3361

15 Rejoice5463 with3326 them that do rejoice,5463 and2532 weep2799 with3326 them that weep.2799

16 Be of the3588 same846 mind5426 one toward another.240 1519 Mind5426 not3361 high things,5308 but235 condescend4879 to men of low estate.5011 Be1096 not3361 wise5429 in3844 your own conceits.1438

17 Recompense591 to no man3367 evil2556 for473 evil.2556 Provide4306 things honest2570 in the sight1799 of all3956 men.444

18 If1487 it be possible,1415 as much as lieth in you,1537 5216 live peaceably1514 with3326 all3956 men.444

19 Dearly beloved,27 avenge1556 not3361 yourselves,1438 but235 rather give1325 place5117 unto wrath:3709 for1063 it is written,1125 Vengeance1557 is mine;1698 I1473 will repay,467 saith3004 the Lord.2962

20 Therefore3767 if1437 thine4675 enemy2190 hunger,3983 feed5595 him;846 if1437 he thirst,1372 give him drink:4222 846 for1063 in so5124 doing4160 thou shalt heap4987 coals440 of fire4442 on1909 his848 head.2776

21 Be not3361 overcome3528 of5259 evil,2556 but235 overcome3528 evil2556 with1722 good.18




Chapter 12

1 所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。

1 I beseech3870 you5209 therefore,3767 brethren,80 by1223 the3588 mercies3628 of God,2316 that ye present3936 your5216 bodies4983 a living2198 sacrifice,2378 holy,40 acceptable2101 unto God,2316 which is your5216 reasonable3050 service.2999

2 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。

2 And2532 be not3361 conformed4964 to this5129 world:165 but235 be ye transformed3339 by the3588 renewing342 of your5216 mind,3563 that ye5209 may prove1381 what5101 is that good,18 and2532 acceptable,2101 and2532 perfect,5046 will2307 of God.2316

3 我憑著所賜我的恩對你們各人說;不要看自己過於所當看的,要照著神所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。

3 For1063 I say,3004 through1223 the3588 grace5485 given1325 unto me,3427 to every man3956 that is5607 among1722 you,5213 not3361 to think of himself more highly than5252 3844 3739 he ought1163 to think;5426 but235 to think5426 soberly,4993 according as5613 God2316 hath dealt3307 to every man1538 the measure3358 of faith.4102

4 正如我們一個身體上有許多[many]肢體,肢體也不都是一樣的用處。

4 For1063 as2509 we have2192 many4183 members3196 in1722 one1520 body,4983 and1161 all3956 members3196 have2192 not3756 the3588 same846 office: 4234

5 我們這許多人,在基督裏成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此。

5 So3779 we, being many,4183 are2070 one1520 body4983 in1722 Christ,5547 and1161 every2596 one1520 members3196 one of another.240

6 按我們所得的恩賜,各有不同。或說預言,就當照著信心的程度說預言,

6 Having2192 then1161 gifts5486 differing1313 according2596 to the3588 grace5485 that is given1325 to us,2254 whether1535 prophecy,4394 let us prophesy according2596 to the3588 proportion356 of faith;4102

7 或作執事,就當專一執事;或作教導的,就當專一教導;

7 Or1535 ministry,1248 let us wait on1722 our ministering:1248 or1535 he that teacheth,1321 on1722 teaching;1319

8 或作勸化的,就當專一勸化;施捨的,就當誠實;治理的,就當殷勤;憐憫人的,就當甘心。

8 Or1535 he that exhorteth,3870 on1722 exhortation:3874 he that giveth,3330 let him do it with1722 simplicity;572 he that ruleth,4291 with1722 diligence;4710 he that showeth mercy,1653 with1722 cheerfulness.2432

9 愛人不可虛假;惡要厭惡,善要親近。

9 Let love26 be without dissimulation.505 Abhor655 that which is evil;4190 cleave2853 to that which is good.18

10 愛弟兄,要彼此親愛[kindly affectioned];恭敬人,要彼此推讓。

10 Be kindly affectioned5387 one to another240 1519 with brotherly love;5360 in honor5092 preferring4285 one another;240

11 殷勤不可懶惰。要[spirit]裏火熱,常常服事主。

11 Not3361 slothful3636 in business;4710 fervent2204 in spirit;4151 serving1398 the3588 Lord;2962


12 Rejoicing5463 in hope;1680 patient5278 in tribulation;2347 continuing instant4342 in prayer;4335

13 聖徒缺乏要幫補;客要一味的款待。

13 Distributing2841 to the3588 necessity5532 of saints;40 given to1377 hospitality.5381

14 逼迫你們的,要給他們祝福;只要祝福,不可咒詛。

14 Bless2127 them which persecute1377 you:5209 bless,2127 and2532 curse2672 not.3361

15 與喜樂的人要同樂;與哀哭的人要同哭。

15 Rejoice5463 with3326 them that do rejoice,5463 and2532 weep2799 with3326 them that weep.2799

16 要彼此同心;不要志氣高大,倒要俯就卑微的[men];不要自以為聰明。

16 Be of the3588 same846 mind5426 one toward another.240 1519 Mind5426 not3361 high things,5308 but235 condescend4879 to men of low estate.5011 Be1096 not3361 wise5429 in3844 your own conceits.1438

17 不要以惡報惡;眾人以為[honest]的事要留心去做。

17 Recompense591 to no man3367 evil2556 for473 evil.2556 Provide4306 things honest2570 in the sight1799 of all3956 men.444

18 若是能行,總要盡力與眾人和睦。

18 If1487 it be possible,1415 as much as lieth in you,1537 5216 live peaceably1514 with3326 all3956 men.444

19 親愛的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,寧可讓步,聽憑主怒[give place unto wrath];因為經上記著:「主說:『伸冤在我,我必報應。』」

19 Dearly beloved,27 avenge1556 not3361 yourselves,1438 but235 rather give1325 place5117 unto wrath:3709 for1063 it is written,1125 Vengeance1557 is mine;1698 I1473 will repay,467 saith3004 the Lord.2962

20 所以,「你的仇敵若餓了,就給他吃,若渴了,就給他喝;因為你這樣行就是把炭火堆在他的頭上。」

20 Therefore3767 if1437 thine4675 enemy2190 hunger,3983 feed5595 him;846 if1437 he thirst,1372 give him drink:4222 846 for1063 in so5124 doing4160 thou shalt heap4987 coals440 of fire4442 on1909 his848 head.2776

21 你不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡。

21 Be not3361 overcome3528 of5259 evil,2556 but235 overcome3528 evil2556 with1722 good.18