

1 [he]又指給我看:大祭司約書亞站在耶和華的天使[angel]面前;撒但也站在約書亞的右邊,與他作對。

2 耶和華向撒但說:「撒但哪,耶和華責備你;就是揀選耶路撒冷的耶和華責備你。這不是從火中抽出來的一根柴嗎?」

3 約書亞穿著污穢的衣服站在天使[angel]面前。

4 他回答告訴[he answered and spake unto]站在[him]面前的說:「你們要脫去他污穢的衣服。」又對約書亞說:「看哪[Behold],我使你脫離罪孽,要給你套換衣服穿上[clothe thee with change of raiment]。」

5 我說:「要將華美的[fair]冠冕戴在他頭上。」他們就把華美的[fair]冠冕戴在他頭上,給他穿上衣服[garments]。耶和華的天使[angel]在旁邊站立。

6 耶和華的天使[angel]告誡約書亞說:

7 「大軍之耶和華如此說:你若遵行我的道,謹守我的命令,你就可以審判[judge]我的家,也可以[also]看守我的院宇;我[and]要使你在這些站立的人中間來往。

8 大祭司約書亞啊,你和坐在你面前的同伴都當聽;因他們是希奇的[for they are men wondered at]看哪[behold][for]我必使我的僕人「苗裔[my servant the BRANCH]」發出。

9 看哪,我在約書亞面前所立的石頭;在一塊石頭上必有[shall be]七眼。大軍之耶和華說:看哪[behold],我要親自雕刻這石頭,並要在一日之間除掉這地的罪孽。

10 當那日,你們各人要請鄰居坐在葡萄樹和無花果樹下。這是大軍之耶和華說的。」


Chapter 3

1 And he showed7200 me853 Joshua3091 the high1419 priest3548 standing5975 before6440 the angel4397 of the LORD,3068 and Satan7854 standing5975 at5921 his right hand3225 to resist7853 him.

2 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Satan,7854 The LORD3068 rebuke1605 thee, O Satan;7854 even the LORD3068 that hath chosen977 Jerusalem3389 rebuke1605 thee: is not3808 this2088 a brand181 plucked5337 out of the fire?4480 784

3 Now Joshua3091 was1961 clothed3847 with filthy6674 garments,899 and stood5975 before6440 the angel.4397

4 And he answered6030 and spoke559 unto413 those that stood5975 before6440 him, saying,559 Take away5493 the filthy6674 garments899 from4480 5921 him. And unto413 him he said,559 Behold,7200 I have caused thine iniquity5771 to pass5674 from4480 5921 thee, and I will clothe3847 thee with change of raiment.4254

5 And I said,559 Let them set7760 a fair2889 miter6797 upon5921 his head.7218 So they set7760 a fair2889 miter6797 upon5921 his head,7218 and clothed3847 him with garments.899 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 stood by.5975

6 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 protested5749 unto Joshua,3091 saying,559

7 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 If518 thou wilt walk1980 in my ways,1870 and if518 thou wilt keep8104 853 my charge,4931 then thou859 shalt also1571 judge1777 853 my house,1004 and shalt also1571 keep8104 my853 courts,2691 and I will give5414 thee places to walk4108 among996 these428 that stand5975 by.

8 Hear8085 now,4994 O Joshua3091 the high1419 priest,3548 thou,859 and thy fellows7453 that sit3427 before6440 thee: for3588 they1992 are men376 wondered4159 at: for,3588 behold,2009 I will bring forth935 853 my servant5650 the BRANCH.6780

9 For3588 behold2009 the stone68 that834 I have laid5414 before6440 Joshua;3091 upon5921 one259 stone68 shall be seven7651 eyes:5869 behold,2009 I will engrave6605 the graving6603 thereof, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and I will remove4185 853 the iniquity5771 of that1931 land776 in one259 day.3117

10 In that1931 day,3117 saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 shall ye call7121 every man376 his neighbor7453 under413 8478 the vine1612 and under413 8478 the fig tree.8384




Chapter 3

1 [he]又指給我看:大祭司約書亞站在耶和華的天使[angel]面前;撒但也站在約書亞的右邊,與他作對。

1 And he showed7200 me853 Joshua3091 the high1419 priest3548 standing5975 before6440 the angel4397 of the LORD,3068 and Satan7854 standing5975 at5921 his right hand3225 to resist7853 him.

2 耶和華向撒但說:「撒但哪,耶和華責備你;就是揀選耶路撒冷的耶和華責備你。這不是從火中抽出來的一根柴嗎?」

2 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Satan,7854 The LORD3068 rebuke1605 thee, O Satan;7854 even the LORD3068 that hath chosen977 Jerusalem3389 rebuke1605 thee: is not3808 this2088 a brand181 plucked5337 out of the fire?4480 784

3 約書亞穿著污穢的衣服站在天使[angel]面前。

3 Now Joshua3091 was1961 clothed3847 with filthy6674 garments,899 and stood5975 before6440 the angel.4397

4 他回答告訴[he answered and spake unto]站在[him]面前的說:「你們要脫去他污穢的衣服。」又對約書亞說:「看哪[Behold],我使你脫離罪孽,要給你套換衣服穿上[clothe thee with change of raiment]。」

4 And he answered6030 and spoke559 unto413 those that stood5975 before6440 him, saying,559 Take away5493 the filthy6674 garments899 from4480 5921 him. And unto413 him he said,559 Behold,7200 I have caused thine iniquity5771 to pass5674 from4480 5921 thee, and I will clothe3847 thee with change of raiment.4254

5 我說:「要將華美的[fair]冠冕戴在他頭上。」他們就把華美的[fair]冠冕戴在他頭上,給他穿上衣服[garments]。耶和華的天使[angel]在旁邊站立。

5 And I said,559 Let them set7760 a fair2889 miter6797 upon5921 his head.7218 So they set7760 a fair2889 miter6797 upon5921 his head,7218 and clothed3847 him with garments.899 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 stood by.5975

6 耶和華的天使[angel]告誡約書亞說:

6 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 protested5749 unto Joshua,3091 saying,559

7 「大軍之耶和華如此說:你若遵行我的道,謹守我的命令,你就可以審判[judge]我的家,也可以[also]看守我的院宇;我[and]要使你在這些站立的人中間來往。

7 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 If518 thou wilt walk1980 in my ways,1870 and if518 thou wilt keep8104 853 my charge,4931 then thou859 shalt also1571 judge1777 853 my house,1004 and shalt also1571 keep8104 my853 courts,2691 and I will give5414 thee places to walk4108 among996 these428 that stand5975 by.

8 大祭司約書亞啊,你和坐在你面前的同伴都當聽;因他們是希奇的[for they are men wondered at]看哪[behold][for]我必使我的僕人「苗裔[my servant the BRANCH]」發出。

8 Hear8085 now,4994 O Joshua3091 the high1419 priest,3548 thou,859 and thy fellows7453 that sit3427 before6440 thee: for3588 they1992 are men376 wondered4159 at: for,3588 behold,2009 I will bring forth935 853 my servant5650 the BRANCH.6780

9 看哪,我在約書亞面前所立的石頭;在一塊石頭上必有[shall be]七眼。大軍之耶和華說:看哪[behold],我要親自雕刻這石頭,並要在一日之間除掉這地的罪孽。

9 For3588 behold2009 the stone68 that834 I have laid5414 before6440 Joshua;3091 upon5921 one259 stone68 shall be seven7651 eyes:5869 behold,2009 I will engrave6605 the graving6603 thereof, saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and I will remove4185 853 the iniquity5771 of that1931 land776 in one259 day.3117

10 當那日,你們各人要請鄰居坐在葡萄樹和無花果樹下。這是大軍之耶和華說的。」

10 In that1931 day,3117 saith5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 shall ye call7121 every man376 his neighbor7453 under413 8478 the vine1612 and under413 8478 the fig tree.8384